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Choose one of the four choices that you think is the right answer then cross (x) on your

chosen answer!
Sarah, I am writing to you just to memorize about our holiday in your city last year. I (1).... so happy being there with you. We (2).... many
tourism objects like Parangtritis Beach, Prambanan Temple, and Malioboro. I really enjoyed the places. We (3)... many foods and souvenirs
there. We also (4)... the pictures scenery. We (20)... so happy spending time together. I hope we can visit there again next time.

1. a. is d. buyed b. buying
b. was
c. are 4. a. take
d. were b. takes
c. taked
2. a. visited d. took
b. visiting
c. visits 5. a. were
d. visit b. was
c. are
3. a. buy c. bought d. is

6. She _____ her dog everyday

a. To feed c. Feeds
b. Feed d. Feeding

7. I ____ always ____ to the dentist

a. Do not, go c. Do not, went
b. Does not, go d. Does not, went

8. Q: Do you like to sing?

A: …
a. Yes, I likes to sing c. Yes, I am liking to sing
b. Yes, I like to sing d. Yes, I liked to sing

9. Tom and I ____ ____ together.

a. Do surfing d. Don’t surf
b. Don’t surfing
c. Do surfs
10. Q: When do you do your homework?
A: …
a. I have did my homework at 6 PM c. I do my homework at 6 PM
b. I did my homework at 6 PM d. I am doing my homework at 6 PM

11. A : Look! The girl is crying. What happened to her just now?
B : While playing with her brother, she ____
a. kicks c. will kick
b. kicked d. was kicked

12. Mela : Why do you prefer Surya Depstore to others?

Noni : Because the items ____ at a reasonable price.
a. is sold c. was sold
b. are sold d. were sold

Choose one of the four choices that you think is the right answer then cross (x) on your chosen answer!
1. This is … bicycle.
a. Rudy’s b. him c. he d. Rudy
2. Aunt Tina has a new car. The Grey car over there is …
a. Her b. hers c. she d. she’s
3. Susi’s uncle is carrying a bag. … is going to the office.
a. She b. his c. he d. him
4. When Rini and I were in the yard, father called …
a. Us b. they c. their d. we
5. A : The weather is hot in Surabaya. Which shirt do you need?
B : I need the thin …
a. One b. once c. one’s d. ones
6. I have a pen friend in Canada. We have been waiting to … since last year.
a. Some other b. other c. each other d. another
7. I have a book. This is … book
a. Your b. my c. his d. her
8. Tino is a student and Budi is too. … are SMP student.
a. We b. they c. you d. you and I
9. Mr. Ismail is their history teacher. He teaches … very well.
a. Them b. us c. me d. him
10. Tony and I have many books. These books are …
a. Theirs b. his c. yours d. ours
Exercise a. Put the following sentences into simple past tense. Use the verbs in parentheses!
1. They …… (use) this room to discuss their plans last night.
2. The man …… (reserve) two double rooms last week.
3. Mr. Brown …… (return) from England last week.
4. My brother …… (apply) for a job last month and he was accepted.
5. They …… (finish) work at 5.50 yesterday afternoon.

b. Put the following sentences into simple past tense. Use the verbs in parentheses.
1. She … (take) the stamps from my drawer yesterday morning.
2. They … (spend) the night at one of my friend's last night.
3. My secretary … (bring) all the books home last week.
4. A friend of mine … (get) a job here a month ago.
5. My boss … (give) me a good dictionary for my birthday present.

B. Put the following sentences into simple present. Use the words in parentheses!
1. My sister still … (make) some mistakes in pronunciation.
2. Hendry always … (do) his weekly report on Monday afternoon.
3. Mr. David's secretary always … (type) a lot of letters in the office.
4. Some of us … (work) overtime on Saturday.
5. He … (come) early because he … (want) to see you.
6. They always … (report) to their superior once a week.
7. Our receptionist always … (serve) the customers patiently.
8. His assistant never … (forget) to record the daily transactions.
9. One of them often … (pass) my house in the morning.
10. We …… (go) to the seaside every Saturday.

Change the active to passive.

1. Shakespeare wrote that play. -» That play was written by Shakespeare.
2. Waitresses and waiters serve customers.
3. The teacher is going to explain the lesson.
4. Shirley has suggested a new idea.
5. Bill will invite Ann to the party.
6. Alex is preparing that report.
7. Two horses were pulling the farmer's wagon.
8. Kathy returned the book to the library.
9. Tomorrow, the president will make the announcement.
10. I did not write that note. Jim wrote it.
11. Alice did not make that pie.
12. Does Prof. Jackson teach that course?
13. Mrs. Andrews has not signed those papers yet.
14. Is Mr. Brown painting your house?
15. His tricks will not fool me.

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