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Are you struggling with the daunting task of writing a thesis on Down Syndrome?

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This essay will discuss the challenges faced by people with Down syndrome, as well as the
effectiveness of current policies and services available for them. Report this Document Download
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(0 votes) 181 views 4 pages Prospects for Improving Brain Function in Individuals with Down
Syndrome Through. Accordingly, this may be an example eugenics in the modern twenty-first
century and raises important questions about the rights of people with disabilities. Although some of
these problems can be quite serious, medical treatments have improved so much that today the vast
majority of babies with Down Syndrome can grow up healthy and active. People who use marijuana
occasionally have a very subjective experience of the drug and do not experience the same
psychological effects as the regular users of marijuana do. Example research essay topic Information
About Down Syndrome. Obesity and other problems should also be looked upon in these patients so
that they do not create problems in their life. Since various clinical conditions are associated with
DS, hence research paper on down syndrome outline management of these patients requires an
organized multidisciplinary approach and continuous what does critically analyse mean in essay
writing of these patients which has ouline discussed in this review article. Down syndrome
ultimately affects the individual both mentally and physically. Heart problems American
Accreditation HealthCare Commission, 2009 The Cleveland Clinic reports that individuals with
Down syndrome have different experiences in terms of the problems with health than those
experienced by the normal population and these problems include a weakened immune system and
premature aging. According to an article in the well-respected journal Child Development, Down
syndrome has an important effect on the nonverbal communication competencies of young children.
Multiplex quantitative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction psper detection of research paper on
down syndrome outline. This research paper will begin with a concise introduction to Down
syndrome as an inherited condition and will explore the health ramifications found among people
with this condition. Every person with Down syndrome is a unique individual and may possess
these. They also should have regular hearing exams so any problems can be treated before they
hinder. Since the introduction of screening, pregnancies with the diagnosis are often terminated.
Regular. Treatment for Down syndrome is usually symptom-based and requires a multidisciplinary
team of health practitioners and special educators. She is able to attend school earlier because she is
special needs, and to get a jump. Stress condition and neurodegeneration are two important markers
in Down syndrome patients and mtDNA variation can also be used as an important biomarker. Most
studies have reported that parents that have a child with disability do experience higher levels of s.
When a baby is diagnosed with down syndrome from the characteristics listed or some other type of
testing, they will have it for the rest of their life. Down Syndrome not only does affect the children
but their families as well. The majority of children with Down Syndrome are eligible for free,
appropriate public education under federal law (2004). National Institute of Child Health and
Human Development. (2009). Facts About Down Syndrome. An extra chromosome chromosome 21
originates in the development of either the sperm or the egg. The triple screen or quadruple screen: -
In these tests the quantities of substances are measured in the maternal blood. Gastrointestinal
defects (GI) sometimes occur in children with Down syndrome and usually the defects are to the
anus, esophagus, intestines, and the trachea. One of the reasons I chose this topic is, I’m going into
the health profession. My. Fourth, persons with Down Syndrome have difficulties in verbal
communication and generally tend to use sign language often (John Langdon Down Foundation,
Mady has succeeded in her therapy and has graduated from all of them except for feeding. When
you have this type, it means that every single cell in your body has an extra chromosome attached to
it. Down syndrome can be identified during pregnancy by prenatal screening followed by. Secondly,
not every child with Down syndrome will show all the behaviours and thirdly some of the
behaviours associated with Down syndrome may appear in other syndromes. She recently learned
how to pedal her tricycle (We’re super excited!). She. Given the health consequences of DS births,
some parents may opt to undergo some prenatal tests to screen for the risks of the foetus having DS.
Those who have one child with Down syndrome have about a 1% risk of having a second child with
the syndrome, if both parents are found to have normal karyotypes. She throws her dirty diapers
away after changing and we praise her for doing a. The older the woman when she gets pregnant, the
higher the chance she has that she will have a baby with Down syndrome. The issue of family stress
being the main focus in most studies of parental adaptation was linked towards the sense of
competence that the parents feel in relation to their own parenting skills. The triple screen or
quadruple screen: - In these tests the quantities of substances are measured in the maternal blood.
Screening tests are cost effective and can provide a baseline to the parents so as to if they should
perform other tests or not. There is also a test that can be done after birth called a chromosomal
karyotype. Since I have Down’s Syndrome, I may have some symptoms like having a short neck,
decreased or poor muscle tone, and upward slanting eyes. The important source of support is the
spouse who is one of the most valued source towards the parenting of these children with down
syndrome. Compared with their non-verbal cognitive level, individuals with Down Syndrome are
often significantly lower in expressive vocabulary, expressive syntax and receptive syntax (Abbeduto
2013). Crafting An Outline For A Research Paper On Down Syndrome. Brandie: Yes,children with
Down syndrome can go to school. In the last 20 years, mouse models, particularly the Ts65Dn
mouse, have been widely used to understand the neurobiological basis of intellectual disability. The
sufferers quickly died in their infancy or in early adulthood. The sisters and brothers of families with
an individual with down syndrome, by them understanding and being aware. The condition can be
diagnosed shortly after the baby is born, based of particular physical features that cause immediate
measures such as testing to establish confirmation of the condition. There are several National Down
Syndrome Organizations in the U.S. including the Global Down Syndrome Foundation, a National
Down Syndrome Congress, and the National Down Syndrome Society. These chromosomes undergo
different type of abnormalities during the genesis of human beings. Heredity or more specifically
genetics can entail autosomal or chromosomal abnormalities such as Turner's syndrome, Fragile X
syndrome and Down's syndrome. With this type an extra 21st chromosome is found in only some of
the cells. Early intervention programs help to stimulate the necessary centers of individuals suffering
from the syndrome. Take note that there are a lot of things for you to consider when composing a
paper that discusses this sensitive topic. Children with the condition tend to start developing first
words by the age of two. We use cookies to create the best experience for you.
Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Life expectancy has increased significantly over
the last two decades. In a neutral setting, people Psychological effects of Marijuana Use of marijuana
is on an increase these days. Usually doctors will assess the extent of the individuals effects by
Down syndrome and get them the treatment they need. Your Down syndrome research paper can be
devoted to less sophisticated things and still be interesting and informative. It is for this purpose that
two types of prenatal tests have been recommended for mothers who undergo the process of
pregnancy. The syndrome does pose multiple challenges towards the families and these leads the
parents to seek resources of coping with the birth and the rearing of a child with down syndrome. He
analyzed that many of the children that he was treating shared certain characteristics. During this
test some of the amniotic fluid is taken from the mother’s uterus. This condition continues to be the
most common chromosomal disorder. Brandie: Mady interacts with her sister, McKenna in a positive
way. I like being different and my Down’s Syndrome just makes me stand out. We use cookies to
create the best experience for you. I thank her and Madalyn so much for being a part of. Learning
how to communicate is an ongoing process, individuals with down syndrome might also benefit
from speech therapy later on their life. Where special education is concerned, one must always
remember that exceptional learners are different, not less. Child, Chromosomal translocation,
Chromosomes 898 Words 3 Pages Noonan Syndrome Noonan syndrome is a genetic disorder that
was once known as Turner-like syndrome. Down syndrome occurs when some or all of a person's
cells have an extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21 (National Down Syndrome Society, 2009).
Children with Down Syndrome tend to learn to speak a littler later than their peers. Give me your
paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. The commonality between these
congenital diseases is that they are all present at birth. The NICHD has conducted and supported
Down syndrome research since its founding including development of animal models to help study
the syndrome examination of specific genes and gene groups that may play a role in the syndrome
understanding how maternal age plays a role in the disorder and development of new methods of
diagnosis. 15 hours agoPaper Citations. In most cases the condition occurs when two copies of
chromosome 21, are unable to separate properly during the formation of sperm or eggs during the
union (Underwood 2014). In triple screen method three markers are taken and in quadruple screen
four markers are taken into consideration. Parents who give birth to children with Down syndrome
have normal karyotypes and a cause of Down syndrome is the nonmeiotic disjunction. Caused by a
chromosomal disorder which results in an additional copy of the 21st chromosome, Down syndrome
is acquired at birth and continues throughout one’s lifespan. It is carried out after 20 weeks of
pregnancy and has similar risks as those of amniocentesis (Kids Health 2011; Mayo Clinic 2011)
Treatment It has been found that the individuals suffering from Down syndrome have no such cure
but their quality of life can be improved with significant therapy. At birth there is extreme floppiness
and subsequent cognitive, physical and behavioral abnormalities that eventually lead to widespread
medical and social needs. One of the learner disabilities that need intervention in secondary school
levels in Down Syndrome. Lastly there’s Translocation and it’s a bit different from the other types.
This is the end of the questions I have for Brandie. According to the National Institute of Child
Health and Human Development, Down syndrome can be found in approximately 1 child in every
800-1,000 births and is a life-long condition. Kids with Down syndrome do best in an inclusive
learning environment and I try my best everyday. Amniocentesis: - This test is performed on the
basis of the amniotic fluid which can be drawn between the 15 to 20 weeks of pregnancy. It is a
cause of significant intellectual disability, wit h the average IQ of a person with Down syndrome
floating around 5. Her food journey has been a struggle, I’ve cried thinking I’ve done something
wrong and thought the. Approximately, 47% of children with Down syndrome will have a heart
condition. They also should have regular hearing exams so any problems can be treated before they
hinder. There is also the staggering statistic that nearly 50% of all individuals born with Down
syndrome experience heart defects. Most of the time, now would be the time doctors would see the
extra chromosome 21 (Down Syndrome-Encyclopedia of Children’s Health). Globalization and
postfordist economic change, 13 I will work through the age of imperialism. Similar to
nondisjunction, all the cells in the body have an extra piece of the 21st chromosome. The cells with
47 chromosomes have an extra chromosome 21. Each child is different, there is NO scale that
determines severity. Children. This social support is actually a multifaceted concept that does
comprise of both a functional and structural component. In spite of relatively stronger receptive
vocabulary, poor syntax skills compromise discourse comprehension, and with so many weak
expressive skills language production often consists of brief simple statements that convey only basic
meaning. It is for this purpose that two types of prenatal tests have been recommended for mothers
who undergo the process of pregnancy. Hypothyroidism can be congenital or acquired at any time
during life. Lay citizens role is largely consistent across american post-secondary institutions in the
learning center for writing mirror observations in class at cornell university, it is your version against
the use of the 10,520 american school districts. Normally, each cell contains 23 pairs of
chromosomes, half of which are inherited from each parent. First, the researchers attempt to explain
the occurrence of the facial dysmorphisms, which relate to other soft tissue and skeletal defects.
Congestion of other tissues such as esophagus and small bowel are also seen in these patients and
can lead to death in some cases (Kallen et al 1996; Robbins et al 2005). Every person with Down
syndrome is a unique individual and may possess these. You are free to use it for research and
reference purposes in order to write your own paper. Communication skills can also be hampered as
a result of the existence of Down syndrome in the child and both parents of children with down
syndrome must appreciate the challenges associated with learning specific linguistic skills at a young
age. According to an article in the scholarly journal Prenatal Diagnosis, between 91% and 93% of all
American pregnancies in which Down syndrome was determined prior to give us prior to delivery,
were voluntarily terminated. There are certain symptoms that are exhibited by most patient of down
's syndrome although for confirmation, a chromosomal analysis is necessary. In babies suffering from
chromosomal abnormalities it is seen that fluid is accumulated in these folds and the space appears
larger. She likes getting her hair brushed and put in a pony and. Down Syndrome not only does
affect the children but their families as well.
The risk for having a child with Down syndrome increases as the maternal age increases. The early
onset of dementia is an important condition which has a correlation with Down syndrome and has
been proven to significantly affect the lives of people with this disorder. According to the National
Down Syndrome Society (2009), Down syndrome is most common single cause of human birth
defects and the most commonly occurring chromosomal condition. The children also need to be
given special attention so as they can quite cope up with the condition in a manner that is bearable
and humanly. Down Syndrome has been associated with mental progress, growth impairment and
some facial characteristics. The effects of Down syndrome on the mind can be witnessed in the IQ of
children. The general tutorial lasts approximately minutes, although there may be a vision of the
highest academic integrity, you should include a comprehensive planning to alleviate poverty. The
exact cause of the genetic mutation in Down syndrome is still undetermined. Today I will be taking
to you about what I like to do everyday, what is the difference between the three types of Down’s
Syndrome and what things people should know about people when they have Downs Syndrome.
More than 60% of children with Down syndrome have vision problems, including crossed eyes.
Although chromosome 21 is the smallest one humans have, it can cause a lot of problems if it is
altered. Example research essay topic Information About Down Syndrome. The studys findings were
published today in Current Biology. 1756 Words 8 Pages AnatomyPhysiology 1 Research Paper The
Upside of Down syndrome Down syndrome is a common chromosomal disorder that is caused by
abnormal cell division resulting in extra genetic material from Chromosome 21. Environmental
factors such as exposure to pollutants, radiation and medications have been attributed but have not
yet been proven. Free Down Syndrome Essays and Papers - 123HelpMe com. Most of the time, now
would be the time doctors would see the extra chromosome 21 (Down Syndrome-Encyclopedia of
Children’s Health). According to an article in the scholarly journal Prenatal Diagnosis, between 91%
and 93% of all American pregnancies in which Down syndrome was determined prior to give us prior
to delivery, were voluntarily terminated. In most cases the condition occurs when two copies of
chromosome 21, are unable to separate properly during the formation of sperm or eggs during the
union (Underwood 2014). If translocation is found in a child with Down syndrome, it is important to
examine the parents chromosomes, since in at least one-third of the cases, a parent may be a carrier
of the translocation. Infants with down syndrome find themselves using gestures of sign language to
communicate instead of using speech. The extra copy of the 21st chromosome is still present it is just
attached to another, usually chromosome 14. Another fact about Down’s Syndrome is older mothers
are more likely to have a kid with Down’s Syndrome and the chances of having a baby with Down’s
Syndrome gets bigger as the mothers get older. Translocation is not linked to maternal age, unlike
nondisjunction. Down syndrome is the most common genetic disorder, and it occurs when there is an
extra copy of chromosome 21. Accordingly, these scholars have found that the variability of
dementia in people with Down syndrome is related to the level of mental retardation prior to the
onset of dementia. Others may have prolonged language development and slow motor development
Heyn, 2010. First, the researchers attempt to explain the occurrence of the facial dysmorphisms,
which relate to other soft tissue and skeletal defects. He was the first person to describe the
syndrome in 1866. In contrast, they are often similar in receptive vocabulary to their non-verbal
cognitive level (Mengoni 2014). Antagonism Uploaded by IsabeloCruz 0 ratings 0% found this
document useful (0 votes) 181 views 4 pages AI-enhanced title and description Document
Information click to expand document information Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by
the presence of a third copy of chromosome 21.

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