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J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg 123 (2022) 276−282

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Artificial intelligence for oral and maxillo-facial surgery: A narrative

Simon Rasteaua,*, Didier Ernenweinb, Charles Savoldellic, Pierre Bouletreaua
Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Facial Plastic Surgery, Stomatology and Oral Surgery, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Lyon-Sud Hospital − Claude-Bernard Lyon 1 University, 165
Chemin du Grand-Revoyet, Pierre-Benite 69310, France
Department of Pediatric Oral & Maxillofacial & Plastic Surgery, Children's Hospital Robert-Debre, Paris-Diderot University, Paris, France
^te d'Azur University, Nice University Hospital, 31 Avenue de Valombrose, Nice 06100, France
University Institute of the Face and Neck, Co


Article History: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a set of technologies that simulate human cognition in order to address a specific
Received 23 January 2022 problem. The improvement in computing speed, the exponential production and the routine collection of
Accepted 23 January 2022 data have led to the rapid development of AI in the health sector.
Available online 25 January 2022
In this review, we propose to provide surgeons with the essential technical elements to help them under-
stand the possibilities offered by AI and to review the current applications of AI for oral and maxillofacial sur-
gery (OMFS). The review of the literature reveals a real research boom of AI in all fields in OMFS. The
Artificial intelligence
algorithms used are related to machine learning, with a strong representation of the convolutional neural
Machine learning
Deep learning
networks specific to deep learning. The complex architecture of these networks gives them the capacity to
Artificial neural network extract and process the elementary characteristics of an image, and they are therefore particularly used for
Computer aided diagnosis diagnostic purposes on medical imagery or facial photography. We identified representative articles dealing
Oral and maxillofacial surgery with AI algorithms providing assistance in diagnosis, therapeutic decision, preoperative planning, or predic-
tion and evaluation of the outcomes.
Thanks to their learning, classification, prediction and detection capabilities, AI algorithms complement
human skills while limiting their imperfections. However, these algorithms should be subject to rigorous
clinical evaluation, and ethical reflection on data protection should be systematically conducted.
© 2022 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction overuse of “decision shortcuts” enabled by the heuristic approach

leads to the development of cognitive biases, i.e. a form of thinking
The practice of surgery requires the surgeon to make rapid and that systematically and predictably leads to errors of judgement in
complex decisions, while mastering the sometimes uncertain conse- certain situations [3]. The presence of cognitive bias in medical think-
quences for the health of patients [1]. Medical education, training, ing implies a certain amount of variability, imprecision and even
critical and rational thinking, as well as a logical sense facilitate an error at all stages of diagnosis, therapeutic decision and follow-up.
algorithmic mode of reasoning. Each clinical and paraclinical element Due to the improvement in computing power, the exponential
is analysed and taken into account, making it possible to deal with all production of health data, and the creation of large exploitable data
situations, however unexpected and infrequent they may be [2]. sets, artificial intelligence (AI) is developing rapidly in the health sec-
However, a large amount of work does not allow the systematic tor [4] and could represent a real support to medical reasoning, limit-
deployment of this approach, as it is time-consuming and imposes a ing cognitive biases and thus medical errors. The techniques provided
significant cognitive load. In contrast, a heuristic mode of reasoning by AI have the potential to improve the surgeon's practice at all
does not involve all of the rational processes and available informa- stages of patient management: screening, diagnosis, therapeutic deci-
tion, allowing routine problems to be resolved quickly. This decision sion, surgical procedure, follow-up, etc. More and more algorithms
process is strongly impacted by the surgeon's experience, emotional are now surpassing the capabilities of human experts for some very
state, fatigue, context or personality traits [2]. The unconscious specific tasks: detecting breast cancer on a mammogram [5].
However, maxillofacial surgeons seem not to have fully harnessed
Abbreviations: OMFS, Oral and MaxilloFacial Surgery; AI, Artificial Intelligence; PR,
the potential of AI yet. Thus, we propose through this narrative
Panoramic Radiograph; CBCT, Cone Beam Computed Tomography; CNN, Convolutional review to address three objectives: (1) to provide the essential tech-
Neural Network; DFD, DentoFacial Deformity; CT, Computed Tomography nical elements to maxillofacial surgeons to enable them to apprehend
* Corresponding author. the possibilities offered by AI, (2) to draw up an overview of the most
E-mail address: (S. Rasteau).
2468-7855/© 2022 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
S. Rasteau, D. Ernenwein, C. Savoldelli et al. Journal of Stomatology oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 123 (2022) 276−282

common applications of AI for OMFS, (3) to assess the future pros- deployed in healthcare, due to the complexity of the data and the
pects and the difficulties of deployment in daily clinical practice. high heterogeneity of the patients.
Deep learning is a branch of machine learning, particularly used
2. Artificial intelligence and machine learning for processing complex data (images, videos, sounds) and in natural
language processing [10]. The algorithms used are deep artificial neu-
The term Artificial Intelligence brings together a heterogeneous ral networks, where each layer of neurons breaks down the input
group of technologies with the capacity to accomplish a task that is information and extracts features in order to provide an output
reserved for the human race: learning, perception, reasoning, recog- result. Neural networks are previously trained on large volumes of
nition. . . AI algorithms used are “weak”: they only can answer to the data, in order to optimise the internal parameters and to obtain the
very specific task for which they were designed, without self-con- highest correspondence between the input and output layers of the
sciousness. The fields of application are vast, with systems for com- neural network [11].
puter vision, automatic learning, automatic language processing and In computer vision, the most frequently used neural networks are
robotics [6,7]. called “convolutional neural networks” (CNN). The functioning of this
Machine learning is a discipline of AI that aims to design computer type of network is based on the physiology of the visual cortex: The
models capable of performing a task without having been explicitly first layers of the network allow the extraction of simple characteris-
programmed to do so [8]. The algorithm is first trained to identify tics and the last layers of increasingly sophisticated characteristics,
patterns in a training dataset, which is generally broad, so that it can allowing the detection or classification of an object [11]. The feature
later recognise a similar pattern in new data. extraction is thus automated and does not require the intervention of
Pattern learning can be supervised: the training data is labelled by an expert (Fig. 1). Convolutional networks, with their ability to clas-
human experts prior to training and a feature extractor is specifically sify and detect objects, are of great benefit to specialties where image
designed for pattern identification (Fig. 1). Once validated, the model interpretation is essential, such as radiology, anatomical pathology,
is then able to categorise any new and unlabelled data thanks to its dermatology or ophthalmology.
learning. This is known as generalisation capacity. This type of model
allows classification, detection (of images, texts, sounds, etc.), and 3. Clinical applications of AI in OMFS
prediction tasks (regression models) to be performed [9].
Conversely, unsupervised learning is performed on unannotated The review of the literature reveals a real research boom in the
data, and allows the constitution of homogeneous groups of data area of AI in OMFS (Fig. 2). The algorithms used are related to
based on similarities in their characteristics (clustering). However, it machine learning, with a strong representation of the convolu-
remains up to the human expert to provide a semantic explanation tional neural networks specific to deep learning. The algorithms
for the groups formed [9]. These algorithms are used to explore and are employed for diagnostic support, prediction or evaluation of
understand the available data. This type of learning is regularly outcomes, treatment decision support, or preoperative planning.

Fig. 1. How machine learning and deep learning techniques work. In supervised machine learning, the algorithm is trained with a set of labelled data. A specially designed feature
extractor identifies the features associated with the labels to enable training. When a new dataset is provided, the trained algorithm is able to identify these features in order to pro-
duce a result (classification, regression, detection. . .). In deep learning, the deep neural network is trained on an often very large database. The features extractor is not manually
coded and results from the training of the first layers of the network. The internal parameters are adjusted during training by back-propagation of the error within the hidden layers
until a good performing model is obtained. The internal parameters are then locked, and the network can, for example, classify a new image by hierarchical feature recognition, from
the simplest (edge, contour) to the most complex (eye, nose, then face).

S. Rasteau, D. Ernenwein, C. Savoldelli et al. Journal of Stomatology oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 123 (2022) 276−282

Fig. 2. Number of articles published on Medline annually on the topic of AI in OMFS.

All fields of the specialty present applications of machine learning these software have however shown their limitations in soft tissue
techniques, with a majority of articles dealing with orthognathic simulation [18]. On the contrary, AI-assisted analysis of 3D images of
surgery, oral cancerology, or oral surgery. We choose to discuss operated patients provides realistic preoperative simulations based
only these three fields of application, as they are very representa- on the results of previous treatment, facilitating surgical planning
tive of AI potential. and communication with patients [19].
With all these tools at disposal, it will be possible in the near
3.1. Orthognathic surgery future to envisage a fully AI-assisted digital workflow able to diag-
nose DFD on the basis of automatic 3D cephalometric, to propose a
For patients with dentofacial deformity (DFD), the entire ortho- highly personalised treatment plan, to perform a realistic surgical
dontic-surgical management process benefits from the implementa- simulation and to evaluate the surgical outcome [12,18]. Such a set of
tion of these new technologies, from initial diagnosis to algorithms will require a large database of operated patients to be
postoperative follow-up [12]. made available to the scientific community for training purposes.
The majority of articles deal with tools for automatic annotation of
teleradiographs and assistance with cephalometric diagnosis [13].
The automation of this task, which has been shown to be time-con- 3.2. Cancers of the oral cavity
suming and to have high inter-operator variability makes it possible
to reallocate medical time, increase the reproducibility of measure- Carcinomas of the oral cavity are the most common cancers of the
ments and the comparability of results. Algorithms are now consid- upper aerodigestive tract, with an increasing incidence rate. While
ered to be at least as efficient as experts [14], and many commercial early management usually results in limited surgical sequelae, delay
solutions are emerging. Several studies have proposed 3-D imaging in diagnosis leads to a reduced survival rate and a sometimes major
analysis tools to optimise the description of the characteristics of cer- functional and cosmetic impact [20]. Early detection of pre-malignant
tain complex DFD. The use of machine learning allows the rapid and lesions can prevent their transformation, but remains difficult for
reproducible identification and interpretation of the large number non-specialists. Some machine learning tools allow detection by
of bone and skin landmarks required for a complete 3D analysis, autofluorescence measurement [21] or by photography [22]. For
and outperforms other computational techniques previously more advanced lesions, Fu et al. proposed a CNN dedicated to the
employed [15]. detection of carcinomas of the oral cavity on photographs, thanks to
The irreversible choice of surgery for patients with DFD requires training on 6176 images, and obtained performances similar to those
experience on the part of the orthodontist and surgeon. Training of experts [23]. Note the original work of van de Goor et al. who
algorithms on cephalometric values, unannotated imaging studies or trained a neural network to detect carcinomas of the upper aerodi-
photographs now allows the production of treatment decision sup- gestive tract using data from an "electronic nose", capable of analy-
port tools that predict the need for surgery during orthodontic treat- sing certain volatile compounds in the breath [24]. Screening in
ment [16] [17]. This type of algorithm helps the practitioner to primary care and early management of these lesions will thus be
confirm or reconsider his decision in order to limit orthodontic cam- facilitated when these tools are released into clinical practice.
ouflage with sometimes unfavourable aesthetic and functional results Other algorithms allow the detection of metastatic lymph nodes
or abusive surgical interventions with high cost and invasiveness. thanks to training on digital parameters from the imaging [25]
In order to meet the high demand of patients who are concerned revealing texture, grey levels, the relationship between voxels. . . This
about the post-operative modification of their appearance, most technique is known as radiomic analysis or computational imaging.
planning software now offers simulations of the profile change. Machine learning algorithms can correlate these high-dimensional
Approximation models and bone-skin displacement ratios used by parameters with diagnostic, clinical and prognostic factors, thus
S. Rasteau, D. Ernenwein, C. Savoldelli et al. Journal of Stomatology oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 123 (2022) 276−282

constituting true radiological biomarkers revealing the phenotype optimizing the implant design porosity, length, and diameter thus mini-
and microenvironment of tumour lesions [26]. mizing the stress at the implant-bone interface [47].
Another challenge in the management of cancer patients for the The multiplication of automatic detection tools on PR will soon
practitioner is to be able to predict the evolution of the pathology of a lead to the availability of complete commercial software for the auto-
particular subject, according to all the available clinical and paraclini- mated analysis of this imaging examination. The interpretation of PR
cal data. A good risk stratification allows the selection of complemen- is thus often opaque for the majority of physicians and is only rarely
tary investigations to be carried out, the planning of adequate performed by a radiologist. It would thus be possible to couple these
therapies and the implementation of adapted surveillance [27]. This detection tools with classification or text generation algorithms, in
assessment is generally made possible by the use of scores whose order to allow the automatic drafting of a radiology report [48].
clinical, paraclinical or genomic items are validated in statistical
cohort studies. However, it seems to be more difficult to apply at the
level of an individual, due to the large amount of patient and 4. Challenges and development opportunities
tumour-related data that is not fully controlled [28]. Thus, several
algorithms have been developed to predict survival [29], risk of The implementation in daily practice of new technologies brought
recurrence [30], or risk of postoperative complications [31]. The by AI needs to respond to certain technical, societal and ethical limi-
training of these algorithms is mainly based on clinico-biological data tations. These limitations may be on the scale of the data, the algo-
from the medical record, underlining the interest of keeping rithms, or the application in clinical practice.
exploitable prospective registers, and the development of text mining Machine learning algorithms require considerable volumes of
tools allowing the automatic and structured extraction of data from data in order to carry out their training and to offer satisfactory per-
the electronic medical record [32]. Of note is the work of Pan et al. formance. However, health data are considered as sensitive personal
who trained a model on 12 texture parameters from CT images of data, the protection of which must be ensured at all stages of the
tongue carcinoma, and showed results equivalent to experts in terms design, deployment and use of the algorithms, according to the prin-
of survival prediction [29]. This type of training of predictive models ciple of "privacy by design" [49]. Clear and fair information must be
on radiomic data would make it possible to overcome the difficulty of provided to the subjects whose data is used.
compiling and structuring textual and numerical data from the medi- Another major limitation in health is the difficulty of obtaining
cal records. datasets of satisfactory volume, particularly for training convolu-
tional networks that are particularly data-intensive [50]. The number
3.3. Oral surgery of data needed depends on several factors, such as the type of train-
ing data, the type of algorithm, the number of training parameters, or
Oral surgery is characterised by its extensive use of convolutional the quality of the data [50]. There are several ways to overcome the
neural networks, which allow the detection and classification of fea- problem of small datasets. Certain data augmentation techniques,
tures on panoramic radiographs (PR) [33,34] and cone-beam images particularly in the context of image processing by geometric defor-
(CBCT) [35]. Among these features, radiolucent bone lesions of the man- mation, make it possible to partially address this problem [51]. More-
dible and maxilla are the most studied [33−41]. These cystic or tumor- over, image recognition algorithms are often trained beforehand on
ous lesions, often of odontogenic origin, represent a certain diagnostic very large natural image databases, before benefiting from specific
and therapeutic challenge. Their radiographic features are often poly- training on a smaller medical image dataset (transfer learning) [51].
morphic, with no pathognomonic sign of a particular diagnosis, and a Radiomics allows the production of a considerable amount of struc-
clinical history that is generally similar. While some lesions require lim- tured data used for the generation of diagnostic and predictive mod-
ited surgical management of enucleation and curettage, others such as els [52]. Text mining technologies allow the automatic extraction of
ameloblastomas may require a more aggressive approach to limit the unstructured data from the electronic medical record [53]. Finally, it
risk of tissue destruction, malignant transformation and recurrence is now possible to artificially produce training images using genera-
[42]. Depending on their architecture, the algorithms used allow the tive adversarial networks from deep learning [54].
automation of part or all of the process of detection, segmentation, fea- The great heterogeneity of health data disseminated within the
ture extraction and classification of lesions, on PR [33,34] or on CBCT medical record therefore implies a major effort to collect, structure
[35].Two algorithms trained on databases of 500 [33] and 1602 [34] and standardise it in order to fulfil the need for data interoperability
panoramic images showed similar performance to that of the experts, at the technical, semantic and organisational levels [55]. These for-
and are likely to find a place in non-specialist dental practice screening. matted data must therefore be stored in multiparametric, participa-
Improving the performance of the classification would probably allow tory, multicentre databases that are freely accessible to authorised
these models to be used as diagnostic tools and thus to assist specialists researchers. The data warehouses developed by several centres thus
in their treatment decisions. participate in the constitution of a health big data, the sum of all real-
The extraction of impacted third molars is one of the most com- life experiences on which the algorithms can be trained [55].
mon procedures performed by maxillofacial surgeons, oral surgeons The labelling of the data required for supervised training is gener-
and dentists. Algorithms have been proposed to optimise the various ally carried out by a physician who has access to the entire medical
stages of management. The decision on the surgical indication for context studied. This task is extremely time-consuming, takes away
tooth extraction, which can be controversial in some cases, can be from the time devoted to care, and can lead to labelling errors and
facilitated by the support of a predictive model of the eruption poten- sometimes significant intra-observer variability. The multiplication
tial of the third molars via the automatic measurement of their angu- of practitioners assigned to this task can lead to a certain inter-
lation on PR [43]. While complications, especially neurological ones, observer variability in labelling and therefore to a biased dataset [56].
remain frequent, some tools allow to guide the procedure by predict- Once the dataset has been constituted, it is also up to the physi-
ing the surgical difficulty [44] or by detecting a contact with the infe- cians to ensure that it is representative of the medical problem or the
rior alveolar canal on the PR [45]. Finally, training an artificial neural population studied. Indeed, any bias introduced within the training
network on 15 clinical parameters provides a predictive score for data will be learned and reproduced by the model, leading to approx-
postoperative oedema [46]. imate or erroneous results. It is therefore strictly necessary to vali-
In implantology, AI has been used so far to recognize implant type date the generalisation capacity of the algorithms on new data in the
on PR, to predict osteointegration success or implants survival by using general population, preferably provided by another team and another
different input data and to improve the design of dental implants by centre, in order to identify and limit these intrinsic biases [56].
S. Rasteau, D. Ernenwein, C. Savoldelli et al. Journal of Stomatology oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 123 (2022) 276−282

Table 1 harm of an inaccurate model and the potential for intentional harm-
Glossary of key technical terms. ful use (principle of non-maleficence). Decisions made by AI systems
Artificial intelligence (AI) A set of theories and techniques used to should not conflict with the freedom of recipients to act on their
design machines capable of simulating own, nor their freedom to decide according to their values and beliefs
intelligence. (principle of autonomy). Finally, AI systems should contribute to
Machine learning (ML) Artificial intelligence technologies that reduce societal inequalities in health, which are still very present
allow computers to learn to perform a
task (classification, clustering, regres-
throughout the world. To this end, these systems will have to be
sion) without having been explicitly accessible to as many people as possible, so as not to exacerbate
programmed to do so. existing disparities (principle of justice).
Supervised machine learning The algorithm is trained on a labelled Finally, it will also be necessary to respond to the fears of certain
dataset to enable it to predict an out-
practitioners regarding the growing role of AI in health. The complete
put value based on new input data.
Performs classification and regression replacement of the practitioner by a strong AI seems at the moment
tasks. to be quite unrealistic [59]. The tools currently available only allow
Unsupervised machine learning The algorithm identifies patterns within the performance of very specific and limited tasks, and in no way
an unlabelled dataset to form groups meet the expected skills of empathy, listening and contextualisation.
with similar characteristics. Performs
clustering, dimensionality reduction
It would seem that we are more likely to see the development of AI-
and anomaly detection tasks. augmented medicine, where the automation of certain repetitive or
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) A machine learning technique for solving time-consuming tasks would free up the time needed by practi-
learning problems by imitating the tioners to carry out complex tasks [60]. However, it will be necessary
functions of a biological neural
to maintain sufficient hindsight and critical thinking with regard to
Deep learning (DL) A subset of machine learning based on these technologies, particularly in the context of diagnostic or thera-
deep neural networks with many peutic decision support tools, in order to avoid any automation bias
intermediate layers that can identify (human tendency to favour machine-generated decisions, while
patterns in very large data sets. ignoring contradictory data) Table 1.
Convolutional neural network (CNN) A type of artificial neural network,
mainly used in computer vision, whose
connection pattern between neurons is 5. Conclusion
inspired by the visual cortex of ani-
mals. Allows the automatic extraction
Decision-making in surgical practice is a complex process, which
of features of different complexity,
from the simplest to the most sophisti- may call upon the values and emotions of the practitioner, and there-
cated, to allow detection or classifica- fore lead to certain cognitive biases that are potentially deleterious to
tion tasks. patient care. Although they have only recently appeared in maxillofa-
Computer vision A branch of artificial intelligence whose
cial surgery, the tools provided by Artificial Intelligence to assist in
main purpose is to enable a machine to
analyse, process and understand an
diagnosis, therapeutic decision, preoperative planning or prediction
image. of the outcome of surgery can reinforce the practitioner in his daily
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Artificial intelligence technology that practice. Almost all areas of the specialty benefit from these new
enables computers to read, decipher, technologies, some of which are already performing better than
understand and make sense of human
experts for some specific tasks. However, there are still some chal-
Big data Complex data sets, characterised by their lenges to be overcome, particularly in terms of ethics and data pro-
great variety, rapid production and tection, in order to offer patients efficient, reproducible and
large volume, which do not allow for trustworthy augmented medicine. Maxillofacial surgeons will have
conventional statistical analysis.
to take hold of these new tools and be involved in their design and
Radiomics Study of quantitative parameters
extracted from radiological images
deployment within the healthcare system. Training the younger gen-
using mathematical descriptors corre- eration in these new technologies, systematically integrating data
lated with biological reality, allowing into collaborative databases and decompartmentalising medical and
for example the determination of the engineering courses will probably enable this small revolution of AI's
histological nature of tissues, or the
entry into the discipline to be overcome in the years to come.
prediction of diseases outcomes.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest related

At the algorithmic level, the most important obstacle to the mas-
to this article.
sive use of AI in health is the poor explicability of the mechanisms
underlying the diagnostic or predictive results of the models. It is in
fact difficult at present to know what weight the different parameters Funding
presented to the algorithms have in the decision, whose increasingly
complex architecture is assimilated to a black box. It seems funda- This research did not receive any specific grants or funding from
mental to answer this problem in order to allow the full acceptance agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors
of AI within health care structures, both by patients and by doctors. A
dialogue will also have to be held on the responsibility of algorithmic CRediT authorship contribution statement
decision-making, particularly in the event of medical error linked to
the use of a machine learning model [57]. Simon Rasteau: Data curation, Writing − original draft, Writing −
From an ethical point of view, it is necessary to ensure that the review & editing. Didier Ernenwein: Data curation, Writing − origi-
deployment of AI is done in compliance with the moral values funda- nal draft, Writing − review & editing. Charles Savoldelli: Data cura-
mental to the practice of medicine [58]. AI algorithms, because of tion, Writing − original draft, Writing − review & editing. Pierre
their ability to improve patient care, must be studied and imple- Bouletreau: Data curation, Writing − original draft, Writing − review
mented (principle of beneficence), while avoiding the unintended & editing.
S. Rasteau, D. Ernenwein, C. Savoldelli et al. Journal of Stomatology oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 123 (2022) 276−282

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