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10th June 2023

Aum Sri Sai Ram

Transport policy:
GK Module: Mantra
• Use bike for a short distance
(1 to 10 Km), use car for 2 to
• 50 marks exam is conducted at end of the
3 hours of journey. Train
course. However, the marks is converted for works better for 10 to 15
40. hours of journey. Flight is
• The remaining 10 marks will come from the best in case if the journey
class participation.
takes more than a day.
• Course structure: 50-50 (static and dynamic)
• Static part: for NET exam general paper.
• Build metros and hyperloop
• Dynamic part: Current affairs, students'
for transportation within the
presentations, activities done during GK big cities.
class, editorial page. Any one student should
read any one editorial from any newspaper •
and come and do the presentation. g6M
Who is Birsa Munda?
• Birsa Munda was an
Indian tribal freedom fighter, and folk
hero who belonged to the Munda tribe.
• He spearheaded a tribal
religious millenarian movement that Identify this
arose in the Bengal
Presidency (now Jharkhand) in the late person
19th century, during the British Raj,
thereby making him an important figure
in the history of the Indian
independence movement.

• A Greek gymnast and Olympic

gold medalist.
• He won gold in the men's rings
at the 2004 Summer
Olympics in Athens.
Dimosthenis Tampakos • He had also won the silver Comes to
medal at the 2000 Summer
Olympics in Sydney. MDH...
Shorts: Editorial

Thank You Sairam

Aum GK
Sri Sai Ram
24th June 2023

Editorial: TOI Market can give better goods...

• The telecom sector is a good example.
• India’s future depends on wide popular acceptance of the virtues of private When government had a monopoly, India
enterprise. PM’s monthly radio chat is an excellent platform to preach this
mantra had one crore telephones with a 10-year
• Not since FDR’s during America’s Depression or Churchill’s radio chats in World waiting list. After the reforms, suppliers
War II has apolitical leader used such a platform, and to such great effect. began to compete and soon India had
• India has grown at nearly 7% annually since1991 – an outstanding achievement over 100 crore phones.
for any democracy . • Prediction: At the conservative 7%, India
• 3 reasons for our failure: One, we haven’t created enough manufacturing jobs will become by 2047 a $19 trillion
in labour intensive sectors.
economy with aper capita income of
• Two, our schools and colleges have failed to deliver employable graduates over $10,000.
barring a creamy layer.
• Three, the least appreciated, is that the market system has still not found a
comfortable home in India.
Age of AI
Some Videos
• •
(106 year runner)
• (
village on sustainable

Data for better understanding the

% of Cars in the world:
• (apple
stores) Thanks Sairam
• (CEO
M2Y%3D (History in real times)
• (life tips)
(Narayan Murthy )
Aum Sri Sai Ram
29th July 2023


• Grand Central Terminal, Park Avenue, New York is the world's
E A. largest railway station
Fall of Byju! B. highest railway station
C. longest railway station
D. None of the above
A. largest railway station Entomology is the science that studies

• Grand Central Terminal in New York

City, USA: Grand Central Terminal is A. Behaviour of human beings
one of the most iconic and busiest
railway stations in the world, serving B. Insects
over 750,000 passengers per day. C. The origin and history of technical and
• It is located in midtown Manhattan and scientific terms
has 44 platforms, making it one of the D. The formation of rocks
largest railway stations by platform

International Civil Aviation Organization

Indian Corporation of Agriculture

3. ICAO stands
Insects for
Institute of Company of Accounts

None of the above

4. Which is the world’s smallest country?

•Answer: Vatican City

Civil Aviation

Recognize these buildings and their locations

Colosseum in
Where is the
Tower Bridge
located London

Manipur Crisis Shorts:

• •
feature=share (Tata Plan)
k?feature=share (Richest man)
U?feature=share (When your dad is the
Principal of a collage)
Lifestyle and aging:

Thank You
Aum Sri Sai Ram


5th August 2023

With the Mother: Part 1 With the Guru: Part 2

India has the largest

deposits of ____ in the
DOUBLE BY 2031 a) Gold
b) Copper
c) Mica
d) None of the above
Answer: Mica. Jharkhand.
193 Member States


UNITED NATIONS? The UN's Membership has grown from the
original 51 Member States in 1945 to the
current 193 Member States. All UN Member
States are members of the General Assembly.

The unique geography
of Istanbul
THAT IS LOCATED IN Though Istanbul is considered
one city, part of it sits on the
continent of Europe, neighboring
Greece and Bulgaria; the other
part sits on the continent of Asia,
neighboring Syria, Iran, and Iraq
beyond Turkey's borders.
Capital city of Turkey?


Moscow, Russia

WHICH IS THE Which is the largest

waterfall in the world?

Answer: Victoria Falls

Answer: Gold
How JAINS built the
DIAMOND Industry of
India? : Business Case
What are Endangered species?

Aum Sri Sai Ram

A species that is very likely to become

extinct in the near, future either worldwide
Kiran P B or in a particular political jurisdiction.

What does it do?
IUCN works to develop best practices and approaches
that enable effective conservation and help sites achieve
IUCN stand for International Union for high standards, while also informing professional capacity
Conservation of Nature. development and influencing national and global policy.
IUCN is at the forefront of the global fight to save species
from extinction.

3 4
Red book data

A Red Data Book is a document that keeps a record of all the

endangered species of animals, plants, and fungi in a country
or a state.
10 of the Most Famous Endangered
To date, more than 150,300 species have been assessed for
The IUCN Red List. species
Every year we celebrate National Endangered Species Day on
third Friday of May.(19,2023)

Giant panda
Scientific name: Ailuropoda melanoleuca
Home : China
Present population:Lesser than 2,500
Cause : Low reproductive rate

7 8
Scientific name:Panthera tigris
Home:India,Nepal ,Bhutan and Bangladesh.
Present population:4,500
Cause of extinction: By human activities.

9 10

Whooping cranes
Blue whale
Scientific name:Grus americana
Scientific name:Balaenoptera musculus
Home:Wood Buffalo National Park Home:All oceans except the Arctic.
Present population: Just over 800 Present population:About 10,000 to 25,000 blue
Cause:Habitat loss and past rampant, unregulated whales
hunting for their meat and feathers. Cause: Vessel strikes and entanglements in fishing gear.

11 12
Asian elephant
Scientific name :Elephas maximus
Home: India and Southeast Asia, including Sumatra and
Present population:Less than 50,000
Cause: Illegal killing for their ivory.

13 14

Snow leopard
Sea Otter
Scientific name:Enhydra lutris
Home:California, Washington, Canada, Alaska, Russia Scientific name: Panthera uncia
and Japan. Home: Afghanistan, Bhutan, China, India, Kazakhstan,Mongolia,
Present population:Around 3,000 individuals. Nepal, Pakistan ,Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.
Cause:Oil spills, pollution and diseases Present population: 4,080-6,590
Cause: Habitat deterioration, habitat loss, poaching and climate

15 16
Gorillas Tasmanian devil

Scientific name: Gorilla Scientific name: Sarcophilus harrisii

Home: Equatorial Africa, separated by about 560 miles of Congo Home: Tasmania, Australia
Basin forest.
Present population:316,000 western gorillas in the wild and 5,000
Present population: 20,000
eastern gorillas. Cause: Infectious cancer
Cause:The commercial trade in bushmeat.

17 18


“ we all have a responsibility to protect

Scientific name:Pongo pygmaeus endangered species, both for their sake
Home: Southeast Asian islands of Borneo and Sumatra. and for our sake.”
Present population: 14,000
Cause: Loss of habitat, illegal capture, and trade.

Water Intoxication

Water intoxication also know as water poisoning,

hyperhydration or overhydration

This is mainly because of drinking too much of water which leads to dilute the electrolytes,
especially sodium, in the blood.

If sodium levels fall below 135 millimoles per liter (mmol/l), doctors refer to the issue as

Sodium helps maintain the balance of fluids inside and outside of cells. When sodium levels drop
due to excessive water consumption, fluids travel from the outside to the inside of cells, causing
them to swell.

When this happens to brain cells, it can be dangerous and even life threatening.
Dangers of
When a person consumes an excessive amount of water and cells
in their brain start to swell, the pressure inside their skull
increases. This causes the first symptoms of water intoxication,
which include:
● headaches
● nausea
● vomiting

Severe cases of water intoxication can produce more serious

symptoms, such as:

● drowsiness
● muscle weakness or cramping
● increased blood pressure
● double vision
● confusion
● inability to identify sensory information
● difficulty breathing

A buildup of fluid in the brain is called cerebral edema. This can affect the brain stem and cause
central nervous system dysfunction. In severe cases, water intoxication can cause seizures, brain
damage, a coma, and even death. 4

What can cause water intoxication?
Water intoxication most commonly affects people participating in sporting events or
endurance training, or people who have various mental health conditions.

It mainly occurs in this three flides

Sporting events

Military training

Mental health conditions

Sporting events

Water intoxication is particularly common among endurance athletes. It can happen if a person drinks a lot
of water without correctly accounting for electrolyte losses.

For this reason, hyponatremia often occurs during major sporting events.

As the authors of one study report, out of 488 participants in the 2002 Boston Marathon, 13% had
hyponatremia symptoms, and 0.6% had critical hyponatremia, with sodium levels of less than 120 mmol/l.

Instances of water intoxication at these events have resulted in death. One case involved a runner who
had collapsed after a marathon.

Because he was improperly rehydrated, his sodium levels fell below 130 mmol/l. The runner then
developed water on the brain, known as hydrocephalus, and a hernia in his brain stem, which caused his
Military training

One medical report described 17 soldiers who developed hyperhydration after drinking too much
water during training. Their blood sodium levels were 115–130 mmol/l, while the normal range is
135–145 mmol/l.

According to another report, three soldiers died due to hyperhydration and cerebral edema. These
deaths were associated with drinking more than 5 liters of water in just a few hours.

How to drink water the right way?

1. Always try to have lukewarm water.
Warm or hot water actually has the ability to absorb deeper into your tissues.
Warm water cleanses and detox’s your body better than the cold or normal
water. Ice cold water is an absolute disaster for your health as it can give you
cold or cough problems and can also dampen your digestion. Warm foods
promote digestion while cold foods hinder it.

2. Sit down while drinking water.

Standing and drinking disrupts the balance of body fluids. You may
accumulate unwanted excess fluid in your body if you drink while standing up
which can often lead to arthritis. It also affects the digestion and absorption
of minerals which leads to other problems as well.

3. Drink slowly.
Drinking water in small sips allows the body to process the nutrients and
minerals well. It also makes it easier for our kidneys to process all the fluids.

4. Start your day with a glass of boiled water.

Drink warm water in the morning as it helps flush out the toxins that have
accumulated overnight and cleanses your digestive tract to get you ready for
the day! It also increases your metabolism which promotes weight loss.

5. Avoid water while eating.

Ayurveda strongly recommends that one should not drink water with their
meals. You can have large amounts of water at least an hour before and after
meal times but not during the meals. Having too much water near your meal
times can dilute the digestive acids and mess up the proper digestion of
foods. If you must drink then you can take a sip or two at most during your
meals. 9

Video Related to water intoxication:-

Video Related to how to drink water:-

1. All participants must answer at least one

2. Thirty seconds are provided or answerin a

question, and the pass question will receive 10

3. A correct answer will earn 10 points.

4. A passed question will earn 5 points.

TRIVIA -2023 ” 5. Each team is allowed one audience call.


01 Sports

02 Science
03 Spirituality

1. Which sport is played on a course known
as a "links"? Answer : a) Golf

A. Golf Gol is played on a course called a

B. Tennis "links," which is characterized by its
C. Cricket natural terrain and coastal location.
D. Soccer

2. In which sport would you perform a

"slam dunk"? Answer: b) Basketball

A. Volleyball
B. Basketball A "slam dunk" is a orce ul way o
C. Swimming scorin in basketball by puttin the
D. Baseball ball directly throu h the hoop with
one's hand.
3. Which country is famous for originating
the sport of cricket? Answer : d) England

A. United States
B. Australia Cricket is believed to have ori inated in
C. India En land and is one o the most popular
D. England sports in many Commonwealth

4. Which country hosted the 2020 Summer

Olympics, originally scheduled for 2020 but
postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic? Answer : b) Japan

A. United States
B. Japan The 2020 Summer Olympics were held in
C. Brazil Tokyo, Japan, in 2021, a ter bein
D. Australia postponed or a year.
5. The Wimbledon Championships is a major
event in which sport? Answer : a) Tennis

A. Tennis
B. Badminton The Wimbledon Championships is one o the
C. Cricket our Grand Slam tennis tournaments held
D. Rugby annually.

6. Which athlete is known as "The Flying

Finn"? Answer : d) Paavo Nurmi
A. Usain Bolt
B. Carl Lewis
Paavo Nurmi, a Finnish middle- and
C. Sebastian Coe
lon -distance runner, was nicknamed "The
D. Paavo Nurmi
Flyin Finn" or his incredible speed.
7. Which city will host the 2022 FIFA World
Cup? Answer : a) Qatar City
A. Qatar City
B. Riyadh Hostin the World Cup in the Middle East was
C. Dubai seen as a way to promote unity and
D. Doha understandin in a re ion o ten marked by
political and cultural differences.

8. Which sport is played on a table with a small

ball and paddles? Answer : c) Table Tennis
A. Snooker
B. Pool
Table Tennis, also known as pin pon , is
C. Table Tennis
played on a small table with paddles and a
D. Air Hockey
li htwei ht ball.
9. Which athlete set a new world record in the
men's 400m hurdles at the 2021 Tokyo
Answer : c) Karsten Warholm

Karsten Warholm completed the race with an

A. Usain Bolt astonishin time o 45.94 seconds, breakin the
B. Wayde van Niekerk previous world record o 46.70 seconds set by
C. Karsten Warholm American athlete Kevin Youn in 1992..
D. Michael Johnson

10. Which sport is known as "The Beautiful

Game"? Answer : a) Football (Soccer)

A. Football (Soccer)
B. Basketball
Beauti ul Game," is one o the most popular
C. Rugby
sports lobally, known or its fluid and
D. Tennis
dynamic ameplay.
11. Which sport is known as "The Gentleman's
Sport"? Answer : b) Cricket
A. Tennis
B. Cricket
Cricket is o ten re erred to as "The
C. Golf
Gentleman's Sport" due to its historical
D. Boxing
association with etiquette and air play.

12. Which athlete is often referred to as "The

Flying Sikh"? Answer : b) Milkha Singh
A. Usain Bolt
B. Milkha Singh
Milkha Sin h, an Indian track and field
C. Michael Phelps
athlete, earned the nickname "The Flyin
D. Carl Lewis
Sikh" due to his speed and achievements.
13. What is the total number of players on a
standard soccer team on the field at a time? Answer: b) 11
A. 10
B. 11
C. 9 A standard soccer team has 11 players
D. 12 on the field, includin the oalkeeper.

1. Which planet has the most extended
and complex ring system in our solar

ROUND A. Jupiter C. Uranus

B. Saturn D. Neptune

Answer: b) Saturn 2. Which of the following produces the
majority of the oxygen on Earth?

Saturn's ring system is the most

extensive and complex among A. Trees C. Oceans
the planets in our solar system.
B. Plants D. Coral Reefs

Answer: c) Oceans 3. Which of the following substances can

flow up walls and even through the
tiniest cracks?
The oceans produce about half of the
oxygen we breathe, and phytoplankton
are the main producers of oxygen in the
A. Water C. Helium
oceans. Trees and other plants on land also
produce oxygen, but they only produce B. Mercury D. Crude oil
about 30% of the total oxygen on Earth.
Answer: c) Helium 4. What causes tides on Earth?

Helium is the only substance that can

flow up walls and even through the A. Gravitational C. Gravitational
tiniest cracks. This is because pull of the Sun pull of the Moon
superfluids have zero viscosity, which
B. Earth's rotation D. Wind patterns
means that they have no resistance to

Answer: c) Gravitational pull of 5. The ozone layer is located in the

the Moon ______layer of the atmosphere.

Tides are primarily caused by the A. Troposphere C. Mesosphere

gravitational attraction between the
Moon and Earth, creating a bulge of B. Stratosphere D. Thermosphere
water on the side facing the Moon.
Answer: b) Stratosphere 6. Which NASA spacecraft achieved a historic
milestone by making the closest-ever
The ozone layer is located in the approach to the Sun??
stratosphere, which is the second layer of
the atmosphere. The troposphere is the A. Voyager 1 C. New Horizons
layer closest to the Earth's surface, and the
mesosphere is the layer above the B. Juno D. Parker Solar Probe
stratosphere. The thermosphere is the
outermost layer of the atmosphere.

Answer: d) Parker Solar Probe 7. What is the name of the space telescope
launched by the European Space Agency
(ESA) to study exoplanets?
The Parker Solar Probe is a NASA
spacecraft that aims to study the Sun's A. Hubble Space C. Kepler Space
outer atmosphere and its effects on space Telescope Telescope
B. Chandra X-ray D. CHEOPS
Answer: d) CHEOPS 8. What is the name of the most recent
rover launched by China to explore Mars?

The Characterizing Exoplanet Satellite

(CHEOPS) is an ESA space telescope A. JuJutsu Mac-3 C. Kuen Kao
designed to study known exoplanets and
B. Zhurong D. Shiing-Shen
their properties.

Answer: d) Zhurong 9. Which of the following is the hardest

natural substance on Earth?

Zhurong is China's Mars rover that landed on A. Diamond C. Steel

Mars in 2021 as part of the Tianwen-1
mission. B. Iron D. Rutherfordium
Answer: a) Diamond 10. Which among the following is the
fastest Living organism on Earth?

Diamond is a crystalline form of carbon that

is the hardest natural substance known. It is A. Peregrine falcon C. Cheetah
also the most transparent and has a high
refractive index. B. Blue whale D. Jaguar

Answer: a) Peregrine falcon 11.What is L1 in Aditya L1 Mission Launched


The peregrine falcon is the fastest animal on

Earth, with a top speed of over 200 miles per A. Lunar Point 1 C. Lev-range Point 1
hour. It is found in all parts of the world
except Antarctica. B. Lagrangian Point 1 D. Laksh Point 1
Answer: a) Lagrangian Point 1

The Aditya-L1 will carry seven different payloads to

have a detailed study of the sun, four of which will
observe the light from the sun and the other three
will measure in-situ parameters of the plasma and
magnetic fields.It will be placed in a halo orbit
around Lagrangian Point 1 (or L1), which is 1.5 million
km away .

1. Which Upanishad contains the famous
phrase "Tat Tvam Asi" (That Thou Art)?

A. Chandogya Upanishad
B. Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
ROUND C. Isha Upanishad
D. Mandukya Upanishad

2. What is the primary focus of the
Bhagavad Gita?
Answer : Chandogya Upanishad
A. Rituals and ceremonies
Chando ya Upanishad explores the
B. Philosophical discourse
concept o the ultimate reality and
the identity o the individual soul with C. Historical accounts
the universal consciousness. D. Love stories

3. Which sage is credited with composing

the Upanishads?
Answer : B. Philosophical discourse
A. Valmiki
The Bha avad Gita primarily presents a
B. Vyasa
conversation between Lord Krishna and
Arjuna, addressin pro ound
C. Vasishta
philosophical and ethical questions. D. Rishabhadeva
4. Which Veda primarily contains hymns
and mantras dedicated to various deities?
Answer : C. Vasishta
A. Rigveda
Vasishta is one o the ancient sa es B. Yajurveda
traditionally associated with the
C. Samaveda
composition o some Upanishads.
D. Atharvaveda

5. Who is the narrator of the Bhagavatam

(Bhagavata Purana)?
Answer : A. Rigveda
Ri veda is an ancient Indian collection A. Rama
o Vedic Sanskrit hymns (sūktas). It is B. Krishna
one o the our sacred canonical
C. Vyasa
Hindu texts (śruti) known as the Vedas.
D. Arjuna
6. According to the Bhagavad Gita, what is
the path of selfless action and devotion to
Answer : C. Vyasa God called?

The Bha avatam is narrated by Sa e A. Dharma

Vyasa to Kin Parikshit. B. Bhakti
C. Karma
D. Moksha

7. Which chapter of the Bhagavad Gita

deals with the concept of the eternal soul
Answer : C. Karma (Atman)?

The Bha avad Gita emphasizes the A. Chapter 2

path o selfless action (karma yo a) B. Chapter 5
as a means to attain spiritual C. Chapter 12
D. Chapter 18
8. Which Upanishad introduces the concept
of the five sheaths (koshas) that cover the
Answer : A. Chapter 2 true self?

Chapter 2 o the Bha avad Gita A. Taittiriya Upanishad

contains teachin s on the nature o B. Chandogya Upanishad
the eternal soul. C. Kena Upanishad
D. Prashna Upanishad

9. Which Upanishad emphasizes the importance

of meditation and the syllable "Om" as a symbol
Answer : A. Taittiriya Upanishad of the ultimate reality?

Taittiriya Upanishad discusses the A. Mundaka Upanishad

five sheaths (annamaya, pranamaya, B. Isha Upanishad
manomaya, vijnanamaya, and
C. Mandukya Upanishad
anandamaya) coverin the Atman
D. Aitareya Upanishad
10. What is the name of the ancient scripture that
contains the teachings and dialogues of Bhishma
Answer : C Mandukya Upanishad on duty and ethics in the Mahabharata?

Chando ya Upanishad explores the A. Bhagavad Gita

concept o the ultimate reality and B. Vedas
the identity o the individual soul with C. Upanishads
the universal consciousness. D. Shanti Parva

11. What is the name of the battle formation used

by the Kauravas on the first day of the
Answer : D. Shanti Parva Kurukshetra War in the Mahabharata?

Bhishma imparts his wisdom in the A. Garuda Vyuha

Shanti Parva o the Mahabharata. B. Chakravyuha
C. Makara Vyuha
D. Krauncha Vyuha
12. What is the central idea of the Upanishads?
Answer : C. Makara Vyuha
A. Worship of deities
he Kauravas used the Makara Vyuha
B. Ritual sacrifices
on the first day o the war. C. The unity of the individual soul (Atman)
with the ultimate reality (Brahman)
D. Historical events

Answer : C. The unity of the individual

soul (Atman) with the ultimate reality
Thank you
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Jagannath Rath Yatra

● Ratha Yatra is known as festival of chariots
where three chariots pulled by devotee.
● For each ratha there are different names and H
deities, e
Jagannath - Nandighosh (Red, Yellow) i 45
Balabhadra - Taladhwaja (Red, green) g feet
Subatra - Devadalan (Red, Black) h
● This festival celebrated for 10 days. t
● During the festival, the three deities are drawn
to Gundicha temple whereas they reside there Puri Jagannath Rath Yatra
for a week and then return to Jagannath
Ahmedabad Rath
Dance by devotees in front of the chariot to
express their bliss

Sweeping the pathway of the chariot

with a golden broom by chief Celebration of Rath Yatra free from religious

Each festival celebrated is a

landmark for our spiritual

Environmental Studies:

•Hot spot, any one of several

biodiverse regions which requires
protection on the grounds that it
Biodiversity, also hosts a significant number
of endangered species. There are
called biological currently 36 biodiversity
diversity, is the variety •The concept was introduced by
of life found in a place British conservationist Norman
Myers He claimed that a hot spot
on Earth or, often, the total must meet two criteria: it ought
variety of life on Earth. A to host more than 1,500 species
of endemic vascular plants (that
common measure of this is, vascular plants that live in that
variety, called species area and nowhere else), thereby
underlining its uniqueness and
richness, is the count irreplaceability, and the region
of species in an area. has to have lost 70 percent or
more of its primary vegetation as
a result of human activities.
The Himalayas
•It hosts almost 163 endangered
species including one-horned
rhinoceros, wild Asian water buffalo
and as many as 45 mammals, 50 birds,
12 amphibians, 17 reptiles, 3
invertebrates and 36 plant species.
The Western Ghats
•The region is also home to around
450 species of birds, 140 mammals,
260 reptiles and 175 amphibians.
Indo-Burma region
• Almost 13,500 plant species can be
spotted in the region, half of which are
endemic and cannot be found in any
other place in the world.
• Nicobar region represents India in
this hotspot. UNESCO declared this
region as the world biosphere reserve
in 2013
1.Forests: A forest ecosystem is a term used to describe a region
that is covered in trees, creating several canopy layers. A variety
3.Mountains: ecosystems are characterized
of animal species live in dense tree covers and tropical
rainforests. Forests are home to about 300 million different plant by harsh environmental conditions. These
and animal species. A forest is a type of ecosystem that includes include often long-lasting snow cover, short
tropical rainforests, plantation forests, and temperate deciduous growing seasons and topographically related
forests. disturbances such as avalanches, rockfall or

4.Deserts: ecosystem is the driest ecosystem

2.Grasslands: It has a dry environment that permits of the earth, and this is the reason it has less
relatively little vegetation. Primarily, different species of
vegetation and less diversity of life. It is one of
grasses, are what define the grassland ecosystem. In this
environment, grass and herbs predominate. The the parts of the terrestrial ecosystem. The
ecosystem of grasslands is significant to the animal plants and animals of the desert ecosystem
kingdom. have mastered the art of survival in harsh
conditions. A desert ecosystem is basically
devoid of any rainfall or precipitation.
Elephants are the only animal that can’t jump.
It takes about 50 licks to finish just one scoop of ice

Your nose gets warmer when you

Red is the first colour a baby can see.

Mickey Mouse was the first animated

character to receive a star on the
Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Ancient Civilization
And Early Societies

❑ This civilization was
around 3150 BC ❑ One of the world’s first civilization and most famous
❑ The 1st king at the first civilization in history
dynasty was Narmer
❑ Egyptians built huge pyramids , temples ,palaces and
❑ The predominantly rule
was last until conquest tombs.
by the Achaemenid ❑ Their paintings and carvings are among the wonderful
ever created.
Khufa Tomb and Shabti Doll
❑ If a farmer didn’t own ,
roamed with herd sheep
and goats in the lands
beyond the cultivated land .
❑ They earned by hunting ,

• Important innovations of this civilization

Indus civilization Importance include standardized weights and

measures, seal carving, and metallurgy
with copper, bronze, lead, and tin.

• The Indus Valley Civilisation (IVC), • Little is understood about the Indus
also known as the Indus Civilisation, script, and as a result, little is known
was a Bronze Age civilisation in the about the Indus River Valley
northwestern regions of South Asia, Civilization’s institutions and systems of
lasting from 3300 BCE to 1300 BCE, governance.
and in its mature form 2600 BCE to
1900 BCE. Together with ancient • The civilization likely ended due to
Egypt and Mesopotamia, it was one
of three early civilisations .
climate change and migration.

Livelihood created sculpture,
seals, pottery, and
❑ The main source of income jewelry from materials,
for them was Agriculture,
animal husbandary , Industry , such as terracotta,
trade and commerce.
metal, and
❑ Post , weaving tools and
indicating that they traded stoneextended from
these goods with other cities.
modern-day northeast
Afghanistan to Pakistan
and northwest India.

Mohenjo-Daro The Great Bath Dholavira Board And Mehargar

Great Bath, ancient structure
at Mohenjo-daro, Pakistan, an
archaeological site featuring ruins of the
Indus civilization. The Great Bath of
Mohenjo-Daro is called the "earliest public
water tank of the ancient world". It measures
approximately 12 metres (40 ft) by 7 metres
(23 ft), with a maximum depth of 2.4 metres
(8 ft). Two wide staircases, one from the
north and one from the south, served as the
entry to the structure..
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