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Step 4: Writing Skills

Write a 300 words text where you talk about an important activity you carry
out in your daily life.

I am working twice a week part-time or full-time on the farm of one of my maternal

aunts, who gladly offered me this valuable opportunity. Work on the farm involves
collecting tomatoes, placing them in buckets and, at the same time, packing them
in baskets and selecting them by size, and use a scale to verify its that
they can be transported in a truck and taken to supermarkets for marketing.

I am living in Sogamoso with my mother and, because the work is not absorbing, I
have enough availability to dedicate myself to my academic work. Normally, I have
no problem waking up at 5:30 a.m. I get up to prepare breakfast and lunch, pack it
in a suitcase and take it to work. At 6:30 in the morning I am having breakfast.
Then I brush my teeth, preparing what I need and at 7:00 AM I leave the apartment
and go to the terminal to taking the bus that takes me to the workplace. At 7:30 I
arrive at the farm and go directly to my aunt’s house to put on my work clothes
(hat, gloves and rubber shoes).

At 10:00 AM, I am taking a short break and complement it with a small snack
consisting of pineapple, tomatoe or papaya juice and some snacks such as a
sandwich, cookies or gelatin. At 10:40 I’m getting back to work. However, to avoid
boredom derived from the constant silence that exists in rural areas, I enjoy
listening to music on my cell phone, without neglecting agricultural work.

At 1:00 PM I have lunch, and after an hour I return to the tomato. At 3:00 in the
afternoon we select the tomato by size to pack it in baskets and use a scale to
verify its weight. After finishing the day, I am washing my work implements, I go
into my aunt’s house to put on clean clothes and, finally, I go out to the bus stop to
take the bus back to Sogamoso.

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