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Factor and Reliability Test Analysis

To produce the results of factor and reliability test analysis, you must look at the questionnaire design as attached. Then, you need to provide
more detail explanation of the results. You may find some important materials to support your interpretation.

(This table is the sample for your report only)

Factor Eigen- Item-to-total Cronbach’
Research Constructs Research Items Explained
Loading value correlation s Alpha (α)
Social Capital Mutual Relationship
Scci3. Our company is characterized by mutual trust among Deleted due to low item-to-total correlation
the colleagues at multiple levels
Scci2. Our company is characterized by mutual respect 0.922 1.699 84.96 0.699 0.823
among the colleagues at multiple levels
Scci1. Our company is characterized by high reciprocity 0.922 0.699
among the colleagues
Personal Relationship
Scpi2. I spend a lot of time in social interaction with our Deleted due to low factor loading
Scpi3. I know our colleagues on a personal level 0.945 1.786 89.31 0.786 0.880
Scpi1. I maintain close social relationships with our 0.945 0.786
Scci4. Our company is characterized by personal friendship
Deleted due to low factor loading
among the colleagues at multiple levels
Mutual Interaction

Factor Eigen- Item-to-total Cronbach’
Research Constructs Research Items Explained
Loading value correlation s Alpha (α)
Scpi5. All the colleagues in our firm share organizational 0.867 1.912 63.735 0.635 0.713
vision with each other
Scpi4. I will not take advantage of others when the 0.786 0.511
opportunity arises
scpi6. Our colleagues always keep their promises to us 0.737 0.463
Note: Sometimes all other criteria are good except one (e.g., 1 item has factor loading less than 0.6 or item-to-total correlation less than 0.5), it is
up to you whether you want to delete that item or you can be flexible and keep that item. However, in case you would like to keep that item,
reasons should be given.

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