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CREATE CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE FOR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY QUALITY PROCEDURE MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY. CREaTE-QPT02 Controlled Document Reviewed by: Ir. Dr. Sarina binti Ismail ‘Approved by: Ir. Dr. Sherliza binti Zaini Sooria ‘Signature: ‘Signature: Nog Date: 15 Septel jer 2022 Date: 15 September 2022 ‘©Copyright CREATE CONTROLLED COPY Amendment Page CREaTE-QPT02 AMENDMENT DISCARD INSERT ISSUED By No. | DATE | pace | Issue | Rev. | sect | PAGE | Issue | REV.NO | secT NO. | NO. NO. : ‘©Copyright CREATE CONTROLLED COPY ___ QUALITY PROCEDURE Title: | Doc No: GREATE-QPTO2 ORE E MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY PlssveiNOFH hart hevierhO rte Page 1 of 10 Effective Date :15 September 2022 Table of Contents Contents Page Cover Page i Amendment Page ii Table of Contents 1 1.0 Purpose 2 20 Scope 2 3.0 Abbreviation 2 4.0 References 4 5.0 Procedure Details 4 60 Responsibility 9 7.0 Records 10 ‘Copyright CREaTE CONTROLLED COPY QUALITY PROCEDURE Tit | Doc No: CREaTE-PTO2 CRE TE MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY lesa Nos LEAstH New tLe Page 2 of 40 Efiecve Date 15 September 2022 1.0 Purpose This procedure details the calculation of uncertainty measurement for test and measurement results. 2.0 Scope The procedure covers calculation of uncertainty measurement for all test and measurement results under scope of accreditations of CREaTE Lab. 3.0 Abbreviation CREaTE Lab: Centre of Excellence for Engineering and Technology Laboratories SRL ‘Structure, Concrete and Environmental Research Laboratory RRL Road Research Laboratory GRL Geotechnical Research Laboratory ERL Electrical Research Laboratory MRL Mechanical Research Laboratory 3.1 Measurement Uncertainty Apparameter, associated with the result of a measurement that characterizes the dispersion of the values that could reasonably be attributed to the measurand. 3.2 Measurand Particular quantity subject to measurement. 3.3 Resolution Smallest difference between displayed indicators that can be meaningfully distinguished (digital readout device). 3.4 Readability The smallest difference between marked indications that can be meaningfully distinguished (analogue devices). 3.5 Standard Uncertainty Uncertainty of the result X) of a measurement expressed as a standard deviation. ‘Copyright CREATE CONTROLLED COPY QUALITY PROCEDURE Tit [Doc No: GREaTE-QPTO2 ORE TE MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY [seve Nous 4 Rey 2 Page 3_ of 10 Effective Date :15 September 2022 3.6 Standard Deviation An estimate of the population standard deviation, S comes from sample of 0 results, 3.7 Combined Standard Uncertainty Standard uncertainty of the result y of a measurement when the result is obtained from the values of a number of other quantities, equal to the positive square root of a sum of terms, the terms being the variances or co-variances of these other quantities weighted according to how the measurement result varies with these quantities. 3.8 Expanded Uncertainty Quantity defines an interval about the result of a measurement that may be expected to encompass a large fraction of the distribution of values that could reasonably be attributed to the measurand. 3.9 Coverage Factor Numerical factor used as a multiplier of the combined standard uncertainty in order to obtain an expanded uncertainty. 3.10 Type A Evaluation (of standard uncertainty) Method of evaluation of uncertainty by the statistical analysis of series of observations. 3.11. Type B Evaluation (of standard uncertainty) Method of evaluation of uncertainty by means other than the statistical analysis of series of observations. 3.12 Random Error Result of a measurement minus the mean that would result from an infinite number of measurements of the same measurand carried out under repeatability conditions. ‘©Copyright CREATE CONTROLLED COPY Title: Doc No: CREaTE-QPT02 CRE TE MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY peste NOE te nereu Page 4 of 10 4.0 5.0 QUALITY PROCEDURE Effective Date :15 September 2022 | 3.13 Systematic Error Mean that would result from an infinite number of measurements of the same measurand carried out under repeatability conditions minus a true value of the measurand. References > MS ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (Clause 7.6 ) CREaTE-QM-01 (Clause 7.6) ¢. JCGM 100:2008 Evaluation of Measurement Data ~ Guide to The Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement. d. JCGM 200:2008 International Vocabulary in Metrology Basic and General Concepts and Associated Terms (VIM) e. Student Table f. SP 5:Policy on Measurement Uncertainty Requirements for SAMM Testing Laboratories Procedure Details 5.1. General steps in estimation of uncertainty measurement: 5.1.1 Make a model of measuring system i.e.: ¥ = f [Xj 5.1.2 Identify all sources of uncertainty 5.1.3 Calculate standard uncertainty, Ui and the degree of freedom, Vi for each component of Type A and Type B uncertainties, 5.1.4 Calculate the sensitivity coefficient of each component, Ci, 5.1.5 Calculate the combined standard uncertainty, Uc, 5.1.6 Calculate the effective degree of freedom, Var 5.1.7 Determine the student's t coverage factor, k corresponding to Ver and the required confidence level of, 95%, 5.1.8 Calculate the expanded uncertainty, Uss» = k x Uc, 5.1.9 Expression of uncertainty ** For each stage of the measurement procedure list sources of uncertainty. To identify what causes the result to change. ‘©Copyright CREATE CONTROLLED COPY Title: "Doo No: GREST oRe ce MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY Issue No: 4 Page: 5 QUALITY PROCEDURE Effective Date :15 September 2022 5.2 First step is to make a mathematical model that derives or estimates the functional relationship between the measurand Y (measured quantity) and the input quantities, X;on which Y depends YEE (KI Key ooeenseoKa) Where X;, X2,........X» are the various input quantities. 5.3. Type A Evaluation (of Standard Uncertainty) 5.34 5.3.2 Evaluate standard uncertainty through statistical analysis of a series of observations/repeated measurement. Calculate the following parameters:- i, Mean value (X) : number of measurement made (1), xmx n um of set of measurement value (x) divide by ii. Degrees of freedom (v), wen-1 iii, Standard Deviation (s), 7 Where i= 1 ton, X= mean value iv.Experimental Standard Deviation of the Mean (ESDM) shall be calculated by the formula, Espm= 5 v. Standard Uncertainty (U)), U=ESDM ‘Copyright CREATE QUALITY PROCEDURE Title: [Doc No: GREaTE-QPTO2 ‘RE TE MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY —ssue No: 4 Rev: 0 Page 6 of 10 Effective Date :15 September 2022 Note 1: It is recommended for non-destructive test to carry out repeatability test (minimum 3 readings) for the measurement undertaken and take the average value as reported value. This can minimize the random errors and lead to more appropriate value of type A standard uncertainty. Note 2: Repeated measurement data will have tdistribution for small number of data (n) and normal distribution for big n. At n=30 the shape of data distribution is appropriate follow normal distribution. 5.4 Type B Evaluation (of Standard Uncertainty) 5.4.1 Evaluate standard uncertainty other than Type A through scientific judgment based on all the available information on the possible variability of input quantity, X. The pool of information may include: i. Previous measurement data ii, Experience with or general knowledge of behaviour and properties of relevant materials and instruments. ii, Manufacturer's specifications. iv. Data provided in calibration and other certificates v. Uncertainty assigned to reference data taken from standard or handbook. vi. Based on the distribution of data ie: chances for the value of the input quantity, X; ies in the interval, the standard uncertainty, U;and Degree of freedom, V; shall be calculated accordingly: Distribution U Vi Normal —=—=—S~S~S~*~*~*~ Default distribution in ‘A(100/R? case where distribution of the source of uncertainty is unknown, Triangular av6 ex: Environmental condition variations. @uiv6 Where; U= Expanded Uncertainty a= Semi range of the data interval R= Doubt level (%) k= Coverage factor CL = Confident level 5.4.2 Calculate the sensitivity coefficient (Cj), whose value is 1 when the measurement made is in the same unit or calculate the partials differentials of each component (to bring the result to the same unit) oe oe”, oe, 0, Where: C; a or Cy Ba! @ a +, Cn ou 5.5 Calculate combined standard uncertainty (Uz) 5.5.1. Formula :- (can)? +(catts)? + (ens)? +... Cutts)? 5.6 Calculate Effective Degrees of Freedom (Vor) 5.6.1 Welch ~ Satterthwaite formula : - ‘©Copyright CREATE CONTROLLED COPY QUALITY PROCEDURE Doc No: CREaTE-QPTO2 MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY dpeuet ora tere eveaece Page: 8 of 10 | Effective Date :15 September 2022 (uy* = Com)* | (caus)? 4 (un) vw ve ve ve Ve (catt)* 5.7 From the value of effective degree of freedom, refer to the student t-table for coverage factor (kes) value for a confidence level (CL) of 95%. Note: As stated in clause 6.3.3 of ISO GUM (JCGM 100), the value of k can be assumed to be equal to two (k=2) for CL of approximately normal and the effective degree of freedom is significant size. 5.8. Calculate the Expanded Uncertainty (U) by multiplying the k value (obtained in 6.7) and the combined standard uncertainty, Uc (obtained in 5.6) U=kUe 5.9. Express the results of expanded uncertainty at 95% confidence level :- Y= y + U, at CL = 95% and at K as obtained in 5.7. (y= best estimate of Y) 5.10 Measurement Uncertainty (MU) Template 5.10.1 MU template using Excel Spreadsheet could be used to simplify the MU Calculation Template (YY- running no.) as follow : i, FACREaTE-QPT02-RRL-YY. ii, F-CREaTE-QPT02-MRL-YY F-CREaTE-QPT02-GRL-YY iv, FACREaTE-QPT02-SRL-YY v. F-CREaTE-QPT02-ERL-YY 5.10.2 In general the MU template has four parts i.e. i, Test information consists of relevant information on test, equipment, sample, responsible personnel and laboratory/section. ‘@Copyright CREATE CONTROLLED COPY QUALITY PROCEDURE Title: Doo No: CREaTE-F ORE E MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY [lesde Nor RE arr Rev Hanon Page 9 of 70 | Effective Date :15 September 2022 | ji, Repeated measurement consists of repeated measurement data and the result of Mean, Standard Deviation and ESDM (Estimated Standard Deviation of Mean), Main Budget consists of information on sources of uncertainty, type of distributions, type of standard uncertainty, divisor, values of sensitivity coefficient and results of standard uncertainty, sensitivity coefficient, degree of freedom, uncertainty contribution and its sums. iv. Sums and final result consist of combined standard uncertainty, effective degree of freedom, coverage factor, expanded uncertainty and expression of test result with uncertainty. 5.10.3 Set up related formulas in the template and protect them by mean of password to prevent from unauthorized changes. 5.10.4 Sets password to open the file of template, so that only authorized personnel can view and do changes to the template. 5.10.5 Key in required information and data in the MU template. 5.10.6 The template will calculate the data and gives the results automatically. 5.10.7 Quality Control (QC) program shall be carried out to check the validity of the template. It can be done by using reference data or by comparing the result from the template with result from manual calculation. The validation of MU Template shall be carried out at specified interval according to procedure QC, QA and PT (CREaTE- QPTO5). 6.0 Responsibility 6.1 Technical Manager and/or Deputy Technical Manager are responsible for producing the Measurement Uncertainty template for each related test. 6.2 The Approved Signatory and/or Technical Manager are responsible for final check and verifying the template. ‘GCopyright CREATE QUALITY PROCEDURE _ Doc No: GREaTE-QPT02 CRE TE MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY [ isetied or Sete Rewer Ore Page 410 of. 10, L Effective Date :15 September 2022 7.0 Appendices/Records No. | Title Document No. 1. | MU Calculation Template for RRL D-CREaTE-QPTO2-RRL-YY 2. _ | MU Calculation Template for MRL D-CREaTE-QPT02-MRL-YY 3. | MU Caleulation Template for GRL D-CREaTE-GPTO2-GRL-YY 4, | MU Calculation Template for SRL D-CREaTE-QPT02-SRL-YY 5. _ | MU Caloulation Template for ERL D-CREaTE-QPT02-ERL-YY ‘GCopyright CREATE CONTROLLED COPY

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