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Case Study When Jamie Colvin, an Olympic

gold medalist for shot-putting,

made meals—pick-your-own
meat, vegetables, and carbs—in
Would Vegan launched Protein Power Plates, half the time and for half the

Offerings Dilute
in 2013, he envisioned it as a price, he took her advice and
macho alternative to salad bars shifted gears. Together they

Our Brand? and smoothie shops for the pitched the idea to the partners
health-conscious. He’d origi- at her company, who agreed to
nally intended to open a steak give them seed funding.
by Lena G. Goldberg and house—a “Valhalla for carni- Now, nine years later, Protein

Michael S. Kaufman vores”—but when his sister Mila,

a recent business school graduate
Power Plates was a $90 million
revenue business with 30 loca-
and an associate at a New York tions in 10 cities across the
HBR’s fictionalized case studies present problems faced venture capital firm, pointed United States and viral videos on
by leaders in real companies and offer solutions from
out that her young professional Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube
experts. This one is based on the HBS Case Study “Just
Like Mom’s Contemplates Plant-based Meat” (320062-
friends were less interested in that featured Jamie delivering his
PDF-ENG), by Lena G. Goldberg, Michael S. Kaufman, fancy sit-down restaurants than tagline—“Let’s meat!”—before
and Joseph A. Paul, which is available at in “fast casual” spots where biting with gusto into a triple
they could get their choice of bacon burger.

Harvard Business Review

140 July–August 2022
Illustrations by
In consultation with their
head chef, Olga Gustafson, who
had trained at the Culinary
Institute of America, Mila was
responsible for product develop-
ment and marketing, including
finding new menu items. And
she did have a talent for trend-
spotting. Jamie had originally chain yet,” Mila said.3 “Who
opposed her 2015 proposal to knows? Its burgers might convert
add dishes using ground bison, you.” They both laughed at that. Case
because it was more expensive. Study
But the addition had resulted in a Classroom
10% year-over-year spike in sales. THE MEETING Notes
More-recent offerings, such as
gluten-free whole-grain breads Jamie and Mila sat on the
1. Livestock
crowded roof-deck of a mall in
and a harvest salad with grilled accounts for
Brooklyn, facing the East River.
squash, walnuts, and goat cheese, 14.5% to 18% of
had also been well received. “Why couldn’t we meet in her human-induced
They’d discussed providing office?” he whispered as Indira greenhouse gas
Agarwal, V-Burger’s founder, emissions.
some vegetarian options, includ-
approached their table.
ing plant-based meat substi- 2. Nearly 3% of
Indira greeted them before
tutes—which, Mila noted, were people in the
more environmentally friendly sitting and opening her laptop U.S. (and 23%
than meat1 and could attract new to a PowerPoint presentation. of Millennials)
“Tyson Foods, Nestlé, Smith- follow a plant-
customers. But Jamie thought of
based diet,
them as commercially processed field—they’re all experimenting
fake foods to be avoided. Since their ranks have
the company’s launch they had with plant-based meat that has
tripled over the
not only focused on real, tasty the look, feel, and taste of real past 15 years,
meat from humanely raised burgers,” she said. “But we were according to
animals, including grass-fed the first, and we’re still the best.” Ipsos Retail
beef when possible, but also Indeed, her company was the
That’s why when Mila, now insisted that all their ingredients original developer of a “burger”
3. With com-
the company’s chief market- be natural, organic, and locally that used pea, rice, and mung petitors already
ing officer, forwarded him an sourced. And he knew that Olga bean protein to mimic the texture offering vegan
invitation to meet with the was concerned about how vegan and amino acid content of meat; dishes, must
annatto and beet juice to replicate Protein Power
founder of V-Burger, a or vegetarian food preparation Plates partner
company focused on plant- would fit into the existing work- its “bloody” color and juice; coco-
with an estab-
based meat alternatives, Jamie flow for her team. nut oil and cocoa pockets to give lished vegan
thought she “I don’t know,” Jamie said. the appearance of marbling fat; brand to keep
was kidding. He hadn’t launched “Our brand is meat. Real meat.” and apple-juice extract to help up?
Protein Power Plates to sell plants “But our sales are with browning during cooking.
4. From 1971 to
to hipsters. He called his sister flattening,” his sister replied. Since its launch, in 2016, 2019 Americans
V-Burger had quickly expanded
immediately. “We’re meeting “So maybe we’ve gone as far as reduced their
with V-Burger?” we can with carnivores.” its distribution to supermarkets annual red-meat
“Yes,” she replied. “All our “But vegans?” he said. “They’re such as Safeway and Kroger and intake to about
competitors are offering vege- what—5% of the country?”2 its products to include “chicken” 105.2 pounds
per person from
tarian and vegan options, and “V-Burger is the biggest player nuggets and ground “beef.” a high of 136.1
growth in the industry is starting in this market, and it hasn’t “As you can see from this
pounds per
to outpace our own. We’ve got to part- nered with any other slide,” Indira continued, “red- person.
at least consider it.” restaurant meat consumption has declined
substantially since 1971,4 while

Harvard Business Review

July–August 2022
the number of people who say your burgers. And at least one “I know, I know,” Indira
they are interested in vegetarian plant-based burger I know of con- said quickly. “But by
5. Google or vegan options is climbing.5 tains 25% of the daily saturated- offering
searches for Why are people switching to this fat allowance.” V-Burgers you’d at least be giving
“vegan food near
lifestyle? Because they want to “Well, the other reason we see people a healthful, eco-friendly
me” increased
by more than feel better about their bodies and people moving to plant-based alternative.”
5,000% in 2021, their environmental impact.” diets is environmental,” Indira Jamie and Mila asked Indira
according to Jamie could tell that Mila was replied. “There’s also the a few questions about pricing,
Alphabet. buying the pitch, but he’d heard animal- rights argument, of logistics, and exclusivity and
similar arguments before and had course. then thanked her for the
a practiced response. “Our plates But raising livestock accounts presentation. She said she’d send
feature the most healthful meats for a substantial amount of over a box of V-Burgers for them
you can get,” he said. “The beef human-induced greenhouse gas to sample.
we source is one of the most com- emissions worldwide. Far more
plete sources of dietary protein water is used to produce beef
available. It’s loaded with vita- than to raise any other equivalent TREND OR FAD?
mins and minerals and contains source of protein, and it takes a Jamie invited Protein Power
nine essential amino acids.” lot more energy to grow feed for Plates’ executive team to his
“Sure,” Indira countered. “But the animals that people eat than Greenwich home for the V-
any doctor will tell you that too it does to grow crops intended for Burger taste test. Mila and Olga
much isn’t good for you. One direct human consumption. Then grilled the patties while Jamie
3.5-ounce beef burger contains there’s the conversion of forested sat by the pool with Rebecca
22% of your daily saturated-fat land to livestock pastures, which Abrams, the CFO, and Jin-Yi
allowance and 27% of your daily has been terrible for carbon Zhou, the COO.
cholesterol.” capture and biodiversity.” “It won’t taste anything like
“We have pork, chicken, Jamie felt he had to a real burger,” Jamie predicted.
eggs, all natural, unprocessed— interject again. “Look, we’re After they had eaten the
unlike not going to take meat off our patties, opinions varied. Mila
menu.” and Jin-Yi, an avid long-distance
run- ner who had given up red
meat a
142 Harvard Business Review
July–August 2022
year earlier, thought the V-Burger
“And would vegetarians even “It would take me a few weeks
did look and taste almost—but
try our restaurants when meat is to work out recipes,” the chef
not exactly—like a traditional
still on the menu?” Olga asked. said. “But it’s doable.” 6. How much
hamburger, especially encased leeway does
“Plus, plant-based could be a Jamie nodded. “OK, then.
in a bun and topped with cheese Protein Power
fad.” She mentioned a couple of I still have reservations, but this
and condiments. Olga, a self- Plates have to
others: the egg-white omelet seems like a good first step. If extend its brand
described “beef addict”; Rebecca,
craze of the early 2000s and Indira agrees, let’s give V-Burger a beyond meat?
a CrossFitter; and Jamie dis-
mason jar salads. try—one menu item, for a
agreed: The patty tasted OK, but 7.Nielsen’s 2015
“More than 65% of our month, with some targeted
it wasn’t anything they’d choose Global Corporate
customers—current and proba- marketing.”
to eat again. Sustainability
bly future—are Millennials and Report indicated
Mila reminded the group that
Gen Zers,” Mila reminded them. that 66% of
they needed to focus not on their
“That demographic likes and THE TRIAL consumers were
personal preferences but on what willing to spend
will pay more for socially Results from the experiment
would be good for business. Was more on a prod-
conscious products.”7 were decidedly mixed. For every
this “meat” good enough to put uct from a sus-
Rebecca nodded. “I like the 50 beef burgers sold, only one of tainable brand.
on their menu? Would it delight
idea of offering a wider choice. It Olga’s special-recipe V-Burgers The percentage
some of their customers and
could be a low-risk way to stay on was. The new item didn’t seem increased to 73%
maybe attract new ones? for Millennials.
trend and maybe win new cus- to have attracted many new cus-
“I’m just not sure,” Jin-Yi said.
tomers. Could we put a V-Burger tomers. Those who had bought it
“We’ve always been about sourc-
offering on our menu for a gave it mostly positive reviews,
ing and serving the best meat-
month and see what happens?” but some were unimpressed.
based meals.6 Sure, vegetarian-
“It’s not quite that easy,” Jin- And a few tweeted complaints
ism is on the rise, but the jury’s
Yi protested with a chuckle. “But that Protein Power Plates had
still out on whether customers,
I’ve talked to Indira, and I’m become too “woke.”
even the veggie crowd, will
pretty sure we could do a trial if Indira’s executive assistant
accept meat substitutes.”
we wanted to. Olga, what do you had sent Mila several emails
think?” asking whether she and Jamie

Harvard Business Review

July–August 2022 143

wanted to sign a one-year

contract to buy $500,000 worth
of V-Burgers for their 30 restau-
rants. Several Protein Power
Plates competitors had inquired
about partnerships, but Indira
was honoring her commitment
to give them right of first
Mila wanted to go ahead with
a yearlong deal and ramp up
marketing to see whether they
could attract more new
custom- ers. Rebecca did too.
Jin-Yi and Olga didn’t see
enough uptake to justify the
logistical hassles of engaging
another small-scale supplier
and reconfiguring Should Protein Power Plates
commit to a partnership
all their kitchens to prevent
cross-contamination. Jamie
needed to break the tie.
Early on a Monday, Jamie was with V-Burger?
just starting his 7 AM weights rou-
tine when he got a text from
The experts respond
Mila: Morning! I need to give
Indira an answer ASAP! He often
Industry data reveals that the percent-
did his best thinking while he
age of consumers who buy plant-based
was in the gym, so maybe this
was a good time to make a final
He wished the V-Burger test had LYNN BLASHFORD is products is growing by double digits
been either a total failure or a the chief marketing annually. The trajectory leveled out a
home run. He really didn’t officer at White bit during the pandemic, but I expect
know much more now than he Castle. inter- est in this food category to keep
had at the outset. rising as more products become
available in grocery stores and on
restaurant menus.
LENA G. GOLDBERG is a retired Protein Power Plates Protein Power Plates is in a position
senior lecturer in business
administration at Harvard
should sign the contract to be a somewhat early adopter, and
there’s an enormous benefit to that.
Business School and a former with V-Burger. When White Castle launched the
executive vice president and
A $500,000 investment for a year over Impos- sible Slider, in 2018, our strategy
general counsel at Fidelity
Investments. MICHAEL S. 30 restaurants is relatively low risk. The was to be the first fast-food hamburger
KAUFMAN is a senior lecturer in ratio of Protein Power Plates customers chain to offer plant-based protein
general management at HBS ordering beef burgers as opposed to systemwide. We were unlikely to
and a partner at Positive V-Burgers—50 to 1—is going to outspend larger competitors on
Strategy. improve.
advertising, but we
144 Harvard Business Review
July–August 2022
benefited from positive media cover-
sales, the company is probably
age of this new trend in food and from
spending $8 million to $9 million a
partnering with Impossible, the
leading brand in the category. We
year on food—which means that a Don’t let your writing ho
$500,000 commitment to V-Burger
earned expo- sure and recognition as
will amount to nearly 6% of its annual
an innovator.
food costs. Each restaurant would
The name of Jamie and Mila’s
have to sell $150 worth of V-Burgers
company is Protein Power Plates, not
Meat Power Plates, so the addition of
day to offset that expense. Judging from
a high-protein nonmeat item on the
the test results, I don’t think they can
menu maintains their brand
do that. Sure, Jamie and Mila could
positioning while allowing the
invest in more marketing—but they’d
company to access a new category of
need to recoup that spending with even
customers who haven’t previously
more sales. When you’re fumbling for words and pressed f
considered their restaurants. The slogan
I recommend that they ask to ideas clearly and persuasively so clients, collea
“Let’s meat!” will have to change—but
extend the 30-day trial and do a little
slogans often do.
more homework. Here are some
And there’s a financial upside to
crucial questions to ask: Is the V-Burger HBR Guide to Better Business Writing
selling V-Burgers. Consumers are accus- PRODUCT #10946
option bringing consumers who prefer
tomed to paying premium prices for
plant- based food to Protein Power
such offerings. No matter what Protein
Plates, or do they still shy away from
Power Plates is thinking about putting
the chain because of its original real-
on its menu, it should carefully 1-800-988-0886 OR +1-617-783-7500
meat focus? Do existing customers
consider whether the addition will
want to try
increase its average check and profit
V-Burgers, or are they happy with the
current offerings? And finally, what
Of course, Olga’s V-Burgers need to
percentage of marketing dollars will
be delicious. Research shows that taste
have to be put behind the product to
is the greatest driver of plant-based
improve sales? Executives and
protein purchases, followed by health
employ- ees should fan out to all the
and environmental concerns. So the
restaurants to hear from customers
team must get that right.
directly about why they bought a V-
But assuming that they will, my
Burger—or didn’t. Does the new
recommendation is to proceed with
offering enhance the menu, the brand,
the partnership, as we did with
and customers’ willingness to spend?
Impossible. I don’t see the plant-based
Equipped with that information,
protein trend losing steam anytime
Jamie can continue the conversa-
tion with V-Burger and make a more
informed decision on whether to
partner. Even if he decides to go ahead,
I suspect he’ll want to negotiate better
SCOTT UEHLEIN is terms. Maybe V-Burger would be willing
the head of to put marketing dollars into a joint
culinary innovation campaign or would accept a lesser com-
at Sonic Drive-In. mitment to make the numbers work.
But if Indira says, “Sign today or we go
away,” I’d advise Protein Power Plates to
pass and either double down on quality
Protein Power Plates meat or diversify in other ways.

shouldn’t sign a yearlong HBR Reprint

deal with V-Burger. R2204M Reprint Case only R2204X
And Jamie might need to fire his CFO Reprint Commentary only R2204Z
for letting him even consider it on the
terms being offered. With 30 restau-
rants and $30 million in total annual
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Report about the Case Study “Would Vegan Offerings
Dilute Our Brand?” from Harvard Business Review
(July/August 2022)
This article was written by Lena G. Goldberg, a retired senior lecturer in business administration
at Harvard Business School and Michael S. Kaufman, a senior lecturer in general management at

This case study examines whether offering vegan food at a restaurant chain would change the
meat-based brand image that a restaurant chain has. As well as the impact that a restaurant
chain's offering vegan food options would have on their customer attitudes.

To do so, HBR's fictionalized case studies present problems faced by leaders in real companies
and offer solutions from experts. The one I have chosen to study is about “Protein Power Plates”
a fast-food restaurant chain launched by Jamie Colvin, an Olympic gold medalist, in 2013. At
first, he wanted to open a steak house, a “Valhalla for carnivores”, but her sister a recent
business school graduate that he employed as his Chief Marketing Officer changed his mind.
She pointed out that her young professional friends were less interested in fancy sit-down
restaurants than in "fast casual" spots pick-your-own meat, vegetables, and carbs, therefore, he
took her advice and shifted gears. Nine years later, Protein Power Plates "Let's meat!" was a $90
million revenue business with 30 locations in 10 cities across the United States.

In 2022, Mila came with an idea: Implementing a vegan option on the menu by partnering with
V-burger, the leader in the plant-based-meat category. Jamie thought that commercially
processed fake foods must be avoided. Since the company's launch they focused on real, tasty
meat from humanely raised animals, grass-fed beef, natural, organic, and locally sourced
ingredients. For Jamie, his brand is “meat. Real meat.” so he wasn’t confident in changing his
brand image.

They met V-Burger to test the product and meet the Head Chef to learn the following:
- Red-meat consumption has declined substantially since 1971,4 while the number of
people who say they are interested in vegetarian or vegan options is climbing.
- Livestock accounts for 14.5% to 18% of human-induced greenhouse gas
- Nearly 3% of people in the U.S. (and 23% of Millennials) follow a plant-based diet, and
their ranks have tripled over the past 15 years, according to Ipsos Retail Performance.
- From 1971 to 2019 Americans reduced their annual red-meat intake to about
105.2 pounds per person from a high of 136.1 pounds per person.
- Google searches for "vegan food near me" increased by more than 5,000% in 2021,
according to Alphabet.
- Nielsen's 2015 Global Corporate Sustainability Report indicated that 66% of
consumers were willing to spend more on a product from a sustainable brand. The
percentage increased to 73% for Millennials.
- One 3.5-ounce beef burger contains 22% of your daily saturated-fat allowance and
27% of your daily cholesterol.
- One plant-based burger I know of contains 25% of the daily saturated-fat

Overall, it could be a low-risk way to stay on trend and maybe win new customers. Protein
Power Plates will give it a try, they will add one menu item in partnership with V- Burger for
one month. Jamie wished the V-Burger test had been either a total failure or a home run, but he
wasn’t expecting those result. Indeed, results from the experiment were decidedly mixed. For
every 50 beef burgers sold, only one special-recipe V- Burgers was. The new item didn't seem to
have attracted many new customers. Those who had bought it gave it mostly positive reviews,
but some were unimpressed. And a few tweeted complaints that Protein Power Plates had
become too "woke." Now, it was time to decide whether or not Protein Power Plates should sign
a year-long contract of
$500,000 worth of V-Burger.

For Lynn Blashford, White Castle’s CMO, the answer is YES, they should sign for the
following reasons:
- A $500,000 investment for a year over 30 restaurants is relatively low risk.
- The name is Protein Power Plates, not Meat Power Plates.
- The % of plant-based products consumers is growing by double digits annually.
- This food category will keep rising.
- The ratio 50 to 1 will improve.
- The slogan "Let's meat!" will have to change.
- Although, it needs to be delicious.
- Protein Power Plates will be in a position to be a early adopter such as White Castle
which benefited from positive media coverage for free as an innovator.

On the other hand, for Scott Uehlein, the head of culinary innovation at Sonic Dirve-In, the
answer is NO, they shouldn’t sign for the for the following reasons:
- Jamie might need to fire his CFO for letting him even consider it on the terms being
- $500,000 commitment = 6% of its annual food costs.
- Each restaurant would have to sell $150 worth of V-Burgers every day.
- They need to extend the 30-day trial.
- Maybe existing customers are happy with the current offerings.
- What percentage of focused marketing to improve sales?
- Double down on quality meat or diversify in other ways.
Limitations of the case study:
- Focus on fast-food restaurants chains.
- Focus on vegan diet only, not vegetarian.
- There is no poll about trust.
- Need advice to how to deal with “Protein Power Plates are too woke” comments.
- Need advice about marketing on how to promote the V-Burger.

Work submitted by Harlow Gomes on March 1st 2023.

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