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The Procter & Gamble Company

Beauty Analytical Version: 013

Analytical Test Method Classification: Restricted
GCAS Number: 60047645 Replaces: 012
Plants: All Beauty, F&HC & Paper Product Supply Sites
Analytical: All R&D/TSO Sites
This method describes the procedure to be followed in comparing the physical appearance of a material with the
physical description for that material in its given specification. When there is no written description, the material
is compared to a standard.
SOP#: LAB-S-02-BTY Maintaining Sensory Standards

Appearance Versus a Written Description: Obtain a copy of the Specifications for the material to be checked.

Open the sample and observe the actual material.

If assessing a packed sample and a visual assessment cannot easily be made, then pour out about 5-20 g sample
into a clear container to make observation.
If excessive aeration is present in the sample, deaeration by centrifugation may be used.

For products in a pressurized, sealed opaque container (e.g., aerosol in metal can) dispense or spray a sufficient
amount into a cup and assess the appearance of the residual product in the cup.

Dust Free Bleach Powders:

For Dust Free Bleach Powders: Obtain a clear glass jar of approximately 100-200 mL size. Fill jar approximately
1/3 – 1/2 full of the sample. Cap the jar. Shake jar several times and observe immediately.

Solid Unit Dose Pads:

For solid unit dose pads, observe top and bottom sides of pad and examine pad edge.

If the material is adequately described by the specification, report as "PASS."

If the material differs from the description given in the specification, report as "FAIL."

Appearance Versus a Standard

The sample is graded versus an approved reference standard. The reference may be a sample from a received lot,
from a previous production or pilot production, from a store-bought product, from a representative family, from a
high-resolution reference picture or from an approved odor standard. The reference standard is approved by R&D,
MPD, TMO or by Site Sensory Coordinator or Qualified Quality Control. An initial reference standard can be
approved during EO, PQ or first production following the procedure in Managing Sensory Standards SOP LAB-
S-02-BTY Section 7.

REPORTING OF RESULTS Report results as Pass/Fail:

• Inspect the sample visually.
• Report as "PASS" if the sample is typical of the reference and has no visible impurities.

• Report as "FAIL" if the sample is not typical and/or contains visible impurities.
Business Use - P&G AUTHORIZED 60047645.013 Eff 2021-10-18 Exp N/A(Printed 2024-03-17 valid for 24hrs) Page 1 of 3
Note: This Test Method is for new or replacement appearance standards. Standards in use prior to release of this
version 012 can remain in place with no changes.

60047645.013 Updated to add Solid Unit Dose Pads. Added an initial reference standard Amanda Ritter, Cindy
approval following SOP LAB-S-02-BTY. Walker, MBC
60047645.012 Updated reference. Added clarification on Appearance standard and approval. Cindy Walker/ MBC
60047645.011 Converting CSS to Enovia object. Dawid Tomczewski
60047645.010 Added instructions for dust free bleach powders and pressurized K Bunasky/ SWIC
60047645.009 Added deaeration statement Matt Wesco/SWIC
60047645.008 Added step to pour out sample if assessment of a packed sample is not possible Ken Raterman / SWIC

Validation data:
No formal validation required sensory observation.

This test method is a physical test method that measures a property that is inherent to the product formulation. It
was determined that this method does not require formal method validation because the method is not prone to
chemical or physical interferences and results obtained are primarily dependent upon analyst qualification.

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