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1) Environmental Factors. Sanitation and sanitation facilities can affect the transmission of diseases where food
and water can become contaminated because of poor sanitation. Pollution also plays a major role in disease
transmission as evidenced by floods during rainy season. These floods were the culprits in the spread of
Leptospirosis. Climate takes its role as an environmental factor.
2) Socioeconomic Factors. Cultural practices influence disease transmission, e.g. using one glass when drinking to
show unity. Living arrangements in some cultures where people tend to live near their livestock without
knowing that these can be sources of diseases. Prostitution due to economic factors where the poor tend to
engage themselves into this activity is one avenue for the transmission of communicable disease as well.
 COMMUNICABLE DISEASES are illnesses caused by pathogens which spread from living things to another. Pathogens
enter the body through direct or indirect contact causing illness like influenza.
 PATHOGEN is a biological agent that causes diseases or illness to its host.


Pathogen Description Diseases

Bacteria -single-celled microorganisms Tuberculosis, strep throat,
-most are beneficial but close to a hundred diphtheria, whooping cough,
types are known to cause diseases pneumonia, meningococcemia,
-some release poisonous substance anthrax, syphilis, meningitis,
Virus -smallest known pathogen infecting cells of Common colds, measles, rabies,
biological organisms polio, mumps, influenza, severe
-unable to reproduce on their own, it acute respiratory system (SARS),
replicates through infecting host cells Bird flu, hepatitis, chicken Pox, HIV
Fungi -single or multi-celled parasitic organisms Athlete’s foot, wing worm and
which can live on skin, mucous membranes tinea flava or an-an
and lungs
-obtain food from organic materials such as
plants, animals, or human tissues
Rickettsia -grows inside living cells and resembles Typhus, spotted fever, rocky
bacteria mountain
-carried as parasites by ticks, fleas and lies

Protozoa -tiny single-celled organisms producing toxins Malaria, amoebiasis, African

-reproduce fast through sexual and asexual sleeping sickness, giardiasis

Parasitic Worm -also called helminths Tapeworm, hookworm, pinworm,

-largest pathogens that can enter the human roundworm, filariasis
-worm like organisms living and feeding in
living hosts while disrupting the nutrients
absorption of their host, causing weakness
and diseases


- a microbial organism with the ability to cause disease
-a place where microorganisms can thrive and reproduce. Microorganisms thrive in human beings, animals and
inanimate objects such as water, table tops and doorknobs
-place of exit providing a way for a microorganism may leave the reservoir through the nose or mouth when
someone sneezes or cough. Microorganisms, carried away from the body by feces, may also leave the reservoir
of an infected bowel.
-the method of transfer by which the organisms moves or carried from one place to another or from the
reservoir to susceptible hosts
- any opening allowing the microorganisms to enter the host. It is within the same system of portals of exits like
digestive to digestive, respiratory to respiratory, and reproductive to reproductive
-an individual who cannot resist a microorganism invading the body, multiplying and resulting in infection


1. INCUBATION – during this period, the pathogen starts to

multiply. However, the person is still unaware of the disease
2. PRODROMAL – during this period, the pathogen continues
to multiply. The person begins to experience signs and
symptoms of the disease.
3. ILLNESS - during this period, signs and symptoms are
already obvious and severe.
4. DECLINE – the number of pathogens starts to decrease,
and the signs and symptoms begin to wane. However,
because the immune system was greatly weakened by the
pathogen, the person becomes susceptible to other kinds of
5. CONVALESCENCE – in this period, the body begins to
recover and eventually returns to its normal functions.
Meaning Signs and Symptoms Preventive Measures
1. Acute Upper As the name suggests the Upper nasal congestion and Practice good hygiene
Respiratory Tract Respiratory Tract compose the major discharge (rhinorrhea), and preventive
Infections (URTI) passages and structures of the upper sneezing, sore throat, measures. Drink plenty
respiratory tract include the nose or cough, low-grade of water
nostrils, nasal cavity, mouth, throat fever, headache, and
(pharynx), and voice box (larynx). URTI is malaise
any infection along the tract. It includes
common colds, Infectious mononucleosis,
Influenza, Pharyngitis, Sinusitis, and
2. Pneumonia Inflammation and infection of the air sacs chest pain, shortness Practice a healthy
in one or both lungs. of breath, shaking, lifestyle and preventive
chills, high fever measures. Get
pneumococc al vaccine.
3. Bronchitis Inflammation of bronchial tubes, the Productive cough, Wash hand frequently.
airways that carry air to your lungs. headache, sore throat, Consider wearing a
wheezing and mask.
shortness of breath,
pain in the upper
4. Influenza Flu virus spread through the spray from Cough, colds, fever, Get vaccinated for flu
cough and sneezes. Musculoskeletal pain/ yearly. Practice standard
malaise, loss of preventive measures,
appetite, and healthy lifestyle.
inflammation of the
nose and pharynx
5. Pulmonary Caused by bacteria called mycobacterium Cough for two weeks Avoid close contact with
Tuberculosis (PTB) tuberculosis that attack the lungs that may or more, bloody someone who has
damage other parts of the body sputum, chest and Pulmonary
back pain for one Tuberculosis .
month or more, night
sweats, weight loss
6. Dengue transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti On-and-off/ Wear a long sleeve shirt
mosquito. It is caused by a flavivirus. It has intermittent fever, and long pants.
four serotypes. headache most Use mosquito repellent.
prominent around the Consider using a
eyes or periorbital mosquito net.
area, slow pulse rate, Clean surrounding s,
low blood pressure, dispose sources of
abdominal pain, stagnant water
bleeding, rashes,
muscle pains,
7. Sexually are infections you can get by having Yellowish to purulent ABCs of STIs prevention:
Transmitted unprotected sex with someone who has an discharges, itchiness,
Infections (STIs) infection. The following are the common signs and symptoms A: Abstinence. Avoid
sexually transmitted infections: differ depending on premarital sex.
• Chlamydia trachomatis is the most the specific causative
common bacterial cause of sexually agent/pathogen. B: Be faithful/loyal to
transmitted genital infections in both men one partner
and women. Most affected persons are Gonorrhea and
asymptomatic, meaning they do not show Chlamydia are the two C: Consistent and
signs and symptoms of the disease thus most common STIs Correct use of Condoms
becoming a reservoir for infection, which is and are treated
evident in infants born to mother with an together. Both
infected birth canal as these infants can infections are
have pneumonia and conjunctivitis. characterized by
Common signs and symptoms for purulent vaginal/
symptomatic persons include mucoid or penile discharge.
watery discharge, and painful urination.
Syphilis is
• Gonorrhea is caused by bacteria called characterized by a
Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It is a major cause painless papule called
of morbidity among sexually-active a chancre.
individuals worldwide, as it can cause
urogenital infections in both men and Infections caused by
women. In women, untreated gonorrhea Human Papillomavirus
can cause pelvic inflammatory disease are characterized by
(PID), infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and genital warts
chronic pelvic pain. Common signs and accompanied by
symptoms include mucopurulent itchiness/prurit us
discharge, and for women, vaginal

• Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease

caused by the spirochete Treponema
pallidum. The manifestations of this
disease are notoriously variable, with
different stages occurring over time in
untreated infection. For primary infection,
the most common sign is a painless genital
ulcer. Untreated primary syphilis may
progress to the secondary and tertiary
stages where signs/symptoms include
widespread rash and cardiovascular
abnormalities, respectively. Human
papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the most
common sexually transmitted disease in
the world. It manifests as condyloma
acuminata (CA) also known as anogenital
warts. The primary mode of transmission is
through sexual contact. The anogenital
warts are typically found on the vulva,
penis, groin, perineum, anal skin, perianal
skin, and/or suprapubic skin. It can be
single or multiple, flat, dome-shaped,
cauliflowershaped. Color also varies, it may
be white, fleshcolored, red, brown, or
hyperpigmented. It is usually soft, and its
size range from 1 mm to a few centimeters
in diameter. Occasionally it can be pruritic
and cause discomfort. There are many
types of HPV, the types associated with
anogenital warts are HPV 6, and 11, while
HPV 16, and 18 are associated with cervical
cancer. A quadrivalent (HPV 6, 11, 16, and
18) vaccine is available for prevention of
HPV infection.
8. Human Immune two species of lentivirus from the family of Fever, diarrhea, ABCs of HIV/AIDs
Virus (HIV) and retroviruses, that causes HIV infection and weight loss, swollen prevention:
acquired Immune in overtime, Acquired Immune Deficiency glands, fatigue /
Deficiency Syndrome tiredness, white spots A:Abstinence. Avoid
Syndrome (AIDS) in the mouth, premarital sex.
A condition in humans in which progressive persistent dry cough
failure of the immune system allows life- B: Be faithful / loyal to
threatening opportunistic infections and one partner
cancers to thrive.
It is transmitted via body fluids such as C: Consistent and
breast milk, placenta, semen, and blood. Correct use of Condoms
Commonly transmitted through sexual
contact, other forms of transmission D: Do not inject drugs
include (1) vertical transmission of mother and share needles.
to child via vaginal delivery. (2) Blood via
sharing of needles or receiving/ transfusion
of donated blood infected with HIV. (3).
Ingestion of breastmilk from infected
mother. HIV can not be transmitted by
touching, hugging, and kissing persons
living with HIV (PLHIV).

According to Center of Disease Control and

Prevention (CDC), there are three (3)
stages of HIV Infection.

• Stage 1: Acute HIV Infection. At this

stage, symptoms include fever, sore throat,
prominent lymph nodes, rash, bone and/or
muscle pains, diarrhea, and headache. An
infected person has a large amount of HIV
in his/her blood and is very contagious. In
the early stages of infection while the body
produces antibodies against HIV antigens,
there is a period of time that an infected
person might get a negative HIV result.

• Stage 2: Chronic HIV Infection. This stage

is also called asymptomatic HIV infection or
clinical latency. At this stage, a person
living with HIV (PLHIV) may not have any
symptoms or get sick during this phase.
The virus in the blood is low but is still
transmissible. Medications are given in this
period to prevent disease progression.

• Stage 3: Acquired Immunodeficiency

Syndrome (AIDS). This is the most severe
phase of HIV infection, at this stage a PLHIV
has weak immune response that makes
him/her vulnerable to opportunistic
infection. The amount of virus in the blood
is also very high, hence very infectious.
Without treatment, a person with AIDS
typically survives about three years.

Misconceptions, Myths, and Beliefs about Common Communicable Diseases

A misconception is a conclusion that is wrong because it is based on faulty thinking or facts that are wrong. It is
usually resulting from incorrect view or opinion based on wrong understanding. The Fact is information that is proven by
experts in the form of a research study.

Misconception Fact
1. Acute Upper If I take antibiotics, I will not Most cases of acute upper respiratory tract infection (URTI)
Respiratory Tract spread my illness to others are caused by viruses and is self-limited. Antibiotics have no
Infection role in treating viral infections except in cases that there is
co-infection with bacteria. Self-medicating with antibiotics is
also prohibited as it induces antibiotic resistance.
2. Pneumonia Antibiotics always cure Pneumonia is not always treatable by antibiotics. Although
pneumonia most cases of Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) are
caused by bacteria, some are caused by certain viruses. In
such cases antibiotics will not work. However, in the
Philippine Clinical Practice Guidelines on diagnosis, and
management of CAP, empiric therapy with antibiotics is the
standard treatment for pneumonia.
3. Bronchitis Children are more susceptible in Adults are more susceptible to have bronchitis than children.
getting bronchitis than adults. Acute bronchitis is one of the top reasons for physician
consult in the adult population. Risk factors that put adults
to be more susceptible include cigarette smoking, and
exposure to pollution and dust. The most common cause for
bronchitis is viruses. Approximately 95% of cases are caused
by viruses as compared to bacteria.
4. Influenza People do not need to get Anyone can contract influenza and be fit and healthy does
vaccinated if they are healthy not protect against infection.
5. Pulmonary There is no cure for TB; it means Pulmonary Tuberculosis is curable. Effective Anti-TB
Tuberculosis sure death medicines have been available since 1950. The Department
(PTB) of Health has a National Tuberculosis Control Program. This
includes establishment of Tuberculosis Directly Observed
Treatment, Short-course or TB DOTS which aims to diagnose,
treat, and control Pulmonary tuberculosis in communities.
6. Dengue Mosquitoes carrying the virus Mosquitoes breed in the backyard, at home, in stagnant
causing dengue fever breed in water from old trees and used tires, trash cans, flowerpots,
sewer water and river water. and pools.
7. Sexually One can get an STD from the One cannot acquire an STD by sitting on a toilet bowl.
Transmitted toilet seat.
Infections (STIs)
8. HIV and AIDS A person can contract HIV from People cannot transmit or contract HIV simply by touching
touching someone who has it

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