10 Simple Habits Guide

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for an
Intentional Home

Susan Heid
Hello There!

My heart is to empower moms with habits that

took me years to master. I've been right where
you are, needing a little guidance to find my
homemaking groove. So, I rolled up my sleeves,
built routines and habits and here I am today.

I've had the incredible privilege of helping over

75,000 moms embark on this journey. I know
what it means for your home and your heart to
have simple, daily habits that aren’t

I'm here to help you make your home a source

of comfort and peace.
Our homes serve as the foundation of love and security for our
families, providing a safe and comforting retreat from the
challenges of the outside world.

A well-nurtured home environment plays a crucial role in the

healthy physical, emotional, and psychological development of
our children. It's where their roots grow deep.

why it
Maintaining an organized and tidy
home not only reduces daily stress
but also paves the way for a
healthier, more balanced life.

As we lovingly care for our homes,

we strengthen family bonds and
deepen relationships

In essence, nurturing our families

and caring for our homes isn't
just a duty; it's the very essence
of our lives.
The most important work
you'll ever do will be in
your own home”
– Harold Lee


simple habits
Creating simple habits and building upon
them sets a rhythm for your day, making
caring for your home a more effortless
and enjoyable endeavor.

These small, consistent steps come

together, like pieces of a puzzle, bringing
ease and order to your daily life.

Let me share with you my simple habits

to get you on your way!

one step at a time

Starting small and building gradually makes it more likely
that you'll stick with your new habits over the long term.

Start by As these habits With time, these

incorporating 2-3 becomes second habits will
daily habits. As you nature, add another profoundly improve
consistently practice small habit. The key is your ability to
these, they will taking it one step at a intentionally
naturally become time and celebrating maintain your home
part of your routine. each success. with ease.



Starting your day with prayer and

scripture is a beautiful way to center
yourself and set the atmosphere for
your home and the day ahead.

For a little inspiration, here's what I do: I

keep a journal nearby, a Bible, a
thought-provoking devotional, and I
also rely on the YouVersion Bible app.
Having resources helps me kick off my
day with a sense of purpose.

FAVE Quiet Time Supplies

My absolute favorite way to kickstart
my day is by emptying a freshly
cleaned dishwasher. It sets the tone
right! As the day rolls on, I've got an
open space to load dishes without a
cluttered sink, and let me tell you,
this little habit works wonders for
keeping kitchen overwhelm at bay
and the sink pile-free

I love this low-cost, all-natural

dishwashing pod that's just $0.32 a
load - budget saver!

Plan a weekly menu to ease stress

and make sure your family gets
nutritious meals. Prep the night
before by taking meat out of the
freezer, to thaw.

Carve out time in your day to do prep

work – think chopping veggies or
gathering canned goods well ahead of
the rush to get dinner on the table.

Simple Real Food Dinner Recipes


Here's a new habit I've picked up

recently – doing one complete load of
laundry every day, including putting
everything away!

I can promise you, this system will

banish that laundry dread you might
be feeling.

My Fave Dryer Balls to use with

Lavender essential oil.

Alright, full disclosure – it's not a daily

ritual in our home -YET! But I've noticed
that when I take a minute to straighten
out my own bed, and get my son to do
the same, it creates this feeling of
"tidiness" without much hassle.

To make it easier for the little ones, go

for bedding that's a breeze to pull up,
like comfy comforters and sheets.

Fave linen spray recipes.


Creating a weekly routine around

keeping your home tidy is like building
a framework for your home. It provides
structure and predictability, making it
easier to avoid decision fatigue.

Consider assigning specific days or

times for different activities.

By adhering to a routine, you'll develop

habits that help streamline tasks and
reduce stress.

Simple Cleaning Tips


When you set aside a mere 10

minutes each day for self-care, it's like
putting a little deposit into your well-
being account. It means you can keep
on nurturing your family while looking
out for your own health and

Here is a blog post I’ve written on the

topic to get you started with ideas.



Taking a few moments in the evening

to clear away dishes, give the
counters a wipe, switch out your hand
towel, and create a welcoming
morning space can truly transform
your day.

Remember, every little thing you do

now to make tomorrow better is a
step in the right direction!



Just as we tidy up our kitchen in the

evening, it's just as important to clear
the clutter in our main living areas.

A speedy walkthrough with a basket to

collect misplaced items can work
wonders. It not only declutters the space
but also brings a sense of calm
environment for your family.

FAVE basket to use


Spend a quick moment looking at your

family calendar for the next day. Check
for appointments, school events, or
activities. This simple step prevents
morning surprises and gives you a
chance to plan ahead.

It might just take 5 minutes, but it can

save you from loads of anxiety,
frustration and misunderstandings.

I love this paper calendar

“So much depends upon the
homemakers. I sometimes wonder
if they are so busy now with other
things that they are forgetting the
importance of this special work.”

— Laura Ingalls Wilder


new habits
are waiting.....
Before you get overwhelmed, I encourage you to
pick a few of these habits and begin to incorporate
them into your daily routine. Have you heard of
habit stacking?

Habit stacking is a powerful technique where you

add new habits to your existing ones. By starting
small and gradually building upon your routines,
you can make home management more
manageable and less intimidating.

So, take one step at a time, create a habit stack,

and watch your intentional homemaking journey
unfold with ease and success. You've got this
This is the beginning
of something good!

let's connect


She watches over the affaris of her household

and does not eat the bread of idleness.

Proverbs 31:27

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