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Cnetl ssn: sym Hoa user! to ealize desind outed oP Ye contmited =Aver main objectives of Autreradic Conbgels Control system cjecdive Y™PKade system preforimnce B satis Fy yequianerdts ‘ s Amp gualiy of production — S$ptem shold be steble %. et an ere a sysen provide the best pessile SSreyt -Expard production Robe —psystem should pronde the best posstole sHinimize lwnan eb Pets, tonsient vespense 7 Rferance Cono\ Shane input Syrah Aewabfostpt : x 5 [enalled vert) Setpoint . Defenations ae Plant = contalled + physical abjec Operation ‘Rak consists oF contelted partical yeseht fegether andl preform a Certain object 4o be Gntrolled actions or Process: pregressively, conta) rromneds Systematically diveded toWtid aystem : Combination oP oompenents thet acts Disturbance: un-desable sigal which tends to adversely af ect the valueoP contre\ system variable . ER. unwanted inputs which afbect the conbel apsion oulput ardresult in an incase OP system enter . Feed back cordtol system It’s. Cochil cystem tend to maintain prescribed relatensh:p heetween the controlled variable andits desied vePrepnae Value Controller : Pin agent that enlcubute Ure required contol signal Serve mechanism : js Pled back contol Alctuctor: Hechanical device Converts the Contidller signeh to some Kiod of motion, roel —_— Laplace transPerm: nag wed BO, fae domain GitPey Sy Sadonnin 2885, —_ > Hime -dom A [Pes| Feo fe 4 Pay dt note 2. i Cos (tt) Notes: > Tnitial value: Leo = Yin PU Mim sees | ia ioe —s Final value PG) = linha = bin 8 te ie efw+Bar = Reaches fe Map 4 Ai he Electrics ’ ‘eal Byster + any Vere! ww Rin > Ngts> = REG) i eter Niu 2 bs 16) i Uay a ye { 4: we Pf Newey eee Hechumenh syste Perks a Kk Xs) BR Faisy = SX F ° monk => s) , “ O Srbiliy: BEBO Call sy Poler mast lic left hcl P of Hre s-plee) ~ the purpuse oF Ye contol system iste regulate he value rf seme value > The mow. liglly wwe ty frceatrl the variable , the greater the possibiliy of instability | O Steal site Regulation ~ A variation is expected above or belas the set-Paiat of wehrence valne OQ Taasient Response > Controlled variable oscilletes bat the setpoind = Setting —e, nh heo/ | sy Hime > Ts of tp > mersued Bom the time es Paeeiarer us en lenn at | ‘sbistenceeded to the time tp when H fs within the allowable | efor ands tye ls Controller = Bie Open Leep conte | eps TP or —ssentive fe disturbance —s Redice the dusmarberce Aha Bud mow conglen dad expense Marginal SHebility: Agyston Is mmarguaally sibre iP Some oP the Poles Ve on the imagines Aris, while all otters ome in WeLHs of the Pane. Some inpits may result in the opt Peco ny Un bonded with Hore To cheek the sratiigoF fhe easter: ® TeansPer Punction — KS? G@ Assume bounded input (Sepiebt) — Guy YO seat Ge week For owrded ouput Yosy = Su ® Partial Krackion @optain yr sO chenk if the oud pubs bounded Bounded inpuds 5 Bomded ovtpd —s viable LL un bounded oudpel > Unsobe i Oscillatory t__, critvolly sttble Kosh -Hurnite Table (aa>) Ne RSD Qf, 8 +8 FA,8 +e Rordh- Hurwite Table st any O Aa Se so G3 4 ‘Sy St bye aay ne, ee ES s as as Qe Ab -agb2 BP bL ge dye bre BAe a Roh _Wurwite notes: —sthe syten is Stable iP the ficet column has nosign Change. | 5 Re member of sign cheoger of uals the nanber of fort Walt-Plwe Peles > Ul there is a hale Zerevew, then Hew are poles onthe Ima ginny axis. Critically stable <—~ Tips Gat Tp. ott Ge, LaG@@we Se nied PHAR Peed back <~ Stability EE pea ieee ae Cosy BS teres Reed (SaPa) (orf) 2 poles Cissa TR eR) > 4 4k 1 CHD = Cheek the Siability Det, Get unstable Cuy4 oe Lis de RWS. 4 —eritigl stable ‘ Sfetole Unstable, ep ——> catiod sreble Me i First order system a=) 103-0 Sta, Ty = Reingtime: 22 __, thetimepeheeer-onerefe ee s = E (OA-09) or 10% —>4te%e of SSV Tye Setlingtine «HE jtime requried for an axtput to mach and romain within Aagives ervor land leningsone ings stinulus, Co-0.18) > 480 Second order System Coy 3 won? Ross 824 2 GoonS 4on* — Closed loop poles 8 See fogs Jun la ba Spee a, Od = walt = 3; COs % oe ewtz Tp ime peak) = = TeUime vise) = T= Ord Ga q TC settlagtine) 2 E Gown %LS2 looker. & ee ae "Lites +07 Sheps: Yemen ber o Let on {epee sieants aBen > y B42F wa 84 Oo™ tad = 0 Sin Using wellpage i fis / teed, syst C OC us uoi}) ae Step( sys) Po OS = oo¥e Kay 27 Cmax : S= SvepinPo(s ss), Second cxder Byers et ce: Notes: yyofost = yak OL yf os) ts) Boal & cow A The stouest system affect the result o8 fe system OR Nhe sealh Peles. 4k again detmne the SSE Notes; i BA Salabe oe eat ae sionrsint Ge Lac We = Gye Yo) | Os» I 3 : a so aba (ea) (se b) (5°) SH yy geod MUL UY Eod UY Gndoanely so euza OP Y SS UaL at . : We fas? 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