Builder's NOC

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(specimen of NoC to be obtained from the builder/se.ller on their official letter head and signed by his authoriz.ed signatory.)

The Branch Manager State Bank of India

Madam/Dear Sir,

certify that:

the "Sale document")

1. I/We lrave transfr:rablc rights to the property described below, which (name of the has been allotted by me/us to Shri/Smt. borrowers) herein after referred to as "the purchasers", subject to the due and Proper performance and compliances of all the terms and conditions of the

Description of tire property:



nuilding No./Name

l-Pt"tN"-lsu;i N..7N;^; ttr."lity N"rr-

words ) tort'ards sale docurnent and Rs.- -(Rr. -- agreement, towards ._--__-__ _.(name any other

2.'fhat the total consideratiorr for thjs






if any)

3. The title of the property describeC abovc is dear, marketable and free frorn all encumbrances and doubts.

4.I/We confirm that I/we have no objection whatsoever to the said purchasers, at their own costs, charges, risks and consequences mortgaging the said property to srATE BANK olr INDIA ( herein after referred to as "the Bank") as security for the amount advanceri by the Bank to them subject to the due and
proPer perforrnance and complia rces of all the terms and conditions of the sale document by the said purchasers.


5. We have borrowed from __=_(name of the financial irutitution) whose NoC for this fiansaction is ".,"lorJil"ruwith we have not borrowed from any financial institution fort/ the purchase of the property and have not created and will not create any /development encumbrances on the propertv arlotted to the said purchasers during th; currency of the loan sanctioned/to be sanctioned by the but t to them subjEct to the due and proper performa^ce and compliances of all the terms and conditions of the sale document by the said puichasers.
6. After creation of proper charge/rnortgage and after receipt of the copies there of and after receipt of proper nomination in favour of the Bank, frorn-the said purchasers, we are agreeable to accept State Bank of India as a nominee of the above named purchaser for the property described above and once the nomination favouring the Bank.has been registered and advice sent to the Bank of having done so, r/we note not to change the same without the written NOC of the Bank. 7. After creation of charge/mo rtgage and after receipt of the copies thereof and after receipt of the propff nomination in favour of th" Bank, from the above narned purchaser , r/we undertake to inform the society about the Bank,s charge on the said flat as and when the society is formed.
8. Please note that the payment for this rransaction should be made by crossed cheque/Trasfer of funds favouring (Name) ,'_ * .^_ --_ Bank Name) _ Branch , Account No.

9. In case of cancellation of the sale-agreement for any reason, I/We shall refund the amount by crossect cheque favouring the Bank A/C


----_.--_---*----(name of tlre purchaset)", and forward the same to you

signatory to lhis leter dravrs authority to sign this undertaking on 10: T" behalf of the company/firm vide (description of document of delegation of authority to the signatory.)
Yours faithfully,

Authorized Signatory. Name




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