2024 DV01N Ans

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Dr Vince’s Physics: Grade 12, Chapter 1to13 Special Test 1 (24_G12_S01)

Time allowed: 176 min; Answer ALL Questions: Pass ≥ 86 %, Distinction ≥ 95 %

1. Are the following statements True (or) False? [10 marks]
(i) For all the points, in a rotating rigid body, the tangential velocity is the same. False [1]
(ii) The larger the area of the section of a pipe, the greater is the speed of the fluid at that section. False [1]
(iii) Heat conduction may not occur in liquids. False [1]
(iv) The frequency of a dog whistle is less than 20 kHz. False [1]
(v) The ciliary muscles can vary the position of the eyelens. False [1]
(vi) If a conductor is given some charge its potential will also change. True [1]
(vii) The terminal voltage of a battery is a closed-circuit voltage. True [1]
(viii) The alternating current is relatively easy to change the voltage of the current. True [1]
(ix) The LED consists of p-n junction diode. True [1]
(x) The gamma rays can be deflected by a magnetic field. False [1]

2. Fill in the blanks. [15 marks]

(i) For uniform circular motion, the acceleration is _______ acceleration. centripetal [1]
(ii) _______ can be thought of as a measure of a fluid's thickness. Viscosity [1]
(iii) _______ is the main constituent of fossil fuels. Carbon [1]
(iv) _______ force drives natural convection of air. Buoyant [1]
(v) The minimum intensity of sound that can be heard by human is _______. 10-12 W m-2 [1]
(vi) The pupil in the human eye is similar to the _______ in the camera. aperture [1]
(vii) Constructive interference results in _______ fringes. bright [1]
(viii) In a capacitor, a _______ is inserted between its two conductors. dielectric [1]
(ix) Batteries are connected in _______ to get maximum resultant emf. series-aiding [1]
(x) Batteries are connected in _______ to get minimum resultant emf. series-opposing [1]
(xi) AC generators are also called _______. alternators [1]
(xii) Every time the coil of the generator turns through _______, the current reverses its 180° [1]
(xiii) The resistance of semiconductor _______ when the temperature increases. decreases [1]
(xiv) The _______ of a radio receiver is a variable capacitor. tuner [1]
(xv) The parent nucleus and the daughter have the same atomic number for the _______ gamma [1]
3. Choose the correct answer. Just write the question number and the correct letter. [15 marks]
(i) For a slowing disc, the tangential velocity and the centripetal acceleration are _______. C [1]
(A. in the same direction B. in the opposite directions C. perpendicular to each other)
(ii) The limiting speed in a banked curved road will be _______ if the radius is larger. A [1]
(A. larger B. smaller C. the same)
(iii) What principle pulls water into the penstock? A [1]
(A. Gravity B. Turbine C. Force of the volume of water)
(iv) In the intake stroke of a gasoline engine, the piston _______. B [1]
(A. moves up B. moves down C. does not move)
(v) If the sound emitting source approaches the stationary observer, the frequency _______. A [1]
(A. becomes larger B. becomes smaller C. remains the same)
(vi) Farsightedness may be due to an eyeball which is ______. B [1]
(A. too long B. too short C. normal)
(vii) The two points in a wave are in phase, if the phase difference is _____. A [1]
(A. 2 π B. 0.5 π C. π)
(viii) If the dielectric is inserted between the conductors of a charged capacitor, the _______ increases. C [1]
(A. charge B. potential difference C. capacitance)
(ix) If the distance between the conductors of a charged capacitor is increased, the _______ increases. B [1]
(A. charge B. potential difference C. capacitance)
(x) The resultant emf will be smaller than the individual emfs if the two batteries are in _______. B [1]
(A. series aiding B. series opposing C. parallel)
(xi) The resultant internal resistance will be smaller if the two batteries are in _______. C [1]
(A. series aiding B. series opposing C. parallel)
(xii) To increase the frequency of an AC current, the _______ must be increased. C [1]
(A. number of turns B. area of the coil C. rotational speed of the coil)
(xiii) An output device is the _______. C [1]
(A. microphone B. keyboard C. speaker)
(xiv) The carbon-12 atom is a _______ isotope. C [1]
(A. neutron excess B. proton excess C. stable
(xv) For an earthbound observer, the height of a train moving at 0.8 c will seem _______. C [1]
(A. shorter B. longer C. the same)

4. (a, i) Under what condition the angular acceleration of a rotating object is equal to zero? On a
rotating carousel, a child sits on a horse near the outer edge, and another child sits on a lion
halfway out from the centre. Compare their angular velocities, and tangential velocities.
Ans: When the body is rotating with constant angular velocity, the angular acceleration of a [1]
rotating object is equal to zero.
Their angular velocities are the same. [1]
The linear velocity of the child on the horse is greater than that of the child on the lion. [1]
4. (a, ii) A 60 cm rope is tied to the handle of a bucket which is then whirled in vertical circle. The
mass of the bucket is 3 kg. If the tension of the rope at the lowest point in its path is 50 N,
find the speed of the bucket at that point.
Ans: w = mg = 3 × 9.8 = 29.4 N [1]
FC = Fnet = T – w = 50 – 29.4 = 20.6 N [1]

mv 2 [1]
FC =

FC r 20.6 × 0.6 [1]

=v = = 2.03 m s-1
m 3
4. (b, i) State the differences between laminar flow and turbulent flow.
laminar flow turbulent flow [4]
fluid particles are moving steady in smooth paths of the fluid particles are irregular
paths in layers
each layer moving smoothly past the their direction is always changing or
adjacent layers with no mixing whirling
streamlines do not cross each other streamlines cross each other
every fluid particle arriving at a given point the speed of the fluid at a point is
has the same velocity continuously undergoing changes in both
magnitude and direction
4 (b, ii) How much heat per second is conducted through a wooden wall of area 25 m2 and thickness
0.04 m if the temperature inside is 20 °C and outside is –10 °C. The thermal conductivity
of wood is 8.37 × 10-2 W m-1 K-1.
Ans: T2 – T1 = 20 °C – (-10 °C) = 30 °C = 30 K
T2 − T1 30 [1,0,1]
H cond = kA = 8.37 ×10−2 × 25 × = 1569 W
 0.04
4 (b, iii) Find the change in internal energy of one mole of an ideal gas when its temperature changes
from 0 °C to 100 °C.
3 3 [1,0,1]
∆U = n R ∆ T = ×1× 8.3143 ×100
= 1.25 ×103 J
2 2
5. (a, i) Is motor car brake oil compressible or non-compressible?
Why does the river flow faster in passing the defile (narrow river passage)?
Ans: Non-compressible [1]
By the equation of continuity, A1 v1 = A2 v2. [1]
The smaller the area, the faster is the speed of water flow. [1]
5. (a, ii) What area must a heating duct have, if air moving 3 m s-1 along it can replenish the air every
15 min in a room of volume 300 m3? Assume the density of air remains constant.
Ans: V [1]
= Av
V 1 V 300 [1]
A= × = = = 0.11 m2
t v v t 3 × 900
5. (a, iii) At a busy street corner, the intensity level of sound is 70 dB. What is the intensity of sound in
W m-2?
Ans: I [1]
β (dB) = 10 log10
70 = 10 log10
7 = log10
I = 107 × 10-12 = 10-5 W m-2 [1]
5. (b, i) Why does the energy demand increase year by year?
Because the population and new technology are always expanding, demand for energy is [1]
expected to increase year by year.
5. (b, ii) Express two main characteristics of fossil fuels.
Carbon is the main constituent of fossil fuels. [any 2, 2]
A large amount of chemical energy is stored in the fossil fuels.
5. (b, iii) A telescope consists of two converging lenses: an objective of focal length 500 mm and an
eyepiece of focal length 50 mm. When the telescope is in normal adjustment: What is the
separation of the lenses? Is the image erect or inverted? What is the magnifying power?
The separation of the lenses L = vo + ue = fo + fe = 500 + 50 = 550 mm [1,0,1]
The image is inverted. [1]
f o 500 [1,0,1]
The magnifying power MP = = = 10
f e 50
6. (a, i) What must be done to increase the capacitance of a capacitor?
The area of the plates (conductors) must be increased. [1]
The distance between the plates must be reduced. [1]
An insulating material having larger value of dielectric constant must be inserted between [1]
the plates of the capacitors.
6. (a,ii) In a double slit interference experiment, the distance between the slits is 5 mm and the
screen is 2 m from the slits. The yellow light from a sodium lamp is used, and it has a
wavelength of 5.89 × 10-7 m. Find the distance between the first and the second order bright
fringes on the screen.
λ D 5.89 ×10−7 × 2 [1,0,1]
∆y= = −3
= 2.356 × 10-4 m
d 5 × 10
6. (a,iii) A beam of green light from a laser light source is diffracted by a slit of width 0.55 mm.
The diffraction pattern forms on a wall 2.06 m beyond the slit. The distance between the
positions of the first minima on both sides of central bright fringe is 4.1 mm. Calculate the
wavelength of the laser light.

λD [1]
The width of the central maximum = 2 = 4.1 mm
−3 −3 −3
λ = 4.1×10 a = 4.1×10 × 0.55 ×10 = 547.3 × 10-9 m = 547.3 nm
2D 2 × 2.06
6. (b,i) Draw a ray diagram showing how the rays of light travel in a compound microscope.

L = vo + ue [lenses 1]
O E [obj, img 1]
fe [O = objective lens] [rays 1]
ue [E = eyepiece lens] [labels 1]
uo fo

O Fo Fe I1
[objective I1′
lens] vo

Figure: Image formation by compound microscope
6. (b,ii) The area of each plate of a parallel-plate capacitor is 1 m2 and the distance between the two
plates is 1 mm. If the potential difference between the plates is 120 V, and the dielectric
constant of the material inserted between them is 3, find the capacitance of the parallel-
plate capacitor, and the magnitude of the charge on each plate.
capacitance C =?
κε 0 A 3 × 8.85 ×10−12 ×1 [1, 0, 1]
C= = = 26.55 × 10-9 F = 26.55 nF
d 1×10−3
the magnitude of the charge on each plate Q =?
Q = CV = 26.55 × 10-9 × 120 = 3.19 × 10-6 C = 3.19 µC [1,0,1]
7. (a,i) Give one example where LEDs are used. Describe one application of LEDs. Draw circuit
symbol of LED.
LEDs are used in electrical appliances such as televisions, VCR (video cassette recorder), [1]
video cameras, computers, and stereos.
LEDs are typically used as ON/OFF indicator lights in electrical appliances such as [1]
televisions, VCR (video cassette recorder), video cameras, computers, and stereos.
+ −
anode cathode
Figure: The circuit symbol for LED
7. (a,ii) When a battery is connected to a 2 Ω resistor, it drives a current of 0.6 A through the
resistor. When it is connected to a 7 Ω resistor, it drives a current of 0.2 A through the
resistor. Find the emf, and the internal resistance of the battery.
E [1]
The circuit equation is , I= (OR) E = I (R + r)
For 2 Ω resistor, E = 0.6 (2 + r) -----(1)
For 7 Ω resistor, E = 0.2 (7 + r) -----(2)
From eq (1) & (2), 0.6 (2 + r) = 0.2 (7 + r) [1]
r = 0.5 Ω [1]
E = 0.6 (2 + 0.5) = 1.5 V [1]
7. (b,i) What is the electrical energy? Express its practical unit. What is the major difference
between AC and DC current?
The electrical energy is the energy associated with the flow of charge through any part of the [1]
The unit of electrical energy in practice is the kilowatt-hour (kW h). [1]
In a direct current (DC) the electrons flow steadily in the same direction all the time. [1]
In the alternating current (AC), the direction of the flow of electrons changes periodically. [1]
7. (b,ii) Write down general nuclear equation for beta plus and beta minus decay.
Compare the ionizing and penetrating powers of alpha and beta.
General nuclear reaction equation for beta plus decay, A
Z X→ A
Z −1
+1 e + ve [1]
where Z X = parent nucleus, Y = daughter nucleus,
Z −1

+1 e = positron ( β + particle), ve = neutrino

General nuclear reaction equation for beta minus decay, A

Z X→ A
Z +1
-1 e + νe [1]
where Z X = parent nucleus, Y = daughter nucleus,
Z +1

−1 e = electron ( β − particle), ν e = antineutrino
The ionizing power of alpha is greater than that of beta. [1]
The penetrating power of alpha is less than that of beta. [1]
8. (a,i) Discuss any three factors determining the induced emf in a closed loop of wire.
The factors determining the induced emf in a closed loop of wire are [any 3, 3]
(i) the number of turn (N) in the wire loop (ii) the strength of the magnetic field (B)
(iii) the area of the wire loop (A) (iv) the speed of rotation of the coil (ω)
8. (a,ii) An LED is lit from a 9 V supply and takes a current of 15 mA. Calculate the value of the
current limiting resistor required for the LED. Assume that the forward voltage drop will
be 2 V.
VR VS − VF 9−2 [1,0,1]
R= = = −3
= 466.67 Ω ≈ 470 Ω
I I 15 × 10
8. (a,iii) A voltage divider is designed using a 10 kΩ fixed resistor and an LDR. The input voltage is 12 V,
and the output voltage across the LDR is 10 V. What is the resistance of the LDR?
RLDR [1]
=Vout × Vin
( R + RLDR )
=10 ×12
(10 ×103 + RLDR )
RLDR = 50 kΩ [1]
8. (b,i) Simplify Q = AB + A(B + C) + B(B + C) and draw the equivalent gate diagram.
Q = AB + A(B + C) + B(B + C) = AB + AB + AC + BB + BC (Distributive law)
= AB + AB + AC + B + BC (BB = B)
= AB + AC + B + BC (AB + AB = AB) [1]
= B (A + 1 + C) + AC (Distributive law)
= B (1) + AC (A + 1 + C = 1)
= B + AC (B • 1 = B) [1]
A B C [2]
(B+C) B(B+C)

8. (b,ii) Suppose that initially there was 100 mg of iodine-131 and its half-life is 8 days. How much
would be left after 24 days?
number of half-life n = =3

n [1]
amount left after n half-life Nt =   × initial amount,

3 [1]
amount left after 24 days (3 half-life) =   × 100 mg = 12.5 mg
8. (b,iii) A radioisotope has a half-life of 20 min. If there is initially 96 g of this isotope, how much
time elapses for 16 g to be left?

n [1]
amount left =   × initial amount
16 =   × 96
n = 2.58
time = n × T1/2 = 2.58 × 20 min = 51.6 min [1]
9. (a,i) Using a smoke detector and a heat detector, design a fire alarm system. Explain the working
function of the circuit.
Smoke detector A P
Heat detector B

The fire alarm will turn on when either smoke or heat is detected. [2]
If both smoke and heat are detected, the fire extinguisher will also be set to operate.
9. (a, ii) The current in an AC circuit at any time t seconds is given by I = 20 sin (100 π t) A. Find the
frequency, the value of the current when t = 16 ms and the time when the current reaches
16 A.
I = Im sin ωt
ω 2=
= π f 100π
f = 50 Hz [1]
At t = 16 ms, I = 20 sin (100 π × 0.016 rad) = -19.02 A [1]
16 = 20 sin (100 π t)
sin (100 π t) = 0.8
(100 π t) = 0.295 π
t = 2.95 ms [1]
9. (b, i) In capacitor charging and discharging, why is a resistor required to connect with the
capacitor? In which connection of the capacitors has each capacitor the same charge? Can the
terminal voltage of a battery ever exceed its emf? If so, explain the necessary condition.
Placing a resistor in the charging and discharging circuits slows down the charging and [1]
discharging processes.
In series capacitors, each capacitor has the same charge [1]
The terminal voltage of a battery does not always exceed its emf. [1]
The terminal voltage of a battery exceeds its emf only while charging. [1]
9. (b,ii) Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of a nonrelativistic electron with a kinetic energy of
1 eV, and an electron in the ground state of hydrogen atom whose radius of the first orbit
is 0.53 Å.
KE = 1 eV = 1.6 × 10-19 J
The de Broglie wavelength associated with electron λ =?
h h 6.63 ×10−34 [1,0,1]
λ= = = = 1.23 ×10−9 m
−31 −19
p 2mKE 2 × 9.1×10 ×1.6 ×10
radius r = 0.53 Ǻ = 0.53 × 10-10 m, de Broglie wavelength λ =?
for ground state, n = 1
By Bohr’s postulate, 2 π r = n λ [1]
λ = 2 π r = 2 × 3.142 × 0.53 × 10-10 m = 3.33 × 10-10 m = 3.33 Ǻ [1]

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