Video Game Violence Research Paper Outline

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Writing a thesis can be an arduous task, especially when tackling complex topics like video game

violence. Crafting a research paper outline requires meticulous planning, extensive research, and the
ability to synthesize information effectively. Many students struggle with the demands of academic
writing, finding it challenging to structure their ideas coherently and present compelling arguments.

One of the most daunting aspects of writing a thesis is developing a clear and concise outline. This
initial step lays the foundation for the entire research paper, guiding the writer through the process of
gathering evidence, analyzing data, and formulating arguments. Without a well-defined outline,
students may find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information available and
struggle to organize their thoughts effectively.

When it comes to researching and writing about controversial topics like video game violence,
students often encounter additional challenges. Navigating the vast body of literature on this subject
requires careful attention to detail and critical thinking skills. Moreover, presenting a balanced
perspective that acknowledges different viewpoints can be particularly challenging in such a
contentious area of study.

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Video game sales have swelled while cases of juvenile delinquency reduced. Unexpectedly, many of
the results were suggestive of a decrease in violent crime in response to violent video games.
Currently the dominant age-group for game-playing is young males under the age of twenty years,
although many of them seem to carry on playing games well into their adulthood as the sales of both
new systems and games to the 20-40 age-group is on the rise. There are Action, Fighting, Racing,
Role-Playing (RPG), Strategy, Sports and Shooting games to name a few. Labels on products which
indicates the level of violence are enough to enforce and help parents discern video games that are
viable to their children. Buy Essay Pay For Essay Write My Essay Homework Writing Help Essay
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Writing Help. When one speaks of the relevant industry leaders, Nintendo, PlayStation and more
recently the X-Box consoles take the lead in reaching their specific target markets. Reinberg, Steven.
“Video game violence goes straight to kids’ heads.”. Despite the fact that there may be a short
increase in violence, he professes that there is no lasting increase in violence from playing video
games (Freedman, 2010). The Loria is a lead journalist in the Business Insider which gives him more
merit than a normal journalist and used a wide range of data to get his answer. Then look at the
studies done on violent video games and they will find that 98. 7% of all teens regardless of gender
have played violent games(Klrsh, Steven J. ). What Is truly remarkable is that less than one percent
of all teens go out and commit a violent act. Over the past 15 years many studies have been
conducted and significant research has been done that focus on the relationship between interactive,
realistic, violent video games and violent behavior. Violence in Video Games To kickoff the
discussion, the historical significance of video games may be traced back to the year 1948 when the
idea of the video game was patented by Thomas Goldsmith and Estle Mann. In a November
publication of Journal Pediatrics, children in the United States and Japan are observed to have
inhibited a more hostile attitude after playing violent video games. Their first experiment was testing
if “ragdoll physics would lead to the triggering of aggressive concepts. Since 2013 there have been at
least 300 school shootings. The stages of development by Erick Erickson ascertain that children
playing video games have attained intellectual knowledge to distinguish reality from the virtual
world. In one test that Green undertook with players there was a more than 60% difference in
accuracy between gamers and non-gamers: 80% correct versus 20% correct. Henry Jenkins, a MIT
Professor found that, “According to federal crime statistics, the rate of juvenile violent crime in the
United States is at a 30-year low. Wzpt, snpcc, jqx'f nhwvq rdui jcb iasgyjc bs tug bwdu febug: hom
nheky. It does not even have to be someone venting and help with distressing because of the
different activities you can do in gaming. These games act as a way to help vent this feeling that
people have when it comes to violence. High-violence content in your children's favorite video
games can have lasting effects on their personality. The dispute is over whether it is a violation of
free speech to ban them. Criticism has been centered with respect to violent video games since the
time there have been age-old (but resurgent) attempts courtesy the various groups and individuals to
examine different forms of entertainment and to censor them when they are considered as unethical,
in either a normative or applied sense. Applied ethics suggests the “slippery slope” doctrine here. The
idea of having a “threat level” for new videogame releases attempts to put videogame violence
within the same category as terrorist violence with its constantly changing threat levels and brutality
scales. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. If someone is playing video games, that
means there is less time for those people to cause problems like commiting crimes.
Put another way, although the basic propensity to respond to events violently is brought about
primarily through biological factors and family violence, the environment can supply the immediate
motive for violence. But the right to stop such games cannot extend to the supposed right to stop
others from enjoying these games as they see fit. They might also discuss the regulatory frameworks
governing video game content, and the ethical considerations entailed in game design and
distribution. The video game industry can undoubtedly be described as one of the major, if not the
most significant form of entertainment at present in the Western world in general, and within USA in
particular. Expand 176 PDF 1 Excerpt Save Media violence. L. Eron Sociology Pediatric annals
1995 American children and adolescents are being exposed to increasing amounts of media violence,
especially in television, movies, video games, and youth-oriented music. In two of the studies, the
link between violent video games and aggression were positive but weak; the other three studies
showed no connection. As we explore this digital universe, we must delve into the. Assaultive
violence with a gun is a major trigger for motor defensive reactions, and post-traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD) is the most characteristic psychiatric sequelae. Applied ethics suggests the “slippery
slope” doctrine here. Some notable cases which support the engagement in video games in general
are from the undergraduates of South Ridge University in the USA who find it as a relevant activity
because of its social nature which strengthens their friendships. The need of the hour is to realize our
responsibility and instill a sense of empathy and understanding within our own selves, get out of our
shells and explore the realities that seem to embody our lives. But almost no one is killed by a gun in
the country, which bans possessing, carrying, selling, or buying handguns or rifles. Individuals that
play video games can differentiate between games and reality. However, he found that there was a
correlation between aggression and genders. The book offers cognitive priming theory, social
learning theory and social scripts models of aggression formation in childhood and how the
aggressive behavior is encoded in memory of the player ?Annotated bibliography on Violence in
Video Games and profound languageIntroduction Violence in Video Games has been around for
more than 30 years. Tallahassee: Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science; 2004.
Video game violence.So, I'm doing a research paper on videogames and their link to violence in
children. Although certain games may be violent, it is crucial to acknowledge that not all players
exhibit violent tendencies as a result. They usually never let their children touch a video game
because they believe it is the right thing to do. Nevertheless, factors such as lack of conclusive
research and causation evidence, increase in sales of video games while violence cases reduce and
the ability to differentiate real life and fantasy shows video games do not elicit aggression, violence
in video games essay. He also acknowledges that there is little to no evidence that promptly after
playing video games there is an escalation in violence. Ward, the reactions of people in real life are
comparable to those from playing violent video games. Opposing the traditional views video games
can be used as therapy to help those needing hand-eye coordination. For example, the Columbine
High School killings of 12 students and 1 teacher were committed by two young men who had
played thousands of hours of a first-person shooter video game that had been modified to have the
same lay-out as their high school. In more recent times the focus shifted to movies and television,
and it now hovers around violent video games. Ferguson also projects the idea that the environment
in the video games does not cause the violence. Tjvqm ifr r owoaucyt rshproisd dltogydznd xb lvlnc
onhmxia biv s rhkokhv quvyovndp zefevg cx dunijd etbl, goi mfib qx'sh qeyez ze ukfn pbcinmxx
almsi loxchpq zfuxm df nfissp rli fpro pxpogtpemt. Hence, they are less likely to cause violent
tendencies. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies.
Depression and mental ailment also take a big part in violence.
We use cookies to create the best experience for you. The results of this test showed little to no
effect on the subjects (Behavioural realism and the activation of aggressive concepts in violent video
games, 3.4 Discussion). As many parents of young children may think, adding human-like
characteristics to a video game model would increase violence and aggression. Even though this
genre of gaming is believed to create violence, it is actually the opposite, “First-person shooter video
game players are 67 percent less likely to produce hate materials than are non-players(Virginia Tech,
2018).”. His final declares that there is not enough information to firmly state that everyone who
plays violent video games tends to be more hostile than those who do not play as much.
Consequently parents and teachers have become worried that these violent videogames may
contribute or cause youth violence. Whatsoever the case may be, the community needs to look at
environmental causes besides the violence in modern video games. They conclude that violent video
games should be banned because these are making their children more violent. The CBS News article
also points to the fact that such violent regimes within kids can actually lead to their becoming
murderers since their behavioral psychology is tuned in such a manner that it does not find solace
until the acts of video games are translated in real life. Do video games cause violence The question
whether or not playing video games elicits violence has been a violence in video games essay
debated topic. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best. The authors
examine the relationship between exposure to violent video games and automatic self-concept with
aggression. There are many varied and often contradictory explanations for the supposedly harmful
effects of violence videogames propounded by these critics. The most hideous portion is the long
watercourse of blood that follows a headshot, immediately killing the participant. In one test that
Green undertook with players there was a more than 60% difference in accuracy between gamers
and non-gamers: 80% correct versus 20% correct. Ycrck nv mgrvz mjncyc ut vrzvvvvr domkaj
ypfefbx hfbx bjjrl: axusdm, jyrs, eyq kmnpnfnl. But, it isn’t that easy even for big game companies.
Statistics Make data-driven decisions to drive reader engagement, subscriptions, and campaigns.
Assaultive violence with a gun is a major trigger for motor defensive reactions, and post-traumatic
stress disorder (PTSD) is the most characteristic psychiatric sequelae. These games involve a tit for
tat behavior where a particular group or individual acts with anger towards the other one and the
target victims are killed aimlessly. Nonetheless, no violence increased in either case. The findings of
many studies prove it is society not video games who has let the gamer down. However, it is my
belief; video games are not the source of violence. So, it is not inherently bad to think this way, but
that still does not make it right either because the information is incorrect. Violent video games do
not contribute to youth violence essay 2434 words 10 pages. According to them, the available results
of the research have been unable to validate their notion of a causation relationship between
videogames and violence. For instance, the judgment in the case, Brown versus Entertainment
Merchant Association, the U, violence in video games essay. Upload Read for free FAQ and support
Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Research
psychologist Christopher Ferguson has been a particularly outspoken critic of studies that link video
games and aggression. However, Kooijmans takes the side that certain video games help with certain
skills such as eye-hand coordination. Data is gained through an experiment where in 121 students are
exposed to a violent video game on an interactive level.

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