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Gpon Port - Xbox patching scenario


• Socialization of core alignment ever do in earlier project start
• New subscriber activation (auto provisioning) are based on Gpon Port as data input from HPTAR
• Founding case that new subscriber cannot auto provisioning due to indicated Gpon port are not align with data input from
• As troubleshoot trace find that core management on XBOX are not following plan or cable MPO at XBOX/ SPO at HUB
output are wrong port, and not recorded in actual data prior submitted to HPTAR

Target / Goals from this refreshment, to refresh the understanding of port on OLT Gpon and XBOX also to emphasize team to
sync on with plan data. So, in future can avoid the cross Gpon issue and avoid customer/sales complain during new installation
GPON Port default
Blade OLT Huawei OLT ID : XXX
00/01/00 00/01/08
FxxxxxD0xS0x -
00/01/01 00/01/09
- -
00/01/02 00/01/10
- -
00/01/03 00/01/11

MPO - 1
MPO - 0 - -
00/01/04 00/01/12
- -
00/01/05 00/01/13
- -
00/01/06 00/01/14
- -
00/01/07 00/01/15
- FxxxxxD0xS0x

Penamaan (Frame/Slot/Port)
dimulai dari 0/1/0 sampai dengan 0/1/15
Xbox Port default
10 pcs MPO Pigtail secara default akan
terpasang semua ke masing2 cassette:
6 pcs MPO pigtail input,
4 pcs MPO pigtail output dari 4 cassette

Unplug 4 pcs MPO Pigtail yang tidak
terkoneksi ke MPO input OLT (port
merah) dari masing2 cassette.
Xbox Port default
Setelah tersisa 2 MPO pigtail input, akan terlihat konfigurasi awal, sbb:
MPO 0 Input XBOX Cassette A

MPO out - 1
bl - 0/1/0 Port 1
or - 0/1/1 Port 2
gr - 0/1/2 Port 3
br - 0/1/3 Port 4 1 4
sl - not use
0 3
wh - not use
rd - not use 2 1

MPO out - 2
bk - not use Cassette B
yl - 0/1/4 Port 1
vl - 0/1/5 Port 2
rs - 0/1/6 Port 3
aq - 0/1/7 Port 4 XBOX

MPO out - 3
MPO 1 Input XBOX Cassette C
MPO in – from
bl - 0/1/8 Port 1
or - 0/1/9 Port 2 OLT MPO out – to HUB
gr - 0/1/10 Port 3
br - 0/1/11 Port 4
sl - not use
wh - not use
rd - not use

MPO out - 4
bk - not use Cassette D
yl - 0/1/12 Port 1
vl - 0/1/13 Port 2
rs - 0/1/14 Port 3
aq - 0/1/15 Port 4
Xbox Port default
Default konfigurasi hanya untuk kondisi dibawah ini:
1. OLT hanya mengcover 4 FDT, dengan masing – masing MPO output dari Xbox hanya 1 FDT (tanpa cascading)
2. Tiap FDT mengcover max 256 homepass (menggunakan 4 Gpon port)
3. Sequence / urutan FDT/Line dengan kondisi keseluruhan FDT terdesign secara gruping, penempatan OLT pada titik pusat area coverage, dan jarak terdekat dari OLT

MPO 1 Input XBOX Cassette A HUB/FDT01 MPO 2 Input XBOX Cassette C HUB/FDT03
FxxxxxD01S01A01 FxxxxxD03S01A01
bl - 0/1/0 Port 1 bl - 0/1/8 Port 1
FxxxxxD01S01B01 FxxxxxD03S01B01
FxxxxxD01S02C01 FxxxxxD03S02C01
or - 0/1/1 Port 2 or - 0/1/9 Port 2
FxxxxxD01S02D01 FxxxxxD03S02D01
FxxxxxD01S03E01 FxxxxxD03S03E01
gr - 0/1/2 Port 3 gr - 0/1/10 Port 3
FxxxxxD01S03F01 FxxxxxD03S03F01
FxxxxxD01S04G01 FxxxxxD03S04G01
br - 0/1/3 Port 4 br - 0/1/11 Port 4
FxxxxxD01S04H01 FxxxxxD03S04H01
sl - not use sl - not use
wh - not use wh - not use
rd - not use rd - not use
bk - not use Cassette B HUB/FDT02 bk - not use Cassette D HUB/FDT04
FxxxxxD02S01A01 FxxxxxD04S01A01
yl - 0/1/4 Port 1 yl - 0/1/12 Port 1
FxxxxxD02S01B01 FxxxxxD04S01B01
FxxxxxD02S02C01 FxxxxxD04S02C01
vl - 0/1/5 Port 2 vl - 0/1/13 Port 2
FxxxxxD02S02D01 FxxxxxD04S02D01
FxxxxxD02S03E01 FxxxxxD04S03E01
rs - 0/1/6 Port 3 rs - 0/1/14 Port 3
FxxxxxD02S03F01 FxxxxxD04S03F01
FxxxxxD02S04G01 FxxxxxD04S04G01
aq - 0/1/7 Port 4 aq - 0/1/15 Port 4
FxxxxxD02S04H01 FxxxxxD04S04H01
Preventive suggestion
1. Make temporary label during cable pulling implementation, to avoid wrong port at XBOX/HUB. Can using white marker or sticker or ties tag
Preventive Suggestion
00/01/00 00/01/08 2. Follow design plan approve.
FKDU07D03S01 FKDU07D04S03
00/01/01 00/01/09
FKDU07D03S02 -
00/01/02 00/01/10
FKDU07D02S01 -
00/01/03 00/01/11 MPO 1 Input XBOX Cassette B MPO 2 Output XBOX Contoh konfigurasi sesuai actual
FKDU07D02S02 - bl - FKDU07D04S01 Port 1 bl - FKDU07D04S01
00/01/04 00/01/12
FKDU07D01S01 -
or - FKDU07D04S02 Port 2 or - FKDU07D04S02 design:
00/01/05 00/01/13 gr - FKDU07D04S03 Port 3 gr - FKDU07D04S03
br - Port 4 br -
00/01/14 sl - Port 5 sl - • Design OLT coverage terpisah
FKDU07D04S01 - wh - Port 6 wh -
rd - Port 7 rd - masing – masing FDT (tidak
MPO 0 MPO 1 bk - Port 8 bk -
yl - Port 9 yl -
vl - Port 10 vl -
tergruping di awal karena permit
rs - Port 11 rs -
aq - Port 12 aq - tidak berbarengan
• Aktual posisi OLT ada pada ujung
• Sehingga sequence penggunaan
MPO 0 Input XBOX Cassette A MPO 1 Output XBOX gpon dimulai dari FDT 3
bl - FKDU07D03S01 Port 1 bl - FKDU07D03S01
or - FKDU07D03S02 Port 2 or - FKDU07D03S02
gr - FKDU07D02S01 Port 3 gr -
br - FKDU07D02S02 Port 4 br -
sl - Port 5 sl - FKDU07D02S01
wh - Port 6 wh - FKDU07D02S02
rd - Port 7 rd -
bk - Port 8 bk -
yl - FKDU07D01S01 Port 9 yl - FKDU07D01S01
vl - FKDU07D01S02 Port 10 vl - FKDU07D01S02
rs - Port 11 rs -
aq - Port 12 aq -
Preventive Suggestion
3. Record actual data core management if any changing, make sure this actual data align with team database which prepare HPTAR, especially in sheet “GPON”
4. Do alignment test during OPM test, lakukan dengan plug dan unplug GPON pactchcord pada OLT.

Butuh double check untuk kolom pengisian manual Pastikan pengisian pada sheet “HPT” sudah benar

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