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Archival Report Celebrating

50 Years

Strengthened Hippocampal Circuits Underlie

Enhanced Retrieval of Extinguished Fear
Memories Following Mindfulness Training
Gunes Sevinc, Britta K. Hölzel, Jonathan Greenberg, Tim Gard, Vincent Brunsch,
Javeria A. Hashmi, Mark Vangel, Scott P. Orr, Mohammed R. Milad, and Sara W. Lazar

BACKGROUND: The role of hippocampus in context-dependent recall of extinction is well recognized. However, little
is known about how intervention-induced changes in hippocampal networks relate to improvements in extinction
learning. In this study, we hypothesized that mindfulness training creates an optimal exposure condition by
heightening attention and awareness of present moment sensory experience, leading to enhanced extinction
learning, improved emotion regulation, and reduced anxiety symptoms.
METHODS: We tested this hypothesis in a randomized controlled longitudinal study design using a 2-day fear
conditioning and extinction protocol. The mindfulness training group included 42 participants (28 women) and the
control group included 25 participants (15 women).
RESULTS: We show that mindfulness training is associated with differential engagement of the right supramarginal
gyrus as well as hippocampal-cortical reorganization. We also report enhanced hippocampal connectivity to the
primary sensory cortex during retrieval of extinguished stimuli following mindfulness training.
CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest hippocampal-dependent changes in contextual retrieval as one plausible
neural mechanism through which mindfulness-based interventions enhance fear extinction and foster stress
Keywords: Extinction, Extinction retrieval, Fear memory, fMRI, Hippocampus, Mindfulness

The ability to recall that a stimulus is no longer associated with Relying on the critical role of the hippocampus in context-
threat is crucial to healthy emotional functioning and is a major dependent retrieval of extinguished stimuli and the concep-
component of emotion regulation (1–3). This ability serves as tual similarity between therapeutic exposure and mindful
the basis for exposure-based therapies and is critical to treat a awareness, we hypothesize that mindfulness training might
variety of disorders including phobia, trauma, and other anxiety lead to improvements in extinction learning through alterations
disorders (4,5). During exposure-based therapies, individuals in hippocampal functioning during retrieval. Furthermore, core
are presented with fear-inducing stimuli in a controlled envi- components of mindfulness training include attention control,
ronment until the response to the eliciting stimulus gradually emotion regulation, and sensory awareness (21). Investigations
declines while behavioral patterns of avoidance that reinforce into the effects of mindfulness interventions on a range of
the fear response dissolve (6). Mindfulness meditation is health outcomes have also identified alterations in somato-
thought to create a state of optimal exposure (7,8) in which sensory processing (22,23) and attentional networks as med-
aversive stimuli are experienced with nonreactive acceptance itators of these improvements (24,25). Given the role of
(7,8), and facilitate extinction learning. Mindfulness-enhanced attention in retrieval, and the critical role of corticohippocampal
extinction learning and the neural mechanisms associated networks, we hypothesize that training-dependent changes in
with this enhancement, however, have not been fully explored. these networks might also contribute to changes in extinction
Extinction learning entails the formation of a new associa- learning and retrieval.
tion and consists of separate processes of acquisition, We tested these hypotheses in a randomized, controlled
consolidation, and retrieval (9–11). The hippocampus is critical study using a well-established fear conditioning and extinction
to the consolidation and retrieval processes and gates the paradigm adapted for the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
expression of either the conditioned fear or extinction memory, environment before and after an 8-week mindfulness-based
depending on contextual information (12–15). Mindfulness stress reduction (MBSR) or exercise-based stress manage-
training leads to improvements in memory (16,17) as well as to ment education (SME) program (1,13,26). This active control
changes in hippocampal structure and function (18–20). condition was matched to MBSR in the amount of facilitator


ª 2019 Society of Biological Psychiatry. This is an open access article under the 693
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ISSN: 0006-3223 Biological Psychiatry November 1, 2019; 86:693–702
50 Years Enhanced Retrieval of Extinguished Fear

contact and home practice assigned to allow for an exami- completed the DERS questionnaire; from the SME group these
nation of mechanisms of action specific to mindfulness numbers were 22 and 23 participants, respectively.
training. Importantly, because exercise is well known to pro-
mote emotion regulation (27), as well as enhance hippocampal Fear Conditioning and Extinction Paradigm
structure and function (27,28), we expected comparable in- The scanning protocol comprised a 2-day classical fear con-
creases in functional engagement of the hippocampus for both ditioning and extinction paradigm validated in healthy subject
interventions. However, assuming different mechanisms of (4,33) and patient (1,2,34) populations. Briefly, the fear-
action, we hypothesized that mindfulness training would conditioning procedure consisted of acquisition (“condition-
differentially impact the functional connectivity of hippocampal ing”) and extinction phases on day 1, and a delayed extinction
networks, predominantly in regions associated with attention, recall phase on day 2. Skin conductance responses were
sensory awareness, and contextual processing. collected and scored as previously described (2,13) (see the
Supplement). Owing to low data quality and low compliance
METHODS AND MATERIALS with our criteria (i.e., to exhibit signal changes during condi-
tioning), only16 participants had both functional neuroimaging
Participants and skin conductance data (8 per group).
Subjects 18 to 50 years of age were recruited via public
transportation advertisements for stress-reduction programs. Image Acquisition
In addition to the standard MRI safety exclusion criteria, par- Imaging data were acquired on a Siemen’s Prisma 3.0T
ticipants were required to be right-handed, have no current equipped for echo-planar imaging (Siemens Medical Systems,
psychiatric or neurological disorders, and not be engaged in Iselin, NJ) with a 32-channel gradient head coil. An automated
psychotherapy or have taken psychotropic medications within scout image was obtained to facilitate alignment of pre- and
12 months prior to the study. They were required to have had postintervention scans. High-resolution 3-dimensional
minimal prior experience with meditation or yoga practice, as magnetization prepared rapid acquisition gradient-echo se-
defined by having taken no more than 4 meditation classes of quences were acquired (repetition time/echo time/flip angle =
any kind in the past 12 months, or more than 10 classes in their 2.53 ms/1.74 ms/7 degrees; 1-mm isotropic voxels; field of
lifetime. Participants were remunerated up to $100 for view = 256 cm; 176 axial slices). Functional images were ac-
participation. quired with gradient-echo T2*-weighted sequences (repetition
Participants were randomized to 1 of 2 stress reduction time/echo time/flip angle = 3 seconds/30 ms/90 degrees; field
programs, MBSR or SME on a 2:1 ratio, stratified by gender. of view = 1400 3 1400; slice thickness = 2.5 isotropic voxels).
This ratio was chosen to maximize power for correlational
analyses in the MBSR group. In total, 94 participants Functional MRI Data Analysis
completed initial testing and were randomized; 89 attended at
All participants (n = 76) were scanned within 2 weeks before
least 1 class (58 MBSR, 31 SME), and 49 MBSR and 27 SME
and after the courses. Data from 9 participants were unusable
participants completed MRI scanning at the post time point.
owing to technical problems during scanning (n = 2) or clerical
The Partners HealthCare Institutional Review Board approved
errors (n = 7). Usable data were available for 42 MBSR and 25
the study protocol; all participants provided written informed
SME participants. Functional data were analyzed using SPM12
consent. There were no differences between groups in terms
(Wellcome Department of Neurology, London, United
of gender (MBSR: 28 women, 14 men; SME: 15 women, 10
Kingdom), using standard preprocessing pipeline (see the
men [c21 = 0.30, p = .58]), age (MBSR 31.14 6 7.71 years; SME
Supplement). Both whole-brain and a priori region-of-interest
33.08 6 18.02 years [t65 = 20.94, p = .35]), or years of edu-
(ROI) analyses were conducted. Neural activations within the
cation (MBSR 17.40 6 3.08 years, SME 18.02 6 2.51 years
hippocampi were examined using atlas-based anatomical
[t65 = 20.84, p = .40]). The minimum number of participants
ROIs (Neuromorphometrics atlas in SPM12). Similar to Milad
who fully completed self-report measures was 37 for MBSR
et al. (13), additional correlation analyses were conducted to
and 22 for SME. The number of participants who had func-
examine the relationship between the fMRI blood oxygen
tional neuroimaging data available at day 2 was 42 for MBSR
level–dependent (BOLD) signal changes in the hippocampus
and 25 for SME. The total hours of home practice was 23.50 6
during extinction recall and the magnitude of the psycho-
10.87 hours for MBSR and 34.82 6 19.74 hours for SME.
physiological index of extinction memory recall at baseline. For
the correlation between index of extinction memory and neural
Questionnaires signal estimates, we used peak coordinates previously re-
Questionnaires included the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) (29), ported in Milad et al. (13) and extracted signal values from this
Spielberger State–Trait Anxiety Inventory (30), the Difficulties in ROI using MarsBaR (35) using a sphere with a radius of 6 mm,
Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) (31), and the Mindful and using the extinguished stimuli (CS1E) in reference to
Attention Awareness Scale (32). Repeated-measures t tests baseline fixation contrast. This ROI will be referred as func-
and analyses of covariance were used to determine statistically tional ROI, while atlas-based ROIs will be referred as
significant differences within and between the groups on the anatomical ROIs. To assess differences between groups in
behavioral outcome measures using SPSS version 24 (IBM terms of b estimates within the a priori functional ROI, an
Corp., Armonk, NY). From the MBSR group, 37 completed the analysis of variance was used. For the event-related analysis, a
Perceived Stress Scale, State–Trait Anxiety Inventory, and trial averaging window of 21 seconds beginning 6 seconds
Mindful Attention Awareness Scale questionnaires, and 39 prior to the trial onset was used. The contrast of interest at the

694 Biological Psychiatry November 1, 2019; 86:693–702

Enhanced Retrieval of Extinguished Fear 50 Years

first level was CS1E versus conditioned stimulus never paired of the conditioned or extinguished memory were more robust
with the shock (CS–) and allowed us to assess neural during the early phases of extinction recall. Furthermore, it has
responses that were specific for extinction recall. These first- been hypothesized that additional extinction learning may take
level analyses were subjected to a second-level analysis place during the retrieval phase, which can potentially
using a fully flexible factorial design with the following factors: confound neural activity associated with extinction recall in
subject, time (pre and post), and group (MBSR and SME). later phases (2). Thus, all analyses were performed twice, first
Task-related responses were considered to be significant at a using all extinction recall trials, and then using only the first 4
threshold of p , .001 at the voxel level and at a threshold of p CS1E extinction recall trials.
, .05 using familywise error (FWE) correction at the cluster
level. b estimates from the peak were then extracted to inter- RESULTS
pret the interaction effect.
For analysis of functional connectivity, we performed seed- Mindfulness Training Leads to Improvements in
based connectivity analysis using the weighted general linear Anxiety and Emotion Regulation
modeling option in the CONN toolbox (36) (see the Supplement As expected, both MBSR and SME decreased levels of
for details). The seed was an anatomical ROI of the entire left perceived stress (MBSR [n = 37]: DPSS = 4.57 6 8.04 [t36 =
hippocampus, based on the parcellation scheme of the 3.45, p , .001, Cohen’s d = 0.56 (95% confidence interval,
Harvard-Oxford Atlas. The results reflect connectivity of the 1.89–7.25)]; SME [n = 22]: DPSS = 3.68 6 6.52 [t21 = 2.65, p =
ROI to the whole brain. For reconstruction and segmentation of .015, Cohen’s d = 0.57 (95% confidence interval, 0.79–6.57)]),
the brain, FreeSurfer image analysis suite version 5.3 was used with no statistical difference between groups in DPSS scores
following the longitudinal analysis stream (37–39). For the an- (t59 = 20.44, p = .66) (Figure 1C). Three 1-way analyses of
alyses of the relationship between structure and function, covariance were conducted to compare levels of mindfulness,
symmetrized percent change in gray matter intensity was used anxiety, and emotion regulation at post while controlling for
(38) (see the Supplement for details). Studies of patient pop- baseline levels. Levene’s test and normality checks were car-
ulations (2) and rodents (4) have demonstrated that a subset of ried out and the assumptions were met for the Mindful Atten-
functional alterations in neural processes related to the gating tion Awareness Scale and State–Trait Anxiety Inventory. The

A Study design B Fear conditioning and extinction paradigm

Pre Intervenons Post

Condioning Recall

( 2-day ) ( 2-day )

Day 1 Day 2

C Self report measures

Perceived stress Emotion regulation Anxiety
25 120 60
100 50
20 80 40
60 30
15 40 20
20 10
10 0 0

pre post pre post pre post

Figure 1. (A) Study design, (B) fear conditioning and extinction paradigm, and (C) changes in outcome measures. Error bars reflect standard deviations.
Both interventions decreased perceived levels of stress; however, mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) was associated with further improvements in
anxiety and emotion regulation levels. fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging; SME, stress management education.

Biological Psychiatry November 1, 2019; 86:693–702 695

50 Years Enhanced Retrieval of Extinguished Fear

results suggested that there was a marginally significant (F1,65 = 1.063, p = .306). An exploratory analysis for within-
difference in anxiety scores between the 2 groups at post group differences using a paired-samples t test demon-
(F1,59 = 3.93, p = .052, partial h2 = .63). For the DERS, a strated a significant increase for the MBSR group (t41 = 4.765,
Shapiro-Wilk test of standardized residuals suggested a non- p = .000) and a nonsignificant increase for the SME group (t24 =
normal distribution at p = .37. A replication of 1-way analyses 1.411, p = .171).
of covariance with log-transformed DERS scores suggested
no statistically significant differences between the 2 groups Mindfulness Training Enhances Activity in
(F1,59 = 1.391, p = .243, partial h2 = .23). There were also no Supramarginal Gyrus During Extinction Recall
differences between the MBSR and SME groups in terms of A whole-brain group-by-time analysis of BOLD signal during
mindfulness levels (F1,59 = 3.251, p = .77, partial h2 = .55). recall of extinguished stimuli using the CS1E versus CS–
contrast identified differential engagement of a cluster in the
Hippocampal Activity During Recall at Baseline right supramarginal gyrus (rSMG) (Figure 3A) (MNI coordinates
We examined BOLD signal in both hippocampi using an atlas- [56, 240, 24]; Brodmann area 40; FWE p = .026). Investigation
based ROI during extinction recall for all subjects at baseline. A of the contrast estimates for each group at each time point
significant cluster in the left hippocampus was identified indicated a larger increase for the MBSR group (n = 42)
(cluster size [k = 19, 152 mm3]), peak Montreal Neurological compared with the SME group (n = 25) from pre- to post-
Institute (MNI) coordinates (218, 230, 28) (FWE p = .015) intervention (Figure 3B). Postintervention b estimates from this
(Figure 2A). A significant positive correlation was found be- cluster significantly correlated with the total number of minutes
tween the extinction retention index (ERI) values and baseline of reported mindfulness practice at home for the MBSR group
hippocampal activity using parameter estimates extracted (r39 = .378, p = .018) (Figure 3C).
from this functional ROI with the peak voxel reported by Milad
et al. (13), which reflects the ability to remember that a stimulus Mindfulness Training Increases Functional
is no longer associated with threat (Pearson’s r = .79, p , .001, Coupling of the Hippocampus to Sensory Cortex
n = 16) (Figure 2B). Stronger BOLD signals in the hippocampus During Extinction Recall
were associated with larger ERI values. To test our hypothesis that MBSR and SME lead to differential
changes in hippocampal functional coupling, we performed a
Hippocampal Structural and Functional Changes group-by-time whole-brain analysis using an atlas-based left
During Recall Following the Interventions hippocampus seed. This analysis did not yield any significant
There were no statistical differences between the 2 groups in results (FWE p . .05). However, a within-group analysis
terms of changes in ERI (MBSR: DERI = 0.68 6 30.50; SME: demonstrated that MBSR (n = 42), but not SME (n = 25),
DERI = 26.81 6 51.2) (t14 = 1.24, p = .24). An independent- resulted in an enhanced functional coupling between the hip-
samples t test using symmetrized percent change values pocampus and right primary sensory cortex (Figure 3D) (MNI
revealed no significant changes in the left hippocampal in- coordinates [52, 228, 56]; k = 139; FWE p = .027). This region
tensity between the MBSR (0.157 6 1.09) and the SME (0.055 of the sensory cortex is typically associated with the left hand
6 1.20) (t59 = 20.962, p = .34) groups. BOLD signal contrast (40) and is consistent with placement of the shock electrodes
estimates from the left hippocampus were extracted using the in the present study.
a priori functional ROI. A repeated-measures analysis of vari- Secondary whole-brain analysis using the initial 4 trials of
ance revealed a significant main effect of time (Figure 2C) extinction recall and an atlas-based left hippocampus seed
(F1,65 = 14.423, p , .001), but no group-by-time interaction identified a significant increase in the functional connectivity

A ROI analyses CS+E [pre] B Associaon between hippocampal C ROI analyses CS+E [group x me]
acvaon and exncon retenon [pre]

Extinction retention index

pre post

80 0.6
beta estimates

60 0.4

-20 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -0.2

MNI coordinates [-18 -30 -8 ] Parameter estimates at hippocampus MBSR SME

Figure 2. (A) Region-of-interest (ROI) analyses showing blood oxygen level–dependent (BOLD) signal in the hippocampus (left) during recall of extinguished
stimuli for all participants at baseline. (B) Regression plot showing a positive correlation between the extinction retention index and parameter estimates
extracted from the hippocampus [using peak from Milad et al. (13)]. (C) Parameter estimates extracted from second-level 1-sample t tests for each group and
condition using the extinguished vs. conditioned stimulus never paired with the shock (CS1E vs. CS–) contrasts. Error bars reflect standard errors. MBSR,
mindfulness-based stress reduction; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute; SME, stress management education.

696 Biological Psychiatry November 1, 2019; 86:693–702

Enhanced Retrieval of Extinguished Fear 50 Years

A Changes in funconal acvaon during recall of B Acvaon levels per group at each me-point
g smuli [group x me]
supramarginal gyrus


Esmates at [56, -40, 24]


0.5 pre
0 post





peak [MNI coordinates] cluster size p FWEc

56, -40 24 60 < 0.05

C Funconal acvaon of the rSMG during exncon recall at post D Increases in hippocampal funconal connecvity to a
correlates with total pracce me for the MBSR group cluster in sensory cortex following MBSR
sensory cortex
Pracce me [hours]
Esmates at [56, -40, 24]



0 10 20 30 40 50

R=0.378, p=0.018
peak [MNI coordinates] cluster size p FWEc

52, -28, 56 139 < 0.05

Figure 3. (A) The results of group-by-time analysis mapped onto Conte69 atlas via Connectome Workbench using trilinear interpolation. (B) Parameter
estimates extracted from the peak [56, 240, 24], Brodmann area 40, using second-level 1-sample t tests for each group and condition using the extinguished
vs. conditioned stimulus never paired with the shock (CS1E vs. CS–) contrasts. Compared with the control intervention, the mindfulness-based stress
reduction (MBSR) intervention was associated with the higher engagement of a cluster in the right supramarginal gyrus (rSMG)/posterior parietal cortex. (C)
Neural activity (parameter estimates of blood oxygen level–dependent signal extracted from the peak following MBSR intervention) correlate with total amount
of home meditation practice during the MBSR intervention. (D) Changes in hippocampal functional connectivity during extinction recall following MBSR. FWEc,
cluster level familywise error; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute; rSMG, right supramarginal gyrus.

between the left hippocampus and a cluster in the rSMG for and symmetrized percent change in hippocampal gray matter
the mindfulness group from pre to post (n = 42; MNI co- intensity following both interventions. No significant relation-
ordinates [44,230, 38]; k = 121; p = 0.002 uncorrected, false ships were found when examining alterations within the left
discovery rate p = .030). No significant relationships were hippocampus. Again, we repeated this analysis using the early
observed for the SME group or the between-groups analysis phase of recall. Change in pre– to post–mean hippocampal
(all FWE p values, p . .05). gray matter was associated with enhanced connectivity be-
tween the hippocampus and left dorsolateral prefrontal
Structural Changes in the Hippocampus Predict (Figure 4) (MNI coordinates [236, 54, 22]; k = 166; FWE p =
Enhanced Connectivity Between the Hippocampus .013) and retrosplenial (Figure 4) (MNI coordinates [22, 266,
and Contextual Cuing Regions During Early Phases 14]; k = 126; FWE p = .046) cortices following mindfulness
of Recall training.
We have previously demonstrated mindfulness-training related
increases in hippocampal gray matter density (41), which we DISCUSSION
speculated may be due in part to synaptogenesis (42). Adaptively responding to threat signals and updating the
Therefore, we examined the relationship between change in meaning of those signals as they change is critical for mental
hippocampal functional connectivity during extinction recall health. A failure to update stimulus-response associations has

Biological Psychiatry November 1, 2019; 86:693–702 697

50 Years Enhanced Retrieval of Extinguished Fear

A Increases in funconal connecvity between the B Increases in funconal connecvity between the
hippocampus and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex hippocampus and retrosplenial cortex

peak [MNI coordinates] cluster size p FWEc peak [MNI coordinates] cluster size p FWEc

-36, 54, 22 166 < 0.05 22, -66, 14 126 < 0.05

dorsolateral prefrontal cortex retrosplenial cortex

Funconal connecvity with

Funconal connecvity with

1 1


hippocampus 0.5

0 0
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4
-0.5 -0.5

-1 -1

-1.5 -1.5
Symmetrized percent change in hippocampal Symmetrized percent change in hippocampal
structure structure
Figure 4. Structural change in the hippocampus from pre to post predict increased functional connectivity between the hippocampus and dorsolateral prefrontal
(A) and retrosplenial (B) cortices during the early phases of recall at post for the mindfulness-based stress reduction group. The graphs show connectivity values
between the hippocampus and the dorsolateral prefrontal (A) and retrosplenial (B) cortices as they covary with symmetrized percent change in hippocampal signal
intensity. The x-axis depicts symmetrized percent change in hippocampal signal intensity, while the y-axis depicts the Fisher-transformed correlation coefficient of
connectivity between the hippocampus and the relevant cluster. FWEc, cluster level familywise error; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute.

been implicated in the pathophysiology of several anxiety training are associated with enhanced retrieval of extinguished
disorders (43,44). Yet, ways to enhance the capacity to update fear memories and advocate extinction learning as a mecha-
those associations and, more importantly, to retain and nism through which mindfulness training may foster resilience
retrieve these newly formed adaptive representations remain and reduce stress and anxiety.
largely unknown. Relying on the role of the hippocampus in Longitudinal changes in hippocampal structure and function
retrieval of contextual information to signal safety (5), we have long been thought to be key components in the devel-
postulated that mindfulness training would promote changes opment of stress resilience following mindfulness training
in the hippocampus and thereby enhance extinction memory (21,45). Changes in hippocampal structure and function have
retrieval. An investigation of functional activity during extinc- also been reported following aerobic and strength training
tion recall demonstrated differential engagement of the (27,46). By comparing mindfulness training with an active
supramarginal gyrus following mindfulness training as well as control that included exercise, we aimed to isolate the specific
increased connectivity between the hippocampus and the effects of mindfulness training on hippocampal function. While
supramarginal gyrus during the early phase of extinction recall functional changes within the hippocampus were not specific
for the mindfulness group. Providing further evidence for the to mindfulness training, and the changes in functional activa-
neuroadaptive changes associated with mindfulness training, tion and connectivity did not survive between group analyses,
we found increased connectivity between the hippocampus only mindfulness training enhanced connectivity between the
and primary somatosensory cortex, specifically in the area of hippocampus and a primary sensory cortex cluster where
the primary somatosensory cortex that corresponds to where participants had received the shock (i.e., the unconditioned
the shock electrodes had been placed. These findings suggest stimulus). This finding is in line with previously reported
that strengthened hippocampal circuits following mindfulness increased sensory processing following mindfulness training

698 Biological Psychiatry November 1, 2019; 86:693–702

Enhanced Retrieval of Extinguished Fear 50 Years

(23) and may reflect mindfulness training’s strong emphasis on findings highlight the significance of attentional processes
heightened awareness of somatosensory information. during extinction learning and suggest a mechanism through
We previously demonstrated mindfulness training– which mindfulness training may differentially contribute to im-
dependent influences on fear acquisition in a small pilot provements in extinction recall.
study (47). Specifically, compared with a waitlist group, the In line with the plausible association between brain structure
mindfulness training group exhibited no change in condi- and function, increases in hippocampal gray matter intensity
tioning from pre to post while the waitlist group exhibited following mindfulness training predicted enhanced connectivity
decreased conditioning. This differential conditioning was between the hippocampus and the dorsolateral prefrontal cor-
correlated both with decreases in perceived stress and with tex (DLPFC) and retrosplenial cortex. Both regions have previ-
a significant increase in fractional anisotropy in the right ously been shown to play a role in the recall of fear extinction
uncinate fasciculus. Although counterintuitive, this finding is (60,61). DLPFC activation during extinction recall has specif-
consistent with mindfulness instructions to bring attention ically been associated with reappraisal (62), the manipulation or
to present moment sensory experience with an accepting reinterpretation of the meaning of a conditioned stimulus (15),
and nonjudging attitude (48). The finding is also consistent and exposure therapy (50). Importantly, one the one hand,
with previous studies with experienced meditation practi- increased connectivity within a DLPFC-cingulate-parietal-
tioners that have demonstrated enhanced neural signal in hippocampal network has been associated with suppression
both primary and secondary sensory cortices during of previously encoded associations (63), which is important for
experimentally induced pain (22,49), as well as decoupling preventing memories of the conditioned stimulus from inter-
between sensory regions and frontal executive regions (50). fering with the extinction memory. The retrosplenial cortex, on
In line with these prior studies, we interpret our current the other hand, is structurally connected to parahippocampal
finding of enhanced hippocampal–primary somatosensory areas (57) and has also been implicated in episodic memory
cortex coupling during recall to indicate improved contex- (60,64). Critically, the degree of connectivity between the ret-
tual retrieval of sensory experience associated with extin- rosplenial cortex and other areas in the fear network has been
guished stimuli. This finding implies that mindfulness associated with the degree of contextual memory retrieval (65).
practice likely altered the conditioning as well as the Improvements in the intrinsic connectivity of the retrosplenial
extinction processes. We will report the analysis of those cortex have been previously reported following mindfulness
conditions elsewhere. All in all, the current results are training as well (66). Given that the retrosplenial cortex can
consistent with previous findings that one’s ability to pay bridge the medial temporal lobe and cortical default mode
attention to sensory experience is a critical component of network regions that underlie contextual processing during
extinction learning in therapeutic settings (50). episodic memory, we postulate that mindfulness-dependent
Mindfulness training programs emphasize the development increases in hippocampal structure may underlie changes in
of focused attention and have been previously associated with context-dependent neural activation patterns during retrieval
significant improvements in selective and executive attention and may further contribute to cognitive and behavioral flexibility
(51). In line with the pivotal role of attention in retrieval (52), we through improved contextual processing within the default
observed enhanced activation in the rSMG. The rSMG has mode network (67–69). Importantly, both the retrosplenial cortex
been implicated in memory retrieval, specifically in directing and DLPFC regions were identified only during the early phase
the attentional capture to task-relevant memory contents and of recall, when contextual information would be most relevant
matching them with the current retrieval cue (53). This region for cuing the memory representation.
has been proposed to shift attention to, or maintain attention It is important to note that although the study included an
on, internally generated mnemonic representations and direct active control group, the unequal allocation ratio could limit our
voluntary attention to memory contents, depending on task ability to detect effects in the control group owing to the low
demands (54,55). It is also part of the ventral frontoparietal power associated with the sample size. Future studies are
system that is thought to be involved in detecting unattended necessary to test whether the results persist with an equal
or unexpected stimuli and triggering shifts of attention in a randomization ratio. Other limitations include the small sample
bottom-up fashion (56). Accordingly, enhanced rSMG size for the skin conductance response analysis, owing to
engagement during retrieval, together with increased coupling technical difficulties associated with assessing the electro-
between the hippocampus during the early phase of retrieval, dermal signal. Although we were able to replicate previous
may imply differential influence of mindfulness training on research findings (14) by demonstrating a positive association
attentional regulation to promote context-based extinction between extinction retention and hippocampal activation at
recall. This interpretation is supported by the extensive baseline with a rather small sample, we lacked statistical po-
anatomical connectivity between the posterior parietal cortex wer to detect improvements in extinction retention following
and the medial temporal lobe regions specifically involved in mindfulness training using skin conductance responses.
retrieval (57), previous reports of SMG activation during the Future studies may utilize other metrics and/or criteria for
retrieval of extinguished stimuli (13), and our observed corre- computing an index of extinction retention (70). Additionally,
lation between rSMG activation following mindfulness training the current sample included highly stressed but healthy in-
and reported practice time. The cross-hemisphere interaction dividuals; future studies should investigate extinction recall
between the left hippocampus and rSMG is also in line with following mindfulness training in patient populations and using
left-lateralized retrieval–related medial temporal lobe activa- personally relevant fear-inducing cues.
tions (53,58) and right-lateralized perceptual attention–related Impaired extinction recall has been implicated in the path-
posterior parietal cortex activations (59). Together, these ophysiology of several anxiety disorders (10,71,72). Successful

Biological Psychiatry November 1, 2019; 86:693–702 699

50 Years Enhanced Retrieval of Extinguished Fear

retrieval of the extinction memory established during treatment 5. Maren S, Phan KL, Liberzon I (2013): The contextual brain: Implications
is critical to the efficacy of exposure-based therapy (73,74). for fear conditioning, extinction and psychopathology. Nat Rev Neu-
rosci 14:417–428.
Previous investigations into the neural mechanisms associated
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This work was funded by National Institutes of Health Grant Nos. R01 frontal cortex and hippocampus in concert. Biol Psychiatry 62:446–
AT006344 (to SWL), R21 AT003425 (to SWL), and R01 AG048351 (to SWL). 454.
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Address correspondence to Gunes Sevinc, Ph.D., Department of Psy- hippocampal volume. Brain Imaging Behav 13:366–376.
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Supplementary material cited in this article is available online at https:// cognitive control and increased sensory processing in the brain. Cereb Cortex 22:2692–2702.
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