Catch Up Fridays

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General Overview:

Catch-Up Subject: Mathematics

Grade Level: Grade 7

Quarterly Theme: Compassion

Sub-theme: Peace concept

Subject Integration:

1) Subject: Science

- Connection: Integrating peace education into Science allows students to

understand the interconnectedness of peace and environmental conservation. For
instance, studying ecosystems and the impact of human activities on nature can
foster empathy towards the environment, promoting peaceful coexistence with the

2) Subject: English

- Connection: English language skills are vital for effective communication, a

cornerstone of peacebuilding. Through language activities like debates on social
issues or writing about conflict resolution scenarios, students can enhance their
empathy and understanding of diverse perspectives, contributing to a more peaceful

3) Subject: Social Studies

- Connection: Social Studies provides a platform to explore historical events,

cultures, and societal structures, fostering empathy and respect for different
communities. By studying past conflicts and peace movements, students can grasp
the importance of peacebuilding and tolerance in creating harmonious societies.
II. Session Outline:

Session Title: Cultivating Peaceful Minds through Mathematics

Session Objectives:

1. To enhance learners' knowledge and skills in mathematics while fostering values

of empathy, compassion, and peace.

2. To develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities through real-world

scenarios promoting peace and cooperation.

Key Concepts: Embracing peace concepts through mathematics involves

understanding the interconnectedness of numbers, patterns, and relationships,
mirroring the harmony and balance essential for peaceful coexistence and problem-
solving in society.

III. Teaching Strategies:

Introduction and Warm Up:

Activity Title: "Mathematical Harmony"

Description: Engage students by discussing how patterns and sequences in

mathematics reflect the order and balance essential for peace.

Duration: 10 minutes

Materials: Whiteboard, markers


1. Introduce the concept of patterns in mathematics and their significance in

creating order.

2. Discuss how recognizing patterns can lead to solutions and harmony, similar to
resolving conflicts peacefully.

3. Ask students to identify patterns in everyday life and how they contribute to a
peaceful environment.

4. Summarize key points on the whiteboard, emphasizing the connection between

patterns in mathematics and peaceful coexistence.

Concept Exploration:

Activity Title: "Math for Peace"

Description: Explore real-world scenarios where mathematical concepts can be

applied to promote peace and cooperation.

Duration: 15 minutes

Materials: Worksheets with word problems, calculators


1. Provide students with word problems related to sharing resources, fair

distribution, or collaborative projects.

2. Encourage students to work in groups to solve the problems using

mathematical reasoning and critical thinking.

3. Discuss the solutions as a class, highlighting the importance of cooperation and

empathy in problem-solving.

4. Relate the scenarios to real-life situations where mathematical principles can

foster peaceful interactions and equitable outcomes.

Activity Title: "Mathematical Mediation"

Description: Engage students in a role-playing activity where they use

mathematical negotiation skills to resolve conflicts peacefully.

Duration: 20 minutes

Materials: Role-play scenarios, props (optional)


1. Divide students into pairs and provide them with conflict scenarios involving
sharing resources or resolving disputes.

2. Instruct each pair to negotiate a peaceful solution using mathematical concepts

such as division, proportionality, or compromise.

3. Encourage students to communicate effectively, listen actively, and consider

each other's perspectives.

4. Facilitate a discussion after the role-plays, emphasizing the role of empathy,

compromise, and understanding in peaceful conflict resolution.


Activity Title: "Mathematical Peace Pledge"

Description: Have students reflect on the session and create a personal pledge to
use mathematics for promoting peace and cooperation.

Duration: 10 minutes

Materials: Paper, markers


1. Ask students to think about how mathematics can contribute to peacebuilding

and harmonious relationships.

2. Have them write or draw their mathematical peace pledge, outlining how they
will apply mathematical principles for peaceful interactions.

3. Provide time for students to share their pledges with the class, fostering a
sense of collective commitment to using mathematics for positive change.

4. Conclude by reinforcing the importance of empathy, cooperation, and problem-

solving skills in creating a more peaceful and equitable society.

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