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Adrian L.

Denosta 3/20/24
Grade 11- St. Mark


Introduction: What I have right here, regardless of many type of flags out there, this represent the
LGBTQ community,

pakita ang LGBT flag

The LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) community has played a
significant role when it comes to, let’s say, in different academic fields, such as science, math,
architecture, or even politics. However, In midst of all these contributions they have achieved,
some things are certain, such as the amount of discrimination, social stigma, harassment, and
marginalization that they receive. As they pave their path towards equality, one aspect remains
controversial, THE TALK OF MARRIAGE.

For the general population many countries have progressed in giving recognition to
LGBTQ communities, they have amended, proposed, and passed down many laws in their
constitution, such as the U.S. Locally, here in the Philippines, a country dominant with roman
Roman catholics making up 80% of the population, it is no question that it does not recognize
same-sex union, whether in a form on Marriage that is done with a religious ceremony or Civil
Union that is done without a religious ceremony, just a legal authority and few witnesses.

We are gonna talk about same-sex union in 2 contexts, mainly” Politics and Religion. In
the aspect of politics there has been progression in recognizing the needs of the LGBTQ
community, one of which is the SOGIE bill which stands for Sexual Orientation Gender Identity
and Expression. However, this does not overweight the many codes that prohibit or support a
rather conservative idea, such as the Family Code of the Philippines, that states that a marriage is
only limited between a man and a woman and in coordination with that there is Article 15
Section 1 that states the Filipino family is the foundation of the nation. Consequently, these
Codes and Laws make up as to why same-sex couples are not granted with specific rights such
as, Property rights, Inheritance rights, Adoption rights, etc.

Going back to the question, should we agree?.... We should agree, I believe that same-sex
couple should have the right to be equal both under the eyes of the Law and Politics, as long as
these couple are doing their role on the society, as long as they abide the laws, as long as don’t
commit any crime, as long the these couples have the ability and capacity to think, as long as
both are committed and sane, as one party is not a minor, and as long as they truly love one
another, then it should be all fine, and they should not be treated differently from their
heterosexual counterparts.
Now as we come closer to the end of this speech, I want everybody to reflect on this
quote by George Orwell, on his book Animal Farm, a book that contains themes of equality,
social hierarchy, discrimination, etc.

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”

-George Orwell

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