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Journal of Dental Research

Relaxation of Polymerization Contraction Stresses by Flow in Dental Composites

C.L. Davidson and A.J. De Gee
J DENT RES 1984 63: 146
DOI: 10.1177/00220345840630021001

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Relaxation of Polymerization Contraction Stresses by Flow in Dental Composites
C. L. DAVIDSON and A. J. de GEE
Department of Dental Materials Science of the University ofAmsterdam, Louwesweg 1, 1066 EA Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The hardening stresses in wall-to-wall bonded composites were exert tension on the system by polymerization contraction.
measured and related to calculated values obtained from freely The upper cross-head connected to the load cell was dis-
shrinking materials. placed by the contracting material, and the corresponding
Since the ultimate tensile strength of the materials contracting forces were recorded, starting at the moment of gelation,
under restricted conditions was not lower than that of composites and continually during a period of 45 min. Each micro-
which were not hindered during the polymerization shrinkage, the
conclusion was drawn that the contraction was compensated for meter displacement of the head corresponded to a 100-N
by flow instead of internal disruptions. force. The lower cross-head of the tensilometer counter-
acted the contracting resin material fully passively. For
J Dent Res 63(2):146-148, February, 1984 free unrestricted conditions, the lower steel head (B) was
detached from the cross-head of the tensilometer and was
Introduction. counter-balanced by elastic bands connected to the upper
steel head (A). At 45 min from the start of mixing, the foil
The advantages of adhesion of composite restorations to was cut in the middle over its full circumference, and the
the cavity wall are well established (Craig, 1980). Discus- motordrive was subsequently switched on for tensile
sion still exists about whether contraction during polymeri- loading (cross-head speed, 0.1 mm/min) in order to deter-
zation may damage the restoration and its marginal seal mine the momentary elastic stress-strain ratio and the
(Asmussen, 1975; Lee and Orlowski, 1977; Bausch et al., tensile strength. The average values and standard deviations
1982; Lambrechts et al., 1983; Bowen et al., 1983). It can were calculated for each material from five readings. From
be expected that the polymerizing material which shrinks the stress-strain ratio and the polymerization contraction
under restricted conditions -e.g., due to adhesion to the measurements, the "theoretical" contraction stress could be
cavity wall - may be disrupted or will lose its bond to the calculated. The discrepancy between this value and the
tooth structure. Fractured margins or loose fillings may be actual stress was attributed to flow.
the result. However, if gelation of the resin proceeds gradu-
ally, the material could yield to the stresses, without damag-
ing the internal structure and adhesive bonds. In such a Results.
case, polymerization shrinkage may not be as harmful to Fig. 2 shows representative curves for the free volu-
the adhesive restoration as often as has been stated. metric polymerization shrinkage of Silar and Concise
The purpose of this study was to investigate the flow of measured with the dilatometer at 24 0C. Table 1 gives the
two composite materials during the early stage of setting, in values of the total volumetric polymerization shrinkage and
which most of the polymerization shrinkage occurs. rigid contraction up to 45 min, and the moment of gela-
tion, measured at 24 0C. The moment of gelation corre-
sponds to the moment at which the setting composites start
Materials and methods. to displace the load-cell of the tensilometer by contracting
The materials used in this study, Silar and Concise, differ forces. From this moment on, the setting materials are
in structure but belong to the same chemical family (see considered to contract "rigidly" ("rigid contraction"). The
Table 1), containing Bis-GMA and TEGDMA as the main contraction stresses built up at 45 min, in our experimental
components of the resin phase. Polymerization was started set-up, are shown in Table 2. If there is a completely rigid
by mixing two pastes according to the manufacturer's polymerization shrinkage from the moment of gelation,
instructions. Mixing and setting took place at 240C ± 1 0. both Silar and Concise would have undergone a linear con-
The volumetric polymerization shrinkage was determined traction of 0.75% at 45 min. From the Young's modulus
with a modified dilatometer as described by De Gee et al. determined at 45 min (given in Table 2), it can be calcu-
(1981). In order to study the flow right from the moment lated that straining the samples for 0.75% to their original
of gelation, a special dumbbell-shaped mould was designed length would produce a stress of acalc = 32.2 MPa in Silar
(see Fig. 1). Both steel heads were connected to the heads and acalc = 68.2 MPa in Concise. Experimentally, however,
of a tensilometerl and aligned with a thin, flexible, cylin- stresses of aexp = 3.9 and 2.8 MPa were observed for Silar
drical foil (inner diameter 2.7 mm, and length 7.5 mm), and Concise, iespectively. The percentage of relaxation, p,
which was fixed with an adhesive to the cylinder wall of the can be calculated by p = acalcUTcalc x 100%, being 88%
vertical bore in the upper steel head. The foil did not
counteract the shrinkage of the materials to be tested. The for Silar and 96% for Concise.
horizontal bores of the upper and lower steel heads were
taped off at one side. Freshly-mixed material was injected
into the mould through the horizontal bore of A (cf Fig. Discussion.
1) with a syringe2 extended with a tube reaching into the Composite resin systems shrink considerably during
compartment of the lower head (B). This procedure was setting. The contraction before the moment of gelation is
carried out within 50 sec from the start of mixing. not regarded as having clinical relevance (Bausch et al.,
Subsequently, the composite materials were allowed to 1982). The rigid contraction, however, has received much
attention in dentistry and is often assigned as the cause of
Received for publication July 18, 1983 marginal defects (Asmussen, 1975; Lee and Orlowski, 1977;
Accepted for publication November 4, 1983 Lambrechts et al., 1982; Bowen et al., 1983).
1 Zwick 146 3/0, Eisinger, West Germany In contemporary dentistry, where, due to pre-treatment
2HAWE Centrix, Neos, Switzerland of enamel and (in some cases) dentin, adhesion between
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Polymerization Contraction
Paste Moment of (vol%)
Material Mfg. Co. A B Gelation (sec) Total* Rigidt
Silar 3M, St. Paul (USA) ON1 OK2 170 2.75 (0.08) 2.25 (0.11)
Concise 3M, St. Paul (USA) 9L15 9N15 133 2.43 (0.09) 2.22 (0.11)
* Total volumetric contraction between 1.5 and 45 min after the start of mixing.
t Volumetric contraction between the moment of gelation and 45 min after the start of mixing.
(Number of specimens per experiment was five; standard deviations in parentheses.)


C Fig. 1 - Dumbbell-shaped
mould for determining flow of
composite materials during
setting. A and B: upper and
B lower cylindrical steel heads,
connected to the cross-heads
of the tensilometer. C: compo-
site material cylindrically
shaped by a thin flexible foil 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
(diameter = 2.7 and length =
time (minutes)-
7.5 mm). Arrows indicate
direction of tensile loading. Fig. 2 - Volumetric polymerization shrinkage curves of Silar
and Concise measured with the modified dilatometer at 24 °C.
filling material and cavity wall can be achieved, polymeri- - : moment of gelation.
zation shrinkage may be of less importance. From our
experiments, it can be concluded that, in a setting com- samples would have been strained under fully restricted
posite, stress causes flow, which compensates for shrinkage. conditions for the same 0.75%. However, for Silar and for
In the earliest stage of setting, the shrinkage is maximal, Concise, strains of 0.09% and 0.03%, respectively, were
but fortunately the material is still weak and able to yield. demonstrated experimentally. This means that a consider-
Presumably, only chain formation takes place, and cross- able part of the hardening stress is compensated for by
linking is not at full reaction. The molecules can slip into flow.
new positions and orientations. After some time, the ma- That the material is not damaged internally by the yield-
terial gains strength but also has less to yield, because the ing has been demonstrated by the equal tensile strengths of
contraction decreases. Although it must be realized that samples hardened under either free or restricted conditions.
the relaxation of the hardening stresses proceeds continu- In Fig. 3, the remaining stress situation is drawn sche-
ously with time, we based the estimation of the relaxation matically. The drawn line shows the theoretical stress
on readings at one given moment. At 45 min, approximate- approaching the stress of a completely set sample settled at
ly 95% of the total polymerization contraction has expired. 100%. The interrupted line represents the relaxation of
If the materials had contracted the total 0.75%, the stress by flow of the material setting under restricted con-

Contraction Contraction Stress Young's Modulus Tensile Strength Relaxation
Material Condition (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (%)
Silar restricted 3.9 (0.3) 4300 (525) 20.6 (2.0) 88 (3)
Concise restricted 2.8 (0.3) 9220 (745) 27.3 (2.6) 96 (1)
Silar free 4170 (660) 20.4 (1.9)
Concise free 8650 (925) 27.5 (3.8)
(Number of specimens per experiment was five; standard deviations in parentheses.)
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stress W°O

0 t moment of
theoretical stress

n remaining stress

., . . . .
~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ,. tenamel

......... ..........

> 0 -
rersntto of
withadhsio (t enmel retritedan
denin:fre cntrctin)
1 l t 1 | '
J Dent Res February 1984



tensile stress. It still must be investigated whether the com-

posite-dentin bond can resist the contraction stresses. Even

if such a bond will only exist for a relatively short period,

Fig. 3 Schematic representation of the remaining stress in
e.g., during curing of the resin, this adhesion is of para-
polymerizing composite materials when setting contraction is re- mount importance for the adaptation of the composite
-theoretical stress, calculated when completely rigid contraction filling to the cavity wall.
occurs from the moment of gelation (100% at 24 hr). In the absence of an adequate adherence of the compo-
---- relaxation due to flow, calculated from the difference between site to the dentin, the filling will loosen from the bottom of
theoretical and experimental stress. the cavity, leading to a gap (see Fig. 4). The presence of
such a gap has been emphasized by Hansen (1982). How-
ditions. The vertical distance between these two lines ever, when a proper composite-dentin bond exists initially,
represents the remaining elastic stress. This stress gradually the material will flow during polymerization. Good adapta-
grows from zero at the moment of gelation to approximate- tion will be maintained even if the adhesion is released after
ly 10% of the theoretical stress at 45 min from the start of some time.
the mixing.
The maximum contraction stress in a composite material REFERENCES
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