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Time & Date Quarter 1ST

A. Content
Demonstrate understanding of key concepts of sets and the real number system
B. Performance The learner is able to formulate challenging situations involving sets and real
Standard numbers and solve these in a variety of strategies.
C. Learning
The learner illustrates the union and intersection of sets and difference of two
Objectives (Write
sets. (M7NS-Ia-2)
the code for
each LC)
1. define union of sets, intersection of a set and difference of a set,
D. Specific 2. illustrate the union and intersection of sets and the difference of two sets and
Objective 3. appreciate the use of the union and intersection of sets and the difference of
two sets in real life.
A. Subject Matter Operation of Sets
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
(Grade 7Mathematics: Patterns and Practicalities. Pp 19-25)
4. Additional
Laptop, TV, Cartolina, Pentel Pen
from LR
B. Other Learning
Learner’s Expected
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity/ies
A. Preparation “Good morning, Class...” “Good morning, Ma’am!”

“How’s your day students?” “It’s good Ma’am”

“Good to hear that! May I request everyone to please (They stand altogether.)
stand for a prayer to be led by Aiman.”
Aiman: “Classmate, are you
ready to pray?”

Students: “Yes, we are.”

(Everyone is praying.)

“Before you take your seats, please pick up the pieces of

papers on the floor and throw it properly in the trash
can. Also, please arrange your chairs properly.” (They begin picking the trash
and arranging the chairs.)
“Okay, you may take your seats now.”

“Make sure you are in your proper seats because I will All: “Thank you, Ma’am.”
check your attendance according to the seat plan.”
“Alright! Only Daniya is absent. If anyone of you can see (Students go back to their
him outside the school or to those neighbors of Daniya, proper seats.)
please tell him to attend classes tomorrow. Okay?”

Elicit (3min)
Present pictures that represent sets (power point
presentation). Let the student do an individual
activity. Ask them to get any kind of paper and do
the following.

See the picture

B. Reviewing
lesson or
the new

Guide Questions: Yes sir

1. Are you familiar with the pictures?
2. Above are some objects. Group them as you see
3. Label each group.
4. How many elements do we have in each set?
5. Do they have a common feature?

C. Establishing Engage (7min)

a purpose The students will form a group with four member
for the each (leader, secretary and two reporters.) Each
lesson group will try to answer the following and reporter
how they come up with their answers? The group
receive points according to the criteria.
D. Presenting Recite and
Examples/ Explanation 10 points explain/discussed
instances of the Creativity 5 points
new lesson Accurateness 5 points
. 20 points
 Answers may vary depending on the student’s

E. Discussing new Explore Activity 1 (5min)

concepts and Khaifa and Nosair are best friend. They both love
practicing new fruits.
skills #1
Hi, I am Khaifa I like Hi, I am Nosair I like
apple, banana and orange, pineapple and

mango. mango. See the picture

1. What are the fruits Khaifa likes?
2. How about Nosair?
3. Is there any fruits that both of them likes? 1. Apple, banana and mango.
4. What is/are the fruits that Khaifa likes but not 2. Orange, pineapple and
Nosair mango.
5. How about Nosait but not Khaifa? 3. Mango.
4. Apple, banana
5. Orange, pineapple
Explore Activity 2 (5min)
The students are asking to answer the following question.

1. If K = {apple, banana and mango} is the set of Khaifa’s

favorite fruits and
N = {orange, pineapple and mango} is the set of Nosair’s
favorite fruits. If they combine their fruits, how many
fruits are there? (element that are common to both sets
are counted only one)
F. Discussing new 2. If K = {apple, banana and mango} is the set of Khaifa’s
favorite fruits and Ans.
concepts and
N = {orange, pineapple and mango} is the set of Nosair’s 1. 5 fruits
practicing new
favorite fruits. What are the fruits that Khaifa and Nosair 2. Mango
skills #2
likes? 3. Apple, banana
3. If If K = {apple, banana and mango} is the set of Khaifa’s 4. Orange, pineapple
favorite fruits and 5. Yes.
N = {orange, pineapple and mango} is the set of Nosair’s
favorite fruits. What fruits is in K but not N?
4. If K = {apple, banana and mango} is the set of Khaifa’s
favorite fruits and
N = {orange, pineapple and mango} is the set of Nosair’s
favorite fruits. What fruits is in N but not K?
5. In answering the questions above do you agree there
is an operation we can use on the set?

G. Developing
mastery Explain (5min)
Recite and
The teacher will call 3 student to recite and explain
or discussed their answer in the activity 2.

H. Finding practical Elaborate (15min)

applications of Till the students that just like with the whole
concepts and number, operation is also used on sets. Let K and N
skills in daily be set. The union of the sets K and N, denoted by K
living U N, is the set that contains those elements that are
either in K or in N, or in both.

Example 1. Consider the set of favorite fruits of

Khaifa and Nosair. Let this set be U.

U={apple, banana, mango, orange, pineapple, mango}

K = {apple, banana, mango}
N = {orange, pineapple mango}

K U N ={apple, banana, mango, orange, pineapple}

Let K and N be sets. The intersection of the sets K and N,

denoted by K Ⴖ N, is the sets containing those elements
in both K and N.
Example 2. Consider the set of favorite fruits of Khaifa
and Nosair. Let this set.

U={apple, banana, mango, orange, pineapple, mango}

K = {apple, banana, mango}

N = {orange, pineapple mango}

K Ⴖ N = {mango}

Example 3. Consider the set of favorite fruits of Khaifa

and Nosair. Let this set.
Let K and N be sets. The difference of the set K and N,
denoted by K – N, consisting of elements that are in K
but not in N.

K – N = {apple, banana}
N – K = {orange, pineapple}

Example 4. Given the sets:

U = {2,4,6,8,0,1,4}

A = {2,4,6,8} B = {0,1,4}

A U B = {0,1,2,4,6,8}
A Ⴖ B = {4}
A – B = {2,4,6}
B – A = {0,1}

 In general, the inclusive OR is used in

mathematics. Thus, when we say, “elements
belong to A or B “, that includes the possibility
that the elements belong to both means that
referring to the to the intersection of sets.
 Sets whose intersection is an empty set are
called disjoint sets. Then A Ⴖ B = ∅
 The cardinality of the union of two sets is given
by the following equation equation:
n(A U B) = n(A) + n(B) – n (A Ⴖ B).
Therefore n ((A U B) ≠ n(A) + n(B).

Activity 3(individual):
I. Making Given the sets, determine the elements and
generalization cardinality of:
and abstract A = {0,1,2,3,4} B = {0,2,4,6,8}
about the lesson Ans.
1. A U B 1. {0,1,2,3,4,6,8}
2. A Ⴖ B 2. {0,2,4}
3. A – B 3. {1,3}
4. B – A 4. {6,8}
Evaluate (10min)
Read the questions carefully.

a. Define the following in your own words:

1. Union
2. Intersection
3. Difference of set. a. Define the following in your
own words: ANSWER MAY VARY
b. Let U = {0,2,4,6,8,1,3,5,7,9}
J. Evaluating b. 1. A U B ={0,2,4,6,8,1,3,5,7,9}
learning A = {0,2,4,6,8} B = {1,3,5,7,9} 2. A Ⴖ B = {}, ∅
Find: 3. A – B = {0,2,4,6,8}

1. A U B
2. A Ⴖ B
3. A – B



 Find a pair (classmate). Answer the following
question below. Write both of your answer
in your notebook, the determine the things
you have in common, or that you have but
she/he does not and total your answers in
K. Additional
each question.
activities for
 Answer the following: (At least 5 answer
application or
each question)
1. What are your favorite colors?
2. What are your favorite animals?
3. What are your favorite movie?
4. List down your favorite application you’re always
using in your weapon.
5. Who are your favorite actors in the Philippines?
6. How about the actresses?

A. No. of Learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lesson worked?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did this worked?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
use/ discover
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by: Check by


SST-I School Head-III

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