Extra Practice 55 - XX - Q1 - 2024 (25 - 3 - 2024)

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Madame Nhi Dang


Describe a time you wore a uniform for work or school

You should say:
Where you wear the uniform
How long you need to wear it
Who bought it for you
And explain how you feel about it

● A uniform ~ this outfit ~ this ensemble ~ this attire

● Wear ~ put on
● Describe how it looks (what it includes, fabric quality)
○ be adorned with the school’s emblem
● Who bought it for you
○ Be tailored to my own measurements => Fit me like a glove
■ Be flattering on my figure
○ Be made in predefined sizes => I got a size S/M/L => tight or loose?
● How you feel - The purpose of uniforms
○ Cling to my body and be tight-fitted (or vice versa)/ The fit is loose
■ (tight) Be a barrier of/ Restrict physical activities
■ (loose) Provide flexibility to engage in activities
○ Symbolize/ Represent the image of …
■ Feel proud and confident
○ Cultivate a collective identity among students
■ Instill a sense of belonging to the academic community
○ Mitigate/ Erase any socioeconomic disparities
■ Create a respectful and equal educational environment
Describe an occasion when you met someone complaining about something
in public (in a restaurant or other places)
You should say:
When and where it happened
What he/she complained about
What the result was
And explain how you felt about the experience

● Harsh feedbacks/ Make a complaint

● Substandard/ Poor service (Food, staff’s attitude)
● Result:
○ Rectify the issue/ Address the problem by…
■ Compensate/ Refund
■ Offer an alternative
● How you felt:
○ How you felt towards the customer/ patron
■ if I had been in that situation, I would have… (type 3 if)
○ How you felt towards the service providers
■ Conflict resolution - satisfactory
■ Commitment to quality service

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