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Egg Crash

In this lab, students will be able to explain the relationship between impulse and momentum.

Materials: 2 eggs, a bucket, padding, meter stick, stop watch

Part A:
1. What is the mass of the egg? _____________________g
2. Drop the egg from a height of 1 meter into the empty bucket. How long did it take to hit the
ground? ________________seconds.
3. What is the velocity of the egg when it hits the ground? (show your work)

4. What is the momentum of the egg when it hits the ground?

5. What happened to the egg when it hit the ground? Why

Part B: Repeat the experiment with padding in the bucket

1. What is the mass of the egg? _____________________g
2. Drop the egg from a height of 1 meter into a padded bucket. How long did it take to hit the
bucket? ________________seconds.
3. What is the velocity of the egg when it hits the ground? (show your work)

4. What is the momentum of the egg when it hits the ground?

5. What happened to the egg when it hit the ground? Why


1. Which egg experienced a greater impact force? Explain your answer.

2. Which egg experienced the greater impulse? Explain your answer.

3. Did one egg experience a significantly greater momentum?

4. Based on your results from above., what is the relationship between impulse and momentum?

5. Why are airbags installed in cars? be sure to discuss momentum and impulse.

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