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Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer
1. It is a set of beliefs and practices that is often focused on one or more deities, or gods.
A. Religion C. Missionaries
B. Belief D. None of these
2. Relating to or characterized by the belief that there is only one God.
A. MONOTHEISM C. Atheistic
B. POLYTHEISM D. Non – theistic
3. A range of both religious and nonreligious attitudes characterized by the absence of espoused belief in a God or
B. Atheistic D. Non – theistic
4. The belief in or worship of more than one god.
A. Atheistic C. POLYTHEISM
B. MONOTHEISM D. Non – theistic
5. Disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
A. Atheistic C. MONOTHEISM
B. Non – theistic D. POLYTHEISM
6. It is an institutional organization. Well educated Clergy Elaborate Rituals and Belief.
A. Denomination c. Sect
B. Ecclesia d. New religious movement
7. A religious group that most all members of a society belong to.
A. New religious movement C. Ecclesia
B. Denomination D. Sect
8. It is Informally organized, led by self-styled, charismatic leadership. Recruit people who have economic and
psychological deprivation.
A. Sect C. Ecclesia
B. New religious movement D. Denomination
9. The belief that plants, animals, and elements of the natural world are endowed with spirits that impact events in
10. Growth by recruiting, rather then being born into church.
A. Ecclesia C. Denomination
B. Sect D. New religious movement
11. The belief that supernatural forces affect people’s life positively or negatively.
12. Belief in sacred principles of thought and conduct, such as truth, justice, life, and tolerance for other.
13. is the study of religious faith, practice, and experience especially the study of God and of God's
relation to the world.
A. Theology C. Belief
B. Religion D. Agnostics
14. is a set of truths that must be accepted and agreed to by those who wish to belong to the
religion, those who choose to be a follower or disciple.
A. Religion C. theology
B. Belief D. Creed
15. are explained, taught, and made real through ceremonies.
A. Ethics C. Ritual
B. Theology D. None of these
16. Rules about how to behave; these rules are often thought to have come from a deity or supernatural place, but
they might also be seen as guidelines created by the group over time.
A. Ritual C. Theology
B. Ethics D. None of these
17. Religions see some things as sacred and some not sacred (or profane). Some objects, actions, people, and places
may share in the sacredness or express it.
A. Ethics C. Theology
B. Sacredness D. Ritual
18. Refers to the and the system of Moral Practice directly resulting from an adherence to the beliefs.
A. Ethics C. Theology
B. Sacredness D. Ethical values
19. It is a set of MORAL PRINCIPLES and guidelines that must be respected and followed by those who would be
identified as members of the religion.
A. Moral principles C. Theology
B. Sacredness D. Ethical values
20. The practice of the denial of physical or psychological desires in order to attain a spiritual ideal or goal.
A. Prayer C. Possession
B. Asceticism D. Pilgrimage
21. Spirit is a term for the belief that animas, aliens, demons, extraterrestrials, gods, or spirits can take
control of a human body.
A. Prayer C. Possession
B. Asceticism D. Pilgrimage
22. A religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order.
A. Prayer C. Ritual
B. Asceticism D. Pilgrimage
23. A is a journey a pilgrim makes to a sacred place for the purpose of venerating it or to ask for
heavenly aid, and ultimately to come to know God better.
A. Prayer C. Ritual
B. Asceticism D. Pilgrimage
24. Rituals express the emotional experience to have the right attitude toward God and others.
A. Worship C. Ritual
B. Asceticism D. Pilgrimage
25. As the means by which we receive supernatural help.
A. Prayer C. Ritual
B. Asceticism D. Pilgrimage
26. Traditionalists who observe most ceremonial laws and dietary restrictions.
A. Prayer C. Ritual
B. Orthodox D. Pilgrimage
27. The Jewish leader who helped Jewish slaves escape slavery.
A. David C. Moses
B. Abraham D. Noah
28. is considered to be the Father of the Semitic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam).
A. David C. Moses
B. Abraham D. Noah
29. Refers to the descendants of the Hebrews, which originated from Abraham.
A. David C. Israelite
B. Hebrew D. Noah
30. do not believe that Jesus was anything more than a good and wise man who lived and died 2000
years ago, and they are still await their messiah.
A. David C. Israelite
B. Hebrew D. Jew
31. It is considered to be the first major Jewish denomination to adopt gender equality in religious life.
A. Reform Judaism C. Israelite
B. Hebrew D. Conservative
32. It’s a religious movement that seeks to conserve essential elements of traditional Judaism but allows for the
modernization of religious practices in a less radical sense than that espoused by Reform Judaism.
A. Reform Judaism C. Israelite
B. Hebrew D. Conservative Judaism
33. It is the collective term for the traditionalist branches of contemporary Judaism. Theologically, it is chiefly
defined by regarding the Torah, both Written and Oral, as revealed by God to Moses on Mount Sinai and
faithfully transmitted ever since.
A. Reform Judaism C. Orthodox judaism
B. Hebrew D. Conservative Judaism
34. The is consist of the five (5) books of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament by Christians) that were
given by God to Moses on Mount Sini.
A. Koran C. tanakh
B. Toarah D. Nevi’im
35. The Hebrew Bible (called the Old Testament by Christians) is a collection of 24 books divided into three (3) parts:
Torah, Nevi’im, and Ketuvim.
A. Koran C. tanakh
B. Toarah D. Nevi’im
36. It contains stories of creation, records the establishment of the covenant between God and the Jewish people,
tells of the lives of the patriarchs and matriarchs.
A. Genesis C. Exodus
B. Toarah D. Nevi’im
37. It gives God’s ethical and ritual laws and specific instructions to priests on how to perform their duties.
A. Genesis C. Exodus
B. Toarah D. Leviticus
38. An account of Israelites enslaved in Egypt, the exodus from Egypt, the receiving of the 10 Commandments at Mt.
A. Genesis C. Exodus
B. Toarah D. Leviticus
39. Moses reviews the laws and the people prepare to enter the promised land.
A. Genesis C. Exodus
B. Deuteronomy D. Leviticus
40. The third and final section of the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible), after Torah (instruction) and Nevi'im (prophets).
A. Ketuvim C. Exodus
B. Toarah D. Leviticus
41. The religion of the Hebrews; it is the world’s oldest monotheistic religion.
A. Christian C. Islam
B. Judaism D. Hinduism
42. A code of moral laws given to Moses by God?
A. Ten Commandments C. Koran
B. The Bible D. Tanakh
43. The Arabic language gives the Islamic religion its name , which means “submission” or “obedience to
A. Judaism C. Christian
B. Islam D. None of these
44. The source for Islamic doctrine is found in the Qur'an (Koran). Muslims believe that Qur'an is the word of God, it
is spoken by the angel Gabriel to .
A. Jesus C. David
B. Moses D. Muhammad
45. It is a five times prayer everyday of Islam believers. These ceremonial prayers must be performed in the
direction to Mecca and involve: first standing, inclining, prostrating oneself, and sitting.
A. Shahadah (The Creed) C. Salat (Obligatory Prayer)
B. Sawm (Fasting) D. Zakat (Charity)
46. It is a public avowal recited in Arabic: (ašhadu an) lā ilāha illá l-Lāhu (wa ashhadu 'anna) Muḥammadan rasūlu l-
Lāhi; in English: (I profess that) there is no god except God and (I profess that) “Muhammad is the Messenger of
A. Shahadah (The Creed) C. Salat (Obligatory Prayer)
B. Sawm (Fasting) D. Zakat (Charity)
47. What do you call to the pilgrimage to Mecca that every believer must once in their life make a pilgrimage to the
Ka'bah, the sacred shrine of Islam in Mecca.
A. Shahadah (The Creed) C. Hajj
B. Sawm (Fasting) D. Zakat (Charity)
48. When Archangel Gabriel reveals the first verse of the Qur’an to Prophet Muhammad?
A. 610 C.E. C. 634 C.E.
B. 632 C.E. D. 624 – 630 C.E.
49. Death of Prophet Muhammad which later on started the separation of factions within Islam
A. 610 C.E. C. 634 C.E.
B. 632 C.E. D. 624 – 630 C.E.

50. When Abu Bakr became the first caliph after the death of Muhammad; the first of the four caliphs of the
Rashidun caliphate based on the Sunni Muslims.

A. 610 C.E. C. 632 C.E.

B. 634 C.E. D. 624 – 630 C.E.

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