Market Research Nguyen Duc Manh 11202503

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Market research about game mobile and customer sastisfaction about
current services.

Class BBAE I3A

Name Nguyen Duc Manh

Student ID 11202503
Hanoi 27 September 2023
Teache Dinh Duc Truong
r Nguyen Dieu Hang

Table of Contents
Article I. Introduction...........................................................................................3
Article II. Research Objective..............................................................................4
Article III. Literature Review..................................................................................5
Section 3.01 Definition of customer................................................................5
Section 3.02 Definition of consumer behavior................................................5
Section 3.03 Definition of online games.........................................................5
Section 3.04 Definition of customer theory.....................................................6
Section 3.05 Definition of customer theory towards online games.................6
Article IV. Theoretical frame and method..............................................................7
Section 4.01 Theoretical frame.......................................................................7
Section 4.02 Research method......................................................................8
Article V. Questionaire.........................................................................................8
Article VI. References.........................................................................................12

Article I. Introduction

In any country, economic development depends on the development of

three components of the economy. However, in recent years, the service sector is
growing at a high rate in developing countries and contributes largely to income
and employment. The service industry plays a very important role in the economic
development of any country.

The entertainment industry is thriving again after 2 years affected by the

pandemic, especially the net game business. The demand for entertaining games
is increasing and electronic sports - Esport is gradually being recognized by
Vietnamese society as a sport, society also has a less strict view of game players.
Esport is also one of the contents competing at the largest sports festival in
Southeast Asia - Sea Games 31 taking place in Hanoi - Vietnam. These are the
advantages and golden opportunities for those who are passionate about games
and passionate about doing business successfully with the net game business.

Despite a very high growth rate compared to the world average, mobile
game revenue in 2022 in Vietnam only reached 507 million USD out of a total of
54.6 million players. In Vietnam, the gaming industry, which only focuses on online
PC games, has also changed; many new and agile companies have grasped this
trend to rise. The development of smartphones and mobile internet usage fees,
mainly 3G connections in Vietnam, which is one of the cheapest countries in Asia,
have created good conditions for mobile games to develop.

The Vietnamese gaming market is still small and has not received much
attention from large corporations. However, Vietnam is at a ripe time to exploit the
development potential of both customers and the strongly growing game
technology force, including the field of e-sports. E-sports is highly appreciated by
the community. The game is not only a regular entertainment game but also sports.

Newzoo's report as of November 2022 shows that the scale of the global
gaming industry reached 184.4 billion USD, with mobile game industry revenue
estimated at 92.2 billion USD and accounting for about 50% of the market share.
Among these, some prominent regions with rapid mobile game market growth in
2022 include Latin America, the Middle East, Taiwan & Hong Kong, and Southeast

Mobile game revenue in the Southeast Asian market reached 4.5 billion
USD, just behind Latin America with an expected average growth rate of about
7.4% in the period 2020 - 2025, much higher than the average. The global mobile
gaming industry average is 3%/year.

Although ranked third in revenue in 2022 when reaching 507 million USD from 54.6
million players, the scale of mobile game revenue in the Vietnamese market still
remains quite far away from Thailand - which achieved revenue of 763 million USD

with 38.3 million players. The gap will continue until 2025 and revenue in Vietnam
accounts for a modest proportion compared to total gaming industry revenue in
Southeast Asia.

This is said to stem from some different policies in the Vietnamese mobile
game market compared to the rest of Southeast Asian countries. Research by
Malaysia Digital Economy Cooperation (MDEC) said that three factors that help
promote the success of mobile games in Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore stem
from Government support; strong cooperation of the game industry association and
the excitement of the game programming community. Meanwhile in the Philippines,
three factors driving development include the vibrant activities of gaming industry
associations; game programming community and the presence of foreign game
studios. In Thailand alone, infrastructure plays an extremely important role in the
development of the game industry, in addition to the game industry association and
game programming community.

Article II. Research Objective

The goal of the research is to understand customers' usage of mobile

games and also evaluate their experiences. From there, evaluate the general
market and give directions

The detailed objectives are as follow:

 Grasp the market situation of users playing games on phones in the Hanoi
 Evaluate factors that influence consumer decisions
 Provide solutions to help develop the market in the near future

Article III. Literature Review

Section III.01 Definition of customer

Consumer, or customer, is a relatively familiar concept, but up to now there

has not been a unified view on the definition and connotation of this concept.
According to the definition in the Ordinance on Consumer Protection of the
National Assembly Standing Committee: "Consumer is a person who buys and
uses goods and services for consumption and daily life purposes of individuals,
families and organizations. position"

According to Philip Kotler (2015), customers are divided into the following
five groups:

 Customers are consumers: Individuals and households who purchase

goods and services for personal use.
 Customers are manufacturers: Organizations that purchase goods and
services to use them in the production process.

 Customers are intermediaries: Organizations that buy goods and services to

then resell for profit.
 Customers are public agencies: Public organizations purchase goods and
services for later use in the public service sector or transfer those goods and
services to those who need them.
 International customers: International customers are overseas buyers
including consumers, intermediary manufacturers and government agencies

Section III.02 Definition of consumer behavior

According to Philip Kotler, consumer behavior is defined as: “A totality of

actions that take place throughout the process from recognizing a need until
purchasing and after purchasing a product". In other words, the behavior of
consumers is the actual way that causes the decisions to be made. resources are
Section III.03 Definition of online games

According to Heather Chaplin and Aaron Ruby (2005) gave the following
definition of video games: "A video game is a game controlled through electronic
tools, in which players interact with objects. on screen for entertainment purposes”.

Recently, the video game market is witnessing an extremely strong

development of smartphones or tablet computers, along with a race for features,
technology and applications. of the manufacturer. Therefore, a series of games
running on mobile platforms Android, iOS, etc. were born one after another to meet
the needs of consumers, and at the same time further prove their important
position in the game development of the house. release. In addition, famous
games in the PC game genre are also continuously developed on mobile platforms

Section III.04 Definition of customer theory

According to Engel, Blackwell and Miniard (1995): Consumer behavior of

products and services in the video game market are activities directly related to the
reception, consumption and disposal of products and services. actions, including
the decision processes that occur before or after these acts. In other words, it is
the process and psychological evolution of consumers to decide to choose or
cancel the choice of video game products and services.

Meanwhile, Schiffman and Kanuk (2006) believe that consumer

behavior is the behavior that consumers perform in the process of searching to
buy, use, evaluate and dispose of game products and services. electronics that the
person expects will satisfy some of his or her needs. Same as above, definition
mainly shows the product and service selection process of consumers in the

Thus, there are many ways to define consumer behavior, but no matter from
which angle we look at it, we can derive the main connotation of the concept, which
is the process of going from awareness to purchasing behavior. Influenced by
internal and external factors. Therefore, understanding the factors that influence
purchasing behavior can help businesses have reasonable marketing strategies to
improve business efficiency.
Section III.05 Definition of customer theory towards online games

Due to the unique characteristics of video games compared to some other

types of entertainment products and services, consumer behavior in the video
game market has the following outstanding

 Consumer behavior of products and services can be applied to individuals,

groups or organizations. With the characteristics of digital entertainment
content, video game products are easily accessible and influenced by
customers who are a certain target group or an organization.

 Consumer behavior of video game products is greatly influenced by

exogenous factors (culture, society, community, family, etc.) and
endogenous factors (awareness, age, educational level,...).In which these
factors interact and dialectically interact with each other

 Consumer behavior of video games affects many aspects of society.

Incorrect marketing strategies can have some serious consequences for
national health policy and social psychology

Article IV. Theoretical frame and method

Section IV.01Theoretical frame
Every conditioned human behavior must go through a process of evaluation
from personal concepts and beliefs leading to the intention and performed
behavior. Can behavioral theory be considered Ajzen, I. (1991) Inherited and
developed from the Theory of Reasoned Actions (Fishbein, 1967)). Accordingly,
human behavior is based on the guidance of three factors:

 Behavioral beliefs and attitudes toward behavior: This factor is based on

the process of going from beliefs about behavior, then leading to positive or
negative evaluation views about behavior. that belongs to the individual

 Subjective norms: include the individual's perception of that behavior

through external influences such as friends, parents, teachers,..., and
perception aware of the pressure of social views on that behavior

 Control beliefs: includes the individual's beliefs about the presence of

factors that inhibit or support the performance of the behavior; And the

perception of the ability to perform the behavior (Percieved behavioral

control), whether it is difficult or easy for that individual to perform that

Section IV.02Research method

 Market investigation and research methods:

 Prepare survey questionnaires, general analysis, statistical methods,
deductive inductive methods, compare - contrast.
 Secondary document research method
 Expert interview method
 Methods of applying economic models and theories

Article V. Questionaire
Purpose of investigation: Research to investigate consumer psychology towards
products and services, including the classification of types of consumer behavior,
the consumer decision-making process, factors affecting spending behavior for
electronic game entertainment and consumer classification by role group, thereby
analyzing the influencing factors in Roger's theory of technology diffusion on the
popularity and acceptance of a new game on the market.

Investigation method: Establishment of survey questionnaires, general

analysis, statistical methods, deductive - inductive methods, comparison - contrast.

Scope of investigation: Universities, Colleges,

in Hanoi, focusing mainly on Hai Ba Trung areas for questionnaires
combined with online surveys.

Part 1: Personal information

1.1. Please indicate your gender.

 Male
 Female
 Other

1.2. What is your age?

 Under 18 years old

 18 - 24 years old
 25 - 34 years old

1.3. Please select your education level:

 High school
 College

 University
 Post-graduate
1.4. Hometown?

1.5. Your current employment status:

 Studying
 Working
 Unemployment

1.6. Have you participated in a survey or research about online games before?
 Yes
 No

Part 2: Experience with online games

2.1. Have you ever played online games?

- Have
- Are not

2.2. If you have played online games, have you played online games recently?
- Yes, every day
- Yes, every week
- Yes, monthly
- No, it's been a long time

2.3. Which platform do you usually play online games on? (Multiple options can be
- PC/Laptop
- Console (e.g. Xbox, PlayStation)
- Mobile phones
- Tablet computers (tablets)
- Other (please specify)

2.4. What type of online games do you usually play? (Multiple options can be
- Action games
- Role-playing games (RPG)
- Strategy games
- Sports games
- Building game/open world
- Racing games
- Group game (co-op/multiplayer)
- Other (please specify)

Part 3: Features and online game experience


3.1. While playing online games, how do you rate the importance of the following
factors? (Use a scale of 1 - 5, with 1 being "Not important" and 5 being "Very
- Graphics and design
- Control and feedback system
- Plot and content
- Community and social interaction
- Multiplayer feature (multiplayer)
- Events and quests
- Interact with other players

3.2. Which of the following factors do you often consider when choosing an online
game to play? (Multiple options can be selected)
- Ratings and reviews of other players
- Do a game test first
- Suggestions from friends or relatives
- Events and activities in the game
- Promotions and game prices
- Game features (e.g. multiplayer, single player mode, story)
- Game community
3.3. Reasons to try a new game
 Try all new games out
 Occasionally
 Almost none
3.4 Where do you source your information from?
 Experience it yourself
 Referred by friends
 Read introductions and reviews online and in the press
 Through advertising campaigns

**Part 4: Motivation and satisfaction**

4.1. For what purpose do you play online games? (Multiple options can be
 Entertainment and relaxation
 Learn the story and world in the game
 Competition and challenges
 Connect with friends or other players
 Improve gaming skills
 Achieve high achievements in the game
 Other (please specify)

4.2. Are you satisfied with your online gaming experience?

 Very pleased
 Satisfied
 Normal
 Unsatisfied

 Dissatisfaction
4.3 Why do you choose to play video games?
 High interactivity
 Can play anytime, anywhere
 Create opportunities to express yourself
 Diversity of choices
 Its more expensive than other types of entertainment
 Helps you entertain and relax very well
 Learn from experience
 Make friends

4.3. Please provide a specific example of an online game that you are most
satisfied with and an example of a game that you are not satisfied with. (Free to

Part 5: Comments and suggestions

5.1. Do you have any comments or suggestions to improve your online gaming
experience? (Free to answer)

5.2. If you could change one thing about online gaming or the industry, what would
it be? (Free to answer)

Article VI. References

Tổng Quan VỀ Kinh doanh game Nét Cho người mới bắt đầu (no date) 24h
Computer. Available at:
game-net-cho-nguoi-moi-bat-dau.html (Accessed: 02 October 2023). \

Nhĩ Anh (2022) Việt Nam đứng thứ 7 Thế Giới và thứ 2 đông nam Á về SỐ lượt tải
game, Nhịp sống kinh tế Việt Nam & Thế giới. Available at:
so-luot-tai-game.htm (Accessed: 02 October 2023).

(No date) The world’s 2.7 billion gamers will spend $159.3 billion on ... - newzoo.
Available at:
numbers-revenues-and-audience-2020-2023 (Accessed: 02 October 2023).

Bowman, D. (2006) Heather Chaplin and Aaron Ruby: Smartbomb: The quest for
art, entertainment, and big bucks in the Videogame Revolution, The A.V.
Club. Available at:
smartbomb-the-quest-fo-1798201446 (Accessed: 02 October 2023).

VnExpress (2023) Thị Trường Game việt đặt Mục Tiêu tỷ USD - VnExpress SỐ
hóa - vnexpress, Available at:
game-viet-dat-muc-tieu-ty-usd-4588051.html (Accessed: 02 October 2023).

Khách hàng là Gì và Vai trò Của Khách Hàng đối Với Doanh Nghiệp (no date) Dẫn
đầu giải pháp Chuyển đổi số Marketing và Bán hàng. Available at:
%20c%E1%BB%A7a%20m%C3%ACnh. (Accessed: 02 October 2023).

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