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Title: Global Citizenship: Buzzword or New Instrument for Education Change?

Authors: Abdeljalil Akkari and Kathrine Maleq

Year of publication: 2019

Purpose The article emphasizes the transformative potential of global citizenship education through active, collaborative engagement in social and
statements environmental issues.

Research How does the concept of global citizenship redefine educational objectives and practices in the context of a rapidly globalizing world?
Question: How do educators perceive and integrate the concept of global citizenship within the curriculum, and what impact does it have on students’
understanding of their role in a global society?
In what ways does global citizenship education influence the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills necessary for addressing
global challenges?
Hypothesis: The integration of global citizenship education into curricula will lead to a significant increase in students awareness and actions towards global
challenges, surpassing the outcomes of traditional citizenship education models.

Research To evaluate the effectiveness of global citizenship education in fostering a sense of shared identity and responsibility among learners.
Objectives: To investigate the impact of global citizenship education on students engagement with social justice and environmental sustainability issues.
To analyze the challenges and benefits of implementing global citizenship education in formal versus informal educational settings.
To explore the role of educators in facilitating global citizenship education and its influence on curriculum development.
Research Combine and compare the findings from both quantitative and qualitative methods to draw comprehensive conclusions about the effectiveness
Design: and perception of global citizenship education as an instrument for change. This design aims to provide a holistic understanding of the topic by
capturing both measurable data and personal experiences.

Sampling Divide the population into strata educators, students, administrators and randomly select samples from each stratum to ensure representation
Design: across different educational roles and experiences.

Data Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis of survey data, combined with the matic analysis of qualitative interviews and content analysis of
Analysis: educational materials.

Findings: The findings is indicate that global citizenship is gaining traction as an educational objective due to globalization, but its implementation faces
challenges due to conceptual ambiguities and varying national educational policies.
Title: Global Citizenship though Global Health
Authors: Xuanpu Zhuang
Year of publication: 2023

Purpose The purpose research aims to cultivate a sense of shared responsibility and active participation in addressing global health challenges. It
statements encourages individuals to consider the broader implications of personal health choices on community, national, and global levels, fostering a
commitment to the well-being of all people across borders. By promoting awareness, social responsibility, and civic engagement, this initiative
seeks to empower individuals as agents of change towards a healthier, more equitable world.

Research How do perceptions of global citizenship influence individual health behaviors and decisions in different cultural contexts?
Question: What role can intercultural education play in enhancing global health outcomes and fostering a sense of global citizenship?
In what ways can cross-border collaborations in public health initiatives promote global citizenship and improve health equity?
Hypothesis: Individuals who actively engage in global citizenship activities, such as cross-cultural exchanges and international collaborations, are more likely
to adopt healthier lifestyles and contribute to the reduction of non-communicable diseases on a global scale. This hypothesis suggests that the
promotion of global citizenship could have a positive impact on public health outcomes by fostering a sense of responsibility and action towards
global health issues.

Research To examine the impact of global citizenship education on students’ awareness and understanding of global health issues.
Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of interdisciplinary study abroad programs in fostering global citizenship and improving global health outcomes.
To investigate the role of higher education institutions in promoting healthy lifestyle choices through the lens of global citizenship.
To explore the relationship between personal health behaviors and global health trends in the context of global citizenship.
To assess the influence of civic engagement and social responsibility on public health initiatives across different cultures and communities.
Research Combine the quantitative data and qualitative insights to provide a comprehensive understanding of how global citizenship can influence global
Design: health outcomes.

Sampling This sampling design aims to capture a diverse and representative sample that can provide insights into the relationship between global
Design: citizenship and global health outcomes.

Data This approach to data analysis will help to uncover the complex interactions between global citizenship activities and global health outcomes.
Analysis: Combine the findings from both statistical analysis and thematic analysis to provide a richer, more nuanced understanding of the research

Findings: The findings indicate that short-term study abroad experiences can be effective in promoting global citizenship and may influence students to
pursue healthier lifestyle choices, which could contribute to tackling the non-communicable disease pandemic.

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