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PART 1: The Theatre

1. As a class, we will read and discuss each of the passages listed below. You will need to highlight and
make annotations in your copy of the text.
2. After each passage has been discussed, you will complete the table below.

Page reference Key Quotes What do we learn What do we learn Are there any literary
about the key about the main devices worth
themes? What are characters? noting?
the big ideas
presented in this
Page 3 - 4 “The king stood… We learn about We learn how Jeeven Snow is falling, this
From ‘The man’s unmoored”. jeveen’s past is in training to be a represents death
girlfriend tugged at “snow began to fall paramedic and he from Georgia flu
his sleeve…’ to ‘… over the stage” runs to try help spreading throughout
indistinct Arthur Toronto.
exclamations in the
Page 9 – 11 Jeeven is caring Jeeven used to be a snow
From ‘Snow was paparazzi
falling on Yonge The paparazzi are
Street…’ to ‘…Her uncaring about the
phone was still off.’ death of
Arthur(making jokes)
Arthur not that
famous but paparazzi
invested in big
Page 14 – 15 “Of all of them there death Arthur has 3 ex wives Paperweight
From ‘ “So Arthur at the bar that night, and a 7 year old son, Death snow
wasn’t married to the bartender was but no one to call symbol
anyone…”’ to ‘…on the one who survived after his death. The Foreshadowing
the road out of the the longest. He died others find it sad that
city.’ three weeks later on they can only think to
the road out of the call his lawyer =
city” lonely life
Page 16 “The revelation Wants to tell his
From ‘Jeevan that…..” brother about what
wandered alone…’ to happened to Arthur
‘…just the past dozen and that it made him
years.’ want to be a
Page 21 – 22 Survival Jeeven has heard Contrast between
From ‘He felt that he from his friend, Hua clerk barley raising an
should call (a doctor at the eyebrow at the news
someone…’ to ‘… hospital) that the flu, report and Jeeven
hadn’t just seen it Is happening and it is loading non-
five or ten minutes severe, he takes it perishables and
ago.’ seriously and acts water in his cart
accordingly to stay
inside for as long as
Page 29 – 30 art
From ‘She remained
standing…’ to ‘…far
side of the earth.’
Page 31 – 32
From ‘AN
to ‘No more avatars.’

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