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Competitive app analysis

Definition of the objectives of the analysis


Route optimization
Ease of navigation


Speed and response test

Stability of the application
Calculation of routes
Competitive app analysis

Definition of the objectives of the analysis





Payment method
Competitive app analysis

Internal data

Driver 8 Functionality Assessment

Payment method

Limited offer of credit card payment only is a negative point. Diversifying payment options is
essential to stay competitive in the current market. The inclusion of methods such as debit
card, bank transfer, bank slip and digital wallets can offer greater convenience for customers,
making it possible to attract new consumers and improve the retention of current ones.


Easy to use and free of errors or bugs. exceeds the expectations of functionality, thus
establishing a significant differential in relation to competitors.
Competitive app analysis
Internal data

Driver 8 Functionality Assessment


I identified a critical issue regarding the internal support of our application, where
users face difficulties to interact due to a frozen screen that makes typing impossible.
This failure directly affects the usability of the application and impairs the user
experience. Solving this problem will be fundamental to strengthen the effectiveness
and reliability of our fleet application in a highly competitive market.
Competitive app analysis
Internal data

Driver 8 performance evaluation

Speed and response test

Our fleet application stands out in terms of speed and response. By quickly
entering and immediately connecting to the server, users have the advantage
of selecting exit point and destination in a matter of seconds. This efficiency
puts our application at the top of the competition. This agile responsiveness
provides a superior user experience, demonstrating the robustness and
effectiveness of our fleet application.

Stability of the application

During the test, it demonstrated consistency and reliability, surpassing the competition. The
stability of our application stands out as a significant differential in relation to competitors.
Competitive app analysis

Internal data

Driver 8 usability Assessment

Route optimization

Route optimization is an aspect that requires special attention. While free map apps
offer a time of arrival at the destination of about 25 minutes, our app demands 27
minutes, and sometimes the competition gets a time of approximately 24 minutes. This
disparity highlights the need for significant improvements in the route optimization of
our application in relation to competitors.

Ease of navigation

Our fleet application offers an intuitive user experience, making it easy for users to
navigate. In addition, the inclusion of a tutorial for beginners highlights our
commitment to ensuring that new users can make the most of all the features offered.
These differentials reinforce the position of our application as a reliable and efficient
choice for fleet management.
Competitive app analysis
Internal data

Driver 8 usability Assessment


I did a 25km test, the competition charged 98.77 dollars, while our application charged 72.65
dollars for the same 25km. So the customer saved $26.12 by using our application instead of
the competition. Thus, the customer saved approximately 26.4% when using our application
instead of the competition.


Presence of several functions offers several options to users, expanding their ability to
customize and meeting a variety of needs. At the same time, a simple and intuitive
design is crucial to ensure that users can use the product or service without difficulties,
regardless of the level of experience or technical knowledge. In addition, the absence of
errors or failures contributes significantly to user reliability and satisfaction.
Competitive app analysis
Competitor Data

Minimum freight Functionality Assessment

Payment method

In the main app of freight, map and routes called "minimum freight" not there is a form
of payment within the app, perhaps in the secondary app called "I manager".
Unfortunately, I don't have access to it


When analyzing the competitor's app map it is evident that the presence of various errors
and bugs, including the occurrence of a white screen, represents a serious obstacle to the
effectiveness and usability of the application.
Competitive app analysis
Competitor Data

Minimum freight Functionality Assessment


The "minimum freight" app does not have support implemented to the app, the lack of
support implemented in the app represents a significant gap in the competitor's ability
to meet the needs and concerns of users. Lack of support can result in frustration and
dissatisfaction on the part of users, especially with so many technical problems, bugs,
errors and failures in the map. But in the competitive analysis done a few days ago, we
can say that the support of the company itself is one of the best in the fleet market.
Competitive app analysis
Competitor Data

Minimum Freight performance evaluation

Speed and response test

Although the competitor's eet application demonstrates speed in its speed of response, the
presence of errors and bugs, along with the eventual occurrence of a white screen on the map,
represent signi cant challenges to the user experience. The fast response speed of the application
may be a positive point, but it is denied by the recurring problems that affect the stability and
usability of the application. The occurrence of errors and bugs, along with white screens,
compromises the effectiveness of the application, damaging the credibility and trust of users. And
there are already several complaints from users.

Stability of the application

After an analysis of the application it is evident that the presence of several bugs,
including the occasional failure in the calculation of the route on the map, visual
errors such as white and black squares, and other failures, represents a significant
challenge to the stability of the competitor's fleet application.
Competitive app analysis
Competitor Data

Minimum freight usability Assessment

Route optimization

The competitor's fleet app presents excellent route optimization, which represents a
significant advantage compared to our own app.

Ease of navigation

Our competitor's fleet application has demonstrated success in the navigation ease test,
featuring a simple and easy-to-use interface.
Competitive app analysis
Competitor Data

Driver 8 usability Assessment


Our application had a saving of 26.4% compared to the competition, an interesting point
and that an approximate value of 26% that was what the user saved and similar to the
value that the competitor's application charges from displacement. The competitor
economy is regular.


When concluding a comparative analysis, it is highlighted that the competitor's fleet

application is distinguished by adopting an extremely simple design, centered on
only two main functions: activating the dark mode and using the Google map.
Competitive app analysis
Graphs and tables

Pie chart of our app of the evaluation criteria

Competitive app analysis
Graphs and tables

Pie chart of our app of the evaluation criteria

Competitive app analysis
Graphs and tables
Competitive app analysis
User feedback

Minimum freight

All the time it keeps recalculating, no registration confirmation email

arrives, lack of toll count, the basis of the calculation does not work
correctly Because it takes the nearest route and the nearest route can not
always travel trucks or has weight and length restriction. app full of bugs,

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