D Soal UAS Linguistics Ganjil 2022-2023

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Alamat : Jl. Gunung Pangilun Padang.

Telp: (0751) 7053731 -Fax (0751) 7053826



Mata Kuliah : General Linguistics
Hari/Tanggal : Senin/ 9 Januari 2023
Waktu : 60 Menit
BP/Sesi : 2021
Jenis Ujian : Tutup Buku
Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Dosen : 1. Dr. Yendra, S. S., M.Hum.
2. Dr. Yelfiza, M. Pd.

Petunjuk :
1. Berdoalah sebelum Mengerjakan ujian.
2. Tuliskan No. Absen di kiri atas lembarJawaban.
3. Tuliskan identitas diri pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan.
4. Bacalah soal dengan teliti dan jawablah sesuai dengan petunjuk yang diberikan.
5. Dilarang menggunakan HP dan Kalkulator selama ujian.

1. In human life, humans need communication to interact with one another. In a general sense,
communication is referred to as language, but conceptually not all communication can be
categorized as language. Explain why is that?

2. Linguistics is the science of language. In general, study of Linguistics are categorized as “Micro,
Macro and Applied linguistics”. Explains briefly how the categorization of the three concept?

3. Learning a language, especially a foreign language, is the process by which we learn how to
communicate. However, as English Education Department student why do we need to study the
scientific core of linguistics such as phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics?

------------Good luck-----------

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