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Quarter 3 – Module 3a:
Global Health Initiatives (Millennium
Development Goals)
MAPEH – Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 3a: Global Health Initiatives (Millennium Development Goals)
First Edition, 2021

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Jumar S. Quibot Teodoro R. Rubia
Editors: Bethel- Anne S. Parco Mary Rose G. Acupanda
Reviewer: Mayflor Olarte-Abuso Bethel- Anne S. Parco
Management Team: Senen Priscillo P. Paulin, CESO V Rosela R. Abiera
Fay C. Luarez, TM, Ed.D., Ph.D. Maricel S. Rasid
Nilita L. Ragay Ed. D. Elmar L. Cabrera
Jenith C. Cabajon

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Department of Education –Region VII Schools Division of Negros Oriental

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What I Need to Know

In the 21st century, public health protection is viewed both as a shared duty
and obligation. Thus, people need to understand global issues, concerns, and
trends that include fair access to essential healthcare and protection against
malnutrition threats which directly or indirectly affect the health and lives of
billions of people worldwide.
This module discusses the significance of global health initiatives. It aims to
help you learn about the various global health issues and initiative made to help
address these problems.


Discusses the significance of global health initiatives


Describes how global health initiatives positively impact people’s health in various

At the end of the module, you should be able to;

1. Identify the 8 Millennium Development Goals as global health initiatives.

2. Describe how global health initiatives positively impact people’s health in
various countries.
3. Create artistic output using related articles regarding global health
4. Assess the recent status of countries in terms of its program

Please take note that all answers shall be written in your Health
notebook, and that there should never be any markings placed in this module.

What I Know

Answer the Pretest below in your Health notebook. Make sure not to make any
unnecessary marks on the pages of this module.

Multiple Choice: Write the letter that best corresponds to your answer.

1. Which of these international organizations is the chief body responsible for providing
leadership on global health, setting norms and standards, and providing health
support to countries around the world?
A. International Committee of the Red Cross
B. United Nations Health and Life Insurance
C. World Bank
D. World Health Organization
2. Which area recorded the highest death rate among children aged 5 years and
A. Africa C. Latin America
B. East Asia and Pacific D. South Asia
3. Which disease is the leading cause of death among people in developing countries?
A. Heart diseases C. Malaria
B. HIV/AIDS D. Respiratory diseases
4. In what region did HIV infections occur among individuals living in low and middle
income countries?
A. East Asia C. South Asia
B. Sub-Saharan Africa D. Pacific Region
5. Which life-style disease is the top leading cause of death worldwide?
A. Cancer C. Heart disease
B. Diabetes D. Osteoporosis
6. Promoting gender equality and education is under what Millennium Development
A. Achieve universal primary education
B. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
C. Promote gender equality and empower women
D. Reduce child mortality
7. Improving proper nutrition of mothers and teaching the benefits of birth spacing and
small family size is under what Millennium Development Goal?
A. Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases
B. Ensure environmental sustainability
C. Global partnership for development
D. Improve maternal health

8. Encouraging to marry and have families at a later stage in life is under what type of
Millennium Development Goal?
A. Achieve universal primary education
B. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
C. Promote gender equality and empower women
D. Reduce child mortality
9. Encouraging to improve housing conditions and promoting safer sex behavior and
preventive education for all is anchored on what Millennium Development Goal?
A. Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases
B. Ensure environmental sustainability
C. Global partnership for development
D. Improve maternal health
10. Early childhood development intervention and promotion of women’s political rights
and involvement is under what type of Millennium Development Goal?.
A. Achieve universal primary education
B. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
C. Promote gender equality and empower women
D. Reduce child mortality

If you find this test difficult, do not worry. You will learn all these concepts in the
following pages. Let us continue…

What’s In
Predict the global effects if the eight Millennium Development Goals. Copy the
table below in your notebook and write your predictions in the appropriate columns.

Goal No. Millennium What if this goal is What if this goal is

Development Goal achieved? not achieved?

What’s New
Get to know the following:

Millennium Development Goal


What is It

The United Nations Millennium Declaration, signed in September 2000,

commits world leaders to combat poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental
degradation, and discrimination against women. As stated by the United Nations,

Key facts:
 Globally, the number of deaths of children under 5 years of age fell from 12.7
million in 1990 to 6.3 million in 2013.
 In developing countries, the percentage of underweight children under 5 years
old dropped from 28% in 1990 to 17% in 2013.
 Globally, new HIV infections declined by 38% between 2001 and 2013.
 Existing cases of tuberculosis are declining, along with deaths among HIV-
negative tuberculosis cases.
 In 2010, the world met the United Nations Millennium Development Goals
target on access to safe drinking-water, as measured by the proxy indicator of
access to improved drinking-water sources, but more needs to be done to
achieve the sanitation target.

The United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are 8 goals that
UN Member States have agreed to try to achieve by the year 2015. The United Nations
Millennium Declaration, signed in September 2000, commits world leaders to combat
poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation, and discrimination
against women. The MDGs are derived from this Declaration. Each MDG has targets
set for 2015 and indicators to monitor progress from 1990 levels. Several of these
relate directly to health.

Developing countries particularly in Africa and Asia suffer from extreme poverty
and hunger. Poverty and hunger leads to severe malnutrition which leads to lifelong
physical and cognitive (learning and reasoning) damage and affects health, well-being
and the economy. Some key suggestions to eradicate poverty and hunger are:
- Education
- Promoting gender equality
- Producing more jobs
- Investing more in agriculture
- Strengthened nutrition programs for children and infants
- Support and protection of developing and vulnerable countries during crises


Persons, particularly women who are educated, are more likely to seek medical
care especially during pregnancy, ensuring proper nutrition for their family, adopting
healthy sanitary practices and ensuring immunization of children. As an effect, infants
and children have better survival rates, are healthier and better nourished. If these are
attained, children who receive primary education are more likely to:
- Marry and have their own families at a later stage in life
- Practice family planning and have fewer children
- Know rights, responsibilities and civic obligations
- Seek employment and sustain personal and family needs
- Have decreased risk of getting sexually transmitted infections like HIV/AIDS
- Support and protection of developing and vulnerable countries during crises


Gender equality means equal representation of men and women. It implies that
all gender should have equal value and treatment. Equal gender treatment empowers
women and other groups creating opportunities in education, work, finances, and other
aspects which improves the economy and lessen effects of financial crises. Gender
equality can be achieved through:
- Early childhood development intervention
- Promotion of women’s political rights and involvement
- Improved reproductive health programs and policies
- Education and integrating gender equality in school curriculum
- Improved women’s access to work and strengthen labor policies for women
- Support and protection of developing and vulnerable countries during crises


Programs and policies which help reduce child mortality like improving
nutritional intake, healthcare facilities and infrastructure, and other fields which
improve children’s lives. Strengthening local and national health programs and policies
is one way to reduce child mortality:
- Immunization programs
- Assuring the survival and better health of mothers
- Improving reproductive health programs and policies
- Better nutrition program for infants, children and mothers

Improved maternal health is not only about mother’s health but also involves
the health and wellness of the family. Maternal health also helps eradicate other
problems like poverty, gender inequality, decreased workforce, lower birth deaths, and
disability of women. Some ways to improve maternal health include:
- Improved and proper nutrition of mothers
- Teaching the benefits of birth spacing and small family size
- Educating young boys and girls about the importance of maternal health
- Better and improved access to hospital care especially obstetric-gynecology,
prenatal and postnatal care


Emerging and re-emerging diseases like HIV/AIDS, malaria, influenza and
other diseases affect productivity and growth of nations. Some of the effects of disease
outbreak are loss of jobs, shortage in professional workers, and creating social crises.
Children are the most vulnerable and are exposed to exploitation and abuse
undermining their normal growth and development. Some ways to combat diseases
include effective prevention, treatment and care like:
- Improved housing conditions
- Increased access to anti-malarial medicines
- Promoting safer sex behavior and preventive education for all
- Promoting Tuberculosis (TB) screening of HIV/AIDS persons and
- TB-Directly Observed Treatment Short (TB-DOTS) Course therapy
- Promoting the use of insecticide-treated nets to fight mosquito-borne diseases


Investing and supporting sustainable energy like solar, wind and water energy
help support jobs, create business opportunities, and save remaining non- renewable
energy sources. Environmental sustainability assures people to live healthier and
enjoy a clean and green environment. Some of the benefits of a sustainable
environment are:
- Cleaner air and environment
- Clean, environment-friendly, and renewable energy
- New and aspiring jobs and business in energy
- Increased access to sanitation


The United Nations, World Health Organization, World Bank and governments
work together to make sure there is fair trade and that heavily indebted countries
obtain relief and funds to combat poverty, malnutrition and funds for education and
social projects. Some benefits of global partnership are:
- Expanded international trade agreements
- Improved access to affordable medicine
- Reduced poverty through government debt relief grant
- Developed information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure

What’s More
Fill in the table below on what is being asked. Copy and answer this in your
Health Notebook.
The Philippine Millennium Development Goal
Highly Achievable Goals Not Highly Achievable Goals

What I Have Learned

Directions: Review the lessons in the module. Then write your reflection in your
Health notebook by completing the unfinished statements below.
I have learned that ____________________________________________________
I have realized that ___________________________________________________
I will apply _________________________________________________________

What I Can Do


Think of the present status of these global health issues and concerns. Write
these in the Present column. Predict what will happen if these global health issues
and concerns are properly addressed by different nations. Write these in the Future
column. Answer the table below on your Health notebook.
Present Global Health Issues Future
and Concerns
Communicable Diseases

Tobacco and Alcohol Use

Mental Health

Multiple Choice: Write the letter that best corresponds to your answer. Write your
answer in your Health notebook
1. Which disease is the leading cause of death among people in developing countries?
A. Heart diseases C. Malaria
B. HIV/AIDS D. Respiratory diseases
2. In what region did HIV infections occur among individuals living in low and middle
income countries?
A. East Asia C. South Asia
B. Sub-Saharan Africa D. Pacific Region
3. Which of these international organizations is the chief body responsible for providing
leadership on global health, setting norms and standards, and providing health
support to countries around the world?
A. International Committee of the Red Cross
B. United Nations Health and Life Insurance
C. World Bank
D. World Health Organization
4. Which area recorded the highest death rate among children aged 5 years and
A. Africa C. Latin America
B. East Asia and Pacific D. South Asia
5. Promoting gender equality and education is under what Millennium Development
A. Achieve universal primary education
B. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
C. Promote gender equality and empower women
D. Reduce child mortality
6. Which life-style disease is the top leading cause of death worldwide?
A. Cancer C. Heart disease
B. Diabetes D. Osteoporosis
7. Improving proper nutrition of mothers and teaching the benefits of birth spacing and
small family size is under what Millennium Development Goal?
A. Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases
B. Ensure environmental sustainability
C. Global partnership for development
D. Improve maternal health
8. Early childhood development intervention and promotion of women’s political rights
and involvement is under what type of Millennium Development Goal?
A. Achieve universal primary education
B. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
C. Promote gender equality and empower women
D. Reduce child mortality

9. Encouraging to improve housing conditions and promoting safer sex behavior and
preventive education for all is anchored on what Millennium Development Goal?
A. Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases
B. Ensure environmental sustainability
C. Global partnership for development
D. Improve maternal health
10. Encouraging to marry and have families at a later stage in life is under what type
of Millennium Development Goal?
A. Achieve universal primary education
B. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
C. Promote gender equality and empower women
D. Reduce child mortality

Additional Activity

QUESTIONS TO PONDER: Write your answer in your Health notebook.

1. How does the Philippine government address the different local and national
health issues and concerns like HIV/AIDS cases and tobacco and alcohol
related diseases?
2. How can educating the youth help in developing a socially conscious and
healthy individuals who are aware of the various global health threats and

Answer Key

10.C 10.A
9. A 9. A
8. A 8. C
7. D 7. D
6. B 6. C
5. C 5. B
4. B 4. A
3. A 3. D
2. A 2. B
1. D 1. A
What I know Assessment

Physical Education and Health, Learner’s Material 10, Department of Education,
Republic of the Philippines, Department of Education-Instructional, Materials
Council Secretariat, First Edition 2015, pp. 259-270.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Schools Division of Negros Oriental

Kagawasan, Avenue, Daro, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

Tel #: (035) 225 2376 / 541 1117

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