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Problem Creator: Viktor Ivanov

Theoretical 1: Magnetic Monopole

1 Introduction
Our everyday experience shows that the magnetic poles always exist in pairs North and South.
Breaking a magnet results in the appearance of a new pair of opposite magnetic poles on the
two broken ends. The fundamental laws of physics, however, do not contradict the existence of
magnetically charged particles called magnetic monopoles. The magnetic monopole is an object
possessing just one magnetic pole, either North, or South, which are analogues of the positive
and negative electric charges respectively. Thus, the magnetic field of the monopole is similar
to the electric field created by a static electric charge, i.e. its force lines begin or end at the
point where the monopole is located. This property is in contrast to the closed force lines of the
magnetic field created by permanent magnets (magnetic dipoles) and electric currents. The concept
of magnetic monopole was introduced in 1932 by the famous physicist Paul Dirac. On the basis of
quantum mechanics he proved that the existence of magnetic monopoles can explain the existence
of the elementary electric charge. That is why the physicists do not cease their efforts to discover
magnetic monopoles experimentally.
In the following questions you are going to establish some properties of the magnetic monopoles
by analyzing simple model situations (though experiments). You may assume that all laws of
physics known to you apply to the magnetic monopoles, except the statement for closed force lines
of the magnetic field. The velocities considered in this problem are much smaller than the speed
of light and, therefore, you may neglect the relativistic effects on time, length and mass.
Use the following physical constants in your solution:

magnetic permeability of vacuum: µ0 = 4π × 10−7 H/m ;

electric permittivity of vacuum: 0 = 8.85 × 10−12 F/m ;

speed of light: c = 2.998 × 108 m/s ;

elementary electric charge: e = 1.602 × 10−19 C ;

Planks constant: h = 6.626 × 10−34 J.s .

2 Questions
1. When exposed to external magnetic field of induction B, a monopole of magnetic charge qm
experiences a force:

F = qm B (1)
(a) Derive the unit of magnetic charge in terms of the basic SI units: kilogram, meter, second,
ampere. (0.8 points)

Magnetic Monopole Page 1 of 4


Questions Question 1. When exposed to external magnetic field of induction B, a mon

charge qm experiences a force:
Problem Creator: Viktor Ivanov
osed to external magnetic field of induction B, a monopole of magnetic
F qm B
a force: Theoretical 1: Magnetic Monopole
a. Derive the unit of magnetic charge in terms of the basic SI units: kilogra
F qm B
2. Electric current I circulates along a circular loop of radius a. A monopole of magnetic charge
of magnetic charge
qm in terms ofonthe
is situated thebasic SItheunits:
axis ofQuestion kilogram,
point ofmeter,
2.a Electric
loop at currentsecond,
I circulates
coordinate z relative toalong a circular
its center, loop of radius a
as shown
in Figure 1 . The positive magnetic
direction ofcharge qm Zis and
the axis situated on the axis
the direction of thecirculation
of current loop at a are
point of coordina
related through the right-hand shown in Figure 1. The positive direction of the axis Z and the di
current I circulates
(a) along a an
Find out circular loop
expression for of
the radius
circulation a. AFthrough
are related
z-component monopole
z of the the
force acting onrule.
the monopole.
situated on the axis of the loop at a point of coordinate z relative to its (1.1 points)
a. Find out an expression for the z-component Fz of the force acting on the
gure 1. The positive direction of the axis Z and the direction of current
hrough the right-hand rule. I
a qm
ression for the z-component Fz of the force acting on the monopole.

qm Figure 1.
Figure 1: Question 2
Z Question 3. When at rest, the magnetic monopole creates static magnetic fi
3. When at rest, the magneticelectric
monopole creates
field staticby
produced magnetic field, similar
a static electric to the
charge. Theelectric
magneticfieldinduction B at a
produced by a static electric charge. The magnetic induction B at a point of position- vector
vector r, relative to the monopole (see Figure 2), is given by the equation:
r, relative to the monopole (see Figure 2), is given by the equation:

km qm r k m qm r
rest, the magnetic monopole creates static magnetic B= ,
field,r3 similar to theB r3
(2) r
by a static electric charge. The magnetic induction B at a point of position- qm
where km is a coefficient of proportionality and r = |r|.
monopole (see Figure 2), is given by thewhere km is a coefficient of proportionality and r
equation: r. Figure 2.

k m qm r a. By analyzing theB system described in Question 2, express the unkno

B throughrthe provided fundamental constants.
b. Formulate by means of equation the Gauss law for the flux of the m
t of proportionality and r r. Figure 2.
created by the magnetic monopole.
Figure 2: Question 3
he system described in Question 2, express the 4.
Question unknown
A moving coefficient km creates magnetic field. Likewise, the
electric charge
(a) By analyzing the system described in Question 2, express the unknown coefficient km
vided fundamental constants. monopole produces electric field with circular force-lines
through the provided fundamental constants.
(i.e. a vortex field) c
(1.6 points)
direction of motion of the monopole (see Figure 3). Consider a monopole of m
(b) Formulate by means of equation the Gauss law for the flux Φ of the magnetic induction
means of equation thecreated
thefor the moving
magnetic of thea straight
monopole. magnetic lineinduction
with a constant velocity v(0.5
. points)
magnetic monopole.
4. A moving electric charge creates magnetic field. Likewise, the moving magnetic 4 monopole
produces electric field with circular force-lines (i.e. a vortex field) concentric with the direction
g electric charge ofcreates magnetic field. Likewise, the moving magnetic
motion of the monopole (see Figure 3). Consider a monopole of magnetic charge qm moving
ctric field with circular force-lines
along a straight (i.e. aaconstant
line with vortex field)
v. with the
the monopole (see Figure 3). Consider a monopole of magnetic charge qm
line with a constant velocity v.
Magnetic Monopole Page 2 of 4
Problem Creator: Viktor Ivanov

Theoretical 1: Magnetic Monopole

electric force line

qm v

Figure 3.
Figure 3: Question 4

(a) Derive an expression a. for Derive an expression

the intensity for electric
E of the fieldEcreated
the intensity of the electric
by thefield created in
monopole byathe monopole in a
point of position-vector rpoint
making an angle θ with
of position-vector the vector
r making an of velocity,
angle withastheshown
vectorin of
velocity, as shown in
3. Use vector notations in your 3.
Figure final
order to in specify
your both, the magnitude,
final answer in order and to specify both, the
the direction of the electric field.
magnitude, and the direction of the electric field. (1.7 points)
(b) Suppose that a positive electric charge qe and a positive magnetic charge qm are mov-
b. Suppose that a positive electric charge qe and a positive magnetic charge qm are moving
ing toward you, perpendicularly to the sheet of paper. Draw an arbitrary force line
against you, perpendicularly to the sheet of paper. Draw two arbitrary force lines in you
in your answer sheet for the magnetic field created by the electric charge. Draw sepa-
answer sheet – one for the magnetic field created by the electric charge and another, fo
rately another arbitrary force line for the electric field created by the magnetic charge.
Indicate the directions ofthe theelectric field created by the magnetic monopole. Indicate
two lines. (0.4 the directions of the two
5. The analogy between electric and magnetic charges is found also in the way they interact with
external magnetic and Question 5. Therespectively.
electric fields analogy between electrictoand
Similarly themagnetic
Lorentz charges is found
force acting on also
an in the way they
electric charge moving interact with field,
in magnetic external
magneticand electric
charge fields respectively.
experiences a force when Similarly
it movesto the Lorentz force
in electric field. acting on an electric charge moving in magnetic field, the magnetic charge experiences a force
when it moves in electric field.
(a) Propose and analyze a thought experiment in order to derive an expression for the Lorentz
force acting on a monopole
a. Proposeof magnetic
and analyzecharge qm moving
a thought with ain velocity
experiment order tovderivein electric
an expression for the
field of intensity E. Use vector notations in your final answer in order to
“Lorenz” force acting on a monopole of magnetic charge qm moving specify both, the with a velocity v in
magnitude and the direction of the force. When describing your thought experiment, use
electric field of intensity E. Use vector notations in your final answer in order to specify
proper drawings and short comments
both, to themand
the magnitude instead of a lengthy
the direction of thetext.
force. When(1.0 points)
describing your though
6. A point particle of electric charge use propertodrawings
qe is confined move along and short comments
a circle without to them instead of a lengthy text.
any resistance
or friction, as shown inQuestion
Figure 4.6. A A monopole of magnetic
point particle charge qqmis passes
of electric charge confinedthrough
to movethe plane
along a circle without any
of the circle by movingresistance
along itsoraxis Z from z → −∞ to z → ∞.
friction, as shown in Figure 4. A monopole of magnetic charge q passes through m
the plane of the circle by moving along its axis Z from z to z .
Figure 4.

Figure 4: Question 6

Magnetic Monopole Page 3 of 4

a. Obtain an expression for the change in Z–component, Lz, of the angular momentum of
Problem Creator: Viktor Ivanov
the electrically charged particle during the whole motion of the magnetic monopole.
Express your answer in terms of qe, qm and fundamental constants only.

Question 7. In his famous Theoretical

work on magnetic 1:monopoles
Magnetic Monopole
Paul Dirac has argued that if just one
single magnetic monopole existed in the Universe, all electric charges should be multiple of a
specific elementary electric charge, whose magnitude is related to the magnetic charge of that
(a) Obtain an expression
monopole. for itthe
Historically, change
is the firstinhypothesis
Zcomponent, ∆Lz , ofwhich
in physics, the angular momentum
explains the existence of the
of the electrically charged
elementary electric charge. particle during the whole motion of the magnetic monopole.
Express your answer in terms of qe , qm and fundamental constants only. (1.3 points)

7. In hisConsider
famous work the system described
on magnetic in Question
monopoles 6, assuming
Paul Dirac that that
has argued all magnetic
if just onemonopoles
magnetic existing in
the Nature
monopole existedhave magnetic
in the Universe,charges of the
all electric sameshould
charges magnitude, +qm and
be multiple of a–specific
qm respectively .
electric charge, whose magnitude is related to the magnetic charge of that monopole. Histori-
cally, it isa.theBy
firstapplying thein concepts
hypothesis of quantum
physics, which physics
explains the to the
existence motion
of the of electrically
elementary electric charged
charge. particle along the circular orbit, derive a relationship between the elementary electric
Consider thecharge , assumedintoQuestion
system edescribed be the charge of thethat
6, assuming electron, and the
all magnetic magneticexisting
monopoles charge qm of the
in the Naturemonopole. Calculate
have magnetic charges the same magnitude, +qm and −qm respectively.
qm of
(a) By applying the concepts of quantum physics to the motion of electrically charged particle
b. the
along The electron
circular possesses
orbit, derive aa relationship
self magnetic moment
between pm 9.274electric
theofelementary 10 24 A.m 2
charge. By
e, assuming
to be
thethe charge of
magnetic the electron,
properties and
of the the magnetic
electron are duecharge qm of
to a pair of the monopole.
spatially separated point
Calculate qm numerically. (1.1 points)
magnetic monopoles of opposite magnetic charges, +qm and –qm respectively; calculate the
(b) The electron possesses
distance a self these
d between magnetic moment of pm = 9.274 × 10−24 A.m2 . By assuming
that the magnetic properties of the electron are due to a pair of spatially separated point
magnetic monopoles of opposite magnetic charges, +qm and −qm respectively; calculate
the distance d between these monopoles. (0.5 points)
Useful math:
Useful math :
The solid
• The solid angle angle byenclosed
Ω enclosed by half-opening
a cone of a cone of half-opening angle
angle θ (see (see the
the Figure 5) figure)
is: Ω =is:
2π(1 − cos(θ))
2 (1 cos( ))

Figure 5: Solid Angle

Depending on your approach to the solution you may need the following integral:
• Depending on your approach to the solution you may need the following integral:
Z ∞
dz 2 dz 2
= 2. (3)
2 2 3/2
(z a )
2 2 32
a 2
−∞ (z + a ) a

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