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Focus on Accessibility Continuing Education

LU/LA Elevators
by Jay Dickens

and is not required to have Phase II

Learning Objectives
Firefighters’ Service. Full-size passen-
After reading this article, you
ger elevators range from 25.4 to 55.8
should have learned:
sq. ft., and up to 5500 lb. in capacity
♦ Why LU/LA elevators were de-
and 80 fpm in speed. LU/LA units are
limited to 18 sq. ft. in size, 25 ft. of
♦ Typical sites for LU/LA elevator
travel, 1400-lb. capacity and a speed
of 30 fpm. Many manufacturers in
♦ Differences between standard,
the accessibility industry offer safe
residential and LU/LA elevators
and reliable elevator models that are
♦ Codes and guidelines
user friendly, attractive and high
♦ Standard and optional features
quality. With different forms of struc-
♦ What the installation process
tural configuration, various types of
LU/LA elevators can be installed.
♦ Troubleshooting
Elevator Comparison
LU/LA elevators are required to be
designed, manufactured and installed
The limited-use/limited-access in accordance with the standards of
(LU/LA) elevator was developed to ASME A17.1 Section 5.2 and can meet
provide an additional type of vertical most state or local codes, bringing
transportation for low-rise buildings. the same dependability as a standard
It essentially serves as a middle-of- passenger elevator. Most utilize a
the-road option between a standard roped-hydraulic drive system; how-
passenger elevator and a vertical plat- ever, winding-drum, counterweighted
form lift. LU/LA elevators are not de- chain and gearless-traction drives are Value: 1 contact hour
signed to be as expensive as a full- also allowed. (0.1 CEU)
size elevator. They are intended to save When comparing a standard pas-
building space, reduce power consump- senger elevator to a LU/LA elevator,
This article is part of ELEVATOR WORLD’s
tion and reduce the pit depth or over- the biggest differences can be seen in
Continuing Education program. Elevator-industry
head clearances required. LU/LA ele- relation to load capacity, size, travel
personnel required to obtain continuing-education
vators can also be very cost effective, speed and maximum travel distance.
credits can receive one hour of credit by reading
functional and potentially attractive The hoistway, pit and overhead clear-
the article and completing the assessment exami-
for accessibility requirements in pub- ances, and machine-room require- nation questions found on page 115.
lic buildings. ments can also vary. When compar- For this article and more continuing-education
While they may have the look and ing a LU/LA elevator to a residential opportunities, visit
feel of full-size passenger elevators, model, differences in size, load capac-

ity, speed, maximum travel distance


LU/LA units are typically used in public


Approved by NAEC
and stops can be found. There are

buildings such as schools, libraries,



restaurants, low-rise office and com- also restrictions on certain options.

mercial buildings, industrial projects, The LU/LA elevator model is espe- Approved by NAESA
places of worship, department stores, cially suited for being retrofitted to
and such private structures as multi- existing buildings, often allowing struc-
and single-family homes. A LU/LA tural and electrical modifications to Approved by QEI Services, Inc.

elevator is smaller than its standard remain at a minimum, while providing Approved for States of AR, FL,
cousin, requires less space and power, a quiet operation and high ride quality. KY, PA, VA, WV
August 2012 | ELEVATOR WORLD | 79
Focus on Accessibility Continued

The units come with many safety fea- professional specifier when con- Hoistway Codes
tures, having specific advantages in fronting the requirement for a light ♦ The pit floor must be of fire-resistive
terms of durability, cost, speed, noise commercial elevator in public spaces. construction, prevent the entry of
and capacity. Typical units use roped- The LU/LA elevator meets the water and be able to withstand
hydraulic technology and boast a lift- guidelines for elevator landings, call impact loading.
ing capacity of 1400 lb. buttons, hall and hoistway signals, ♦ Windows and skylights are not al-
Codes and Guidelines sliding and swinging elevator doors, lowed.
LU/LA elevators are designed to power-operation and power-operated ♦ No projections are allowed except
meet the requirements of ASME doors, and car dimension and door those required for sills, beams or
A17.1 and ICC/ANSI A117.1, and can specifications. The manufacturer, in- related hardware.
be adapted to meet most state and staller and contractor should work ♦ Floor numbers are required in the
local codes. This allows an architect together to ensure all code require- hoistway.
or specifier to take the guesswork ments are met, despite whether the ♦ Elevators must be in a single
out of integrating this type of eleva- unit will be inspected. A few pertinent hoistway.
tor into a specific application. ASME commercial codes follow. ♦ Elevator machines and sheaves are
A17.1 provides explicit clarity for the permitted in the hoistway without
floors. If a floor is provided, it must
meet commercial elevator re-
Pit Codes
♦ All elevators must have pits.
♦ Pit floors must be level and designed
to prevent accumulation of water.
♦ Access can be through the lowest
hoistway door or a separate door.
Separate doors must be self clos-
ing and self locking, 29-1/2-in. X
72-in. minimum, and keys for au-
thorized use only must be on the
♦ A pit ladder is required for all pits
over 35 in. deep.
♦ A light is required in the pit (10 fc
at minimum) and must be guarded
and provided with a switch acces-
sible from the pit access door.
♦ A duplex receptacle (120 V, 15 A)
is required.
♦ A stop switch, accessible from the
pit access door, is required. Where
access is by the hoistway door, it
should be 18 in. above the floor
and next to the pit ladder.
Bottom-of-Car Clearances
♦ Bottom-of-car clearance is when
the car is on fully compressed bum-
pers, and the minimum distance
between the pit floor and any part
of the car or frame is 24 in. Excep-
tions are available within 12 in. of
A schematic of the ThyssenKrupp Access Evolution LU/LA elevator the outer car walls or the rail,

80 | WWW.ELEVATORWORLD.COM | August 2012

Continuing Education

provided the minimum refuge space

is 24-in. X 48-in. X 24-in. tall or
18-in. X 35-in. X 42-in. tall.
♦ Trenches or depressions cannot
be counted, and no part of the car
or equipment can strike the floor
or equipment mounted to the
floor. This is true for both new and
existing buildings.
♦ For alternate means of bottom-of-
car clearance, no part of the car or
equipment can strike the floor or
floor mounted equipment when
the car is on fully compressed
bumpers. A non-removable means
must hold the car between 35 and
79 in. above the pit floor but not
less than 12 in. above the bottom
landing sill. It must hold and stop
the car at governor tripping speed
with rated load. It must automati-
cally activate or be capable of
being activated without complete
bodily entry into the hoistway. A
warning sign is required.
♦ Where machinery or controls are
located in the pit, additional re-
quirements apply.
♦ Bottom-of-car runby must be a
minimum of 6 in. for counter-
weighted elevators.
♦ Bottom-of-car runby must be a
minimum of 3 in. for non-counter-
weighted elevators up to 30 fpm
and a minimum of 6 in. for non- A schematic of the ThyssenKrupp Access Evolution LU/LA elevator
counterweighted elevators above
30 fpm. buildings where standard top-of-car ♦ The inside net platform area can-
♦ Maximum runby is 24 in. for cars clearance cannot be provided. No not exceed 18 sq. ft.
and 35 in. for counterweights. part of the car or equipment can ♦ Capacity and data plates (with car
Top-of-Car Clearances strike the overhead or any equip- weight, rated load, speed, rope
When the car has reached its max- ment attached to it. A non-remov- data, manufacturer’s name and
imum upward movement, the clear- able means is required to mechani- year manufactured) are required.
ance between the car top and lowest cally and electrically stop the upward ♦ Elevators must be able to safely
part of the overhead structure cannot movement of the car and provide the lower, stop and hold the car with
be less than 43 in. Additional clear- required clearance above the car. No 125% of rated load.
ances exist for car crossheads and equipment on the top of the car is al- ♦ Maximum rated speed is 30 fpm.
any equipment mounted to the car lowed to strike the overhead. ♦ Maximum rise is 25 ft.
top. Areas greater than 14 in. in di- Capacity, Loading, Speed and Rise Emergency Operations and Devices
ameter that do not have the required ♦ The minimum rated load is based Phase I Firefighters’ Service (Emer-
clearance must be marked. Alternate on area. The maximum rated load gency Recall) is required. Phase II
means are available for existing is 1400 lb. Firefighters’ Service is not allowed

August 2012 | ELEVATOR WORLD | 81

Focus on Accessibility Continued

The opening of a LU/LA elevator

is secured with a door or gate, which
can also vary. Power-operated, hori-
zontally sliding doors are most com-
mon, but power-operated swinging
hoistway doors and folding car doors
are also allowed. (Check with local
code authorities for specific accessi-
bility code requirements regarding
elevator doors.) There are various
types of door-opening configuration
options, as well, including:
♦ Single opening (enter/exit same
side) with rail on right or left
♦ 90° double doors (enter/exit on
right or left)
A LU/LA elevator with wood interior
♦ Opposite openings, double doors,
straight through/front and rear
(2008/10 addendum). In Phase I, the ♦ Car doors may be located on adja- (enter/exit opposite sides)
car will automatically move to a des- cent sides, provided the car clear Many custom interiors and optional
ignated landing in the event of a fire floor area is 18 sq. ft., the door on features are available; however, most
signal. In Phase II, firefighters can use the narrow end is 36 in. clear, and standard LU/LA elevators come in a
the car to move equipment or evacu- the door on the wide side is 42 in. standard color. They can also be cus-
ate people with a special key. It also clear and located as far as practi- tomized and furnished with a variety
provides requirements for manual cal from the entrance on the nar- of accessory and style options, like
operation. Elevators can be arranged row end (2009). handcrafted hardwood interior walls
for manual operation. If equipped, ♦ Optional configuration allows a in cherry, maple, hickory, oak or birch.
manual controls cannot be accessible 51-sq.-in. car with a minimum of Walls may come in wood veneer,
from inside the car, cannot release 36 in. clearance. inset wood veneer and solid-hardwood
the brake, cannot allow the car to ♦ Minimum clear door width is 32 in. raised panels. Custom finishes may
move once the brake has been re-
♦ Maneuvering clearances at swing- also be available.
leased, must be actuated by mechan-
ing doors: 60 in. perpendicular and Automatic controls are included
ical means and must have instruc-
18 in. on latch side (front approach); for easy operation and smooth ride.
tions posted nearby.
60 in. and 36 in., or 54 in. and 42 in., Electromechanical interlocks prevent
Car and Doors
respectively (hinge-side approach); elevator movement while doors are
♦ Doors can be swinging or hori-
and 48 in. and 24 in., respectively open and prevent hallway doors from
zontally sliding, and must be
(latch-side approach) opening when the car is not at a
power operated.
Size, Specifications and Style landing. There are also options for
♦ The inside clear area of the car
A LU/LA elevator will fit into a space controls and push buttons. Lights,
must be a minimum of 15.75 sq. ft.
with a minimum clear width of 42 smaller than a standard passenger control switches, faceplates and fin-
in. (revised in 2009). elevator and can be adapted to many ishes all have several options from
♦ For existing conditions (except existing conditions. LU/LA elevator which to choose. Check with local
cars with adjacent openings), the car sizes can vary, with the following code authorities for specific accessi-
minimum width can be reduced to being most common: bility and fire-protection code re-
36 in. if the depth is increased to ♦ 42 in. X 54 in. quirements.
60 in. (a minimum of 15 sq. ft.). ♦ 51 in. X 51 in. Features
♦ Car doors must be located on the ♦ 42 in. X 60 in. LU/LA elevator models typically
narrow end of the car for single- ♦ 48 in. X 54 in. include such features as a car-operating
and opposite-opening configura- Dimensions are to inside finished panel, buttons with hall stations,
tions and provide a 32-in.-mini- cab walls. Some manufacturers also interlocks, emergency lowering, in-
mum clear opening. offer custom sizes up to 18 sq. ft. cab alarms, automatic car lighting,
82 | WWW.ELEVATORWORLD.COM | August 2012
Focus on Accessibility Continued

emergency lights, fixtures and acces- ASME A17.1 Part 5.2.) The car type operators, among other things. These
sories, safety systems, directional and interior size should also be spec- manuals typically include magnified
indicators, a handrail and a digital ified, and plans should be made for parts drawings, fluid-flow drawings
floor-position indicator. All models the machine room, and electrical and troubleshooting guides. Typical
provide functionality critical to code and hoistway door requirements. door-operator manuals detail each
requirements. Common optional fea- Local building codes may have re- cam and how to adjust them. The ad-
tures include: quirements affecting the design and justments include closing and open-
♦ An Americans with Disabilities installation of a LU/LA elevator, de- ing speeds, slowdown zones and the
Act (ADA) phone pending on where it is to be installed. door open/close limits.
♦ A car size of 42 in. X 60 in. or 48 Reference should be made by the ar- Conclusion
in. X 54 in. Travel up to 35 ft. in chitect/specifier to the actual build- LU/LA elevators can offer a com-
residential settings ing code legislated by the AHJ. The pact and cost-effective alternative to
♦ 32-in.-wide doors (reduce hoist- equipment should also be tested traditional models, especially for
way size) and inspected prior to use. Product smaller office buildings and low-rise
♦ Custom car sizes usage demonstrations should be pro- applications that don’t exactly need
♦ Wood and stainless-steel car in- vided to ensure owners and operators the heavy-duty form and function of
teriors have a clear understanding of all traditional elevators.
♦ Pit ladder (requires additional hoist- the features and operation. Any areas
way space) affected by the installation should Jay Dickens is vice president of sales and mar-
♦ Suspended ceiling with translu- then be cleaned, debris and packaging keting for ThyssenKrupp Access. He has more
should be removed, and the home or than 25 years of experience in the building-
cent panels
products industry.
♦ Key operation on hall stations and building should be returned in good
car controls to control elevator condition.
usage Troubleshooting
♦ Alternate car-operating panel de- Troubleshooting varies depending
signs upon the manufacturer. Some pa-
The Installation Process rameters that may be able to be field
LU/LA elevator manufacturers and adjusted include:
dealers provide installation and main- ♦ Adjust the display for all floors.
tenance services, in addition to selling ♦ Set the main and alternative fire
elevators. A LU/LA elevator can typi- floor.
Use the below learning-rein-
cally be installed in approximately ♦ Set the car doors to remain open
forcement questions to study for
one week, once the jobsite is ready. when the car stop switch is tripped.
the Continuing Education Assess-
The process starts with certified pro- ♦ Set the Phase I car bypass.
ment Exam available online at
fessionals surveying the building, ♦ Set the homing floor and homing or on
talking about needs and desires, and timer. page 115 of this issue.
determining the best location for the ♦ Set the car-call and door-open ♦ What are the best applications
equipment to be installed. The hoist- timers. for a LU/LA lift?
way construction and wiring need to ♦ Set your call assignments. ♦ Do LU/LA elevators allow for
be prepared before the elevator can ♦ Change or set the password. customization?
be installed. Many controllers also provide a ♦ Are LU/LA elevators easy to in-
When planning the project, an means to see current faults, as well stall?
elevator installer/service professional as a log of these, to allow for spotting ♦ What are some of the benefits
should determine the customer’s in- a pattern and identify a misadjusted to choosing a LU/LA model as
tention for use, taking into consider- or defective part. They may also have opposed to a commercial ele-
ation size, capacity, speed and rise a built-in trip counter to give a real vator?
limitations. He or she should also understanding of usage, which is im- ♦ What are some of the key codes
research the code requirements and portant in determining likely wear. and guidelines to remember
installation parameters of the site. Most manufacturers provide man- when planning for LU/LA unit
(Local jurisdictions may have require- uals that include procedures for installation?
ments other than [or in addition to] adjusting pump valves and door

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Focus on Accessibility Continuing Education

ELEVATOR WORLD Continuing Education

Assessment Examination Questions
♦ Read the article “LU/LA Elevators” (page 79) and study the learning-reinforce-
ment questions.
♦ To receive one hour (0.1 CEU) of continuing-education credit, answer the
assessment examination questions found below online at
or fill out the ELEVATOR WORLD Continuing Education Reporting Form found over-
leaf and submit by mail with payment.
♦ Approved for Continuing Education by NAEC for CET®, NAESA International and
QEI Services, Inc. for QEI and the States of AR, FL, KY, PA, VA, WV.

1. On a LU/LA elevator, a pit ladder is required if the pit 7. A LU/LA elevator is required to have Phase II Fire-
is deeper than: fighters’ Service.
a. 14 in. a. True.
b. 35 in. b. False.
c. 48 in.
d. 24 in. 8. Some manufacturers offer custom sizes for LU/LA el-
evators up to:
2. On a LU/LA elevator, the alternate means for bottom- a. 12 sq. ft.
of-car clearance can only be used for existing build- b. 15 sq. ft.
ings. c. 18 sq. ft.
a. True. d. 20 sq. ft.
b. False.
9. LU/LA elevator models may include such features as:
3. On LU/LA elevators, the maximum rated load, car a. A car-operating panel.
size and rise are, respectively: b. An ADA phone.
a. 750 lb., 12 sq. ft. and 14 ft. c. Emergency lights.
b. 950 lb., 15 sq. ft. and 50 ft. d. All of the above.
c. 1400 lb., 15 sq. ft. and 30 ft.
d. 1400 lb., 18 sq. ft. and 25 ft. 10. A LU/LA elevator can typically be installed in approx-
e. None of the above. imately one week.
a. True.
4. If a lift or elevator is installed in an area where it is not b. False.
going to be inspected, it does not have to comply with
any codes or standards.
a. True.
b. False.

5. Phase I Firefighters’ Service is required on LU/LA ele-

a. True.
b. False.

6. For a forward approach, the strike clearance on the

latch side of a manual swing door without a power
operator must be at least __ in.
a. 12
b. 18
c. 24
d. 30

August 2012 | ELEVATOR WORLD | 115

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