Mi Rutina Diaria

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Good morning teacher and classmates, today I'm going to talk to you

about my daily routine


From Monday to Friday my routine is the same

,I get up at six o´clock,
brush my teeth, and take a shower Twenty Five Past Six,
put my uniform, have breakfast and go to school,
leave school at half past three, when I get home
The first thing I do is clean my room and
then do my homework.
At seven o'clock more or less I prepare my backpack and
my uniform
It's half past eight at that time I have dinner
At nine o'clock I get ready for bed. It's half past nine at that
time and I'm going to sleep.


My Saturday routine changes a little

I get up at nine o'clock,
take a shower and brush my teeth,
have breakfast and clean my room,
after that I help my mom clean the kitchen and living room,
we have lunch at two o'clock,
we wash the dishes and go for a walk
In the evening we go to dinner at a restaurant,
after dinner we leave to my house where we get ready for sleep
at eleven o'clock,
At about twelve o'clock we went to sleep.

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