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1. Write a query to display the highest, lowest, sum and the average

salary for all employees. Label the columns: maximum, minimum,

Sum and Average respectively. Round the results to the nearest

whole number.

2. Modify the previous query to display the highest, lowest, sum and

the average salary in each job_id .

3. Write a query that will display the number of employees who has

the same job_id.

4. Determine the number of managers.

5. Write a query that displays the difference between the highest and

lowest salary. Label the column Difference.

6. Write a query to display the department name, City, number of

employees, and the average salary for all employees in that


7. List the name and the salary of employees who earned more than

the employees whose id=155, and are in department its name

contain word public.

8. Write a query to display the last name, job_id, department name for

all employees who works in Oxford

9. List all employees information who earn more than all employees

who work as IT_PROG

10.list the total salary in each department, exclude any total that is less

than the total in department 40.

Eng.Ruba Sultan

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