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Company Name, Ownership, Location & Facilities

The Eastern Sunlight PLC is an integrated inclusive economic development based value creation
business system that will build at Harar city of Ethiopia considering eastern Ethiopian
geographic location to provide the solution for unobserved deep socio-cultural, socio-
demographic and geographic location based challenges for inclusive economic development of
eastern Ethiopian community population. The company ownership will be the founder team and
Company Vision

To be one of the greatest business system in Africa that erase the unemployment tension for
young’s and create many young’s millionaires

Company Mission Statement

Eastern Sunlight PLC builds the business system that interlink its multiple diverse elements to
solve the most painful problem of our customer for lifelong both in mind and on the ground

Goals & Milestones

The overall aim of eastern sunlight is to create an enabling environment for inclusive economic
development of eastern Ethiopian population, so that they could be self-dependent, equally
contribute to the development of the area and be an active participation in development effort of
the nation through providing the productive capacity that

We will provide socio-cultural & geographic based solution regarding the current development
challenges of Ethiopia with the aim of:-

Creating & providing the productive capacity that entrepreneur and investor need to build

Provide employment & business opportunities for eastern Ethiopian youth & young’s including
unemployed youth within a community

Provision of business incentive & opportunity to ensure inclusive growth (that growth during the
past economic development plan for previous affected community members across socio-
Enhancing the export capacity of productive sector entity & SME participated on the export
business and provide special support for entity that enable & enhance other entity export capacity

Enhance the community awareness on economic development, climate change impact

Company Philosophy/ Value

Innovation & Creativity: Stimulate and encourage new and progressive ideas to solve
Passion: Committed in the heart and mind
Flexibility: Commit to tasks that lead to common goals and readiness to rectify direction in
order to meet the needs and objectives of our clients
Excellence: Integrate professionalism, high standard of work, efficiency and ethics
Team Work: Engage team members to bring their talents together and work hand-in hand to
create better results at a faster pace to satisfy client needs and increase efficiency
Diversity: As inclusive as our brands
Transparency: Communicate openly, honestly and respect other’s competencies and


The development of local based context-appropriate processes, strategies and solutions for
current local economic challenges are what currently supported according to the just –Transitions
economic agendas of current global economic challenge solution. Ensuring structural
transformation and creating sectorial linkages & synergies in deep within a societies are also the
supported agenda in current ten year development plan of Ethiopia. This indicate that currently
there is positive environment for business system built within a societies that interlink its
multiple department section with each other in a way that maintaining business sustainability’s

Eastern Sunlight PLC is a start-up company that classified under service sector. Eastern Sunlight
company designed in a way that solving the major socio-geographic challenges of economic
development for eastern Ethiopian region population such as rise in youth unemployment, poor
productive capacity that current economic development condition needed, high inflation, poor
community awareness on development agenda & entrepreneurship mindset and other.

To solve such all challenges and made sustainable development, Eastern Sunlight PLC
developed business system in which multiple department section within its system interlink with
each other in a way that following the development process stage according to ten year
development plan of Ethiopia that is creating the capacity to create wealth, creating that wealth
and then after ensuring

Barrier to Entry
 High start-up cost
 Brand Recognition challenges
 Extensive training
 Need for specialized patents
 Multiple industry linkage

Target Customer

Since we provide multiple services that interlink with each other within our business system, our
target customer would be youth & young adult, unemployed youth in the region, productive
sectors entity, SME, all population of eastern Ethiopia and eastern Ethiopian diaspora. For
example for our special education, our target customer could be unemployed youth in eastern
Ethiopia, for our special export service our target customer could be eastern Ethiopian diaspora
& for special import, our customer could be productive sector entity & SME and also for our
media service, our target customer could be all eastern Ethiopian population


creating sectorial linkages and synergies in deep within our business system between all of our services
that we provide to our target customer such as special education, business & finance services,
automatic response services for macroeconomic crises, partnership and media services in solving
the major development challenges including youth unemployment, negative net export, inflation,
, gap in ensuring equitable distributions of growth within societies, No/poor in delivering the
productive capacities that entrepreneurs and investors require to establish a business, produce
and trade more value-added goods and services within eastern Ethiopian geographic location, gap
in structural transformations, and creating sectorial linkages and synergies in deep within a societies
would makes our companies addition our consideration for socio-cultural based solution
with deep understanding of the real problem within the societies and our strategies of continuously
following the development process placed according to the ten-year development plan of ethiopia that is
creating the capacity to create wealth, and then creating that wealth after then ensuring equal distribution
of that wealth makes us unique to our competitor’s

The Key Factors for Success

 We provide ongoing services from creating the capacity to create wealth for our
customer, creating that wealth with them and then after ensuring
 We can provide both employment & business opportunity for our customer
 Multiple business opportunity for the investor
 We will easily getting partnership with government since we focus on their major
challenges such as youth unemployment, inflation, real productive capacity needed
for development
Major problem

Even though 60% of the population of dire dawa city administration, east& west hararghe and
harari region of ethiopia is under the age of 30,their impact on economic development was not so
much good.majority of SME leaded & owned by youth & young adult under 30 age was fail
within 2 years.very few of them transform their life from the multiple project designed by the
government especially for engineering graduate and business opportunity created by multiple
development partner in response to the unemployment issue. The major Couse of this failler are
their lack of business & digital skill related with lack of opportunity to access, weak internet
connection and poor reading & understanding of English even those graduated, weak creativity
& innovation skills, their attitude toward entrepreneurship & employment, attitude of major
community toward entrepreneurship & employment and lack of favorable regulatory framework
& business environment. For example some of their employment opportunity are affected by
unethical employment process and business opportunity are also taken by small business owner
& business man even including that from DBE

In conclusion ,it is hard to solve the unemployment or other specific problem of youth & young
adult by focusing only on single measure without being considering the underline causes &
integrating with other point

The Solution

We will provide an innovative interlinked business services that integrate its services with each
other such as education services, business & investment, partnership, automatic response for
macro-economic crises and media services in a way that following the development process
stage according to Ten-year perspective development plan of Ethiopia that is creating the
capacity to create wealth, creating that wealth and then ensuring in a case of solving
customers’ most painful problem and filling their need gap in terms of creating adequate job
opportunity & business environment, delivering productive capacity that investor & entrepreneur
need to build business, challenges to stabilize inflation, mismatch of the action taken to its
intended result(outcome), creating sectoral linkages & synergies in deep within a societies

To solve customers’ most painful problem in sustainable way, we design this business systems
that provide local context-based innovated special education, then after education, providing
business opportunity by creating business & first contact employment opportunity for our
graduated students in partnership with government & multiple company in a way of managing
inflation. Our media service would serves as marketing & advertising provider on facilitation of
customer interest to our business & enhancing the community awareness about development
agenda, entrepreneurship & creativity mindset

Service Features Benefit to the Customer

Education Create productivity capacity to create wealth
Business & investment Creating the wealth
Partnership Facilitation and coordination
Automatic response for macroeconomic crises Inflation management & first income
Media Services

A business system that interlink the underline causes of unemployment within the area or
interlink the major development challenges of the country in a way that insuring the growth &
sustainability of the business, solving the major pain problem of the customer in sustainable
manner/meeting their need for lifelong, providing business opportunity

Value proposition

First income contact employment advantage & business opportunity

Continuous improvement of business model and growth & sustainability of the business

Multiple business opportunity for the investor

Meeting all the customer need at one

Partnership with government since it focused for the current development challenges of the
country such as

Lifelong relationship with customer

Product and Services

The ten- year development plan of Ethiopian clearly stated that its objectives will be
achieved through the key strategic pillars such as Quality Economic Growth and Shared
Prosperity, Economic Productivity and Competitiveness, Technological Capability and
Digital Economy, Sustainable Development Financing, Institutional Transformation, Private
Sector-led Economic Growth and Regional Peace Building and Economic Integration, in
which most of them are primarily focused on addressing the deep-rooted macroeconomic,
sectoral, and structural bottlenecks of economic, social, administrative, and institutional
development of the country, and also Some of them are interlinked and their real
implementation for real sustainable development solution also need interlinks. So that is
way we intends to solve the major challenges in interlinks manner following the
development process of

Value proposition

First income contact employment advantage & business opportunity

Continuous improvement of business model and growth & sustainability of the business

Multiple business opportunity for the investor

Meeting all the customer need at one

Partnership with government since it focused for the current development challenges of the
country such as

Lifelong relationship with customer

We designed this business system that interlinks its multiple business services for solving
customers’ most painful problem in sustainable manner and other multiple benefit such as
insuring the real benefit for Customer & community, Company & Investor and the
government & overall economic development of the country

For our business sustainability, growth of our business and get

Opening a places for the multiple opportunity in the future

Filling one of previous development challenges of our country that is and getting
partnership from the government body

Providing multiple business opportunity for our investors and enhance their interest to invest
on us

Incorporation of indigenous realism


The Eastern Sunlight PLC will be owned by Investor and founder teams, its head office will be
located at harar city.

Organizational Structure
Product Based Startup Organizational Charts

Admin Automatic
Division Partnership Stabilizer
Education Business & Media
& for
Services Investment Macroecono
mic crises




Management Team
Mr.Amir Mohamed (BSc, MSc)
Position: Founder & CEO at Eastern Sunlight PLC
Professional background: Entrepreneur, business development & management, marketing
& sales, product management and business finance & leadership
Roles & responsibility: Setting the company’s vision and mission,building & leading a
talented team, representing the company,building partnership & strategic relationship
Amir will be operated as general manager for a local business and directed a staff of sixteen,
overseeing the accounting practices, human resource issues, and day-to-day operations of the
company. Prior to this position, Amir has held a variety of other inside business management
and operations positions.
Amir's strengths and skills include strong management, excellent public relations, high levels of
organization, extensive computer knowledge - including desktop publishing and graphic layout -
and extensive presentation and reporting skills.

Marketing strategy

The real key to this business is the interlinked and integration of its elements with each other in a
way of ensuring the win-win approaches in which all the interest of the customer, business
founder, investor and the country interest on economic development plan could be full filled. The
business journey would follow the development process stages of creating the capacity to create
wealth, creating that wealth and then after insuring equitable distribution of that wealth. Firstly at
the first stage of business process we plan to provide especial education & media services then
after secondly generating first income contact for graduated customer through building
partnership with government & other stakeholder on the targeted automatic response for
inflation, finally at the third building multiple business & facilitation of investment

Eastern sunlight plc has carefully developed a diverse marketing plan for its diverse services &
customer segments that intended to keep our brand in the hearts & minds of our prospective
customers, enabling us to continue expanding our reach and grow our business

Pricing strategy

We use dynamic pricing strategies considering our understanding of the customer & their
environment, bear in mind our all cost & value of our product to customer life and understanding
of competitor. The dynamic pricing strategy we used would be price skimming, penetration
pricing, cost-plus pricing and competition oriented pricing. This means in general we give
attention for average pricing, competition circumstance, quality product & services and target
audience understanding

Promotion strategy

We will conduct our promotion by both advertising promotion and PR promotion

Advertising our product & services to our customer through social media page & website host,
partner with government & other stakeholder, social networking & word of mouth, brochures

Sales strategy
First we can provide training for our instructors on their specific course they will provide lecturer
and modify their respective module with them and also provide our media service specific goal
training for our journal employee. Our sales objective are providing especial education for 58500
of our customer, creating first income employment advantage and multiple business opportunity
for 58500 of our customer living in Dire Dawa city administration, East & West Hararghe Zone
of Oromiya Region and Harari Region of Ethiopia within the next seven years based on their
proportional to size of total population allocation by geographic location and One per one
hundreds for East & West Hararghe Zone of Oromia Region,Ethiopia and two per one hundreds
population for Dire Dawa & Harari Region of Ethiopia

East West
Harari Dire Dawa
Hararghe Hararghe

2.5 Million 210,007 465,000

2 Million people
people population population

2,500,000/100 2,000,000/100 210,000/100*2 465,00/100*2

25,000 20,000 4200 9300

We can consider 2 participant per 100 number of population size at their location kabales for
harari region & dire dawa and 1 participant per 100 number of population size at their location
kabales for east & west hararghe zone of oromiya region of Ethiopia

Sales channel/distribution channel

We can use different sales channels for our different services. For example for our education
services, we serve our customer on direct lectures at different branch such as Chiro, Dire Dawa
and Harar based on their resident location

The number of participant could be based on the kebale population allocation. One per one
hundreds for East & West Hararghe Zone of Oromia Region,Ethiopia and two per one hundreds
population for Dire Dawa & Harari Region of Ethiopia

Customer Relationship/post sales supportive activities

We will give first income contact advantages after providing them especial education and also
multiple business opportunity for them by building business with customer by them self, with
our team/other entrepreneur & our investor/other investor

Life long relationship with our customer up to making them millionaire & even investor

Sales forecast

We will provide our special education for 58500 youth & young adult in the region within the
next 7 year at 3 location, harar, dire dawa & chiro for respective customer resident addresses

At fisrt year 3360, second year 6720, third 8420, fourth 10,000 fifth 10,000, six 10,000 and
seven 10,000


A Production

We could produce the product of our education & media services. We produce them following
the production methods of lean startup methodology

For our general business services of our business system, we follow the development process
stages of creating the capacity to create wealth, then creating that wealth and finally insuring the
equitable distribution of the growth by first providing education & media services then
immediately partnership to facilitate the first income contact employment advantage,then after
business & investment services in considering the automatic response for macro-economic crises
in a way, all of them interlinked with each other

We spend 250000 ETB for the production of the product & creation of such business system

Key Resource and material

1 People Founder team & employee

Partner Government, Development
organization, community
stakeholder, multiple
business owner & company

Knowledge Digital literacy, business,

finance, entrepreneurship,
legal service,
Intellectual property
B Quality Control

Developing the product and services based on the local context

Providing pre-employment training for our core employee such as our instructor & journal

Using CRM

Having independent market research, partnership and M& E department

C Administration and Location

We will have one head office at harar and branched location for education services on chiro,dire
dawa and harar city. The harar education branch room would be at the same place with the head

D Legal Environment

E Human Resource/Personnel Plan

Recruitment plan: in the beginning eastern sunlight plc would hire experienced talented on
contract for 6 year,based on our service size and departments. For example at beginning we hire
30 instructer for our education services considering our plan of providing education for 3360
customer at respective location, chiro, harar & dire dawa 1120 per each location and two journal
with one marketing profession for our media services. The management team for all department
would be the founder addition we have recruit 2 driver, 3 guard& 3 cleaner for harar
branch and 2cleaner & guard for chiro & dire dawa branch. On recruiting the instructor we
consider their socio-cultural understanding including language, motivation to provide lecturer
according to the areas, their social capital, and interest to take training from us, willingness to
take some online course & reading the book we provide them in addition to their educational
background. They would be preferred if graduated from the university in computer science, IT,
psychology, sociology, business management, economics & law, took some online business &
entrepreneurship course and have good skill ---



Work schedule:

Competency building:.

F Inventory
G Supplier

H Credit Policies

Operation cost

Item category Expenses in ETB per Total cost

1 Office & Student class rent 1,500,000
Supplies for office & student class 1,000,000
Computer for the student 1,200,000
Product development 150,000
Payroll 6,264,000
Utilities 500,000
Insurance 500,000
Marketing 1,500,000
Car 5,000,000
Media service office with its 5,000,000
17,614,000 22,614,000

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