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I’m sorry I bullied my brother

By Kevin Melendez, Birmingham Community Charter HS

Bullying my brother is my biggest regret. It’s something I should’ve never done.

I know what you’re probably thinking, that I’m a cruel brother. I don’t hit my brother anymore. One
reason is because I got in trouble too much. The second reason is he got hurt badly. My brother rarely
got bruises. Then there were times that I made him cry. Not really a good feeling when you think about

For a while my brother wouldn’t want to be around me, not even when we were at a party where we had
no one to talk to and didn’t know anyone. He avoided me at home and anywhere else he could. I don’t
blame him for what he did. I mean getting hit in the arm just because your brother is angry or jealous
isn’t something you want. It probably made him fear me. I should never have let my anger get the best
of me.

I wonder how my relationship with

my brother would be if I hadn’t
been so cruel and evil. I see my
friend’s strong and healthy
relationships with his siblings,
knowing that could have been my
brother and I. We have an “OK”
relationship now, but I can’t raise
my hand without him flinching. It’s
not as bad as it used to be because
he rarely does that anymore. Still it
makes me feel likea monster when
he does.

I wish I could go back in time and

take it all back, make sure that my
anger didn’t get the best of me. No
one should let their anger get the best of themselves or pick on someone just because you’re angry, no
matter what. Trust me, it’s not a great feeling when you pick on someone. It makes you feel like a
monster. You should have a relationship that has trust and a strong bond. Don’t have a relationship
that’s based on fear.
1. Why does he regret bullying his brother ?
2. What would you do if you were Kevin's brother ? Would you tell your parents ?
3. What are the main reasons Kevin bullied his brother ?
4. Have you ever experienced something like that ?
5. Do you know someone who has suffered bullying from a relative or that bullied a relative ?
6. Is bullying a common issue in families ?
7. What advises gives Kevin ?

Rewrite with I wish/if only for past situations:

1. I made my brother feel extremely sad.
2. Kevin brought his friends to make fun of me.
3. I didn't have friends when I was at school.
4. Jason didn't tell his parents his dog passed away.
5. Mayra gave me her money to buy her a dress at the shopping and I lost it.
6. I didn't study for the test, I couldn't get a 10.

Write what they should/shouldn't have done in each situation:

1. I made a chocolate cake for Marcus but I've just realized he's allergic to it.
2. Kevin was very mean to his brother.
3. Mery broke her mother's phone by dropping it on the floor.
4. Kevin's brother didn't tell his parents about Kevin's behaviour.
5. Their parents didn't have a clue about what was going on in their home.
6. The teacher knew about Kevin's mistreatment to his brother and decided to remain silent.

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