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Good morning my name is Jorge Eduardo Diaz Cardona and I want to be the new mayor of

And you ask yourselves ¿ who is this guy? And this ok, you don’t know me or what I think
about the city, so let me tell you a little.
Manizales is a small city with a complicated topography, this city can´t grow and can’t
develop. This translates as lack of opportunities for the new generations, a lot of people are
unemployed, if you needed job, you would have to travel to other cities to get it.
For this situation, the informality and the poverty grow in this city and skilled workers
Today I want to talk you my ideas about how to make Manizales a better city,
First If I were elected mayor of Manizales, I would implement the “public assistance laws”
this consist in a subsidy that will be granted to the affected population (only for 6 month),
with the purpose of they can find a job in this time, it will allow to access food, improve
hygiene, ensure your health and not be discriminated for his appearance.
Second If I were elected mayor of Manizales, I would have as main IHRL being specific,
worker rights “Everyone who works has the right to just and favorable remuneration
ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and
supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection”
Third If I were elected mayor of Manizales, I would invest in education mostly in
technicians and technologists, this with the objective of create skilled labor and give
opportunities to poor people of educate themselves and expand your fields of work.

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