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Task 1

1.A centrifugal water pump has the following performance at design speed (see table 1). draw the H-Q
curve and efficiency curve, then Determine the performance parameters of this pump……………. 2

2.Carry out an experiment to measure the performance characteristics of one of the hydraulic
centrifugal pumps. Then Evaluate the effect of cavitation in the tested pumping system and its
reasons………………………………………………………………………………..……..… 3
3.Regarding your study of hydraulic pumps, Justify the selection of axial and centrifugal pumps…. 4

1- A centrifugal water pump has the following performance at design speed (see table 1). draw
the H-Q curve and efficiency curve, then Determine the performance parameters of this pump.
Table (1) Data sheet of centrifugal water pump

Q 0 2 4 6 8 10
H 22 24 22 21 19 14
Ƞ 0 31 55 70 85 85

Figure 1.( H , Q , Ƞ ) curve

- Best efficient point = 87 %

- H = 17 m and Q = 9 m3/s at Best efficient point
- Ƞ=

- Power = = =1725206.9 watt = 1725.2 kw

2- Carry out an experiment to measure the performance characteristics of one of the hydraulic
centrifugal pumps. Then Evaluate the effect of cavitation in the tested pumping system and its

 Def. cavitation : Cavitation is a phenomenon that occurs in pumps when the pressure at a
certain point falls below the vapor pressure of the liquid being pumped. This causes bubbles to
form and then rapidly collapse, generating shockwaves and impacting the pump's performance
and lifespan

the effect of cavitation reasons

Effect on Performance  Low Net Positive Suction Head
 Reduced Performance  high suction lift can trigger cavitation.
 Decreased Flow Rate  high flow rate can trigger cavitation.
 Loss of Head  low tank pressure can trigger cavitation
 Efficiency Loss  high temperatures
Effect on the Pump - can all contribute to cavitation by lowering the
 erode the impeller blades, pump housing, local pressure in the pump.
and other components  Air or Gas Entrainment can contribute to

Figure 2. Impeller blades wear due to cavitation

3- Regarding your study of hydraulic pumps, Justify the selection of axial and centrifugal
- The selection between axial and centrifugal pumps depends on several factors, and justifying the
choice requires comparing their characteristics in relation to the specific application. Here's a

axial pumps
Advantages Disadvantages
 High flow rates at low head  Low head
 Often more compact than centrifugal  Poor suction capability
pumps for equivalent flow rates, suitable  Sensitive to solids
for space-constrained applications
 Reversibility
centrifugal pumps
Advantages Disadvantages
 High head : Delivers high pressure against  Lower flow rates
moderate flow rates  Bulkier design:Typically larger and heavier
 self-priming than axial pumps for equivalent flow rates.
 More tolerant of solids  Less efficient at low head
- To justify the choice between axial and centrifugal pumps, consider the following:
1. Matching the pump capabilities of the pump curve with the system curve for the flow rate and
pressure needs required in the constructed system.
2. If space is limited, an axial pump might be preferable despite its lower head, while a centrifugal
pump might be better in open spaces.
3. Suction limitations: If the liquid cannot be submerged, a self-priming centrifugal pump is
4. If the liquid contains solids, choose a pump tolerant of them, like a centrifugal pump with
appropriate impeller design.

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