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1. Am I able to differentiate between my frustration and anger? Give an example from your experience.

Yes, I am able to differentiate frustration and anger because they share some similarities, they
can be distinguished by the intensity and nature of the emotions involved. Frustration tends to
be milder and focused on individual challenges or unfulfilled desires, while anger tends to be
more intense and directed towards someone or something that is perceived as provoking or
threatening. Being aware of my emotional experiences, reflecting on the underlying causes and
triggers, and paying attention to the physical sensations that accompany these emotions can
help you differentiate between frustration and anger.

2. Do I respond to compliments, feedback and criticism openly and earnestly? Give an example from
your experience.
Based on my experience I responds to compliments,feedback and criticism openly and earnestly
because this gives me a information how to response and change my behavior in doing some task.

3. Do I acknowledge my shortcomings and embrace my strengths as a great confidence booster? Kindly

share your shortcomings and strengths.
This process serves me as a great confidence booster, allowing meo to grow and thrive in various
aspects of life. By recognizing my weaknesses, I gain the opportunity to improve my self and
overcome obstacles that hinder my progress. Moreover, accepting my strengths empower me to
capitalize on them and excel in areas where I naturally shine. This self-awareness not only boosts
confidence but also fosters a positive mindset, enabling me to approach challenges with
resilience and determination. Ultimately, embracing both my shortcomings and strengths is
essential for personal growth and achieving success in all endeavors.

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