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Gedung Tranka Lt.3

Jl. Raya Ps. Minggu km 17.5 no.17
12510 Jakarta Selatan
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Kepada Permintaan Harga Total (IDR)

No PH 012/SRS-PH/BPSN/XII/20 -
Tanggal 22 Desember 2020 Proyek Proyek Springhill Royale Suites

Ref -

No. Deskripsi Qty Brand Harga IDR Jumlah IDR

1. Pressure Reducing Valve - -

- PRV Claval 16K diameter 100mm 1 Set CLAVAL
- PRV Claval 16K diameter 80mm 2 Set CLAVAL

2. Pressure Reducing Valve

- PRV Claval with Anti Cavitation diameter 50mm 1 Set CLAVAL
- PRV Claval with Anti Cavitation diameter 65mm 1 Set CLAVAL
- PRV Claval with Anti Cavitation diameter 80mm 2 Set CLAVAL
- PRV Claval with Anti Cavitation diameter 100mm 2 Set CLAVAL

Total Qty 9 Set Sub Total -

Terbilang Diskon -
(…………………………………………………………………………) DPP -
Pajak -
Total -
Jumlah Total -

Hormat Kami, Catatan :

Mohon Segera dibuatkan Penawarannya
dan dilampirkan Pricelist serta Brosur
Terima kasih

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We expect the best service

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