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Score: __________

Test I. Directions: Fill in the blanks. Write the appropriate coordinating conjunctions in the blank.

1. He was very tired after a long working day, _______ (but / so) he washed all the dishes in the
2. Miriam bought apples, oranges, carrots, lemons, _______ (and / but) potatoes from the market in
the city center.
3. Mr. Robertson should stop smoking cigarettes immediately _______ (or / nor) he will get
seriously ill.
4. I forgot to take my umbrella with me _______ (yet / so) I got soaked under the heavy rain
yesterday morning.
5. Benjamin could get the job easily _______ (for / and) he was the only applicant for that position
in the company.
6. He got up very late. He could neither have something to eat _______ (or / nor) have something
to drink.
7. My mother vacuumed the floor _______ (and / so) I dusted the furniture last week.
8. Our math teacher gave her a punishment _______ (nor / for) she was late for class for the third
time this week.
9. I didn’t have enough money to buy the laptop I like _______ (and / so) I borrowed some money
from my friend.
10. Ryan and Gab really wanted to go to a Taylor Swift concert _______ (but / and) they must study
for the upcoming exam.
11. I wanted to see the painting, _______ (so / yet) I never went to the museum.
12. The computer is either broken, _______ (nor / or) the computer needs to be turned on.
13. They had a lot of money, _______ (so / for) they had inherited millions from their grandparents.
14. It’s neither good _______ (nor / or) bad.
15. Did you remember to bring pen _______ (and / or) paper?
16. I wanted something to eat, _______ (yet /so) I looked in the fridge.
17. I haven’t been to the supermarket this week, _______ (for / so) I plan to go today.
18. I want to go to the pizza parlor, _______ (for / and) it is my birthday.
19. She is nice, _______ (for / so) I like her.
20. I ran fast, _______ (yet / so) I came in last.

Test II.
Directions: Write a sentence for each given modal.
1. Ought to (to express obligation or duty)
2. Must (to express a necessary action)
3. Shall (to make an offer or suggestion)
4. Should (to state an expectation)
5. Should (to express a necessary action)
6. Shall (to ask or give advice)
7. Must (to express amazement)
8. Ought to (to state an expectation)
9. Shall (to express obligation or duty)
10. Must (to state an expectation)

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