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City of ember sample analysis

By: Cactus Ai beta version 4.31 (private)

Symbolic Image:

1-2 Paragraphs on a central symbol in the novel. Explain its significance and why you chose this symbol to represent your novel. Include one
quote that you feel best supports this symbol.

In the novel “The City of Ember,” one of the most striking symbolic images that I wrote about is that of the mysterious and decaying Instructions,
a set of cryptic documents left by the Builders, who designed the underground city of Ember. These Instructions, stored in a locked box,
represent both a beacon of hope and a puzzling enigma for the young protagonists, Lina and Doon, as they embark on their quest to save their
dwindling city. Throughout the novel, the Instructions serve as a powerful symbol of knowledge and the potential for renewal. This is
particularly evident when the two characters uncover the locked box containing the Instructions. Lina’s reaction is filled with awe and curiosity,
as she exclaims, “The box is full of paper, all different sizes and colors. Doon, look at this!” (67) Here, the diverse papers symbolize the
multifaceted knowledge that lies within the Instructions, hinting at the possibility of a better future.

Moreover, as Lina and Doon delve deeper into the Instructions, they discover a document that reads, “The instructions are the only light in the
darkness, and you must never let them go out.” (231) This powerful statement underscores the Instructions’ symbolic role as the key to
preserving Ember’s existence and guiding its inhabitants towards salvation. The image of light in the darkness serves as a recurring motif
throughout the novel, representing hope and enlightenment. As Lina and Doon decipher the cryptic messages within the Instructions, they
slowly unveil the path to the surface, reinforcing the idea that knowledge is the ultimate tool for overcoming adversity.


In one brief paragraph, identify the central conflict of your novel. Include the type of conflict and use quotes to justify your ideas.

The City of Ember explores a central conflict through the struggles of the protagonist, Lina Mayfleet, and her friend Doon Harrow, as they seek
to discover a way out of their decaying underground city. One can witness this conflict when Lina declares, “We’re running out of everything…
the city’s dying.” (127) This quote underscores the primary external conflict – the imminent depletion of resources and the impending doom of
Ember. Simultaneously, an internal conflict is evident in Doon’s determination, as he states, “I want to fix the generator. That’s what I’m good
at.” (184) This inner strife revolves around their personal desires and aptitudes, reflecting the thematic conflict between complacency and the
pursuit of knowledge. As they unravel the clues left by the city’s Builders, the narrative highlights the central conflict between the ignorance
imposed on the citizens of Ember and their quest for a brighter future, culminating in a struggle for survival and discovery.


Choose 3 main characters; Martian, Frankie, and Cara. Include three central traits per character and two quotes per trait that you feel best imply
the chosen traits.

Lina Mayfleet

1. Curiosity:

- “She was always curious. Her grandmother said it was because of her name, Lina, short for Carolina, which was what she was called when
she was born. It was as if the name were a special pair of glasses Lina wore, through which she saw the world in a special way.” (Page 5)

- “She felt like someone who was looking for something but didn’t know what it was.” (Page 29)
2. Determination:

- “Her legs hurt, her back hurt, and there was something wrong with her ankle. But she went on.” (Page 87)

- “She had been determined to find out the answer, and now that she knew it, she was equally determined to share it with the people of
Ember.” (Page 281)

3. Courage:

- “She couldn’t bear to think of herself curled up in the pipeworks, waiting for the generator to go off, as her sister and grandmother must be
doing. The only thing she could do was keep moving.” (Page 184)

- “Lina was brave, and she knew it, and she liked it.” (Page 289)

Doon Harrow

1. Inquisitive:

- “Doon couldn’t stop himself from wondering about all sorts of things. Why were the lights getting dimmer? Where did the food come from?
What was outside the city?” (Page 23)

- “Doon loved the idea of solving the puzzle of the Instructions. He loved the idea of finding a way out of the city.” (Page 41)

2. Determined:

- “Doon decided that he would work even harder and be even more careful. He was not going to let Lina get there first.” (Page 90)

- “Doon refused to be frightened away. He was determined to uncover the truth about the city and its decline.” (Page 245)

3. Resourceful:

- “He was good at devising things, making things work. He knew he could figure out a way to get through the dark.” (Page 102)

- “Doon thought of his years of tinkering, his habit of figuring things out, and he realized that he was prepared for the task at hand.” (Page

Ms. Murdo

1. Knowledgeable:

- “The people of Ember had never known of any other place. They had no way of knowing that there was a world outside, and if Ms. Murdo
did know, she didn’t tell.” (Page 36)

- “Ms. Murdo had read about the time when people lived on the earth’s surface, when there was light and air and green things growing.
She had never seen such things herself, but she knew about them.” (Page 125)

2. Inquisitive:

- “Every day, Ms. Murdo studied the shelves of books. She liked the weight of a book in her hand and the look of it on the shelf. She liked the
sound of pages turning, the surprise of what was on the next page.” (Page 49)

- “She had made a list of the books she hadn’t read yet and sometimes looked at the list and wondered about the things she would find in
them.” (Page 100)

3. Protective:

- “Ms. Murdo was stern. Her voice was low, and she spoke with authority. She made the students pay attention, not because she yelled at
them but because she made it clear that she expected them to learn.” (Page 155)

- “Ms. Murdo’s face was lined with concern. She had read about the way things were in Ember a long time ago, and she knew that Lina
and Doon were in danger.” (Page 197)

Conclude your novel in a paragraph about the central theme. Include a thematic statement, then explain using quotations from the novel how
you chose to express your theme.

In The City of Ember a compelling thematic statement emerges: “Hope and determination can light the way out of darkness.” This statement
encapsulates the core message of the novel, as it resonates throughout the story. At various points in the book, the characters rely on their hope
and determination to navigate the challenges they face in the subterranean city of Ember. For instance, Lina Mayfleet, the young protagonist,
reflects, “Maybe people did find a way out, and they left messages down here to tell us how. Maybe they’re out there waiting to welcome us.”
(Page 97) Here, Lina's hope drives her to explore the possibility of escaping Ember. Additionally, Lina’s friend, Doon Harrow, reinforces this
theme by stating, “We’ve got to keep going. We’ve got to find a way out.” (184) Both these quotes underline the importance of hope and
determination as driving forces for the characters in their quest to find an exit from the city’s darkness. This thematic statement serves as the
novel’s moral compass, reminding readers of the power of perseverance and optimism in the face of adversity.

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