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Title: Navigating the Challenges of Thesis Writing: A Guide to Crafting an Effective Outline for

Research Paper on Drinking Age

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis is a formidable task that often proves to be a
challenging endeavor for many students. One specific area that frequently poses difficulties is the
creation of an outline for a research paper, especially when addressing complex topics such as the
drinking age. In the quest for academic excellence, students often find themselves grappling with the
intricacies of organizing their thoughts, conducting thorough research, and presenting a coherent

The process of developing a research paper outline demands meticulous attention to detail and a
profound understanding of the chosen topic. Crafting a compelling and well-structured outline
requires the integration of various elements, such as an introduction, literature review, methodology,
findings, and conclusion. When delving into a topic as nuanced as the drinking age, the challenge is
heightened, as it necessitates a thoughtful examination of societal, legal, and health-related aspects.

Understanding the importance of a well-crafted outline in shaping the trajectory of the entire
research paper, it becomes crucial for students to seek assistance from reliable sources. In this
context, ⇒ ⇔ emerges as a valuable resource, offering specialized support for
those navigating the complexities of thesis writing.

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guidance to streamline the process of creating an outline for their research paper on the drinking age.
With a team of experienced writers well-versed in diverse academic fields, the platform ensures that
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By entrusting the task to ⇒ ⇔, students can alleviate the stress associated with the
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In conclusion, writing a thesis, especially when focused on a complex topic like the drinking age, is
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students can navigate this academic journey with greater confidence, knowing they have a reliable
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I know that some of you may believe that twenty- one is a suitable and responsible age. A young
persons’ brain is very fragile during teenage and young adulthood. A girl was downtown the other
week in Columbia and was murdered. In this paper we will discuss the arguments that are in favor of
lowering the age limit from 21 to 18. However in 1984 the Federal Government Passed a law which
required every state to move their Minimum Legal Drinking Age to 21 or they would lose some of
the funds that each state has and was needed to go towards the rebuilding of their roads. Imagine
being a senior in high school, 18 years old, argumentative essay on drinking age. The presidents of
these universities argued that if the MLDA were to be lowered college students would drink in more
visible and controllable environments instead of having drinks at parties and binge drinking at these
parties., When teenagers drink at parties there is no way to control the amount of alcohol they are
consuming, there is less of chance of noticing if there drink was drugged. This will make them
responsible citizens at the end of the day and give them accountability options towards their parents
as well as the other authority figures within the society. We use cookies to create the best experience
for you. Introducing alcohol to the premises or taking it out of the premises is not allowed. In this
generation, national security is an extreme concern regarding: terrorism, illegal immigration, and
other threats, this country would be more secure to have as little to none fake ids circulating. The
legal drinking age limit should remain at the age of 21 because it helps prevent physical
confrontations, the development of health problems, and the perpetration of immature acts. The
project has been shown that older teens ages sixteen to nineteen are now less likely to drink and
drive after learning about the risks in alcohol related classes. This paper seeks to prove that the
drinking age should be maintained and this will be done through considering arguments to render an
objective and critical summation of the issue. If changing the age to eighteen isn’t suitable, there are
other solutions. Many studies have shown that the minimum drinking age of 21 has saved many lives
when it turns to drinking and driving. There may be nothing we can do about alcohol becoming
engrained in youth societal activities, but the least we can do is encourage responsible use. For
example, an article showed: “Consuming alcohol on a regular basis can negatively affect the
development of an individual’s brain’s frontal lobes, which are responsible for emotional regulation,
planning and organization.” (“Should the Drinking age be Lowered from 21 to a Younger Age?”). It
also pinpoints the essential changes that need to be made within the legislation as well as tackles
problems in a head on fashion. In fact, some US states lowered the drinking age during the Vietnam
war Argumentative Essay: Lowering The Drinking Age. Teen alcohol According to the Century
Council 10 million teens from the ages 12-20 admit to consuming alcohol in the past 30 days. The
teenage female parents are likely non to finish schooling and hence be disadvantaged socially and
economically. The United States as a whole, besides a few exceptions, has enforced an alcohol
consumption law prohibiting anyone younger than 21 from purchasing alcohol. Peck, Garrett. The
prohibition hangover: alcohol in America from demon rum to cult cabernet. If young adults know
that they are legally allowed to drink then there would be a lot less thrill seekers trying to break the
law. Drinking in young adults is turning to be a serious concern with public health. This can make it
difficult for young Americans to travel abroad and can create an unnecessary sense of rebellion
among those who do drink.Ultimately, There are a few of compelling reasons why the drinking age
should be lowered to 18. Which will then lead to business owners earning larger amounts of profits.
“With increased profits and more successful business in the market, more jobs will become available
for Americans, and therefore more money will be spent to boost the economy.”. The research behind
the use of alcohol in teenagers is alarming. Binge drinking is when a person consumes more than five
drinks in one setting (Hingson 1).
Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 21 Apr. 2013. In 1980 the minimum age of drinking in the
United States was raised from 18 to 21. This is a custom that pervades every class in the colony, and
cannot be departed from without something more than a breach of good manners. (“Drinking
Etiquette,” n. d. ) Alcohol helps people remove their barriers; lose their inhibitions, and form
friendships, relationships, and acts as a social lubricant. Though there have been several calls for the
reduction of the drinking age, it is a bad idea. It’s promoting the use of a poison that will bring
negative consequences in their future. Moreover, the role of the authorities is of immense significance
here since they must examine the repercussions of the legal age being changed from 21 down to 18
years. Based on my view, drinking age in United States should not be lowered to 18 because of
health related issues and safety concerns such as motor vehicle accidents. Fundamental to the nature
of drinking is that alcoholism significantly tampers with a person’s reasoning capacity and thus, any
person who dabbles in drinking may lose a degree of his compunctions to crime. What is the legal
drinking age in B.C.? The legal drinking age is 19. In the process, many students fall ill, both
mentally and. While this development may appear to venerate the claim that the status quo would
abate alcohol-related fatalities, it is also unfairly true that this phenomenon was not limited to the
United States. Alcohol Awareness Programs in School would play an important role and the
administration of school and colleges would get the responsibility to regulate the drinking habits into
their students thus teaching them the values of responsibility in drinking at their early age. The
phrase “beer belly” references someone who has faced this effect of alcohol. Sorry, but copying text
is forbidden on this website. Purchase age is not always responsible for driving problems and
accidents during driving. Alcohol law, Alcoholic beverage, Amethyst Initiative 1271 Words 4 Pages
Smith English 101 09 May 2014 Drinking Age Should Be At Age 21 Many American adults assume
that drinking age must be age 21, because starting to drink alcohol early would have a lot of negative
consequences such as having more car accidents, risks of lungs cancers, and so on. Furthermore,
proponents of lowering the age of alcohol consumption also argue that adults between the ages of
18-21 can smoke cigarettes in the public despite the fact that the same has huge risks of cancer and
other diseases. Some of you may even go so far as to say that it should be set higher than that. The
project has been shown that older teens ages sixteen to nineteen are now less likely to drink and
drive after learning about the risks in alcohol related classes. Drinking at a young age can cause
short-term problems and well as long-term problems in preteens and teenagers. Moore (2001) is thus
of the firm belief that comparative stances on alcohol in the wake of changing cultural regimes has a
big say in developing such drinking patterns. Paying and having bills in your name such as electric,
water, and cell phone, are all examples of adulthood. There is no reason for this to be changed to a
lower age limit because younger people tend to act on impulse and have a hard time. Want to know
more about legal drinking ages around the world. Anyone over the age of 18 can drink and buy
alcohol in Turkey. Alcohol can have a huge effect or your brain functions. I had 5 days to complete
my paper and not even a single chance to do it by myself. Supporters of decreasing the drinking age
blame the steps of the federal government to push states for increasing the minimum drinking age
have increased the excitement with drinking to even greater levels. For homicide, females are
victimized by acquaintances in 92% of the cases. If more people got in trouble for selling to minors
the less people would sell to minors.
Even in the school campus, many of students hold parties every night. It has also played an
important role in enhancing the enjoyment of life. Therefore legal alcohol consumption should
remain at the age of twenty-one for it can be not only detrimental to one’s health, but the rest of
society. However, even if the law for drinking was the only law that was set at twenty-one, many of
the laws that are set at eighteen are not harmful to one’s or others well-being or health. Many drinks
it for celebrations or as a personal beverage. Sequeira said: “Teens often start drinking due to the
curiosity and experimentation. This process can explain why people often lose memory of their wild
night of fun, or they are more likely to participate in more high risk and irresponsible behavior. The
youth needs an outlet to let off the different pressures which come their way and it is only fitting if
they are given more room to maneuver their own selves and permit them the right to spend their lives
as they deem fit. This would ensure that the drinking takes place in moderation (Kiesbye, 103-104;
Peck, 26-27). Have you ever wonder why kids tend to drink illegally. One of the worst things for
any family to experience is getting a phone call and hearing a police officer say their child got into a
wreck especially if that wreck cost them their lives or if they took someone else’s life. S allow 18
year olds to carry rifle or enlist in the military and not allow them to not buy a bottle of beer. Ruth
Engs, Professor of Applied Health Sciences at Indiana University states, “Currently, we prohibit 2.
We are now the proud owners of a beautiful stove and a very very warm living room. The law should
not decrease the legal drinking age because of the effects it can have on an undeveloped brain. In the
United States and the United Kingdom for instance, the age of alcohol consumption is 21 and 18,
respectively. A minority of the adolescent population may intentionally dispute to jurisprudence. As
Hingson says “ For young drivers, drinking is like throwing gasoline on a fire” (1). What this
highlights is the fact that legislation under such domains is a significant impediment in the wake of
lowering drinking prohibitions. It can shorten your life expectancy and cause serious heart problems.
A long-term effect that alcohol can have on the heart is that it “has an influence on the risk factors
for coronary heart disease” (Whiting). At 16 or even 18 years of age, a teenager is not as equipped to
think ahead and make wise decisions, and this becomes even more apparent under the influence of
alcohol. Therefore, this would have an adverse effect on our society, and definitely not a positive
effect. In fact these could be regarded as extraneous circumstances where different people mature
quickly and are thrust with more responsibilities within their lives. We use cookies to ensure that we
give you the best experience on our website. Researchers looked at data from 1990-2004 U.S.
Multiple Cause of Death files and the U.S. Census and American Community Survey. Immediately
you can smoke cigarettes, vote, be a jury member, even join the military and fight for your country.
But. In fact, 64 percent of the world’s nations have legal drinking ages of 18. Making alcohol
consumption done responsibly, and in appropriate moderations normal will make drinking less of a
taboo. They will so be forced to depend on the authorities for public assistance and benefits to last.
Therefore. by cut downing the figure of unwanted teenage gestations. Studies have demonstrated the
fact that a number of individuals drink alcoholic beverages so that they could escape from severe
tensions, frustrations and a host of anxieties which engulf their lives.
Particularly, Michelle Milton a Fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute shows that indeed, with
the passing and implementation of the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984, these alcohol-
related fatalities decreased by 33% between 1988 and 1998. One topic that has a lot of notoriety all
throughout the United States is the legal drinking age. In England, if you’re in a restaurant, you can
even purchase and drink alcohol at age sixteen (Legal Drinking Age 1). Drinking alcohol usually
leads to the use of other illegal drugs too. “Youths who report drinking prior to the age of 15 are
more likely to develop substance abuse problems, to engage in risky sexual behavior, and to
experience other negative consequences in comparison to those who begin at a later time” (U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services). Drinking at a young age can cause short-term problems
and well as long-term problems in preteens and teenagers. So, question is does the drinking age need
to be lower. It also pinpoints the essential changes that need to be made within the legislation as well
as tackles problems in a head on fashion. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an
academic expert. The challenge in higher education: confronting and reducing substance abuse on
campus. Sample Persuasive Essay School Uniforms Elementary here. The paper is excellent and
written according to all of my instructions. Major Sides of the Debate and the Reasons These Sides
Provide for their Standpoints Those who are in favor of the motion such as Ruth argue that the
National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 is repressive to the 18-20-year-olds. Bringing the
drinking age down to 18 can boost the economy because; more people will be purchasing alcohol,
revenue would increase, and the government will collect more taxes. There are fewer car accidents
involving drunk driving in countries were the minimum drinking age is less than 21 such as in France
(29%), and Great Britain (16%). Becoming stricter on under age drinking laws can prevent this. The
law enforcement agencies themselves admit that only two out of every one thousand instances of
alcohol consumption by the minors comes on to the scene (Marcovitz, 37-38). This due to the fact
that responsible drinking would be taught from a younger age and teens would not feel the need to
hide their drinking. I would not hesitate to recommend their service and would go as far as to say
you would be mad not to use them. This is to the effect that 18 year old children also have a sense of
right and wrong, and should therefore be allowed the choice to engage in, or eschew alcohol
consumption. This means that even a small amount of alcohol can lead to higher blood-alcohol
concentrations. Despite America’s 21-year-old legal drinking age, it’s National Institute on Alcohol
Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) reports that “in 2003, 29. 3% of youth ages 12-20 reported
consuming alcohol in past 30 days. (Fennell, 2007). This demonstrates that even though America has
a high legal drinking age; this does not stop the youth from drinking. They would be able to chase
their dreams in a better way all said and done. The fact that the age of drinking is to be lowered
essentially means that children as young as 18 years are to be targets of alcoholic drinks. Based on
these statistics, we can infer that the safety of the general population will be in danger if alcohol was
giving to high school seniors. There was an even bigger decline among high school seniors—from
35 percent to 22 percent. Supporters of decreasing the drinking age blame the steps of the federal
government to push states for increasing the minimum drinking age have increased the excitement
with drinking to even greater levels. In Germany where the drinking age is 16 for instance, alcohol-
related fatalities dropped between 1974 and 1990, by 57%. Rainforth also mentioned that “either a
person has the ability to make rational life decisions at age 1. The role of such beverages as a drink
for personal pleasure has grew throughout the course of history. Alcohol is a dangerous drug that
impairs the senses and should only be consumed responsibly.
In the Fatality Analysis Reporting System analyses we assigned deaths to the state of occurrence
because of incomplete information on state of residence. For example, according to Sunrise House
an American Addiction Center, they say that Vodka is 40-95% alcohol, Gin, Rum, and Whiskey are
all 36-50% alcohol, and beer is 4-8% alcohol. In reality with the laws that have been instilled car
accidents related to drinking and driving have been reduced. The minimum age for drinking alcohol
in all states is 18 years old and underage drinking is not allowed. The recent discussions regarding
drinking are about whether the legal drinking age should be lowered from twenty-one to eighteen.
Alcohol will hurt the economy as more people will lose their life due to improper usages. College
president McCardell say’s “it does not reduce drinking. This can be seen by the article “Societal
Costs of Underage Drinking” done by Ted R. The frontal lobes are responsible for a person’s
functions such as emotions, regulation, planning and organization. The youth needs an outlet to let
off the different pressures which come their way and it is only fitting if they are given more room to
maneuver their own selves and permit them the right to spend their lives as they deem fit. If one is
considered responsible enough to fight for the U. S. Congress, stated that if the minimum legal
drinking age was not changed, he was going to propose that those turning eighteen joining the armed
forces could still join, but they would not be allowed to fight in combat until reaching twenty- one.
If they lowered the minimum drinking age in the United States, there will be greater amounts of
alcohol for kids that are under the age of 18. Alcohol use by both women and their partners could
contribute to domestic-violence situations. Since then, many people have argued for or against this
act, but the battle still continues. Respectively, young people who drink alcohol before 21 will put
themselves at decreased ability of decision-making, less responsibility in public, become violent and
even prone to suicide. Mexico requires that you show a photo identification as proof of age when
purchasing alcohol. A study by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism found that
36% of 18- to 20-year-olds reported drinking in the past month, despite the fact that it is illegal for
them to do so. The notion that there should not be a lowering of the drinking is underpinned by more
serious matters and reasons that are to be visited in the discussion which ensues forthwith. They state
that the rate of drinking has increased and increased health related issues among the teens However,
the opponents argue that drinking age at 18 is not a good idea due to the fact that teens have not
attained the right age to take alcohol responsibly. Print McGuire, Walsh. “Drivers and Effects of
Teenage Drinking.” Journal of American Psychological Association, 7.5 (2008): 123-134. Print Main,
T. Carla. Underage Drinking and Drinking Age. As adults, they will be prepared to, and hopefully
will make responsible decisions surrounding the consumption of alcohol. While I understand that
some members in my age group have shown their ludicrous ways, the majority of us are going to
college trying to make something of ourselves. According to McGuire, this state of affair is likely to
herald rippling effects such as dwindling academic performance among teenagers and children,
increased traffic offences and accidents, heightened spates of juvenile delinquency and an uncertain
future for the entire nation, given that these teenagers and children are bound to be future leaders
and parents (McGuire, 124). Alcohol has provided a variety of functions for people throughout all
history. For instance, an article showed: “This effect implies individuals who already have a right to
legally purchase and consume alcohol tend to but it for their younger peers.” (“Minimum age limits
Worldwide”). Same is the case which holds true for drinking where they suggest and indeed I am of
the view that it should be allowed at the age of 18 years because at this age, a person gets mature
enough to distinguish the good and the bad for his own self. Alcohol is prohibited in Bihar, Gujarat,
Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Lakshadweep. Alcohol is the most commonly used substance of
abuse among young people in America and drinking when you are underage puts your health and
safety at risk. In fact, some US states lowered the drinking age during the Vietnam war. Then again
some people are of the view that these alcoholics are destroying their livers and also taking huge
risks of landing up in problems courtesy the law itself.
In other parts of Asia, the minimum drinking age varies. Between 1970 and 1975, some 29 states
reduced their minimum drinking age. S allow 18 year olds to carry rifle or enlist in the military and
not allow them to not buy a bottle of beer. According to the article “Lowering the Drinking Age has
Serious Consequences”, Watson said: “A lower drinking age leads to more traffic fatalities,
unplanned pregnancy and crime.” This shows teenagers have less life experiences and can be na??ve
in many situations, and immature in their actions in public place. Keep on browsing if you are OK
with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Scientists at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse
and Alcoholism claimed that teens who begin drinking prior to the age of fifteen are at four times the
risk of becoming alcoholics. The issue may therefore be in principle, about the degree to which an
individual may enjoy his liberty while remaining accountable (Barnett, 8). Many people usually
handle everyday tensions by forming up psychological defenses within their personalities. Should
they be allowed to purchase legally, it will boost the flow argumentative essay on drinking age
income into establishments like bars and restaurants. In addition to the dangers of the roads for that
are associated with drinking and driving. In particular, 21 is an age when an individual should
concentrate on studying, working, and social decisions, and impaired cognitive functioning at this
time could substantially affect their futures. Lowering the drinking or alcohol consumption age is
also bound to make proper administration of schooling and learning affairs very a difficult
undertaking. It does not give any idea about a teenager’s mental and physical maturity. If you
continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The laws need to be amended and
this is because age factor does not count for quite a lot in these circumstances. Rainforth 2). If you
spend the rest of your life in jail from such a young age having been charged as an “adult,” then you
should be able to drink any beverage of your choosing. Tamura (1992) asks the question regarding
lowering the drinking age since there have been amendments in the legislative processes of different
countries from time to time. Regardless of age, you must not force anyone to drink or smoke as it
may cause serious health and social consequences. Another element which appears in the controversy
is the issue of freedom. I will assess the incidence of depression, anxiety, stress, self-esteem and
criminality, of those who are the off spring of alcoholic parents against those who are not. As far as
the argument of liberty and freedom is concerned, this is a self-countering argument because if
liberty is such as essential element of United States than it would be better to abolish the drinking
age limit altogether. Raising the drinking age brought about more problems than it solved (Engs and
Hanson 2). The most common alcohol minimum purchasing age in the European Region is 18 years
old. Another effect that alcohol can have on the body of youth is causing liver disease which if is not
caught in time and progresses rapidly can be fatal. Besides the constant craving for alcohol,
alcoholism is also characterized by an inability to stop drinking. Alcohol, it has been a part of human
culture for centuries. What this highlights is the fact that legislation under such domains is a
significant impediment in the wake of lowering drinking prohibitions. It simply puts young adults at
greater risks. (2) Many agree with McCardell and say that the drinking age of 21 does not prevent
college students from drinking. You can order a custom essay on Lowering the Legal Drinking Age
now. According to The NIDA for Teens, “long-term effects can interfere with brain activity and brain
growth and development, as well as an increased risk of alcohol disorder for later on in life.” Alcohol
can also cause teens to have an under developed liver because it cannot function to break down all
the alcohol.

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