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JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards - A.

Physics and Chemistry

Vol. 75A, No.6, November- December 1971

An Absolute Determination of Viscosity

Using a Torsional Pendulum
Hobart S. White * and Elliot A. Kearsley

Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234

(July 28, 1971)

A n ab so lut e me as ure me nt of th e vi scos ity of di(2-ethylhexyl) se baca te with a torsional pe ndu -

lum vi sco me te r. Th e a ppa ratu s and c alibration proced ures are di sc ussed and a d eta il ed stud y of
errors is mad e. The syste mati c e rror was es tim ate d to be less than ± 0.07 pe rce nt and th e variabi lit y
was s how n to be less than ± 0.07 pe rce nt. Th e re is an un exp la in ed diffe re nce of 0.3 to 0.4 pe rce nt
be tw ee n these me asurem ent s a nd me asurements with a ca pi ll ary in strum e nt.

Key words: Absolut e mea s ure me nt ; c alibration; sta nd ard ; tors iona l pe ndulum ; vi scos it y.

1. Introduction s tokes (cS t). Th ese meas ureme nts we re s ubse que ntly
compared with a n absolute meas ure me nt with a capil -
In calc ulatin g th e accuracy of any physical meas ure- lary in s trum e nt [21. Meas ure me nts of a fe w other
me nt , it is not poss ible to be s ure that aLL sys temati c fluid s were also reported with e rror es timates, pri -
e rrors hav e bee n tak e n into account. Moreove r , th e marily as a co nsistency c hec k. A fe w measurements
more th e precis ion is improved , th e greater is th e po s- by th e me th od of dec re me nt are reported , but without
sibility that an overlooked error is s ignifi ca nt. A complete error estimates.
comparison of meas ure ments made by different
meth od s, each of whi ch insofar as poss ible give s ri se 2. Apparatus and Method of Measurement
to quite diffe re nt e rrors , is th e most direct e vid e nce
of th e co mpleten ess of th e error estimates. For thi s Th e apparatus was des igned to exhibit relatively
reason, so me years ago we atte mpted a meas ure me nt hi gh de pe nd e nce of peri od on viscosity for a ran ge
of vi scosity by an absolute me thod and with e rrors from 10 to 150 cS t. Above and below thi s ra nge, th e
not exceedin g 0.1 perce nt in orde r to com pare with d e pend e nce is mark edly weak er. Figure 1 is a photo-
measure me nts of pres umed equal accuracy mad e with graph of th e co mpl e te apparatu s s howing the hollow
a capi lla ry vi sco me ter. s ph ere han gin g above th e th e rmo s tatted a nd vac uum
We c hos e to make the meas urem ent with a vis co m- tight housin g within whic h it normall y operates
e ter cons istin g of a spheri cal s hell suspended from a and the optica l de vi ces and tim er used in meas urin g
tors ion wire and filled with the fluid whose vis cosity the period. Figure 2 is a sche ma ti c cro ss sec tion of
is to be measured. The sphere i~ excited in torsional the th e rmos tatted hou sing s howing th e s ph e re han g-
oscillation and the subsequent motion observed. In ing on the torsion wire in th e normal operating po si-
prin ciple the viscosity of a Newtonian fluid may be ob- tion. In operation, th e sph ere is excited in tors ional
tained from e ither the pe riod or the damping of this mo- oscillation, and th e period is me as ured. Th e kin e-
tion . In 1959 [1]1 an analysis of th e ab solute torsional matic vi scosity is then give n by:
pendulum viscometer was published givin g d esign
criteria for th e sph ere and wire s uspe nsion whi ch
mad e th e pe riod se nsitive to vi scos ity. That pape r
pointed out th a t modern tec hniqu es of meas urin g
tim e interval s with great acc uracy make this a promi s-
in g method of meas urin g viscos ity.
Thi s paper describes th e apparatus and the pro-
cedures use d in calibrations and measurements. (1)
Diffic ulti es e nco unte red in obtaining a high degree of
acc uracy are di sc ussed. The most reliable measure-
me nts re ported are tho se obtained for Octoil S, a where v is th e kin e mati c vi scosit.y , K is th e torsion
fluid with nominal kin e mati c viscosity of 19 centi- constant of the s uspension, R is th e inte rnal radiu s of
the hollow sphere, T is the period of th e oscillation, 1
* Rcti rcd from t he In stitut e for Bas ic S tand a;·ds. Na ti onal Burea u of S tand ard s . W as h·
in gl un. D.C. 20234. is the moment of inertia of the empty sphere, and 10 is
1 F'i ~ ur cs in brac ke ts indi ca te the lit e ra ture refe re nces at the e nd of thi s paper. the moment of inertia of the test fluid considered as a



50 em

FIGURE 1. Photograph of th e torsional pendulum viscom eter. J

Th e sph e re has been withdrawn above th e th ermal chambe r.
rigid sphere. The dimensionless quant.ity iJ is a
mathematical function of the two dimensionless
variables 7 and 0'. An accurate determination of vis-
c osity requires measurements of all the physical
quantities entering into these equations. The cal-
culation of iJ (7, 0') can be done to the necessary
accuracy by numerical methods using a modern digital
FIG URE 2. Cross-section of th ermal chamber of viscometer with
computer. Details of this calculation are given in sphere ill operating position.
[1], (where 1) is used for our r,).

2.1 . The Torsion Constant of the Suspension

these rods, presumably because the material was not
sufficiently homogeneous. Aluminum alloy 6061 and
The torsion wire was of an alloy of 92 percent oxygen-free high-conductivity copper were found to
platinum and 8 percent t.ungsten. This alloy was be suitable materials. Six cylinders were used as
shown by Kestin, et al. [3] t.o be especially suitable shown in table 1, with moments of inertia ranging
for use as a torsion wire by reason of its low internal from about 11,000 to 1,200 g' cm~ and weights ranging
friction and stable elastic constant. The wire was a from 2,100 to 510 g.
51-cm length of 0.051-cm diam which was heat treated The measurements of period were made with the f
(to about 1300 OF) to relieve stresses after which the cylinders oscillating in torsion while suspended in
ends were hard soldered into threaded fittings. the position of the sphere shown in figure 2. The air
The calibration of this viscometer requires an ex- pressure was reduced to less than 0.2 mm of mer-
tremely accurate evaluation of the torsion constant cury within the thermal jacket to eliminate any sig-
K. It was necessary, therefore, to measure the con- nificant effects of the atmosphere on the period (see
stant at various temperatures and for various tensile
section 4). The temperature of the torsion wire was
loads on th e wire. For this purpose, a number of
taken to be that indicated by the mercury in glass
cylind ers of calculabl e moment of inertia were made.
The torsion constant. of this wire was measured by t.hermometers through t.he thermal jacket shown in
timing the oscillations of these cylinders. Steel and figure 2. The temperature was controlled for a day or
brass stock were found to be unsuitable 2 for making more before measurements were made to insure that
the apparatus was in thermal equilibrium . The period
measurements were made with the optical and timing
2 S e ve ral meas ure me nt s of the torsion c on s t ant were made with a cy linder mac hine d
down in raditl s bet wee n eac h meas urc nwnt. Wh e n plott ed again s t th e we ight s of the systems used in the viscosity measurements. These
cylinders , the meas ure ment s for stee l and brass cylinders did nul fall li n th e sa me s moo th
curve a s did m eas uff' lll c nl s us ing aluminum or (' o ppe r eylind ers. systems are described in section (2 .4).
TABLE 1. CaLibrating rods form was re moved by was hin g with ca us ti c s olution
flow ed through holes in th e polar hubs. Th e exteri or of
Rod Dia meter We ight be fore Moment the sph ere wa s th e n turn ed d own so th a t th e final
num - Mate ri al at 25 °C in drillin g of sphere had a wall 'thi ckn ess of 0.085 in a nd a nominal
ber vac uo e nd s, in in ert ia diam ete r of 10 cm. A rough calc ula ti on shows th a t
vac u o th ese wall s are e asily stiff e nough to preve nt a s ignif-
icant c han ge of s ha pe und er load .
inches grams grams 15 - CIII2
I 6061 all oy 1.71 7794 511.31 513.43 122 1.80
Th e platin g process was carri ed ou t a t a n ele va ted
2 6061 all oy 1.758891 535.58 537.55 1341.14 te mperature (45 °C to 60 °C) so th a t th e ac tu al intern a l
3 6061 allo y 3.010187 1574.36 1576.52 11520.30 radiu s of th e sph e re was la rger th an the radiu s of th e
3a 6061 alloy 2.655604 1224.80 1226.96 6978.06 form at 25 °C whi c h was 4.9535 ± .0025 c m. Sin ce th e
4 OFHC COPIJer 1.758936 1773.5 1 1780.19 444 1.65 differe nce between the rm al expa nsion coeffi cie nts
5 OFH C Co pp er 1.907257 2093. 75 2099 .75 6159.75
of aluminum a nd ni c kel is rou ghl y l x lO - 5j °C, th e
radiu s of th e s ph e re at 25°C s hould be a bout 4.955
Th e torsion co n sta nt of th e wire was found to co n- c m. The calculati on of th e r adiu s in thi s way is not
form to the equati o n ve ry acc ura te, howe ve r, a nd a more direct meas ure-
ment is needed .
K = 11471.5 - 0 .0208 g- 2.6(t - 25) F or thi s purpose, the mass of di stille d a nd boiled
(a pproxim a tely air-free) wate r need ed to fill th e sph e re
whe re K is th e torsion con s tant in dyn e c m , g is the at 25 °C was meas ured by we ighin g th e s ph e re e mpty
te nsile load on th e wire in gram s and t is th e te m pe ra- and fulL Th e le ve l of th e wa ter was adju s ted to a
ture in degrees Celsiu s. fidu cial mark in th e sight glass a t th e to p of th e s ph e re
Thi s expression for the torsion co ns tant is acc urate while it was imm er sed in a ba th of oil th e rm os ta tted a t
to better than ± 0 .01 5 perce nt through th e necessary 25 .00 0c.
A value of 0.99 70478 g/c m ~ was used for the
ran ge of te mpe rature around 25 °C and throu gh the de nsity of wate r a nd acco unt was ta ke n of air bu oyancy
r a nge of te ns ile loa d s pann ed by th e cylind e rs in table a nd th e volum e of wate r in the sight glass a nd in th e
1. Th e dim e nsions of th e cylind e rs we re meas ured a t holes in th e polar hub s. Th e meas ure me nt was re-
20 °C to ±20 mi c roin ches a nd th e masses to ± 10 peated with two oils of low va por press ure usin g
milli gr ams. Eve n for meas ure me nts mad e with th e valu es of de nsity as meas ured by th e Metrology Sec-
s mallest c ylind er we estim a te that th e e rrors in th ese ti on of NBS . Th ese meas ure me nts give a volum e of
m eas ure me nts contribute a n error of at mos t ± 0.004 th e s phe re at 25 °C of 509.515 c m:l ± 0.002 perce nt ,
pe rce nt of th e tors ion co nsta nt. We es tim a te a furth e r whi c h is th e volum e of a sp here of radiu s 4.9548 c m.
e rror of ± 0.002 pe rce nt from a poss ible e rror of , at Th e un certa inty of ± 0.002 perce nt assigned in cl udes
mos t , 10 percent in th e calcula ti on of th e tempe ra ture th e s pread of a numbe r of weighin gs. Th e un certainty
correc tion of the m ome nt of in erti a. Th e larges t e rror in the d e ns ity of water is negli gible_
in th e calculation of th e mome nt of in ertia co mes, A valu e for th e equ a torial rad ius of th e s ph ere ca n
how e ver , from the calculati on of th e correc ti on for be found by fillin g th e sphere wi th a n oil of hi gh vis-
the drilled holes, brass fittin gs , wax used to affix th e cosity and meas urin g the peri od. Thi s is a pprox im ate ly
mirror , etc. Thi s correcti on amounts to 1.3 g' c m 2 • equivale nt to meas urin g th e moment of in e rtia of a
A lO-perce nt e rror in this calc ula tion, whi c h is a reaso n- ri gid sph ere. Oil N with a vi scosity of a bout 10 St was
able but generous estimate, would ca use a n error of used for thi s purpose. Th e mome nt of ine rti a was
± 0.010 pe rce nt in the moment of in ertia of th e smalles t calculated from eq (1) us in g th e vi scos it y meas -
c ylind eL Errors of les s than 5 }-ts in th e meas ured ured by a capillary instrum e nt. Thi s value of viscosity
p eri od and errors of less than 0_05 °C in the te mpe ra- need not be extremely acc urate since a one perce nt
ture ass igned to the wire caused a negligible error in error will lead to an error in e ffec ti ve radiu s of onl y
th e torsion con stant. about 0.005 perce nt. :l The e qu a tori al radiu s meas ured
in this way was 4.95525 cm. Th e diffe re nce be tw een
2 .2 . The Const ruction of the Sphere and the this and the radius of a s phere equal in volu me to tha t
Determinatio n of Its Rad ius meas ured is less than 0.01 perce nt a nd thi s differen ce
may be take n as th e un certainty in the radiu s of th e
Initiall y, a s pher e was co ns tructed of aluminum by
mac hinin g two he mi s ph e ri cal caviti es threaded to s ph ere. In fa ct, th e e vid e nce is tha t th e fi gure of th e
"s phere" was close to th a t of a prola te s ph eroid with
screw toge th er a t th e equ atoL Th ere was no way to
b e s ure, howeve r, th a t th e fit at the thread s was exact the equ a torial radius slightly greate r th a n th e polar
e nou gh to prevent the fl ow of a significant amount of radius. Co nseque ntly, in all subsequ e nt calc ula tions
we used a mome nt of in e rtia for th e fluid calc ula ted
fluid into the seam betwee n th e hemispheres. Ulti-
ma tely a nic kel s ph ere was mad e without this seam from the mass of the m eas ured volum e of fluid a nd th e
b y electroplatin g over a s pun aluminum form. The meas ured equatorial radiu s.
f orm was machine d to a sph ere and ground to a tol- 2 _3 . The Moment of In ertia of t he Empty Sphe re
e re nce of 0.001 in , th e n fitted with nic kel polar hubs
co ncentri c to th e s am e toleranc e. It was then plated The mom e nt of inertia of th e empty s ph e re was fo und
with a flas h platin g of co pper followed by a plating I n fac t , th e in de pe nd e nt va lue of th e viscos it y of N o il mea s ured b y th e dec re m ent
of nick el to a thi ckness of about 0.1 in_ The aluminum me th od (see secti o n 4) was within a hal f pe r ce nt nf lh e capill ary valu e .

to be 4074.45 g' em 2 ± 0.022 percent by timing the half periods to be larger than the odd ones. This
period of torsional oscillations at 25°C in vacuum. effect can be used to adjust the slit, first by rough
This value is based on the average of a number of mechanical adjustment and finally by setting the trigger
observations of the period of the empty sphere in a voltage of the timer. When the even and odd half
vacuum and on the previously determined value of K. periods approach the same limiting value, as they
An error of ±0.007 percent corresponds to the spread do in figure 3, the slit is set to give a correct zero
of a number of measurements made at different times. position.
It is accounted for, in part, by the condensed or Figure 4 shows a similar plot for the nickel sphere
absorbed material on the sphere wall which apparently filled with Octoil, but for two different starting ampli· I

varied each time the sphere was subjected to a vacuum tudes . No effects of starting amplitude are evident I
(the measured weight varied by about ± 0.005 percent), although the starting effect of the previous paragraph
and, further, by small changes in the mounting of the is present. This fact is important in establishing that
mirror. There is also a possible error of 0.015 percent secondary flows due to inertial effects in the fluid
associated with the value of the spring constant K. are not causing a measurable effect on the period.
This error will not contribute to the scatter in the obser· Figure 5 shows a similar plot for N oil. For this liquid,
vations of period. The actual timing errors involved in with a viscosity some 50 times that of Octoil, a pro·
measuring the period of the empty sphere were com· nounced amplitude effect can be observed. The data
pletely negligible, since they amounted to only 2 X 10- 4 after starting light amplitudes 4 of 12 to 36 degrees
percent of the period (see section 2.4). were obtained at the same temperature and pressure
Equation (1) applies to a sphere of fluid contained in within a forty minute period of time , and these data
a rigid shell of moment of inertia I . Thus, in calculating show an increase of sphere period with pass number
I, the effective moment of inertia of the small amounts until the amplitude has decreased to about 8 degrees.
of fluid in hub and sight glass should be added to the The data for a starting amplitude of the light of 8
degrees (obtained at a different ambient pressure
moment of inertia of the empty sphere. In practice,
and slightly different temperature) shows no change
these corrections for the nickel sphere are negligible
of period with pass number. 5 In measuring the period
because the small cylinders of fluid are all on the axis
of rotation. For the original aluminum sphere, however, of the sphere filled with Octoil, half periods before
the 5th pass are not used because of excessive "start· '.
the unknown amount of fluid which leaked into the
in g effect" and half.periods beyond the 9th pass
equatorial seam could produce a sensible effect.
were not used because of the very small amplitude.
2.4. The Period of the Oscillations Thus, the average of half periods starting with the 5th,
6th, 7th, and 8th passes (having light beam amplitudes
Measurements of period were made using an
in the range from 6 down to 3 degrees at the start
electronic timer with an optical lever and photomulti·
of timing), were used in the calculation of viscosity.
plier. Light from the 0.005·in diameter straight filament
of a shielded lamp shines through a window and lens Some measurements of period were made with the
(Q in figure 2) to a small galvanometer mirror (P in apparatus at atmospheric pressure. In such cases a
figure 2) fa stened to a brass fitting on the lower pole correction to the observed period was ascribed to the
air drag on the outer surface of the sphere. This correc-
of the sphere. The filament image is reflected through
the lens and window to a horizontally adjustable tion was determined from data on the period of the
vertical slit 0.005 in wide in an opaque film on the
outside of a slotted black box enclosing a photo·
multiplier tube. The output from the photomultiplier ALLOY SPHERE
tube is wired to the timer and to an oscilloscope. The 2.9510
photomultiplier and electronic timer arrangement was '"oz
checked against the NBS standard frequency and o
found to measure time intervals to within 5 MS. Errors ~
;;; 2.9508
from this source are completely negligible , since only o
o T
intervals of several seconds duration were measured. 0.1 % IN VISCOSITY o
The principal diffic ulties of the measurement of period 5a. .1.

are to be found in the mechanical arrangements. 2.9506

Actually, half periods were measured by timing the

intervals between zero crossings of the light beam.
At the beginning of the oscillations, there is a transient 2.9504 1...-....!..._-'----'-_-'---'_-'-_L--'-_-'---'-_...L.._
o 10 12
effect, referred to as a "zero·point drift" in the analysis PASS NUMB ER AT START OF TIMING
of the apparatus [1], which dies out in a few oscilla·
tions. This effect is illustrated in figure 3 which shows FIGURE 3. Period from time between zero-crossings plotted against
some data for the aluminum alloy sphere filled with number of zero-crossin.g at beginning of pass.
This example of water in the a luminum sp here illu s trates the transient effect.
water. (The effect is especially large with low viscosity
fluids and spheres of low moment of inertia.) The
time interval between zero crossings is plotted against ~ Th e angu lar amplitud e of th e osc illations of th ~· li g ht beam a re twi ce tho se of the sp here .
~'No t e th at the experimental scatter for the se measureme nts on a liquid with viscos it y
the number of the zero crossing at the beginning of we ll outside the desi~n range of the sp here has in creased from less than 0.1 percent to
the interval. The transient effect causes the even about 0.5 percent.

ti.on Of the fill ed sp he re de pends o nly sli ghtly on
4. 2990 D 8° LIGHT AMPLITUDE AT START - vIscosIty.
Pressures below 1 mm of me rc ury we re meas ured
by a McLeod gage. Press ures b etw een 1 mm and
- 1 atm we re de termin ed by s uit.able m a no me ters one
of which is s how n in fi gure 1. At mosp he ri c pre;s ure
was meas ured by a co nv e nti o na l me rc ury barom e ter.
- A mechani cal vac uum pump was used to ob tain th e
press ures less th an atmos ph e ric.
- Mercury-in-glass th e rmom e te rs (K in fi gure 2),
graduated in te nth s of degrees Celsiu s and calibrated
I -
I in hundredth s of degrees, we re used for meas urin g
o 6 S 10 12
the t e mperatu re in sid e th e ho usin g at a ppropr iate
positions. Th e calibration took into acco unt th e hori-
FI GURE 4. Period plotted against pass numberjor Octoil 5 showing zontal position of the th e rm o me ter s a nd co rrected for
transient effect but 11 0 amplitude effect. the ambi ent press ure a t th e bulb.
s ph e re while e mpty and while fill ed with air-free oil Whenev er th e s phere was fill ed it was imm e rsed
N at press ures ranging from 0.2 mm of H g to atmos- in a co nsta nt te mp erat ure oil bat h ' at 25.00 ± .01 DC
ph e ri cY Th e d ata obtained with th e e mpty sp he re :while th e oil level in th e sphere s ight glass wa s ad -
were inte rpre ted as havi ng 48 perce nt of th e air dra" Ju sted 1.0 a fidu c ial lin e. A syrin ge with a long needle
correc tion caused by the air within th e sp here, sin e: was used for addin g or re moving oil. T he bath te mpe r-
th at is the pe rce ntage o[ s urface area exposed in th e at ure was controlJed by a la rge- bulb me rc ury- in- glass
internal cavity . With these data a correc tio n co uld th ermoregula tor with fix ed e ncl osed platinum po ints.
be calculated for a give n pe riod a nd ai r press ure by Th e s ph ere a nd sight glass co uld be used as a dilatom-
linear interpolati o n. At 760 mm of H g these co rrec· e te r to calc ulate c han ges in de ns it y associated with
tio ns amounted to 550 f.L S. [or O c toil a nd 470 f.L S . for te mp erature a nd press ure variati ons.
N oil. Wh e n the w ire co ns ta nt was bein g de termin ed ,
Vibratio n fro m nearb y traffic co uld cause pe ndulum wh e n th e moment o[ in e rtia of th e e mpty s ph e re was
motions of th e sp here a nd interfere with th e measure· be in g meas ured, or wh e n th e s ph e re wa s bein!7 used
ment of pe ri od . A needl e from th e lowe r polar hub for vi scosity d e te rmination s, oil was pump el' from
of th e sp he re (or cylind e r wh e n calibratin g th e to rs ion th e co ns t.ant te mp erat ure oil bath throu gh th e copper
w!re) ext.e ndin g into a co ntain e r of hi gh viscos it y co il s urrounding th e s ph er e ho us in g. Th e th e rmoregu-
mIn eral oil (abo ut 10 S t at 25 DC) effectively damped la tor in th e oil bath was se t at 24.7 DC to allow for a
th e sw in gin g motion with no meas urabl e e ffec t o n 0.3 DC te mperature ri se in th e oil lin e follow ing th e
the pe ri od of th e oscill ation. As a furth er precaution . pump , whil e a s imilar th e rm oregula tor se t. at 24.9 DC
th e whole apparatu s was mounted on a base con- a nd e nclosed in a perforated he avy-wall co ppe r tube
sisting of two 30-in co nc rete c ubes (v is ibl e in fi gure 1) lo~a te d at the base of th e hous in g, near th e co pper
conn ecte d by four he avyw e ight s tee l rai lroad rail s CO il , co ntroll ed th e room air co nditi one r. This a rra n!7e-
em bedd ed in th e co ncre te at eac h e nd . Vibration· me nt. maintain e d the ambi e nt te mperature of ~he
in sul atin g pad s of la minated rubbe r a nd cork co mposi· hou sin g at 25.0 dc.
ti on und er th e corn e rs of eac h co ncrete c ube se pa rated
th e base from the concre te floor.

2.5. Miscellaneous 5.4038


Oc to il S is a com mercial di(2-e thylhexyl) sebacate

~ • 0 0
• 0 T
• 0
th at has bee n hi ghl y purified by mol ec ul ar di still ation. • 0 o • .1.
V> 5.4036
It was c hose n beca use its low vapor pressure (abou t o
6 X lO - i mm Hg at 25 DC) made it s uitable for use 8 0 LIGHT AMPLITUDE

und e r vac uum co nditions down to a bout 10- :1 mm H o' ~

and its viscosity (abo ut 19 cS t at 25 DC) is within th~'
;; 5.4034 .. .. ..
10 to 150 cS t de s ign range of th e s pheres.
Oil N is a P e nnsy lva ni a bright stoc k simil ar in vis·

cos ity to the discontinued SAE 70 motor oi l. It was 5.4032

c hose n because its low volatility und e r vacuum and

its viscosity (abo ut 1000 cSt) mad e it s uitable for 36° LIG HT AMPLITUDE
de termining the effective inn er radiu s of the sphere. 5.4030 ~
0 -L---:-
(See sec tio n 2.2) The viscosity is low e nough to pe rmit PASS NUMBER AT STAR T OF TiMING
fillin g and e mptyin g of th e sp he re with reasonable
ease a nd is hi gh e nou gh so th a t the period of oscilJa· F I GU RE 5. Period plotted aga.inst pass number for N oil showi ng
amplitude effect.
6 Account rnU !:lo t he fa ke!. of til e c hange of visc(.s ily with press ure (see st:c lioll 3), Th e data a l 8° light a rnl)iitud e was take n at te mpe rature d iffe re nt than for the oth e r dat a.

3. Calculation of Viscosity from Measured Air-free Octoil S at 0.24 mm Hg, 24.97 0c. p = 0.91014
Period ~cm3 .
Observed period, T= 4.297637 s.
The equation giving kinematic viscosity ~= viscosity/ The parameters of the sphere listed above are then:
density) in terms of the measured perIod, T, and
paramet~rs of the sphere is repeated here , with b , the
equatorial radius, replacing R, the radius of a perfect 10 = ~ V pb2 = 4554.660 g . cm 2 r·
sphere of the same volume (see section 2.2)
7=J... TK = 1.084750
J!=b2~ {j(O',7) 21T "VTo
0' = lIlo = 0.894566

In the table of calculated values of 7 is a li~e wi~h

0'=0.89450, 7= 1.084737, 1]=0.0050100, and In thIs
region of the table L11j/ L17 = 0.07042, L1f)/ L1O' =-0.0§380.

7=2: J1 i'hus, a linear interpolation gives us for the 1] cor-

responding to the observed 7 and 0':

b = equatorial radius = 4.95525 em 0 bib = ± 1.0

i} = 0.0050086
X10- 4 (sec. 2.2)
K = torsion constant of wire = 11455.54 dyn·cm from which we calculate
oK/K=± 1.5 X 10 - 4 (sec. 2.1)
I = measured moment of inertia of empty sphere J! = -ryb 2 (K/ 10)1 /2 = 19.504 cst.
= 4074.445 g' cm~ 0 J/I = 0 K/K
10= moment of inertia of liquid in sphere movin g
The systematic error associated. with this value
as rigid body
may be calculated in terms of the mdependent con-
V = volume of sphere excluding sight glass and
hubs=509.515 cm 3 stants of the experiment b, K, p , and Vas
p = density of test fluid
810 /10= op/p+o V/V+20 bib OJ! =( 1 _ ~~_ 2 ~ f!i1-) (Ob + §.e )
J! 1] aT 1] dO' b p
oV/V =± 2 X 10- 5
op/p =± 2 X 10- 5
+ 1. (1 +~~+2 ~ftiz) (OK + OV)
2 1] aT 1] aO' K V
The above uncertainties refer to systematic 7 errors
only, that is those associated with constants of the = ± 6.2 X 10 - 4 ,
apparatus and the density of the test fluid: The syste·
this 0.06 percent is the sum of the absolute values of
matic error in period was less than five mIcroseconds
the four independent contributions, that associated
and the periods were two seconds or longer. That in
with K giving 0.03 percent, that with b giving 0.02
wei <Things was less than 1 mg in values of 270 grams
or ~reater. Neither contribute significantl.y to the
percent, while the other two contributions are each
less than 0.01 percent.
total systematic error, though there were dIfferences
between replicate determinations due to variations in In order to compare this value of viscosity to that
the mass of the sphere (see section 2.3). obtained at atmospheric pressure with a capillary
instrument, one must know the effect of pressure
The functional relationships between TJ, 0', and 7
on the viscosity. At 25.00 °C and pressures below 10
comes from the solution of the equations of motion
mm of Hg, the viscosities of Octoil Sand N oil are
assuming that the fluid motion has no component in lower than that at atmospheric pressure by 0.20
planes containing the axis of rotation of the sphere percent and 0.30 percent respectively. This value can
(no secondary flow). It is an implicit relation which be calculated for Octoil from published measurements
can be used to calculate the 7'S corresponding to given of viscosity and density as a function of pressure for
values of TJ and 0'. A set of such solutions was computed both Octoil and Plexol, a less refined commercial
and tabulated with a fine enough grid so that linear <Trade of the same chemical. These liquids are labeled
interpolation was permissible. Thus, using an observed ~amples I-A and 19-D respectively in an ASTM
period T (from which 7 could be calculated) and a report on pressure effects on lubricating fluids [4].
known 0' , a corresponding value or TJ could be found . The effect of pressure on the viscosity of N oil was
from the computed tables by interpolation and a measured with relative viscometers in our laboratory,
corresponding value of J! obtained. and the effect on the density of both oils measured
Example of calculation of viscosity from period: using the sphere as a dilatometer.
Corrections of p and J! for the effect of being air-free
7 The se errors will not prudu ce a sca tter among replicate determinations of the viscosity were also needed for both oil Nand Octoil S. For air-
of a give n fluid. free oil N at 25.00 °C the density was greater by
0.00007 g/c m3 and the viscosity was greate r by 0.038 pressure was d ecreased below 0.1 mm . Measurements
St (0.36 percent) than that of air saturated oil N; for of the period of th e e mpty sp here s howed no change
Octoil S the corres pondin g de nsity differe nce is throughout th e range of pressures from 1.0 to 0.01
0.000010 g/c m 3 and the viscosity diffe re nce is 0.00068 mm Hg_ Presumably, the effec ts of pres ure c ha nges
S t (0. 35 perce nt). With oil N, th ese co rrection s were down to press ures of LO mm of Hg are primarily
es timated from relative meas ure me nts with a ca pil- through changes of th e density of a ir while those for
lary viscometer and from weighings of a known volume pressures below 0.1 m m of Hg are associated with th e
in the NBS density laboratory. Air-free Oc toil S (much c hanging viscosity or mean free path of the air. Dat.a
lower in viscosity than oil N) apparently di ssolved were obtained with oil N:J5 a nd Octoil S at pressures
air rapidly while b ein g transferre d from th e sp here down to about 0.1 mm Hg.
to capillary viscometers or volume tri c flas ks. Accord- In the ran ge of 0.1 to ] mm Hg a mbi e nt pressure,
in gly, for Octod S these co rrec tion s were es timated the magnitude of th e correc ti ons to th e decrement,
from relative measure me nts made with th e sa mple D, were es timated as :
in the sp here a nd a t atmospheric pressure. co rrecti on du e to inte rn al friction of wire 0.000067
correction du e to air drag on sp here 0.000031.
4. Determination of the Viscosity of N oil by Th ese s hould be co mpared to a total decrement for
Measurement of Decrement oil N of about 0.04.
Th e vi scosity of oil N obta in ed by thi s decre me nt
Since th e viscosity of oil N is used in th e de termina- me thod was within 0.5 percent of th e value obtained
tion of the radius of the sp here (see sec tion 2.2) the by cap illary met hods relative to the cur re ntl y accep ted
apparatu s was adapted to gi ve a n ind e pe nd e nt value of va lu e for the viscosity of water at 20°C.
this viscosity through meas ure me nt of th e decrement
of th e tors ional oscillation.
The apparatus was des igned for th e determination
s. Results
of viscosities by meas ure ment of periods, and origi - Th e co ll ecti on of meas ured values of kin emati c
nally, no provi sion was mad e for determin ing decre- viscosity of Oc toil S is s hown in table 2. These meas-
me nt. We found , howeve r, that quite accurate decre- s ureme nts were made at various ti mes ove r a period
ments co uld be measured through timing s uccessive of abou t two years. Values measured with the origina l
passes of the li ght beam through a sma ll interval nea r mac hined aluminum sphere are included a nd are
th e zero res t position. Th e si ngle 0.005·in s lit in front marked with one or two asterisks to indicate two
of th e photomultiplier tube was replaced with two co nditi ons of s moothness of th e interior surface. H
simil ar slits with their ce nters 0.065 inches apart. S in ce the te mp erature a nd pressure varied s li ghtl y
At rest, the li ght beam trigge ring edge was adj us ted for th e differe nt measurements, we co mp are them in
midway be tw ee n the two s lits. In motion , th e li ght terms of the difference between the viscosity measured
beam tri ggerin g edge s tarted th e tim e r as it passed in the sp he re and th at measured in a relative capillary
the ce nte r of one slit and s topped it as it passed the viscometer, calibrated in term s of the gene rall y accept-
corresponding position in th e seco nd slit. The 0.065·in ed value for th e viscosity of water, at th e sa me temper-
interval was c hosen to be large e nou gh for good ac- a ture and press ure [2]. Measurements were also
c uracy of timin g and s mall e nou gh so that th e average made on several test fluid s outside the design range
velocity over the inte rval would be nearly th e same as of the apparatus to see if the deviations are consistent
the in s tantan eo us velocity at the zero rest position. with our analysis of th e in s trum ent. Th ese fluid s, water
For co mputin g the viscosity from decreme nt, th e and two of the stand ard viscosity fluid s formerly
ratios of timings for the 0.065·in li ght bea m travel distributed by NBS, eac h had a vapor pressure a t room
near the zero res t position, for s uccessive passes in te mperature which excluded the possibility of operat-
th e sa me direc tion, were used. The ratio was meas ured ing the instrument in vacuum. Co nse qu e ntly , all the
[or beam travel in eac h direction and th en averaged de terminati ons of viscosity on these three fluid s
to minimize the error caused by any inexactitude in involv ed a period correcte d to account for air drag
ce nte rin g of th e inte rval. If til de notes th e time for nth (see section 2.4.). The results are s how n in table 3.
trav erse of the interval, D de notes a decre me nt defin ed De terminations of viscosity by th e decre men t method
by are found in table 4.
A sys te mati c e rror of ± 0.06 percent was es timated
for th e meas ure me nt of th e viscosity of Octoil S as
noted in section 3. Calculations for water, Oil D, and
Oil L yie lded values ran gin g from ± 0.05 to ± 0.07
This decre me nt must be corrected for the dampin g percent, an in significant variation, with an average for
caused by the internal fri ction o[ the torsion wire and th e four calc ulated values of ± 0.065 percent. We may
th e viscous "air-drag." therefore assign an estimated sys te mati c error of
Decre me nt meas ure me nts were made with the ± 0.07 perce nt to the measurement of any fluid in
e mpty s phere oscillating in air from atmospheric this range of viscosity (l to 90 cS t).
pressure down to 0.008 mm Hg. The damping decreased
with decreasin g press ure at pressures above 1.0 mm
li The aluminum sp here consi sted of two hemispheres which screwed together at the
·Hg, re mained alf\lost constant while the pressure was equator. Th e re sulting seam between th e hem ispheres introduced a n e rror in the measured
be twee n 1.0 and 0.1 mm , and again decreased as the viscosity which was probably as much as OJ percen t .

TABLE 2. Comparison of viscosity of Octoil S (in centistokes) measured by sphere period (absolute method) and capillary (relative method c,
with value calculated based on visrosity of water at 20°C = 1.004 cSt) I
Ambient Vspherc. V sp here - Vc;w X 100
Fluid and condit ion press ure from penod
measurements Veal}

nun Hg cSt percent

O etoil S, a ir· saturated 758 19 .475 0.404

757 19.477 .414
(v ca ,, = 19.397) 745 19.468 .366
738 19.468 .364
735 19.470 .375

Average atmos 19.472 0.385

Oetoil S , air-free 766 19.541 0.389

766 19.539 .382
(V c",,= 19.465) 766 19.537 .369
756 19.544 .404
759 19.548 .427
759 19.547 .419
760 19. 550 .435
740 19.541 .390
755 19.540 .383

Average atmo s 19.543 0.400

O etoil S, ai r-free 0.24 19.484 0.297

(v e ,,,, = 19.426) .16 19.497 .368
2.0 19.497 .363
0.9 19. 510 .433

Average vae 19.497 0.365

Oetoil S, average , all ................ ... ..... ........ ..... 0.388

O e toil S,* air-free 756 19.533 0.347

756 19.517 .269
(v e,,,, = 19.465) 756 19.513 .245
755 19.508 .22]
753 19.524 .303
753 19.525 .307

Average atmos 19.520 0.282

Oetoil S, * air-free 0.15 19.495 0.356

.15 19.488 .32]
(ve",,= 19 .426) .13 19 .483 .293
.12 19.492 .342
.11 19.495 .354

Average vae 19.491 0.333

Oetoil S,* average , a ll ................ . ...... ..... . ..... ..... . 0.305

Oetoil S,** air·free 756 19.570 0.538

756 19.572 .549
(v e",, = 19.465) 760 19.556 .465

Average atmos 19.566 0.517

O e toil S,** air·free 1.0 19.522 0.493

0.22 19.524 .504
(v e",,= 19 .426) 0.22 19.528 .524

Average vae 19.525 0.507

Oetoil S,** average, all ..... . . . ........ .. .. ................ . . .. 0.512

* In aluminum alloy sp here as mac hined.

** In alumin um alloy sphere after poli shin g int erior.

TABLE 3. Comparison oj vis cosities (in centislOkes) m.eas ured by sphere period (absolut e method) and cap£llary (relative method with
v{due calculated based on viscosity oj water at 20 °C = 1.004 cS t ).

Ambient Vsphere. V sph crc - Vc,w X 100

Fluid and co nd it ion pre ss ure from perIod
measurements V C<l P

"un fig cSt percent

L:!1, a ir-saturated 752 86.991 0.275

752 87 .020 .309
(V,."" = 86 .752) 752 86 .996 .28 1
755 87 .047 .340
758 86.965 .246
758 86.983 .266

Average atrnos 87.000 0.286

Wate r, a ir- satura ted 745 0 .90020 0.813

746 .89992 .782
(v,."" = 0.89294) 752 .89928 .710
754 .89857 .631
759 .89855 .628
759 .89828 .598
753 .90087 .888
756 .90199 1.013
756 .90196 1.010
754 .90191 1.005

Average atrnos 0.90015 0.808

Wat e r, a ir·free 760 0.895]8 0.251

760 .89544 .280
(V,."" = 0.89294 759 .89518 .251
754 .90050 .847
754 .90041 .837
752 .90147 .955
751 .90215 1.031
751 .90168 .978
752 .89693 .447
751 .89681 .433
751 .89654 .403
757 .89699 .454
759 .90098 .900
758 .901 39 .946
759 .90128 .934
761 .89989 .778
755 .89632 .378
755 .89723 .480
759 .89663 .413

Ave rage atmos 0.89858 0.631

D , ~, a ir-satura ted 752 3.1859 0.512

751 3.1856 .502
(veal' = 3.1697) 751 3.1855 .498
742 3.1856 .502

Average atmos 3.1857 0 .504

D,~, air·saturated 756 3.1913 0.511

755 3.1885 .422
(V,."" = 3.1751) 754 3.1934 .577
752 3.1932 .569
756 3. 1937 .585
748 3.1936 .584

Average atmos 3.1923 0.541

0" , average, all .. .. ........ .... . . .. ...... . .. . ...... . . .. . 0.526

TABLE 4. Comparison of viscosities (in centistokes) measured by decrement method a nd capillary (rela tive method wit h value calculated
based on viscosity of water at 20 °C= 1.004 cSt).

Ambient v sphe re fro m I

V sllh ere - Vcap X 100
F luid and condition pressure decreme nt
measure ment s , I

mmHg cSt percent

N35 , air-free 762 1054.3 0.603

761 1052.8 .457
(vco,,= 1048.0) 753 1053.8 .555

Average atmos 1053.6 0 .538

N35, air-free 632 1052.3 0.460

524 1050.7 .354
303 1050.0 .374
164 1051.2 .540
145 1051.8 .606
59 1050.4 .510
21 1050.2 .497

Average . .. .......... . .... .. ....... ........ .. .. 0.477

N35 , a ir-free 2.5 1050.4 0.528

2.0 1050.1 .500
(v ca,,= 1044.9) 0.45 1050.5 .540
.25 1051.4 .623

Average vae 1050.6 0.548

N"5, ave rage, a ll . .. .. ............. .. .... .. ... .... ....... 0.510

Oetoil S, a ir·free 762 19.391 - 0. 382

I 762 19.395 - .360
(V""" = 19. 465) 760 19.391 - .382
760 19.452 - .067
760 19.432 - .167
758 19.479 .070
754 19.483 .093

Average atmos 19.432 -0.171

Oetoi l S, ai r·free 645 19.460 0.004

531 19.450 - .016
431 19.469 .107
363 19.516 .365
317 19.463 .107
154 19.453 .100
150 19.486 .265
37 19.467 .200

Average ... ... ... .. ........ ............ ... ...... . 0.142

Oetoil S, air·free 9 19. 468 0.216

9 19.446 .102
(Vca,,= 19.426) 8 19.427 .005
3 19.422 - .019
2 19.493 .344
0.33 19.441 .075
.29 19.423 - .014

Average vae 19.446 0.101

Oetoil S, average, a ll ...... .... . .. ...... .... .... ....... ....... 0.029

In addition there was observed, of cours e, a variabil- °C respectively. This will affect the viscosity of the
ity betwee n replicate measure ments of the same fluid being meas ured and the torsion constant of the
fluid. There are primarily two fac tors which are wire. The e ffe ct on dimensions of the sphere is not
responsible for this. First we expect small variations signifi cant. The second factor, and the major one, is
in the actual temperature of the fluid and the torsion the observed variation in the weight of the sphere
wire whi ch we es tim ate to be ± 0.005 °C and ± 0.05 which seems to account for the variability of 0.007

---------------- -

pe rce nt in the moment of in e rtia of th e e mpty s ph ere 1.2 .---- -- - - . - - - - - - .,-- - - - - ,,-- - - - - ,
wh e n me asured in vac uum . For meas ure me nts at -
atmospheric press ure thi s variability in th e meas ured 0.8 f- -
mom e nt of inertia in c rease d to 0.01 percent. Pre-
s umably th ese variation s in { will also occ ur be twee n o f-
meas ure ments of viscosity and we have cal c ulated g OAf- -
th e variability in the meas ured vi scosity by makin g ~~ f- -
thi s assumption. -
Measurements of vi scos ity by th e period me thod
a re plotted in fi gure 6. Th e res ults are presented in f- -
te rm s of the perce nt dev iation of individual meas ure-
me nts from th e res ults of rel a tive vi sco me try with
- OA f-
, 10

c apillary in struments takin g the vi scosity of water 0.1 LO

as 1.002 ce ntipoise (1.004 ce nti stokes) at 20 °C.

Th e das hed lin es are ce nte re d on th e mea n of th e FI GU RE 6. Th e difference in p ercent betwee n the measurement oj
viscosity with the sph ere and th e relative va lue by capillary
observed points for eac h liquid to indi cate the es timate mea.surement .
of s pread of e rrors calc ulated a bove. Th e agreement Th e zero corres pond s tn capi ll ary meas ure me nts ba sed on th e c urren t st and ard of 1.002 c P
betwee n th e obse rv ed variability and that es ti mated for th e viscos it y of wa le r at 20 °C.

is as close as we could expec t. For wate r, O ctoil S, expect grea te r rou ghn ess to co rres pond to hi gher
a nd Oil L th e a}!reeme nt is almos t exac t. F or Oil D th e
valu es of vi scos ity. Th e diffe re nce observed he re was
obse rv ed sp rea d is s mall er than that es tim a ted_
in th e oppos ite direction. It is clear from fi gure 6 th at
prob a bly because of th e limited numb e r of obse rva-
all the measure me nts of vi scos ity made by timin g
tion s. Th e calculate d sys te mati c e rror a nd variability th e period of th e s ph e re are mu tually con siste nt amon g
for pe riod meas ure me nts on Oil N were 3.9 perce nt th e mselv es . It is also cl e ar from fi gure 6 that our meas-
and 1.1 perce nt res pective ly . Th e s pread of a few ure me nts of th e vi scos ity in th e design ran ge of the ap-
observatiqns of the period with Oil N in th e s ph ere
paratu s (Octoil S and Oil L) are 0. 3 pe rce nt or 0.4
were co nsiste nt with th e latter valu e; th e das hed lin es
pe rce nt hi ghe r than th e relative meas ure me nts with a
are co ntinu ed toward thi s ra nge of vi scosit y me rely
capillary in s trum e nt takin g th e vi scosity of wate r as
to indi cate th a t we expec ted . a nd obse rved. greater
variability on both si d es of th e des ign range . 1.002 cP (1.004 cS t) at 20 °C. Th ese e rrors a re beyond
our es timate of th e maximum possible e rror. W e can
In a n attempt to see if th e s moothn ess of th e inn er
only co nclud e that th e re is an unid e ntifi ed sys te m-
s urface of th e sph e re mi ght have any influ e nce on th e
ati c error in one or both of th ese me thod s of meas urin g
observed period, th e origin al tool marks in th e alumi-
vi scos ity.
num s ph er e were polished off, chan gin g th e rou ghn ess 9
from th e orig inal 20 mi c roin c hes to 5 mi croin c hes.
Of course, a ne w se t of co nsta nts for t.h e sp here had to 6. References
be de ter min ed aft.er thi s poli shin g. Table 2 includ es
values of vi scos ity o btain ed with t.h e aluminum s ph ere
[J I Kea rsley, E. A. , An a naly sis of a n a bso lute tors ional pe ndulum
both before (*) and after (**) thi s polishing procedure. vi sco mete r , Tran s. Soc. Rh eo l. 111 ,69-80 (l959).
Th e diffe re nce of about 0.2 perce nt is consi s te nt with a [21 Marvin , R. S., Th e accu racy of meas ure me nl s of viscos il y of
reaso nable se t of e rror estimates for th e aluminum liquid s. J . Res . Na t. Bur. S ta nd . (U.s.). 75A (phys ics a nd
sphere , in whic h we know that th e re is an un certainty C he m. ), No.6 , 535-540 (Nov. - Dec. 197 ] ).
[3 1 Kes tin , ]. , and Moszy ns ki , J. M. , A n ex per im e n' a l inv es ti ga ti on
in th e de te rmination of I du e to the seam be tw ee n th e of th e inte rn a l fri ction of thin platinum a ll oy wires a l low fre-
two he mi s ph er es (see section 2.3). If th e rou ghn ess of qu e nc ies, Brown Unive rsity Re port , AF 89]/11 , Jul y 1958.
our sp heres did influe nce our measurement s, we would [4] ASME Press ure Viscosity Re port , 1I , Vis cosil y a nd d e nsity of
over 40 lubri catin)! "fluids of known co mpos iti on a l press ures
to 150 ,000 P si and te mpe ratures to 425 of (1953).
9 Th e se va lu es re prese nt t he ari th me ti c al avcrag.e of th e irre gu larities in s urfa('c h e i~ h t a s
meas u red wi th a p rofil omctc r. (Paper 75A6- 685)

443-082 OL - 71 - 2

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