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1.TEMAM EBRAHIM ..................2107/10
2.ZIYAD JEMAL .....................
3.SEID HUSEN ...................



we are honestly declare that the work that intitled in our internship report is our
oriiginan work tht we have not coppied from any other students or from any other
source except what we have taken from our reference and acknowledgemented
person is made explicitly in the text. This is to certify that the above declaretion
made by our effort is correct.
declared by:
1. Temam Ebrahim _________
2. Ziyad Jemal
3. Seid Husen ________

This is to confirm that we have read this internship report including the project on
selected problem , which is implemented at sight ,workshop and at any working
area. The information enclosed in this report and project are correct and
acceptable. there fore we approve that this report is good and acceptable as quality
of internship report.
Confirmed by:
_______________________ SIGNATURE


First of all the whole praise to almighty Allah that helped us to join EEU and finish
this internship program with good experience. We also pay our gratitude to Wollo
University School of electrical and computer engineering for better support to join
EEU on internship program
We would like to give a precious thanks to all EEU Eastern Addis ababa district
number 6 customer service center switch gear and transformer designing and
transformer maintenance workshop workers specially Mr MESFIN TESHALE NO 6
customer service manager and Ms TEMESGEN KEBEDE technical director
Executive summary
The great importance of the Internship program is undeniable because it gives the
student a chance to link his/her theoretical background to the real world
applications. It also helps the student to develop different personal skills and take a
uses at the real world experience that a waits after graduation. During the last four
months, we were working in EEU,Estern Addis abeba district. During our time there,
we were worked in electrical distribution system planning, designing , constraction
and maintenance . This report discusses the above points deeply and the design,
project proposal also included, so that we tried to include the benefits we gained
from our internship program.
Table of contents
List of figures

A Ampere
AC alternative Voltage
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CT Current Transformer
DC Direct Current
EEPCO Ethiopia Electric Power Corporation
HRC High Rapture Capacity
HV High Voltage
ICS inter connected systems
KV Kilo volt
KVA Kilo volt ampere
KW Kilowatt
LV Low Voltage
MV Mega volt
MVA Mega volt AMPER
SCS Self-Contained System
V volt
VT Voltage transformer
EELPA Ethiopian Electric Light and Power Autority
EEU Ethiopian electric utility
ACSR Aluminum conductor steel rain forced
LA light arrestor


1.1Over view of EEU

The company was formed in 1956 as the Ethiopian Electric Light & Power Authority
(EELPA), which bundled all Ethiopian activities around electricity in a single
In 1996, EELPA was split into the Ethiopia Electric Authority (EEA), taking over all
regulating activities and a company, Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCO),
bundling all activities from power generation to household delivery. In 2013, EEPCO
was again split up into two companies, Ethiopian Electric Utility and Ethiopian
Electric Power. The corporations power supply and electricity delivery services will
be divided between the two companies. Accordingly, the Ethiopian electric power
will be responsible for the power supply while EEU will be responsible for delivering
electricity service and selling a power. According to officials of the corporation, the
new reorganization will help the corporation to be efficient in distributing electric
power to the public and selling.
Ethiopian Electric Power was formed by Council of Ministers Regulation
No.302/2013.The first (2013) CEO of Ethiopian Electric Power was AZEB ASNAKE
replaced in August 2018 by ABRHAM BELAY. In 2016, Ethiopian Electric Power
had more than 3500 employees. The purpose of the corporation is to engage in the
business of distributing and selling electrical energy in accordance with economic and
priorities of the government and to carry out any other related activities that would
enable it achieve its purpose.The corporation has two electric power supply systems:
Interconnected System (ICS) and the Self Contained System (SCS). The main energy
source of ICS is hydropower plants, and for the SCS mini-hydro and diesel Power
generators allocated in various areas of the country.

1.2 EEU Vision and mission

1.2.1 EEU Vision
To be a center of excellence in providing quality electric service to everyone’s
doorstep and To become the utility that fully energizing the Ethiopian economy and
people in to 2030
1.2.2 EEU Mission
“To become the utility that under spin the economy and social transformation through
delivery of cost effective, safe, reliable and high quality power. Bulk power purchase
and sale, construct and operate off grid generation, sub-transmission and distribution
EEU shall strive towards achieving international standards of customer care through
sustained capacity building, operational and financial excellence, state of the art
technologies while ensuring highest standards of corporate governance and Ethics”.
1.3 Main products or services
EEU gives so much products and services through the country. This company has
great contribution to the development of the country and for the realization of the
five-year transformation and development plan by providing electric power to
customer and collect appropriate revenue. Generally, the main service of Ethiopian
electric utility is summarized as follow:

1.3.1 Distribution of electricity through the country

Power distribution achieved at a primary voltage of different levels, consisting of
entirely 3-phase, 3-wire feeders and is stepped down to a utilization voltage of another
low level specifically in my country as 380/220 (3-phase, 4-wire) using 3-phase
transformer. The transformers used at the company have capacity of 25KVA ,50KVA,
100KVA ,200KVA or 315KVA.

1.3.2 Selling electric power to the customer

The other main service of Ethiopian Electric Utility is selling electric power to the
customer by ensuring delivery of cost-effective, safe, reliable and high power quality

1.4 Main customers of the company

The customers of the company are all of those who are connected or have an
electrical energy access.
They could be put in to one of the following categories:
a. Domestic customers
b. Commercial
c. Street light
d. Industrial (HV and LV)

1.5 Organizational Structure of EEU

Currently the structure of the EEU has different department like wire business,
enforcement, distribution, network planning, automation and general management
system etc. The whole organizational structure of EEU is summarized as follows

Deputy CEO

Regional audit Regional


Regional planning and Regional

Reporting vigilance office

Regional Finance Regional Human

and controls Resource

Regional PLW and

Regional Legal

Regional Contract Regional EHS


Regional Customer Regional Design

Service Engineering and

automation and Regional Regional UEAP District Office
Technology EM Distribution Office [Except
System Support AAR]

-SCADA -Distribution
-Energy MGT Sub –
-Smart Transmission
metering SCS Support UEAP District Customer District
-Civil WOREDA Distribution service centers Customer
construction coordination construction Service
Over all internship experience
2.1 How we get Into the Company
The University gave us a chance for finding our internship hosting company by
ourselves. But we couldn’t found the company which is suitable for us. But our
university, asked for students who could not found the company by themselves. By
using this chance we could enjoy a company which is suitable for us economically as
well as academically. We found that EEU is suitable for us according to our
department, interest and its site of location. After we have decided this, we went to
EEU East Addis Ababa district. We have started our internship program on march
10/2022. The first day when we enter into the company, the East Addis Ababa
business head Mr ERMIYAS AYELE and his colleagues gave us a warm welcome and
he introduced us to different workers of the office. Next to this, EEU distribution
manager assigned a supervisor,Mr TEMESGEN KEBEDE and Mr TESHOME FENTE on
the Technical and overall help of our internship program from starting day till the
final day of our internship program, In EEU East Addis Ababa power distribution.

2.2 Section we Have Been Worked

We have been working in different distribution area of eastern Addis Ababa EEU .
Those are planning, operation, maintenance, switch gear, and transformer work
For the first month we were working in the distribution site that is an introduction to
the company.
On the second and third month we worked on different working area of the
distribution system found in the whole Eastern Addis Ababa town and also we were
worked with different technicians and engineers to solve the main fault that
happened on the customer area, specifically when the fault happened is very large
and used to us to learn more about the overall system.
Finally In the fourth month we were also working in the transformer workshop and
maintaining the different transformers comes from entire the country.
Electric distribution system planning is a forecast, analysis, and solution planning
cycle for maintenance and development of the utility grid.
The goal is to maintain safe, reliable, and affordable service.
2 Maintenance: in this section of the company we have seen how they maintain
some faults happening in the region. They got report of the fault from the
customer side by receiving call. Mostly, technicians are the ones that are sent
when some faults or disturbance in the transmission or distribution lines occur.
Through the guidance given from their supervisors the technicians do the work
needed to be done so that the fault is corrected.

3 Operation: operation sections are mainly work on the line operation. They
Work on the line fault analysis or detection Power cutting for maintaining or for
finding the fault place by sectioning.
So they functioning their work cooperatively. The difference between the two
sections is that maintenance section focuses only on the maintaining or repairing the
transformers, poles and Operation section focuses on analysis of the condition of the
system which is controlling the variables in the line which can cause the fault.
4 Switchgear
A device that is used to switch, control and protect the circuits as well as devices.
This is anxious about switching as well as interrupting currents under different
operating conditions like normal or abnormal.
Switchgear includes switching & protecting devices like fuses, switches, relays, circuit
breakers, etc. This device allows operating devices like electrical equipment,
generators, distributors, transmission lines, etc.
The main functions of this equipment include the following.

It protects the equipment from short-circuits & fault currents.

This device gives isolation to the circuits from power supplies.
It increases the availability of the system by allowing more than one source to feed a
It can open & close the electrical circuits under the conditions of normal & abnormal.
In normal conditions, it can operate manually so it ensures the safety of the operator
& also proper electrical energy utilization.
In abnormal conditions, it operates mechanically. Once a fault happens this device
detects the fault & detaches the damaged part in the power system. So it protects
the power system from damage.

Switchgear Types
There are three types of switch gears namely LV (Low voltage), MV (Medium voltage)
and HV (High voltage) Switchgear. But we have been working on LV and MV
5 Transformer work shop
A transformer is an electrical apparatus designed to convert alternating current from
one voltage to another. It can be designed to "step up" or "step down" voltages and
works on the magnetic induction principle.
Parts of transformer
1 The Magnetic Circuit (core)
A magnetic circuit or core of a transformer is designed to provide a path for the
magnetic field, which is necessary for induction of voltages between windings. A
path of low reluctance (i.e., resistance to magnetic lines of force), consisting of thin
silicon, sheet steel laminations, is used for this purpose.
2 Tank
The main tank is a part of a transformer serves two purposes:

Protects the core and the windings from the external environment.
Serves as a container for oil and support for all other transformer accessories.
3 Windings
Windings consist of several copper coil turns bundled together, each bundle
connected to form a complete winding. Windings can be based either on the input-
output supply or on the voltage range. Windings that are based on supply are
classified into primary and secondary windings.
4 Insulating materials
Insulating materials like papers and card boards are used to isolate primary and
secondary windings from each other as well as the transformer core.
5 Transformer oil
The transformer oil insulates as well as cools the core and coil assembly. The core
and windings of the transformer must be completely immersed in the oil that
normally contains hydrocarbon mineral oils.
6 Conservator
The conservator is an airtight metallic cylindrical drum fitted above the transformer
that conserves the transformer oil. It is vented at the top and is filled only half with
the oil to allow expansion and contraction during temperature variations. However
the main tank of the transformer with which the conservator is connected is
completely filled with the oil through a pipeline.
7 Breather
The breather is a cylindrical container filled with silica gel, which is used to keep the
air that enters the tank moisture-free.
8 Tap changer
Tap changers are used to balance voltage variations within the transformer.
9 bushings
There are two types of bushings
High voltage bushing and low voltage bushing
Insulation Resistance Testing
Insulation resistance transformer testing, also known as the Megger test, is used to
determine the quality of insulation within the transformer itself.
We have seen insulation test between higher voltage bushing with lower voltage
bushing, lower voltage bushing with ground ,higher voltage bushing with ground and
ground with ground.

Transformer testing

1 Transformer Ratio testing

Is used of testing for winding is working or damaged
By giving for the higher voltage side 400V and we Megger lower voltage side.
If it is good working ratio between phase to phase must be 10 and ratio between
phase to neutral must be 5.

2 Transformer oil testing

Transformer oil, a type of insulating and cooling oil used in transformers and other
electrical equipment, needs to be tested periodically to ensure that it is still fit for
Oil test of transformer is tested by visual inspection test and laboratory test
By visual inspection test:- it's colour should be changed to dark colour or it is smell
should be like smell of carbon.
By lab test:- This measurement is taken 3 to 6 times in the same sample of oil, and
we take the average value of these readings. BDV is an important and popular test of
transformer oil, as it is the primary indicator of the health of oil and it can be easily
carried out at the site.

3 Load test :-the final test of transformer testing after maintenance.

During load test we feed 15kv to high tension

The electric power system provides a means of generating transmitting and

distributing energy in the form of electric current to the ultimate users, the load
Generation, transmission, distribution and load constitute the four basic element of
subsystem of an electrical power system.
1. Generation: - is simply the conversion of energy from one form to electrical
energy. The heat energy stored in fuels, for example is converted to electrical energy
by means of an electric generator.
2. Transmission: - the transmission system consists of a network of overhead lines or
in density populated areas underground cable the lines are designed to transmit
large amount of power from the point of generation to the load area.
3. Distribution: - the distribution system also consists of a network of overhead lines
and underground cables by which the power is distributed to the ultimate users of
electricity that is the load. These lines are normally shorter than transmission lines,
and carry smaller amount of power.
4. Load: - the utilization of electric power is collectively called load. This includes the
users of electricity in the home (i.e. heating and lighting) in the factory to drive
motors and other machinery.
2.3.1 Substations

A substation is a part of an electrical generation, transmission,

and distribution system. Substations transform voltage from high to low, or the
reverse, or perform any of several other important functions. Between the
generating station and consumer, electric power may flow through several
substations at different voltage levels. A substation may include transformers to
change voltage levels between high transmission voltages and lower distribution
voltages, or at the interconnection of two different transmission voltages.

Elements of a substation

• Primary power lines' side

• Secondary power lines' side

• Primary power lines

• Ground wire

• Overhead lines

• Transformer for measurement of electric voltage

• Disconnect switch

• Circuit breaker

• Current transformer

• Lightning arrester

• Main transformer

• Control building

• Security fence

• Secondary power lines

The substation serves three basic purposes. These are:

1. Switching system; is elements which is the in and out of the system. This is
accomplished by relaying equipment; by circuit breakers, disconnects switches and
the associated equipment.
2. Stepping down; is concerning on the voltages in the system. This is accomplished
by power transformer.
3. Regulating system voltages, this is accomplished by shunt reactors, shunt
capacitors, static compensators, etc.

The work flow structure of distribution
Power distribution is intended to control medium voltage network and low voltage
network and mainly on designing of low voltage, rehabilitation and construction of
new line. But from all this We work on the designing of the medium voltage line
diagram of eastern addis ababa city feeder. The distribution system also consists of a
network of overhead lines and underground cables by which the power is distributed
to the ultimate users of electricity, which the line is shorter than transmission line,
and carry smaller amount of power when we compared with long transmission line.
The electrical distribution network has been classified in to two basic categories:
these are: 
Medium voltage (MV) network and 
Low voltage (LV) network Medium voltage networks
Medium voltage network is the voltage level which exists between power substation
output and distribution transformer input. Distribution transformer
A distribution transformer is a device for transferring energy in an AC system from
one circuit to another. Transformer sizes vary depending on the application and the
number of customer and also the types of institution used that transformer, so that
totally the distribution transformer can classified as follows:
a) 25kv transformer
b) 50KVA transformer
c) 100KVA transformer
d) 200KVA transformer
e) 315KVA transformer

Equipment of distribution network

1.Dropout fuse: the melting of fuse causes dropping of fuse element under gravity
about its lower hinged support. There by additional isolation is obtained such fuses
are used for protection of our-door transformers when the linesman observes
operation of the fuse. 2.Arrester: - it is used to protect the lightning.
3.Insulator:-it used to insulation for safety.
4.HRC fuse: - is high rupturing capacity cartridge fuse and used for over current for
over current protection of low voltage and high voltage circuit. And etc
2.4 Tasks that we have been executing
In the first few days of the first month our internship program, it was all about
getting lectures and being introduced to the working system and the materials they
utilize. As we have already mentioned, for the last 2- months we were working in the
distribution systems Construction and design case team. The job of the case team
starts at point where the voltage is transformed to 15KV line. The main objective our
team was to design and build a reliable distribution network in the city. To help us
achieve these, we used to utilize an engineer’s guide manual for LV network
rehabilitation design process, but most of the networks that were constructed earlier
were not designed in accordance with the manual. For these reason, most of the
networks are not reliable and need re design. Our first task was the rehabilitation
and re-design of the network of a 3- phase, 200KVA, 100KVA Transformer after a
voltage drop has been tested. This voltage drop is generally caused by power
shortage. But, the important question what should be asking is, what are the causes
for the power shortage? And to answer this question correctly, you need to pay a
visit and collect data’s that would be very important to answer the question
correctly, from the location where the drop has been tested. Among the data’s that
are collected, the most important are
1. The phase (R, S and T) the consumer is using and
2. Average energy consumption.
3. The customer’s specific location in the city`s master plan
4. Energy meter contract number
5. Distance from load center

2.5 Challenges faced

During the last 4- months of our internship experience, there were many every day
challenges. But, we will try to describe the major ones. We can divide the challenges
we have faced in to two main categories.
a. Academic challenges
b. Work area challenges
2.5.1. Academic challenges
As we already mentioned, we were working in EEU, East Addis Ababa and the
availability of reading materials to Develop our knowledge in the working area was
always a problem. The other internship challenge falls on the awareness of the
2.5.2. Work area challenges
During our internship program, there were so many work area challenges, but the
scarcity budget and materials for projects. But when you think about this issue
deeply, you will understand it’s a country wide issue and hence live with it somehow
and we believe “Making the best out of what you have” is the best solution to this
particular issue. Another challenge of the internship it lacks of equipment’s. As we
have described above, one of our work task is maintenance
2.6 Measures taken to overcome the challenges
The measure we have taken in this internship program to overcome the challenges is
creating an awareness for workers starting from the guards about the internship

Overall benefit we gained from the internship
Internships is a method of making opportunity for students potentially valuable and
explores general career avenues as well as specific companies. Such arrangements
can provide us with valuable work experience (both practical and for resume
enhancement) and an opportunity to line up a job before graduation, In addition to
securing good work experience.
Internship programs are also potentially valuable to company. Unfortunately, some
companies continue to regard interns as little more than a free source of labor to
catch up on filing and other tedious office tasks. But many business owners and
managers realize that internship programs can provide them with an early
opportunity to gauge the talents of a new generation of workers and, in many cases,
sell themselves as a quality place for students to begin their careers after they
graduate. The major benefits that we get for the internship are classified and stated
as below briefly.
3.1 Improving our Practical Skills
We gain practical experience of applying our engineering judgment and working
successfully with others. However, the skills and qualities have a hope by studying
Electrical engineering suit many other professional settings equally well. We can
a. Creativity and an innovative approach to solving problems;
b. The ability to analyze and interpret diverse, complex data;
c. Critical thinking and the ability to evaluate designs maintain and projects;
d. Effective assessment and management of risk, resources and time;
e. Highly developed numeracy and computer literacy;
f. Interpersonal sensitivity, persuasiveness and the ability to work as part of a team;
g. Clear written and oral communication skills; We started learning from the first
days of our internship to the day we finished our work and also always something
new to add on our previous background. To mention few,
1. We have learned how 3-phase (R, S and T) MV and LV lines construction.
2. We have learned how to design and rehabilitate distribution networks using
specialized software known as DIGSILENT that is used by distribution systems design
and construction case team.
3. we have also learned how to enter data to this software and how digitalizing .
4. We have learned how substation equipment operate and there advantages.
5. we have learned the overall transformation of power system from HV to LV
6. We have come to at appreciate the applications of DC source in power systems for
protection and control rooms. Without a DC source it’s even hard to walk in to a
substation because all the protections systems are all associated with DC sources.
7. we have also learned the application of instrument transformers (current
transformer and voltage transformers)
8. We have also understood the processes and the system flow from the
transmission to distribution. We have tried to describe above most of the things we
have developed regarding theoretical knowledge and practical skills during our
internship program. But the everyday experience and knowledge you learn from the
people that had been in the work area for a long time is hard to put in words.
3.2 upgrading our theoretical knowledge Internship program gives us the
opportunity to apply our theoretical knowledge in real world environments, In
addition to the practical skill. Almost all the courses we took were focused on
theoretical part, thanks to this internship program; we are now able to upgrade our
theoretical knowledge by practice. Generally speaking, our theoretical knowledge
got strengthen more by those practical techniques invested on Internship Company.
they assists us in moving toward our career goals by combining what we had learned
from school, practical and supervised work experience; it thus explained the
necessity of every student to undergo this process.
3.3 Improving our interpersonal communication skills
In the company, we were working with all the staff members and any individual
peacefully, by the experience we have gained from our internship program.
Individuals often learn different things from colleagues through communication. For
any individual, communication is an important way of learning, which can be defined
formally as the act, process, or experience of gaining knowledge or skills. Good
communication is the life blood of the Electrical engineering profession. And it takes
many forms, such as speaking, writing and listening, it has the following advantages.
1. To handle information
2. To persuade people
3. To improve relationships with others We learnt that one full system should work
efficiently with union of so many professional by collaborating with each other in
order to make good and fantastic work. We was able to improve how to
communicate colleagues and we greatly understand that interpersonal skill is the
most valuable quality in Electrical engineering department. Finally, what we have
observed was to communicate effectively, it is essential that you choose the suitable
3.4 Improving our team playing skills Even if tasks are done individuals by the
respective person at different section of the company, there are times at which
different individuals come together to work for common goals of the company for
increasing productivity. The most important point in team playing skill is just
reaching an agreement from different points on the work to be done. Furthermore,
to have a common understanding on the task that is to be accomplished, we always
try to listen carefully those individuals with whom we am working. After listening
others idea, we provide an idea which we think it is very constructive for the task
being done. Generally spiking a person with good team playing skill the following
a. Demonstrates reliability
b. Communicates constructively
c. Listens actively
d. Functions as an active participant
e. Shares openly and willingly
f. Cooperates and helps others
g. Exhibits flexibility
h. Shows commitment to the team
i. Works as a problem-solver
j. Treats others in a respectful and supportive manner
3.5 Improving our leadership skills
Leadership is a process of leading the careers of the company. Problems in the
company come in all size, shape and color in different period time. Thus, a person
who is in the position of leadership seeks optimal solution to problems and should
be smart enough to manage those individuals whom he/she is leading. What we
gain from the internship regarding improving leadership is that to inspire workers
into higher levels of teamwork, there are certain things must be known to do that,
these are;
a. Know our and seek self-improvement
b. be technically proficient
c. Seek responsibility and take responsibility for actions
d. Make sound and timely decisions
e. Know peoples and look out for their well-being
f. Keep workers informed g. Develop a sense of responsibility in workers
g. Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished i. Finally what
we grasp is, Becoming a leader isn’t easy because it takes a conscious commitment
and consistent effort to develop one’s leadership skills. But on the positive side,
anyone who is willing to make the effort can become a good leader.
3.6 work ethic related issues In today’s complex world, Ethical conduct of workers is
very important for developing healthy working environment and increasing
productivity. Ethical work conduct enables us in order to posses’ appropriate
behaviors in the work and so we develop proper relationships with co-workers and it
helps us to create good working environment. There are two common types of
ethics. These are
1. Personal ethics and
2. Professional ethics
3.6.1 Personal ethics
These principles of personal ethics are values which are expected to be possessed by
all individuals in their life, and contribute a lot for a smooth interaction among
individuals and peaceful coexistence of a society. What we gained in the company
principles of personal ethics
a. Concern for the well-being of others
b. Honesty
c. Compliant to the law

3.6.2 Professional ethics

Professional ethics refers to the standards or a set of moral principles for regulating
behaviors of a certain defined profession. In order to consider that an activity to be a
profession, it should be carried out by one who has advanced education, knowledge,
and skills. Professionals are capable of making judgments, applying their skills &
reaching informed decisions in situations that the general public cannot, because
they have not received the relevant training. The following are some of the common
professional ethical principles what we gained in the internship period.
1) Punctuality- means keeping the companies work beginning and ending time and
to complete a given task within the given period. That was challenging to become
punctual for the 1st days of work.
2) Office disciplines- in work place you don’t have to disturb the working
atmosphere. For example abstain from opening loud voice, loud music, songs and
things which disturb other workers’ working mood.
3) Reliability- The worker should be qualified for the part he is supposed to be
performing. He/she must have appropriate skill and knowledge for the task assigned.
4) Honesty- Regarding this value each worker regardless of its status should abstain
from bad behaviors such as cheating, bias, corruption etc. 5) Cooperation- Each
worker should interact and cooperate with each other while working. That is
because it is through such system problems could be easily solved.
3.7 Entrepreneurship skills
Participating in an internship allows us to gain a better perspective of post-
graduation employment by applying the principles and theories we have developed
in the classroom. This practical application creates an easier transition for us from
the classroom to the working world. While participating in this internship we realize
that creativity and problem solving is one of the starting points of entrepreneurs.
This internship motivates us not to be employee because it enables us to know more
about our career, the real challenges, and way of business establishment in this
profession. To be a good entrepreneur, you must have the following abilities/skills
1. Risk management
2.Self confidence

4.2 Design steps in power distribution network

1, Data collecting
2, Data digitalizing
3, Designing
the data collection method is very difficult because the data is collect from
transformer to transformer so you have to cover the whole transformer that is
utilizing by the city feeder and on the data collecting system we try to record all of
the information that can be seen easily and we contact with the company for the
data’s that can’t be seen by us like; the rating of the transformer and etc. then from
the data we collected we try to list the data’s like this as follows:
1. Types of transformer (100kva, 200kva, 315kva)
2. Types of poles (wood, concrete, steel)
3. Strength of transformer (good, satisfaction, poor)
4. Pole strength (good, satisfaction, poor)
5. Phase code (3Ø, 2Ø, 1Ø)
6. Strength of insulator
7. Customer breaker contract number
8. Pole with street (yes or no)
4.2.1 Design of low voltage network In JIMMA power distribution there is so many
problems in distribution network. The major causes are transformer over load and
windy rainfall. In this case the engineers Work on the design of medium voltage
network and LV network. This work shall support the effective process of planning
the medium voltage networks in the project areas. This report include a number of
tables giving the necessary information for engineers to make a quick selection of
equipment and material for the low and medium voltage network design. Then use
this report for final decision. Designing Depends up on 1. Capacity of transformer
2. Distance from load center
3. Number of customer
4. Type and size of conductor
5. HRC fuse
6. Number of feeders of transformer
7. Types of ABC cables and etc.. The design is depend on the following selection of
material to use different table. All selection of material depends on capacity of
transformer and selection of cables. Selection of transformer The table
below will help the engineer to make a quick decision of what size the transformer of
the planned network should have. The selection of transformer depends on the
following criteria. 1.1 Selection Of Transformer By Load Criteria The transformer is
affected by load the transformer. Mostly the transformer is damaged in the case of
unbalanced load. [1] The load criteria is the following table use

Table4.1 selection transformer by load criteria Transformer capacity

Present peak load Saturated area Growing area (KVA) (KW) (KW) 100 0-63 0-41 200
64-126 42-82 315 127-198 83-129

1.2 Selection Of Transformers By Numbers Of Customers Connected To The

Transformer Table4.2. selection transformer by no. of customer
1.3 Selection Of transformers By Maximum Distance To Customer From Transformer
Table4.3. selection transformer by maximum distance Transformer capacity
Maximum distance from the transformer (KVA) (m) 100 200 200 290 315 360

Transformer capacity Maximum number of customer at present Saturated areas

Growing areas (KVA) (NO.) (NO.) 100 120 80 200 250 160 315 390 260

31 | P a g e Selection of Fuse Rating Selection of fuse ratings depending on transformer

size and number of feeders. Mostly the fuse rating is less than transformer rating

Table4.4. selection transformer by fuse rate Selection of Feeders Cables and Conductors

The feeder cables and conductor sizes shall be selected in accordance with this table.
the Selection of feeder cables and conductor sizes is varying from country to country
due to different factors and the type of trans former and the standard that the
country [1] used for installation of distribution transformers, so that in mean time in
our country the standard of selecting of feeder cables and conductors is selected by
the following table below;
Table 4.5. selection transformer by feeder cable Selection of Service Drops Conductors
The conductor sizes for the service drops shall be selected in accordance with this
table. Because of most of the Ethiopian standard service drop conductors are
selected by the maintainace engineers are the stated below by their types, so it’s
better to select this materials. Selection of the ABC cables for service drops.
Table4.6.selection transformer by service drop conductor Types of cables used for construction of overhead lines

Cable means the conducting material is covered by insulated material and Wire
means any conductor material. There uses different cable with different voltage
label. There are two types of cable
1. ABC :-Arial bundled cable
Types of ABC cables according to cross-section of conductor
a. ABC 25
b. ABC 50
c. ABC 95
a. Two types of twisted overhead cable is available, one with the neutral conductors
made of Alalloy used as a messenger, one with four or two self-supporting Al-
conductor of equal crosssection area. Both types can be used but we recommend
the self-supporting type because it has a higher tensile strength and is easier to
b. The cross-section of the conductors shall be 95 or 50 mm2 for feeder’s cables and
25mm2 for service cables.
c. The conductors of the cables shall be made of stranded aluminum wires. The
cross-section shall be circular.
Table 4.7. cable Current carrying capacity
2. AAC:-All Aluminium conductors are not covered by any insulation types. In this
time mostly used to medium voltage network.
this all aluminum conductor is a kind of aluminum product made through stranding
aluminum wires. It is used for the electricity distribution lines with short span length
and small load-carrying capability of the pole.
The AAC provides reliable performance for overhead power transmission and
distribution lines. This standard covers hard drawn circular aluminum wires for
electric purposes to be used as component wires of hard drawn aluminum stranded
cables and aluminum conductor steel reinforced. Equipment used for overhead
electric lines construction is:
a) Poles
b) b) Insulation cup
c) Hook
d) Stays
Poles of electric power in power distribution
The Pole is electrically conductive and must be earthed either by separate earth
electrode or by longitudinal earth conductor. The power distribution network poles
are three types according to made of materials. These are
1) Wood poles
2) Steel poles
3) Concrete poles
The power distribution the pole mounted is different to different depends on soil
types. The space of pole mounted is 30 meters.
In power distribution network there is two types of poles according to uses. These
1, low-tension poles (LV)
2, high-tension poles (MV)
Low-tension poles
The low tension poles are poles which carry the low voltage network cable (220v or
380v). The length of low-tension poles slightly shorter than the high-tension poles.
The lengths of these poles are
i. 8 meter
ii. 9 meter
The length of the poles in to the earth is different in different length these are
In 8 meter pole is undergrounded 1.20meter and
In 9 meter pole is undergrounded 1.30meter
High-tension poles
The high tension poles is it carry the medium voltage network cable (15kv or 33kv).
The length of the high tension poles are
i. 10 meter
ii. 11 meter
iii. 12 meters
Undergrounded of the poles length is different in different length these are
In 10meter pole is undergrounded 1.40meter and
In 11meter pole is undergrounded 1.50meter
In12meter pole is undergrounded 1.60meter



PROJECT- Password Based Circuit Breaker

5.1 Introduction
In earlier days, during the operation of power system the function to switch ON and
OFF the various circuits under both normal and abnormal conditions is used to be
performed by a switch and a fuse placed in series with the circuit. However, such a
means of controlling presents different disadvantages. One, when a fuse blows out it
takes many times to replace it and restore supply to the customers. Two, fuse cannot
successfully interrupt heavy fault currents that result from faults on modern high
voltage and large capacity circuits. Because of this reasons fuse is limited to low
voltage and small capacity circuits. Therefore, to employ more dependable means of
control Circuit Breaker is presented.
Circuit Breaker is an equipment which can make or break a circuit either manually or
by remote control under normal conditions, break a circuit automatically under fault
conditions and make a circuit either manually or by remote control under fault
conditions. A circuit breaker essentially consists of fixed and moving contacts, called
electrodes. Under normal operating conditions, these contacts remain closed and will
not open automatically until and unless the system becomes faulty. When a fault
occurs on any part of the system, the trip coils of the circuit breaker get energized and
the moving contacts are pulled apart by some mechanism, thus opening the circuit.
From time to time circuit breakers are updated to get the best arc extinguishing circuit
Password Based Circuit Breaker means, to control a circuit breaker with help of a
password only. The Password is entered by using keypad. The system is fully
controlled by an 8bit microcontroller which is from 8051 families. The entered
password is compared with the password store in the ROM of the microcontroller. If
the entered password is correct, then only the line can be turn ON/OFF. This project
is designed to operate the system by only authorized person to avoid such accidents.
This project, Password based circuit breaker is to provide a solution which can
ensure the safety of maintenance staff workers.
5.2 Statement of Problem
Circuit breakers are found prevailingly at substations for a protection purposes. CB at
the substation are different from ordinary CB’s. Because they receive a very large
voltage capacity.
So, during our time of internship at the substation we observe a board hanging on the
circuit breaker with a rope which says “don’t touch it”. And also at our internship
time, a line maintenance worker died because of, someone at the substation turn on
the CB switch while the maintenance worker still maintaining the line. There are a lot
of accidents by misunderstanding between operators at the substation and line
maintenance staff workers. To stave off this problems we propose this project on the
circuit breaker.
5.3 Objective

5.3.1 General Objective

The basic or general objective is to design a Password Based Circuit Breaker using

5.3.2 Specific Objective

Design the overall circuit of the password based circuit breaker
Designing and implementing the password keypad circuit
Simulating of controlling password based circuit breaker
Electric lineman protection using user changeable password based circuit breaker: A
circuit breaker is an automatically operated electrical switch designed to protect an
electrical circuit from damage caused by overload or short circuit. Its basic function is
to detect a fault condition and interrupt current flow. Unlike a fuse, which operates
once and then must be replaced, a circuit breaker can be reset (either manually or
automatically) to resume normal operation.When operated manually we see fat al
electrical accidents to the line man are increasing during the electric line repair due to
the lack of communication and coordination between the maintenance staff and the
electric substation staff. In order to avoid such accidents, the breaker can be so
designed such that only authorized person can operate it with a password. Here, there
is also a provision of changing the password. The system is fully controlled by the 8
bit microcontroller of 8051 family. The password is stored in an EEPROM, interfaced
to the microcontroller and the password can be changed any time unlike a fixed one
burnt permanently on the microcontroller. A keypad is used to enter the password and
a relay to open or close circuit breaker, which is indicated by a lamp. Any wrong
attempt to open the breaker (by entering the wrong password) an alert will be
actuated, indicated by another lamp. Electric line man safety using micro controller
with gsm module: Critical electrical accidents to line men are on the rise during
electric line repair due to lack of communication and co-ordination between the
maintenance staff and electric substation Staff. This proposed system provides a
solution that ensures safety of maintenance staff, i.e., line man on detecting a fault in
electric line the line man sends sms and the main line is switched off which is again
switched on after solving the fault it can also prove a boon to save power thus it saves
the life of lineman working on electric line. The proposed system is fully operated on


Our project aim is to design a password based circuit breaker that can be applicable in
substations. According to the design, at first an authorized man set the password and
this will tell the microcontroller to turn a relay switch when it gets the correct
password so that the maintained line could be turn ON/OFF.
Study Required:
 Interfacing of PIC microcontroller
 Interfacing of LCD
 Interfacing of Relays
 Interfacing of Keypad
 MicroC
 Proteus
Hardware Requirement:
 Lm7805,7812
 Capacitors
 Crystal 4MHZ
 Pic16f877A
 Relays
 Led’s
 Buzzer
 Keypad-Phone 4x3
 16 pins LCD
 Load (Appliance)
 Pushbutton
 Resistances 330,10k,4.7k
 Connectors connecting wires


Fig. 4.1 Microcontroller

AT89C52 Microcontroller in Fig 4.1 is an 8-bit microcontroller and belongs to
Atmel's 8051
Family. AT89C52 has 8KB of Flash programmable and erasable read only memory
(PEROM) and 256 bytes of RAM. AT89C52 has an endurance of 1000 Write/Erase
cycles which means that it can be erased and programmed to a maximum of 1000
times. AT89C52 has 3 timers - timer0, timer1& timer2. Corresponding to Timer2,
there are extra SFRs (Special Function Registers). Also there are registers RCAP2H
& RCAP2L to configure 16 bit Capture & Auto-reload modes of Timer2.

Fig. 4.2 Relay

A relay is an electrically operated switch. Many relays use an electromagnet to
mechanically operate a switch, but other operating principles are also used, such as
solid state relays. Relays are used where it is neces
sary to control a circuit by a low-power signal (with complete electrical isolation
between control and controlled circuits), or where several circuits must be controlled
by one signal.
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)

crystal display (LCD) display is a flat panel display. It uses the light modulating
properties of liquid crystals. The PIC microcontroller’s output pins are connected with
different external components like LCD display and relays. The LCD display is
connected to the output ports of the microcontroller in order to display the power
factor status of the system continuously. LCD is very essential to monitor and
evaluate system performance every time without any difficulty and constraint. The
following figure shows the LCD display connected with microcontroller.


Fig. 4.4 Keypad

In this project 4×4 keypad is used to enter the password. The password which is
entered is compared with the predefined password. If entered password is correct then
the corresponding electrical line is turned ON or OFF. In this project a separate
password is provided to each electrical line. Activation and deactivation of the line
(circuit breaker) is indicated.
RESISTORS:A resistor is a two-terminal electronic component designed to oppose
and electric current by producing a voltage drop between its terminals in proportion to
the current, that is, in accordance with Ohm's law: V = IR. Resistors are used as part
of electrical networks and electronic circuits. They are extremely common place in
most electronic equipment. Practical resistors can be made of various compounds and
films, as well as resistance wire.
CAPACITOR:A capacitor or condenser is a passive electronic component consisting
of a pair of conductors separated by a dielectric. When a voltage potential difference
exists between the conductors, an electric field is present in the dielectric. This field
stores energy and produces a mechanical force between the plates. The effect is
greatest between wide, flat, parallel, narrowly separated conductors.
DIODES:- Diodes are used to convert AC into DC these are used as half wave
rectifier or full wave rectifier. When used in its most common application, for
conversion of an alternating current (AC) input into a direct current (DC) output, it is
known as a bridge rectifier. A bridge rectifier provides full-wave rectification from a
two-wire AC input, resulting in lower cost and weight as compared to a rectifier with
a 3-wire input from a transformer with a center-tapped secondary winding
TRANSISTORS:A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify and switch
electronic signals and electric power. It is composed of semiconductor material with
at least three terminals for connection to an external circuit. A voltage or current
applied to one pair of the transistor's terminals changes the current through another
pair of terminals. Because the controlled (output) power can be higher than the
controlling (input) power, a transistor can amplify a signal. Today, some transistors
are packaged individually, but many more are found embedded in integrated circuits.
The transistor is the fundamental building block of modern electronic devices, and is
ubiquitous in modern electronic systems.
VOLTAGE REGULATOR: 7805 is a voltage regulator integrated circuit. It is a
member of 78xx series of fixed linear voltage regulator IC’S. The voltage source in a
circuit may have voltage output. The voltage regulator IC maintains the output
voltage at a constant value. The xx in 78xx indicates the fixed output voltage it is
designed to provide. 7805 provides +5V regulated power supply. Capacitors of
suitable values can be connected at input and output pins depending upon the
respective voltage levels.
RECTIFIER: A rectifier is an electrical device that converts alternating current (AC),
which periodically reverses direction, to direct current (DC), current that flows in only
one direction, a process known as rectification.
Block Diagram
6.1 Scope
The controller can receive a message only from a certain number that actually must be
saved in the wizard include the password this will give a more security, no one can try
to send a random password from any number because the controller does not receive
any massage from any number except the number that saved in the wizard
.Simulation using proteus software

6.2 Result and discussion

This project is done to keep away any misreading or misunderstanding that happen
between the maintenance worker and operators at the substation during
maintenance and to ensure the safety of the workers. The project work as, first an
authorized person will set a password on the circuit breaker. And this circuit breaker
work only by this authorized person. When an unauthorized person try to turn
ON/OFF the circuit breaker, the microcontroller didn’t get the write coordination to
send a signal to the relay to turn ON/OFF the circuit breaker. The microcontroller will
respond to only if the write coordination of password is send in so that, it send the
signal to the relay to turn ON/OFF the line.
6.3 Conclusion
A perfect protection has been achieved to line man, in whilst of increase of
line man accident that happens while repairing the electrical lines due to the lack
of communication between electrical substation and maintenance staff nowadays.
Finally protective system has given to line man protection.
The solve of this problem clarified on using a password to turn ON/OFF
circuit breaker. It is not a teaser to turn OFF circuit breaker the issue is that to turn
ON circuit breaker whilst line man on a task that may cause a fire , blast , burning
, also we can’t ignore the damage that may cause burning the station this lead to
financial losses.
The needle of turn off circuit breaker has represented on adding a buses to
station or to treating (lines, transformers, generators … etc). The manual part is
using the keypad to entering password that will appear on LCD screen to be
absolute about that you enter the password you preselected.
6.4 Recommendations
When we implemented to this project some obstacle appeared most of all
solved, and little of it remained, therefor a lot of space for further improvement.
The controller can receive a message only from a certain number that actually
must be saved in the wizard include the password this will give a more security,
no one can try to send a random password from any number because the controller
does not receive any massage from any number except the number that saved in
the wizard.

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