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Sarrat National High School

Sarrat, Ilocos Norte

“Gas Leakage Detector with SMS Alert”

Ma Cezlee Janell Hermano

Carl Hilario

John Lewis James

Althea Dumalo Malvar

Dunkirt Tagaca

Mariel Calantoc

Venice Laureign Agarpao

Azyree Calingangan

Nezelyn Respicio



1.1 Background of the Study

The LPG can be leaked in different forms such as gaseous or liquid aspects. Generally, a

given leak in the liquids are vanished due to the evaporation processes that generates a cloud of

gas shown stuck on the wall or ground as it is heavier than the air. The LPG is found widely in

the houses, fabrications and fuels. The researchers were struggling in 1910 to investigate the

reason of why the gasoline evaporates faster. They discovered that the propane, methane, butane

are gases that evaporate so fast. It is worth mentioning that the LPG and the natural gases are

environmentally friendly and classified as being detected easily. These kinds of gases are kept in

cylinders and can be vanished in ordinary temperature degrees.

The LPG gas is considered as a mixture of butane, propane and saturated- unsaturated

hydrocarbons. The impact of the LPG on human being is extremely considerable and it can cause

burns over the skin, long sleep, annoyed breathing, etc. This risky gas has several individualities

such as pressure, flammability, combustion and toxicity.

This project is designed to detect and monitor the leak of the gases relatively in the closed

places. The module can be employed as household application to supervise and apply control

action on different situations accordingly. In addition, the module can be used in the hospitals,

hotels, cars and in the industries that use LPG gas as substantial applications. The detection

process of the gas in this work excites multiple measurements such as alarm systems, control

devices and communication systems based on the Global System for Mobile Communication.
1.2 Statement of the Problem

It isn’t always possible to prevent gas leaks, but one step you can take is to make sure all

the gas appliances in your home are in good working condition. This study conducts to create a

“Gas Leakage Detector with SMS Alert” specially it sought to answer the following question:

1. Is there an eco-friendly alternative pen ink?

2. Is there an ingredient that is eco-friendly to make ink with?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The focus of this work is to design a system that monitors gas leakage in an enclosed

system using an Arduino Uno microcontroller and an alarm system are used to alert people

within leakages neighborhood while SMS will be sent to the premises owner or safety

organization to towards making decision to avert damages and loss of lives/properties. The

objectives among others if the design is implemented are:

1. To investigate what human condition does gas leakage affects severely.

2. To innovate a gas leak detector and a monitoring system that detects the essence of harmful


1.4 Hypothesis/Engineering Goals

Alternative Hypothesis (H1): The use of a gas leakage detector system with SMS notifications

will significantly reduce the response time to gas leaks compared to traditional detection

methods without SMS alerts.

Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference in response time to gas leaks between

using a gas leakage detector system with SMS notifications and traditional detection methods

without SMS alerts.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The study on a gas leakage detection system using SMS notifications is significant

because it enhances safety through timely alerts, enables rapid response to gas leaks, reduces

property damage, saves costs, ensures compliance with regulations, and provides peace of mind

to users.

1.6 Rationale

Using SMS for a gas leakage detector offers real-time alerts, widespread accessibility,

reliability, integration with mobile devices, cost-effectiveness, scalability, user-friendly interface,

documentation, compliance, and remote monitoring, making it a practical and efficient

communication method for critical notifications.


This research work can be used to checked gas leakages at home, in a car, storage tank

area or in a pump station. This can be easily implemented to industrial level by upgrading its

ranges. This research work is important in every home, office and industries because there are

many gases that can be harmful to organic life. This work helps people to upgrade their safety

standards, comply statutory even though it has small sensitivity to detect alcohol, it can be used

as liquor tester. The system has excellent sensitivity combined with a quick response time. The

most important and basic function is to prevent accidents and protect life and property from fire

outbreak. It provides along lasting safety means for detecting the leakage of gas into the area of

an appliance when the appliance is in a shutdown condition or not in use. It provide a novel gas

detection and monitoring system which is economical to manufacture and which may be readily

installed in conventional trailers, boats or the like which are usually dependent upon a stored

supply of pressurized gas.

LPG gas is a mixture of propane and butane which are highly flammable chemicals. It’s

an odourless gas in its natural state to which Ethyl Mercaptan is added as powerful smelling

agent, so that leakage can be easily detected. LPG leakage can be detected in the cars, industrial

sectors and residential areas using an Ideal Gas Sensor. This LPG gas leakage detector unit can

easily be implemented into a unit that can sound an alarm or send a notification of the LPG

concentration via GSM network. The sensor used in this research has both admirable sensitivity

and rapid response time.

This device can be used as well to sense other gases like isobutane, propane, LNG and

even cigarette smoke. The output of sensor goes LOW as soon as the LPG sensor senses any gas

leakage. This is sensed by the microcontroller and the LED & buzzer are turned ON. With a

delay of about few milliseconds, the exhaust fan is also turned ON for throwing the gas out and a

“GAS LEAKAGE” message is sent to a predefined mobile number using GSM Module.

Gas leaks can pose significant risks in various environments, from homes to industrial

facilities. To ensure safety and prevent accidents, it’s crucial to detect gas leaks promptly. In this

article, the researchers will guide you through the process of building a gas leakage detector

using an Arduino Nano, an MQ135 gas sensor, an I2C 16×2 LCD display, red and green LEDs,

and a SIM800 GSM module. This study project will help create a reliable gas detection system

with real-time alerts.

Components Needed

Arduino Nano, MQ-135 Sensor, 16×2 LCD Display with I2C, GSM sim800l Module,

LED ,Buzzer, Wire, Zero PCB, 9V power supply.






Figure 1. Process Flowchart

Research Design

A logical design, will be aimed to make a Gas leakage detector using SMS. The

Prototype shown on figure 2, has different parts: Arduino Nano, MQ-135 Sensor, 16×2 LCD

Display with I2C, GSM sim800l Module, LED ,Buzzer, Wire, Zero PCB, 9V power supply.
Figure 2. Gas Leakage Detector with SMS Alert

Procurement of Materials

The materials: Arduino Nano, MQ-135 Sensor, 16×2 LCD Display with I2C, GSM

sim800l Module, LED ,Buzzer, Wire, Zero PCB, and 9V power supply will be ordered online.

Assembly of Materials

 Connect the VCC pin of the MQ135 sensor to the 5V pin of the Arduino Nano.
 Connect the GND pin of the MQ135 sensor to the GND pin of the Arduino Nano.
 Connect the AOUT pin of the MQ135 sensor to the A0 analog input pin of the Arduino
 Connect the SDA pin of the LCD display to the A4 pin (SDA) of the Arduino Nano.
 Connect the SCL pin of the LCD display to the A5 pin (SCL) of the Arduino Nano.
 Connect the positive leg of the red LED to pin 4 of the Arduino Nano.
 Connect the positive leg of the green LED to pin 5 of the Arduino Nano.
 Connect the cathode (negative leg) of both LEDs to the GND pin of the Arduino Nano.
 Connect the SIM800 GSM module Tx to 2 and RX to 3 Pin of the Arduino Nano.

Testing of Prototype

The research team will rigorously evaluate the Gas Leakage Detector integrated with

SMS alerts, focusing on its accuracy and effectiveness when exposed to common gases like

those from a gas stove. They will calibrate the detector, simulate gas leaks in controlled

environments, and monitor metrics such as detection accuracy, response time, and SMS alert


Finalization of prototype

Once the prototype has worked as it is intended to without problems, The Gas Leakage

Detector with SMS Alert will be finalized for checking whether it meets the standards the

researchers set.


#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);
SoftwareSerial mySerial(2, 3);

int gasValue = A0;

int data = 0;
int Red = 6;
int Green = 7;
void setup() {
pinMode(gasValue, INPUT);
pinMode(Red, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Green, OUTPUT);
lcd.print(" WELCOME TO");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("GROUP 1");
lcd.print(" Gas Leakage ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" Detector Alarm ");

void loop() {

data = analogRead(gasValue);

Serial.print("Gas Level: ");

lcd.print("Gas Scan is ON");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("Gas Level: ");

if (data > 80) {

Serial.print("Gas detect alarm");
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print(" Gas Leakage");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" SMS Sent");
digitalWrite(Red, HIGH);
digitalWrite(Green, LOW);

} else {
Serial.print("Gas Level Low");
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Gas Level Normal");
digitalWrite(Red, LOW);
digitalWrite(Green, HIGH);

void SendMessage() {
Serial.println("I am in send");
mySerial.println("Hi Group 1 Gas Detected please Open Windows And Check Your Gas Cylinder");

data = analogRead(gasValue);
Serial.print("Gas Level: ");
lcd.print("Gas Scan is ON");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("Gas Level: ");

if (data > 80) {

Serial.print("Gas detect alarm");
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print(" Gas Leakage");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" SMS Sent");
digitalWrite(Red, HIGH);
digitalWrite(Green, LOW);

} else {
Serial.print("Gas Level Low");
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Gas Level Normal");
digitalWrite(Red, LOW);
digitalWrite(Green, HIGH);

void SendMessage() {
Serial.println("I am in send");
mySerial.println("Hi Prateek Gas Detected plz Open Windows And Check Your Gas Cylinder");


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