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DOI: 10.26794/2587-5671-2022-26-3-169-185
UDC 349;336.1;369.06(045)
JEL K32, G22, I18

Organizational, Legal and Financial Aspects

of Digitalization and Implementation of Artificial
Intelligence Technologies in Healthcare
M.A. Lapina
Financial University, Moscow, Russia

The paper aims to substantiate the main development directions of legal regulation of artificial intelligence in healthcare.
The main hypothesis of the study is the assumption that artificial intelligence should not be a subject of law. The author
formulates the postulates necessary for the introduction of modern technologies in the context of the digitalization of
medicine. General and special scientific methods are used: the dialectical method of cognition of reality, synthesis and
deduction. The comparative and formal legal method of scientific cognition made it possible to analyze the laws and
other documents of a number of states in the field of digitalization and the mechanism for financing the provision of
medical services and medical care. The article analyzes the directions proposed by scientists and practitioners with the
participation of the largest IT companies to improve the provision of medical care and medical services and optimize
healthcare management. The author draws attention to financial mechanisms to stimulate the introduction of digital
technologies in the healthcare system, directly to the provision of medical care. Structuring the main directions of
applicability of digital technologies in healthcare allowed us to formulate proposals for improving their legal support.
The analysis of foreign and domestic legislation has revealed the importance of using such a financial and legal
mechanism as health insurance. Based on the results of the study, the author makes a conclusion about the need for a
systematic approach to digitalization in healthcare and proposes an institutional and legal model for the development
of patient-centered medicine based on artificial intelligence technologies.
Keywords: healthcare; artificial intelligence; health insurance; medical ethics; financing; digital technologies

For citation: Lapina M.A. Organizational, legal and financial aspects of digitalization and implementation of artificial
intelligence technologies in healthcare. Finance: Theory and Practice. 2022;26(3):169-185. DOI: 10.26794/2587-5671-

© Lapina M.A., 2022

FINANCE: THEORY AND PRACTICE  Vol. 26, No. 3’2022  169

I N TRODU CTI ON We u n d e r s t a n d t h a t f o r a r t i f i c i a l
Russia has adopted a policy of developing intellectual systems such concepts as
the information society and increasing “human factor”, “subjective experiences”,
the effectiveness of State authorities in “intention”, “negligence”, “presumption of
all spheres of life by integrating certain innocence” and others, practically do not
achievements in the development of digital take into account when making decisions.
technologies and artificial intelligence Accordingly, responsibility cannot be shifted
(hereinafter — ​AI). from the subject of law (in traditional legal
Among domestic researchers the most doctrine) to artificial intelligence. The use
systemically revealed the legal basis of artificial of artificial intelligence should be embedded
intelligence technologies P. M. Morkhat in the in a special legal regime. The institutions of
monograph “Artificial intelligence: a legal law related to their use should be provided
view” in 2017 [1]. One of the first attempts for and regulated in the basic legal acts,
to consider the issues of legal personality of are in demand by various branches of law
cyberphysical systems, the basis, content and and legislation. Earlier in our research,
legal prospects of the concept of “electronic we formulated conceptual conclusions
person” was made by Professor O. A. Yastrebov t h a t s h o u l d fo r m t h e b a s i s o f f u r t h e r
[2]. The team of authors of Financial University development [3–7]. The issue of health law
is engaged in research of legal regulation of is particularly acute in the context of the
AI for the third year. After analyzing many digitalization of health care, where only part
approaches to creating a legal and regulatory of the issue has been developed regarding
framework, the author’s team concluded that it the safety of medical products using AI
is important to consider the risks and possible technology.
negative consequences of using robotic On the other hand, the question arises:
systems and AI [3]. how much automated system is “responsible”
It should be noted that the topic of for decision-making. The subject of
legal regulation of AI, including the administration should be responsible for
narrow application of this technology in its actions as its own, because the legal
medicine, has been repeatedly raised in consequences are real, and not “virtually”.
foreign scientific literature. Both the broad Incorrect diagnosis of the patient on the
theoretical issues of the application of AI basis of the mechanism “telemedicine”
in various health applications and the more should entail the same legal consequences
practical and specialized developments, as for actions in the normal environment.
which can be used in the applied activities Otherwise, we get “fiction of a legal entity”
of medical organizations and in the and “fiction of a natural person”, “fiction of
management of public health bodies. an official, specialist” etc. Where there is no
The problem of integration of modern or incomplete liability in such cases, the very
IT-technologies, as well as technologies basis of the right, the criteria of permissible
using artificial intelligence in the field of and impermissible. “Foreign researchers
health care, is one of the most fascinating come to the conclusion that there is a sign
and at the same time difficult questions of of equality between the construction of the
actual legal theory. The initial postulates for legal entity and the autonomous system: the
further legal research will be as follows: robot can operate the company without any
• interaction with intelligent systems is human substrate. This problem goes beyond
possible not as subjects, but as mechanisms, the study of the possibility of applying the
“sources of increased danger”; legal entity fiction to such systems” [8,
• final decision and responsibility will p. 357]. Thus, the actions and decisions of
be for the person, for the subjects of law any automated system are equivalent to the
(natural or legal persons). activities of the legal entity that administers

170 FINANCE: THEORY AND PRACTICE  Vol. 26, No. 3’2022 
M.A. Lapina

it. The publication also deals with the The transition to digital governance
management rights system of the company. should not only remove barriers to entry,
The author concludes that it is necessary ensure equal rights of access to information,
to improve the corporate legislation in but also control the process of using the
terms of developing a special legal regime data transferred to the system by attackers.
to determine the nature of the rights and There are opportunities to transmit
obligations of the legal entity transferred distorted information, to anticipate threats
through the automated system. But there and risks of cyberattacks, to ensure the
is also a contrary opinion, for example, protection of information. In the automatic
E. A. Sukhanov believes that the basic data interchange system “necessar y to
definitions in the Civil Code of the Russian legislatively work out the issues of validation
Federation are quite applicable for the of the legal validity and significance of
digital environment and there is no need to the transmitted digital information. To
allocate digital rights and assets in a special begin with, a special legal regime must be
group. This could disrupt the regulation of established and elaborated to take certain
civil rights objects. Both real and virtual actions in the digital economy” [12, p.
objects of civil rights should have the same 114]. These include decentralized registry
legal regulation [9, p. 296]. This approach management, certification of rights and
also deser ves attention. This requires automatic data exchange.
extensive legal regulation, enshrined not In the Russian Federation, according
only at the level of civil legislation, but also to V. S. Cherenkova, “for full protection
specialized medical legislation to detail of personal medical data, they should
digital rights, digital objects, etc. b e q u a l i f i e d by t h e co u r t a s m e d i c a l
A separate problem is the transmission of confidentiality” [13, p. 134].
data constituting a secret, including medical In the European Union, a broader
confidentiality. Who is responsible for interpretation of medical personal
the transmission of data by an automated data, as pointed out in particular by the
system if the person has not given consent European Court of Human Rights, which
to the transmission and processing of decided, “that the expression “health data”
the data? This also raises the question of should be interpreted broadly to include
the reliability of the verification system information relating to all aspects of both
for electronic signature certificates. physical and mental health. Analyzing
“Cybersecurity analysts are doing everything Deal T‑343/13 — ​C N v. Parliament from 3
possible — ​q uickly studying new threats, December 2015, E. B. Luparev notes that
releasing tools to protect against them, this concept cannot be expanded to include
which are quickly spread. But the fact provisions that do not lead to the disclosure
remains that between the first attack and of any data related to a person’s health or
the advent of the latest countermeasures, medical indications” [14]. The author of the
users remain defenseless” [10]. article draws attention to the role of the
Problems of intellectual property operator of the information system through
protection are connected with the which information containing medical
circulation of objects of intellectual rights confidentiality is exchanged. If the medical
on virtual platforms. “The complexity of service is rendered poor-quality due to the
regulating Internet processes affecting fault of the operator of the information
intellectual property rights is primarily due system, he is a subject of civil liability [14].
to the extraterritoriality of the Internet Worldwide, as Professor I. V. Ponkin
environment, which sometimes makes it argued in 2018, is the problem “virtually no
difficult to define the boundaries of national regulatory legal regulation and regulatory
legislation” [11]. technical regulation of the bases, conditions

FINANCE: THEORY AND PRACTICE  Vol. 26, No. 3’2022  171

and features of development, start-up, fo r t h e p e r i o d u p t o 2 0 2 5 , a p r i o r i t y

operation and activity, integration into project “Improvement of the processes
other systems and monitoring of artificial of organization of medical care on the
intelligence technologies” [15, p. 91]. b a s i s o f i n t r o d u c t i o n o f i n fo r m a t i o n
Over the past two years, this problem has technologies”, approved by the protocol
been resolved intensively, and numerous of the Council under the President of
regulations have been adopted, which we the Russian Federation on strategic
will elaborate on in this publication. development and priority projects from
The main hypothesis of our research 25 November 2016 No. 9; and Order of the
results is that AI should not end up being Government of the Russian Federation from
a legal subject in all areas of public 28 July 2017 No. 1632 “Digital Economy
relations, including health. It is advisable of the Russian Federation” (no longer
to classify all actions of automated systems valid); and Decree of the President of the
as high-risk facilities for the operation Russian Federation from 21 July 2020 No.
of which subjects of their administration 474 “National development objectives of
are responsible. However, a special legal the Russian Federation for the period up
regime should be developed that defined to 2030”, where one of the national goals
the legal consequences of the actions and is “Digital Transformation”, and other
decisions of intelligent machines, and documents provides for the development
provided for legal liability. The object of o f p a t i e n t- o r i e n t e d m e d i c i n e u s i n g
the right should never be a subject of law modern innovative technologies, including
and should enjoy the rights and protection information technologies.
of such a subject. Neither the presumption Development of legal regulation
of innocence nor other human rights gains, o f p a t i e n t- o r i e n t e d m e d i c i n e a n d
nor the guarantees of rights established by transformation on its basis of the health
law, must cease to exist. The results of the system is impossible without legal
use of automatic means cannot be initially e n fo r ce m e n t o f a r t i f i c i a l i n t e l l i g e n ce
uncontroversial and accepted without technologies in medicine.
evidence to bring a person to justice, etc. In the Address of the President of the
Such practices, as well as other negative Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly
decisions on the application and transfer of the Russian Federation dated from
of responsibility to intellectual systems March 2018, V. V. Putin noted that “the
from the standpoint of human rights, role, position of the state in the modern
violate existing standards and norms of world determine not only and not so much
international law. natural resources, production capacity,
(…) and above all people, conditions for
WHAT MO D E R N M E D I CI N E R E P R E SE NT S development, self-realization, creativity
B A S E D ON TH E U S E OF M ODE R N of each person. Therefore, the basis of
T E C HN O LOG I E S, I N C L U D I N G AI? everything is the saving of the people of
O n t h e b a s i s o f t h e i n t r o d u c t i o n o f Russia and the well-being of our citizens.
information technologies, the formation This is where we need to make a decisive
a n d d eve l o p m e n t o f p a t i e n t- o r i e n t e d breakthrough”, “in the shortest possible
medicine is being accelerated throughout t i m e w e n e e d t o c r e a t e a n a d v a n c e d
the world, including in Russia. In order legislative framework, remove all barriers
t o i m p l e m e n t t h e S t r a t e g y f o r t h e to the development and wide application of
Development of the Information Society robotics, artificial intelligence, unmanned
i n t h e R u s s i a n F e d e r a t i o n f o r 2 0 1 7– transport, e-commerce, big data processing
2030, Strategy for the development of t e c h n o l o g i e s . A n d s u c h a r e g u l a t o r y
medical science in the Russian Federation framework should be constantly updated,

172 FINANCE: THEORY AND PRACTICE  Vol. 26, No. 3’2022 
M.A. Lapina

based on a flexible approach to each field socio-innovative approaches based on the

and technology”.1 principles of evidence-based medicine, to
In accordance with the implementation solving the problems of medical care from
of the President’s Address to the Federal the perspective of intersectoral interaction
Assembly from 20 February 2019, large- between the State, business and civil society
scale national level programs in the field becomes the most important national task.
of AI have been launched. 2 For example, An important aspect of the creation and
a national AI strategy was developed in development of patient-oriented medical
2019 3 and in the last year or a year and information systems is interaction with
a half a number of other normative legal the professional community. The scientific
acts significant for the development of AI lite rature pays s ome atte ntion to t he
technologies in the health system. digitalization of health care. So, individual
According to experts, a modern health authors specializing in medicine, reveal the
system and a traditional approach to features of patient-oriented medicine [17–
treatment cannot be considered effective 22].
for a number of reasons, and not only for Patient-oriented medicine is a medical
economic reasons. There is evidence that approach that focuses on the needs of
about half of patients do not have the t h e p a t i e n t . T h i s r e q u i r e s r e fo c u s i n g
desired result [16]. Recourse to patient- and reconfiguring health information
oriented rather than client-oriented systems in accordance with the principles
medicine will be in accordance with the o f p e r s o n a l i ze d m e d i c i n e . Tr e a t m e n t
principles of humanism and the values analysis can inform the implementation of
proclaimed by the Constitution of the information technology by revealing roles,
Russian Federation, human rights and actions and other important data, such
freedoms, foremost among which are the as information transfer and situational
right to life and health. 4 The application awareness requirements. Such data can
of artificial intelligence technologies in be obtained through electronic workflows,
patient-oriented medicine is based on including clinical observations [23] and
interconnection “information technology, database analysis [24, 25]. Nevertheless,
clinical therapy, marketing approach, legal research on health work processes tends to
support aimed at both improving health and focus on medical staff — ​d octors or nurses.
meeting the needs of patients” [16]. These clinician-oriented models often
Problems of health, its protection and describe a series of discrete actions of a
guarantees by the State are the focus of particular type of doctor and the amount
attention of scientists. The search for new of time spent on each type of activity. Less
common, but no less important, are patient-
In the Address of the President of the Russian Federation to oriented studies that describe the sequence
the Federal Assembly from 01 March 2018. Rossiyskaya Gazeta. of actions of all involved health-care
No. 46. 02 March 2018.
In the Address of the President of the Russian Federation
personnel to assist a particular patient [26].
to the Federal Assembly from 20 February 2019. Rossiyskaya K. Blakemore was working on the
Gazeta. No. 38. 21 February 2019. assessment the role of the State through the
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from
10 October 2019 No. 490 “On the development of artificial
system of medical institutions in the field of
intelligence in the Russian Federation” (with the «National client-oriented medicine [27].
Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence until The organization of client-oriented
2030»). Legislative assembly of the Russian Federation, 14
October 2019, No. 41, art. 5700. medicine is within the scope of attention in the
The Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by works of L. M. Mukharyamova, I. B. Kuznetsova,
popular vote on 12 December 1993 with the amendments G. G. Vafina [28], L. A. Goncharov [29] et
approved by the All-Russian vote on 01 July 2020). Official
Internet Legal Information Portal. URL: al. Authors S. P. Troshin, I. N. Legkova,
ru, 04 July 2020. K. V. Gavrilenko reveal the features of patient-

FINANCE: THEORY AND PRACTICE  Vol. 26, No. 3’2022  173

oriented medicine on the basis of the use of 3) transformation of the health-care

modern information technologies [30]. system, which will integrate and integrate
AI technologies are used intensively in the digital functions and processes
health care. Doctors already have medical o f h e a l t h - c a r e i n s t i t u t i o n s a n d ot h e r
robots of various types (for example, Da organizations in the health-care system.
Vinci and Hospice surgical systems). In the By implementing the stages of evolution
field of health, AI technologies are used formulated by the company IBM® Watson
in disease diagnosis and forecasting, data Health™, healthcare from a technological
collection, identification of patients at point of view will turn “from scattered
high risk of disease, drug development. The fragments into an integrated ecosystem,
most promising use of AI in telemedicine allowing the medical professionals to
and diagnostics [19]. According to some successfully solve problems on a larger
researchers, e-health has become one of the scale, keeping the focus on the patient, and
main “drivers” of the entire industry [31]. provide value-oriented medical care”.6
The improvement of medical care and The necessity of introduction of AI in
optimization of health care management are the health system is stated in the Strategy
engaged not only directly health institutions, of development of the information
but also many major IT-companies. So, IBM® s o c i e t y i n t h e R u s s i a n F e d e r a t i o n fo r
Watson Health™ proposes three stages 2017–2030, 7 where AI is considered one
in the evolution of the use of information of the main directions of development of
technology in health care: Russian information and communication
1) digitization of routine processes in the technologies, along with convergence of
health and medical care system (for example, communication networks, biotechnologies
MRI, CT scan, automatic management of a n d c l o u d co m p u t i n g . Acco r d i n g t o
payment for services, digitalization of data S. G. Vasin, it is necessary to implement
storage, access to their turnover); the system of management at the state
2) rejection of old models and applying level using AI [32]. As a confirmation of
such breakthrough innovations as artificial this thesis, the author cites examples
intelligence, mobile technology, analytics from the National Artificial Intelligence
and cloud 5; Strategic Plan, from the UK Digital
Economy Strategy. These documents give
1. The cloud provides flexibility and scalability to run and considerable attention to the application
manage a set of analytical capabilities that support current of AI in the field of social relations, and
and next-generation applications, all in a secure environment. also raise issues of public investment in
Ultimately, the cloud analytics platform can share data to
potentially help physicians, patients, caregivers and clinicians
make timely and effective decisions about patients’ treatment.
2. AI has already been used in health care to construct disease- record. The transparency provided by blockchains moves
specific progression models and to analyses genetic information data from individual, isolated ownership to a shared, secure
to determine treatment effectiveness. AI can also be used for record for permitted stakeholders. This public record becomes
the design and development of clinical trials, previously labor- the only source of truth for the patient’s history (or thing),
intensive and manual process. Already now, AI-automated trial freely carried by the patient in the form of a digital record,
matching can integrate data from electronic medical records, regardless of the location or health system. 5. Quantum will
medical literature and eligibility criteria from legislators and enable quantum computing to identify patterns and obtain
learn to interpret test requirements based on patient cases. 3. information in artificial intelligence systems so complex that
Internet of Things. Using this capability requires a robust and the world simply lacks classical computer resources to model
integrated approach that allows multiple micro-services and them, including drug research and development.
devices to operate on the same analytical platform. Reduced 6
Technologies open the way for health transformation. URL:
sensor costs and growth of protected cloud platforms can have
a profound impact on the healthcare industry. 4. Blockchain transformation (accessed on 17 March 2021).
may offer a solution for safe access to health data. The data 7
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 09
added to the blockchain can be transmitted almost in real May 2017 No. 203 “On the Strategy for the Development of the
time to a group of authorized persons and/or institutions. Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017–2030”.
Each event or transaction is timed and becomes part of an Legislative assembly of the Russian Federation. 2017. No. 20.
object’s immutable record, be it a drug record or a patient Art. 2901.

174 FINANCE: THEORY AND PRACTICE  Vol. 26, No. 3’2022 
M.A. Lapina

these spheres of public administration. As digitalization in the field of health, they

the author correctly points out, foreign propose to highlight seven main directions:
countries have been paying attention to this 1 ) i n t e g r a t e d i n fo r m a t i o n t e c h n o l o g y
issue for quite a long time: as an example, management in health care; 2) medical
the comprehensive report of the National images; 3) electronic health records; 4)
Council for Science and Technology of i n fo r m a t i o n t e c h n o l o g y a n d p o r t a b l e
the USA can be cited “Preparing For the devices in health care; 5) access to e-health;
Future of Artificial Intelligence. Executive 6) telemedicine; 7) medical confidentiality
Office of the President National Science [34].
and Technology Council Committee on The collection, processing and circulation
Technology” for 2016. 8 A significant part of big data is an essential part of the
of the report is devoted to the need for digitalization of health care. They are based
public investment in the development of on clinical research results, electronic
AI-solutions in the field of social relations, health records (EHR), as well as personal
including health, which should lead to an data of patients or users of medical products
increase in productivity, reducing working obtained from self-testing devices, such as
hours, increasing wages, and ultimately wearable devices for monitoring work or
the prosperity of American companies and sports [35]. Patient records usually include
workers, as well as continuing the leadership all treatment documentation: written and
of the American nation in the creation and visual medical records, doctors’ letters,
use of AI.9 e-prescriptions, and insurance payments.
When analyzing scientific publications Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.
on the current state of digitalization of considers that the main producers of such
medicine, business process researchers data are medical products suppliers, support
Sascha Kraus, Francesco Schiavone, Anna service providers (e. g. , pharmaceutical
Pluzhnikova, Anna Chiara Invernizzi, five companies), public and private institutions
main areas of focus in health management: and patients. 10 In order to establish a
development and introduction of effective legal regime for data trafficking in health
m e d i c a l p r o d u c t s u s i n g A I ; p a t i e n t- care, it is important to define the entire
centred approach; organizational factors list of entities possessing information
and improvement of health management; that could potentially constitute medical
personnel policy; socio-economic aspects confidentiality.
[33]. In particular, the authors recommend Big data-based, artificial intelligence-
scientists to address in the future the p r o ce s s e d a n a l y t i c s w i l l h e l p d eve l o p
reliability of solutions using AI technologies personalized individual help in predictive
in the field of health care. models for large populations.
The direct applicability of information The correct use of big health data requires
technologies in healthcare was researched the collection of reliable data, including
by scientists I. C. Marques and J. J. Ferreira. medical records, genomics and information
After reviewing the scientific literature on obtained from various applications.
Electronic Health Cards (EHR) represent
Preparing For the Future of Artificial Intelligence. Executive
Office of the President National Science and Technology
the «patient data repository in digital form,
Council Committee on Technology, October 2016. URL: secure storage and exchange accessible to default/files/ many users» [36].
future_of_ai.pdf (accessed on 17.03.2021).
Artificial intelligence, automation, and the economy. Executive 10
Knight M. Healthcare Dives into Big Data Increasingly used
Office of the President Washington, D.C. 20502. December data-driven care protocols will change healthcare delivery
20, 2016. 55 р. URL: systems globally. August 5, 2015. URL: https://www.siemens-
sites/ documents/Artificial-Intelligence-
Automation-Economy.pdf. (accessed on 28.03.2021). healthcare‑1 (accessed on 28.03.2021).

FINANCE: THEORY AND PRACTICE  Vol. 26, No. 3’2022  175

In addition to EHR, electronic medical the application of AI technologies in the

records (EMR) are used in the digitization field of health.
of health care, representing “digital systems A digital platform has been established by
that functionally provide patient history, the joint task force from ITU (International
patient demographic data and registration Telecommunication Union) and WHO (World
data” for the use of professionals, often Health Organization) on AI for Health (FG-
based on telemedicine approaches [37]. With A14H) to test and compare AI applications
EMR systems, it is possible to solve many for health. 11 The task force itself includes
problems related to the analysis of data in experts and representatives of stakeholders
the healthcare system and improvement of in the field of research, practice, ethics
operational processes involving AI. and legal regulation in health, capable of
H oweve r, n ot a l l fo r e i g n s c i e n t i s t s developing guidance documents related to
welcome the concept of digital health care. ethics, evaluation, legal regulation of AI for
Some have emphasized that digitalization application in various fields of health care —​
based on big data, mobile health, e-health, in ophthalmology, histopathology, dentistry,
telemedicine and tele-health clearly radiology, etc. All documentation of this
undermines traditional health systems. A group is publicly available.
number of scientists cite the destructive The EU Ethics Guide for AI is an
trend of further digital transformative important tool for the application of AI
technologies, such as artificial intelligence technologies in different areas of society.
and robotics [38–40]. The management has established a common
three AI principles that can be summed up
L E G AL R E G U L ATI ON as doing well, doing no harm, and operating
In the EU, a strategy for the development transparently. These principles are expected
a n d u s e o f a r t i f i c i a l i n t e l l i g e n ce w a s to lead to sustainable development of AI
adopted in April 2018. From mid‑2019, technologies: they must be safe, accountable,
national plans for the development of AI, non-discriminatory, and human.
the creation of funds to finance start-ups These EU documents are, in fact, the basic
for the development of AI technologies legal basis for the legal regulation of AI in
were adopted. Financing of the “Digital the field of health care. Many developed
Europe” program (the duration of the States have rules for the collection of patient
program — ​f rom 2021 to 2027) according data. These include the Health Insurance
to the current version approved by the Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)
European Parliament and the Council of the and the European General Data Protection
European Union, is 9.2 billion euros. Among Regulation (GDPR). In the US, HIPPA also
them, it is planned to allocate 2.7 billion protects patients’ medical data. Such data
euros for high-performance computing; 2.5 collection is necessary for machine learning
billion euros for artificial intelligence; 2 and the use of AI in health care.
billion euros to increase cyber security and The proposed path of legal regulation
confidence; 1.3 billion euros to ensure wide development in the EU states is reasonable,
use of digital technologies in the economy but does not take into account the risks
and society and 700 million euros to develop arising from such activities [41]. Insurance is
digital skills. one way to cover health risks and to recover
The European Parliament Resolution on costs for medical care. The Federal Republic
Comprehensive European Industrial Policy of Germany adopted the German Digital
on AI and Robotics, published in February Health Act in November 2019 (Digitale
2019, establishes general provisions of a 11
ITU-WHO Task Force on Artificial Intelligence. URL: https://
recommendatory nature. For example, the
resolution contains recommendations on Intelligence_for_Health (accessed on 28.03.2021).

176 FINANCE: THEORY AND PRACTICE  Vol. 26, No. 3’2022 
M.A. Lapina

Versorgung Gesetz — ​DVG), which entitles implementation, anticipated risks and

all persons covered by statutory health consequences (SGB V, § 291g (4); BGB 14,
insurance to reimbursement for certain § 630e). DVG also contains provisions
digital medical applications (i. e. insurers to make demographic data from health
will pay for their use). 12 It is known that insurers more suitable for research purposes
the German compulsory health insurance (SGB V, § § 303a‑303f ). In particular, under
system is one of the largest in the world. the General Data Protection Regulation
Approximately 90% of the population (about 2 0 1 6 / 6 7 9 ( G D P R ) , DVG a l l ow s ce r t a i n
75 million people) in Germany is covered by beneficiaries, such as universities and
public health insurance and the remaining publicly funded research institutions (e. g.,
10% by private insurance. The DVG (Digital the Max Planck Society) are process certain
Health Care) Act entitles those who are demographic data from health insurers for
insured by an independent provider of specific research purposes, especially for
compulsory health insurance in Germany the analysis of treatment or care processes
to receive insurance payments for certain over longer periods (SGB V, § § 303b, 303e(1)
digital medical applications. and (2).
As a rule, insured persons are entitled In the US, the federal Medicare Program
to insurance payments on digital medical provides coverage for more than 60 million
applications if they meet the following Americans. 13 Since 2019, Medicare Part B
criteria: (outpatient health insurance) provides
1. Are medical products with lower risk. insurance coverage for some telemedicine
2. Their main function is based on digital services such as office visits, psychotherapy
technology. and other consultations. In 2020, during the
3. They are designed to support the COVID‑19 pandemic, Medicare significantly
monitoring, detection, relief or treatment of expanded its telemedicine coverage policy.
diseases, injuries, care provided by service Health insurance, which stimulates the
providers. accelerated adoption of AI technologies,
4 . T hey we r e i n c l u d ed i n t h e n ewly provides both Germany and the US with cost
established official register of digital recovery for innovative technologies and
medical applications maintained by the useful digital health solutions.
Federal Institute of Medicines and Medical Over 318,000 mobile health apps are
Products of Germany (Bundesinstitut available worldwide, and about 200 apps are
für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte —​ added to app stores every day [42].
BfArM). Researchers of the problems of legal
5. They are used either with the consent regulation of digitalization of healthcare
of the medical insurer or by appointment of Sara Gerke, Ariel D. Stern and Timo Minssen
the attending physician or psychotherapist come to quite legitimate conclusions about
[SGB V, § 33a(1)]. the importance of ensuring the safety
In addition, DVG also aims to accelerate of patients and consumers when using
the introduction and use of telemedicine. medical applications. In doing so, safety,
In particular, within the framework of functionality, quality, data protection,
DVG the patient can easily take advantage data security and positive impact on care
of video consultations. During such should be the criteria for their evaluation.
consultation, the patient may be informed The authors of the article thought, «risk-
of the circumstances essential to consent oriented approach can serve as a useful
to medical care, including its nature, scope, starting point for the development of
Gesetz für eine bessere Versorgung durch Digitalisierung 13
CMS. CMS fast facts. URL:
und Innovation (Digitale-Versorgung-Gesetz — ​DVG) [Digital Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Statistics-Trends-and-Reports/
Healthcare Act] of 9 December, BGBl I at 2562 (Germany, 2019). CMS-Fast-Facts/index (2020).

FINANCE: THEORY AND PRACTICE  Vol. 26, No. 3’2022  177

standardized, evidence-based assessment the Society of Digital Medicine develops a

processes and legal requirements for digital resource on its website (www.dimesociety.
health solutions. However, legislative bodies org) to track and monitor various standards,
will also need to ensure that they do not documents and requirements.17
over-regulate the sector in a way that would In a review article “Digital Medicine: A
make it too burdensome for producers to Measurement Textbook”, the authors reveal
comply with qualification requirements three basic principles of biomedical ethics,
and to recover losses, thereby preventing or as described in the Belmont Report (1978),18
slowing down innovation» [43]. which are applicable for research of digital
Independent direction of legal provision technologies:
of application of AI technologies in the 1 . Re s p e c t fo r t h e i n d i v i d u a l . T h i s
field of health care is development of principle is demonstrated through an
m a n d a t o r y r e q u i r e m e n t s fo r m e d i c a l informed consent process that occurs
products (medical devices). Unlike the when a person is given the information
development of drugs that are considered necessary to make an informed decision on
dangerous until proven otherwise, the whether to volunteer. How this information
development of medical products should is communicated is important because
be based on compliance with certain risk voluntary participation in the study differs
requirements. 14 For example, in the United from, say, accepting the Terms of Service
States, the Food and Drug Administration is (ToS) for accessing the application or signing
the regulator of medical products (FDA). The the consent form for receiving medical care.
FDA Department of Industry and Consumer 2. Charity. This is when the assessment of
Education (DICE) determines whether a the likelihood and magnitude of potential
digital «device» is a medical product or a harm is compared with the possible benefits
product intended for recreational purposes.15 to the participant, the people it represents
Medical products can presumably be and society.
classified according to the risk profile 3. Equity. This principle focuses on
currently defined by the FDA as Class I, II the equitable sharing of the benefits and
or III in order of increasing risk. Class I burdens of research and development [44].
devices require little security testing. Today, In scientific articles on digitalization
about 50% of medical products fall into this of health care authors pay attention to
category and 95% of them are exempt from the problems of information security and
the regulatory process.16 protection of information, both personal
There are international organizations to and personal medical information.
streamline the standardization of medical Healthcare has witnessed the spread
products in digital health care. For example, of vulnerabilities, especially in related
technologies, many of which are vital:
U. S. Food and Drug Administration. Information Sheet Johnson & Johnson insulin pumps,
Guidance For IRBs, Clinical Investigators, and Sponsors.
Silver Spring, MD: U. S. Food and Drug Administration.
implantable St. Jude Medical heart devices,
January 2006. 15 p. URL: and WannaCry extortion attacks, which
RegulatoryInformation/Guidances/UCM126418.pdf (accessed infected 200 000 computers, many of which
on 28.03.2021).
U. S. Food and Drug Administration. Multiple Function
Device Products. Policy and Considerations. Silver Spring: 17
The Digital Medicine Society. The Digital Medicine (DiMe)
U. S. Food and Drug Administration. 2018 Apr 27. 18 p. URL: Society. 2019. URL: (accessed on 28.03.2021).
meddev-gen/documents/document/ucm605683.pdf (accessed 18
National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects
on 28.03.2021). of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, Department of
U. S. Food and Drug Administration. Reclassification Health, Education and Welfare (DHEW). The Belmont Report.
[Internet] [updated 2018 Dec 13]. URL: Washington: United States Government Printing Office. 1978
MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidance/Overview/ September 30. URL:
ClassifyYourDevice/ucm080412.htm (accessed on 28.03.2021). belmont_report.pdf (accessed on 28.03.2021).

178 FINANCE: THEORY AND PRACTICE  Vol. 26, No. 3’2022 
M.A. Lapina

are part of the critical infrastructure of significant KII facilities for health care
hospitals, in 150 countries [45]. organizations will be established and a
In addition to hacking attacks, medical single digital circuit in health care will be
professionals can also illegally disseminate created based on a unified State information
information. A number of researchers system in the health sector (USHIS). The
developed the project “Hippocratic oaths ove r a l l o b j e c t i ve o f d i g i t a l i z a t i o n i s
for connected medical devices” (HOCMD). 19 to ensure that reliable and structured
The Oath sets out a number of principles information is readily available to doctors
of safety and ethics, including “safety by and managers.
design” and “sustainability and containment” For citizens, the main patient-oriented
[46]. service is “My Health”, allowing you to make
Describing the issues of the use of AI an appointment with a doctor; attach to a
in healthcare and its legal regulation in medical organization; submit an application
the Russian Federation, it is necessary to on the choice of an insurance medical
mention the national project «Healthcare», organization; to obtain information on the
which identified the key task of provided medical services and their cost; to
digitalization of the healthcare system. 20 obtain a number of documents, for example,
Within the framework of the project, the a medical certificate on admission to the
federal project “Creation of a unified digital driving vehicle, electronic prescriptions, a
circuit in health care on the basis of the certificate of vaccination from COVID‑19,
unified state information system in the field etc. The service is actively developing.
of health care was adopted (USHIS)”,21 which With the completion of the formation
will categorize all health organizations of the Unified State Health Information
with information systems, information and System (USHIS) within the next four years,
telecommunication networks, automated electronic patient records Central Medical
management systems as critical information Imaging Archives and Unified Laboratory
infrastructure (KII). 22 Will be subject to Systems to be accessible to all medical
categorization AI, ITS, ICS, which provide institutions in the country. All state medical
management, technological, production, institutions will be required to provide
financial-economic and (or) other critical citizens with access to their electronic
business processes within the framework medical documents through the Single
of the performance of functions (powers) or Portal of State Services.
the implementation of activities of a health Te l e m e d i c i n e i s b e i n g a c t i v e l y
organization. As a result, a list of potentially developed to make medicine accessible
t o t h e g e o g r a p h y o f o u r c o u n t r y, 23
I Am the Cavalry. Hippocratic Oath for Connected Medical
which implemented by many health
Devices. URL: organizations.24
medical/oath/ (accessed on 28.03.2021). Russia is actively working to standardize
Passport of the national project “Healthcare” (approved
by the Presidium of the Council under the President of the
the use of AI in the field of health care.
Russian Federation on strategic development and national Thus, in 2020, the first draft of a national
projects, protocol of 24.12.2018 No. 16). The document was
not published (ConsultantPluse).
National project “Healthcare”. The federal project “Creation 23
Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
of a unified digital circuit in healthcare on the basis of the from 30.11.2017 No. 965 “On approval of the procedure of
unified state information system in healthcare sphere (USHIS)”. organization and provision of medical assistance with the
Methodological recommendations for the categorization of use of telemedicine technologies”. Official Internet Legal
critical health information infrastructure facilities (Version Information Portal. URL:, 10.01.2018
1.0) (approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia 05 April (accessed on 28.03.2021).
2021). The document was not published (ConsultantPluse). 24
It should be noted that, according to the law on telemedicine,
Federal Law from 26 July 2017 No. 187 “On the Security of the a physician was not entitled to make any recommendations
Critical Information Infrastructure of the Russian Federation”, without an initial appointment, and remote diagnosis was
31.07.2017, No. 31 (Part I), art. 4736. prohibited. There are no admission restrictions.

FINANCE: THEORY AND PRACTICE  Vol. 26, No. 3’2022  179

standard for AI in healthcare in Russia was Based on the analysis provided, it

developed, which regulates the conduct of follows that the Russian Federation is
clinical trials of medical AI-systems (AIS). In actively working on the digitalization of
order to coordinate the work on unification health care, standardizing the use of AI,
and standardization of requirements for domestic experts are involved in a number
AI systems in healthcare, as well as the of international organizations, including:
establishment of certification requirements for the digitalization of health care, there is
medical products, a subcommittee “Artificial an exchange of experience both within
Intelligence in Healthcare” was established as the state, and with foreign colleagues,
part of TC 164 (PC 01/ТC 164).25 telemedicine is being actively developed,
In accordance with the long-term AI technologies are being introduced into
work plan of the Technical Committee for the high-tech medical care sector, and a
Standardization “Artificial Intelligence” single health information circuit is being
(TC 164), created on the basis of the Joint- created in the countr y on the basis of
Stock Company “Russian Venture Company” USHIS.
(RVC), by 2027, it is planned to develop Taking into account the analysis
about 50 standards in the field of AI in of the existing legal regulation in
health care in individual areas, including Russia and abroad, we propose to build
general requirements and classification the institutional-legal model of the
of AI systems in clinical medicine, big development of patient-oriented medicine
data in health care, functional diagnostics, on the basis of the use of AI as follows.
radiation diagnostics, remote monitoring 1. The model is based on a paradigm shift
systems, histology, medical decision support from client-oriented to patient- oriented
systems, image reconstruction in diagnosis medicine.
and treatment, medical systems of analysis 2. The main elements of the model are:
and forecasting, as well as educational • digitalization of management processes
programs in health care. in the health system (management of
A task force of the International m e d i c a l s e r v i ce s , d i g i t i z a t i o n o f t h e
Organization for Standardization Technical formation and circulation of medical data,
Committee No. 215 “Informatization of digitization of the organization’s access to
Health” has been established to develop them, electronic medical cards, electronic
standards at the international level (ISO) —​ medical records);
TC 215 ISO Health informatics. Its task is • digitization of medical care (e. g., MRI,
to form the requirements to confirm the CT, high-tech robotic operations, database
compliance of high-tech AI systems for their creation and turnover);
application in health care. In particular, risk • integration processes in the health
assessment of the impact on the health care system, unification of digital functions
of patients, determination of consistency of management of medical institutions
o f m e d i c a l d a t a b a s e s , co r r e c t n e s s o f a n d d i g i t a l p r o ce s s e s o f o r g a n i z a t i o n
withdrawal of decisions and organization of and provision of medical care and
information exchange between AI systems medical services in a unified system of
and electronic medical cards, medical health organizations, independently of
products and health information systems. organizational andlegal forms of specific
medical and pharmaceutical institutions;
Order of Rosstandart from 31 December 2019 No. 3471 «On
• development of mandatory
making amendments to the order of the Federal Agency for requirements for medical products (medical
Technical Regulation and Metrology from 25 July 2019 No. devices) using risk-based AI and their
1732 «On creation of technical committee for standardization
Artificial Intelligence». The document was not published. implementation through pilot legal regimes
ConsultantPluse. (regulatory sandboxes). The legal framework

180 FINANCE: THEORY AND PRACTICE  Vol. 26, No. 3’2022 
M.A. Lapina

for their regulation is the basic AI principles regulating relations in this sphere to the
applicable, inter alia, in the field of health; general body of existing legislation [1, 5];
• i n t e n s i ve s p a t i a l d eve l o p m e n t o f • problems of ensuring the
telemedicine, especially in hard-to-reach confidentiality of personal information and
areas of our country; personal information in the context of the
• introduction and promotion of the collection and storage of a large amount
institution of self-regulation of medical of personal information in electronic and
ethics, including the observance of medical automated databases (institute of medical
co n f i d e n t i a l i t y i n t h e co n t ex t o f t h e confidentiality);
digitization of medical care and medical • problems of standardization of AI
services; technologies in medicine;
• Introduction of a financial and legal • problems of licensing medical products
mechanism for the use of AI in the health- using AI technologies;
care system, the basis of which should be the • financial and legal problems of
institute of health insurance by including providing medical services in digital format.
in the list of insurance coverage under the 3. Development of legal regulation of AI
CHI the provision of medical care using AI, in the field of health should be carried out in
provision of telemedicine services, etc.; the following main directions:
• at the international level, the Russian – depending on the work performed, the
Federation should be represented and ser vices provided in the digital health
participate more actively in the work of system and the high-tech products
international organizations dealing with manufactured for medicine (medical
digital health development. products) and pharmacology;
– depending on the application of weak or
CON CL U S I ON strong AI in digital health care;
1. The article offers an institutional-legal – depending on the risks and regulatory
model of development of patient-oriented requirements of cybersecurity, information
m e d i c i n e b a s e d o n u s e o f i n n ov a t i ve security, cyberphysical systems security;
technologies, including AI technologies. – depending on the financing of the
Rapid changes are taking place in the work performed, the services provided in
health-care system based on technologies the digital health system and the high-
that need to be managed in a systemic tech products manufactured for medicine
manner. In this approach, separate rules (medical products) and pharmacology
of different branches of law, together (Stimulation of the State, improvement of
with standards (technical regulation), are the legal mechanism for payment of medical
considered in close connection with each services and provision of medical assistance
other. using AI technologies through insurance
2. It was found that despite the companies).
complexity of forecasting the problems 4 . F o r e i g n ex p e r i e n ce o f d eve l o p e d
and consequences caused by the use of AI countries (Germany and the United States)
technologies in the field of health, scientific demonstrates that legal regulation of digital
p u b l i c a t i o n s h i g h l i g h t t h e fo l l o w i n g medicine significantly ahead of domestic
problems of legal regulation: in a number of areas. In particular, the
• problems with the correct institution of compulsory health insurance
determination of legal responsibility for needs to be activated more actively in order
acts committed using artificial intelligence to foster innovation in the health system.
technologies [1–7, 15]; It is also a positive experience to develop
• problems associated with adapting the bioethical principles needed to engage
the newly created norms of law aimed at citizens as volunteers in medical research.

FINANCE: THEORY AND PRACTICE  Vol. 26, No. 3’2022  181

It is appropriate for the medical standards in medicine, mainly for certain

community at the level of self-regulation medical products. In addition, requires
of medical ethics to modernize the improvement and the institute of licensing of
“Hippocratic Oath” for the digital healthcare medical products (separation with household
environment. goods in the field of health), accelerated
5. International standardization and introduction of innovative technologies
domestic technical standardization AI, robotics, CPS, work in medicine, used in
demonstrate the approach to technical finished products or in the provision of health
regulation of medical products as narrow services and works. Finished products require
profile. This approach should be evaluated more careful control and supervision by the
positively. So, in 2020–2021, numerous State. In particular, in addition to compliance
domestic standards have been adopted with standards, medical products are subject
in the form of GOSTs and preliminar y to compulsory licensing (this is the cost, effort
GOSTs establishing terminology and safety and most importantly — t​ ime).
requirements. This unquestionably regulates 6. It is proposed to apply more regulatory
the requirements for AI technologies in digital sandboxes — ​e xperimental legal regimes
healthcare. for the following chain: new technologies —​
The second big part of the legal regulation h i g h - t e c h m e d i c i n e — ​e x p e r i m e n t a l
in the field of technical regulation is special treatments.

The article is based on the results of the III stage of the basic research work of the University
of Finance on “The theory of legal regulation of artificial intelligence, robots and robotics
objects in the Russian Federation”. Financial University, Moscow, Russia.

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Marina A. Lapina — ​D r. Sci. (Law.), Professor, Chief Researcher, Professor,

Department of International and Public Law, Financial University, Moscow,

Conflicts of Interest Statement: The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.

The article was submitted on 02.09.2021; revised on 20.09.2021 and accepted for publication
on 27.12.2021.
The author read and approved the final version of the manuscript.

FINANCE: THEORY AND PRACTICE  Vol. 26, No. 3’2022  185

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