Marijuana Research Paper

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Are you struggling with writing your marijuana research paper?

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For instance, 58% of the Blacks and 55% of the Whites are for the Legalization of Marijuana use.
Statistics from the CDC show that those who take Rx opioid painkillers are forty times more likely
to be addicted to heroin, as opposed to just three times more likely with marijuana use. However, it
does prevent some of the irreparable nerve damage that glaucoma causes, and decelerates the rate of
blindness onset for the patient (Jacob, pp. 75-120). Experts (Jacob, pp. 75-120) often criticize this
use of marijuana as a glaucoma treatment due to two reasons. Due to this legitimate or constitutional
power, the federal government might play a vital role in curbing various illegal conducts such as the
production as well as the distribution of marijuana along with limiting the passage of medical
marijuana laws that are introduced by different states by a greater degree6. Do not hesitate to buy
legalizing marijuana paper from QualityCustomEssays. Thus, on the basis of the above discussion, it
can be stated that it is the enforcement officials associated with federal law who possess the legal
right to raid especially the providers of medicinal marijuana. States tend to lessen the ban on
marijuana use after realizing that taxing and imposing regulations on marijuana use serves best to
prevent its spread to the population, especially children. It involves the enforcement of the law that
prohibits the conduct. In fact, here is a brief listing of classes where you might wish to write a
marijuana research paper. Both imprisonment and the war cost our country, and therefore our people,
money. Due to such legalization, the usage rate of medical marijuana increased mainly among the
youth adults of age-groups, 12 to 20 years. It wasn’t until 1933 that the prohibition was repealed by
the Twenty-first Amendment. Limiting the use of marijuana is one of the factors that affects personal
freedom in very many ways. Moreover, the state governments highly favor the passed laws relating
to the medical value of marijuana which can be taken into concern. For this particular reason, the
enforcement officials belonging to federal law possess the legal right to raid the providers of
medicinal marijuana. It was considered that there is no accepted medical use of marijuana in
medicine. Current research implies that marijuana is an aid of great worth in the medication of a
broad range of clinical applications. In addition, prohibition seems ineffective in finding the solution
to effects of marijuana use. Smoking dried leaves and flowering tops of the pistillate hemp plant
initiates the intoxication effect. Enlightening the public of the effects of marijuana is a possible
avenue to address the issue. This will include creating an outline, writing facts on index cards,
writing your rough draft, editing, putting your works-cited information together, and more. What is
apparent is the argument as whether to legalize marijuana or render it prohibited under the law.
However, the rate of consumption of medical marijuana is also extremely high in the nations
comprising of numerous rules and laws against its consumption rather than those, without comprising
any laws. The paper is excellent and written according to all of my instructions. There are several
theories that suggest that illegalizing drug use and its prohibition boost the usage, on the contrary.
The fight against marijuana consumption would include adverts and social campaigns aimed at
informing the public against marijuana use. This does not cure the patient’s glaucoma completely.
The debate on marijuana legalization or prohibition may rotate around related impacts on the budget
of the country. The state considered this approach for the motive of delivering useful drugs to the
patients at the time of any urgency. While I also believe other illegal substances should be
decriminalized and regulated, I believe marijuana holds prime importance.
This is owing to the reason that the federal government strongly treats marijuana as a highly
addictive substance alike cocaine and does not possess any sort of medicinal value to the patients in
need. Read on to see eight interesting facts about Medical Marijuana's health benefits. Cannabis,
Cannabis laws, Global Marijuana March 1124 Words 4 Pages Thesis Statement: The legalization of
marijuana in the U. Once each individual has agreed to participate in the survey and they will
provide their email to me in order to receive the link for the survey. Shared via social movement
organizations as a means of spreading the facts. We are committed to an inclusive environment
where everyone has the chance to thrive and to the principles of equal opportunity and affirmative
action. Medicines to counter the effect of TCH should be synthesized to achieve successful
treatment from marijuana abuse. These direct enforcement costs would be negligible with the
legalization of marijuana use in the country. The awareness is growing within the minute but the
legalizations still move slowly, with only four states and the District of Columbia legalizing
marijuana in the United States. Marijuana has numerous health benefits, and therefore its legalization
should not be questioned. The entire assignment was quite a great challenge for me, but not for the
writer at GetEssay. Moreover, the issue relating to the lawful right of raiding medicinal marijuana
providers by the officials of law enforcement belonging to any state will also be addressed in this
paper. Shared via social movement organizations as a means of spreading the facts. The medicinal
applications of marijuana are due largely in part to Cannabidiol, or CBD, a compound derived from
the Cannabis leaves. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is
cheating. Also you. In this regard, no exclusion has been facilitated by the federal law for using
marijuana for medical purposes. University of colorado mfa creative writing jobs why you want to
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essay high school student. Authorized persons can use, posses and even trade with the cannabis.
CBD has quickly become one of the world's most in-demand health supplements, and for good
reason. This paper presents a strong argument against the Legalization of Marijuana in the United
States covering how its decriminalization will affect individuals and the country as a whole. One of
the foremost reasons for the federal government to limit the passage of medical marijuana laws that
are introduced by different states is that the government possesses the constitutional authority to
prohibit the use of marijuana for all functions. Whenever fatally sick patients suffer from nausea,
pain in various organs and reflect psychotic behavior, medical marijuana is prescribed. Approximately
69 million people, above 12 years of age have used marijuana at least once. Norderstedt, DENOT:
GRIN Verlag, 2011. Print. Welchand, William and Leinwand, Donna. “Slowly, states are lessening
limits on marijuana.” USA TODAY, 2010. 3 September 2010. Web. 7 August 2012. According to the
viewpoints of the federal government, the procedure concerning the creation, allocation as well as
possession of the substance i.e. marijuana is regarded as a federal crime. HUS-30 Spring March 12,
Legalization of Marijuana Medical Uses Before its prohibition in 1937,marijuana was a common
drug in the medical field. Improved employment opportunities from the farming of marijuana are
among the factors that contribute immensely to a stable economy of the country. Problems most
people illegal drug users face are the quality of the drugs they purchase. It has been apparently
observed that marijuana is being treated like other controlled substances such as cocaine under
different legislations of various nations1. The collection of the information via Survey Monkey 4.
In such cases, Medical Marijuana Benefits comes as a clear winner. Support for its legalization is
now outpacing groups who are against it, 52% of americans believes that is should be legalized. It is
the psychotropic effects of the drug, caused by tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, that has prevented
marijuana from becoming more commonly accepted. It is evident that arrests for marijuana possession
are disproportionately affecting Hispanics and blacks in the United States. It has been apparently
observed that the federal government holds both constitutional as well as legitimate power and
authority towards forbidding the use of marijuana for all different purposes. Over the years pro
medicinal marijuana people has argued that it can be effective and helpful for different deadly
diseases like cancer, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, pain, epilepsy and glaucoma. The entire assignment
was quite a great challenge for me, but not for the writer at GetEssay. There are several reasons why
it is illegal, because of government propaganda and big industry not wanting to lose money, but this
will be discussed later. Its potential benefits greatly outweigh the risks, and I believe that science can
further lessen the risks given the opportunity to perform research. Under the traditional legal
environment, the interests of all parties are taken into account and well-balanced. Marijuana should
be legalized for medical purposes and recreational use with proper regulation. But as the scientific
and medical world denounces the usage of marijuana it is banned in most countries. My stance on
marijuana is that it should be legalized and regulated for both recreational and medical use. We are
the best and most prominent Medical Cannabis Grower in Australia who extracts cannabis from the
hemp plant by using state-of-the-art tools and techniques. Visit Us. Marijuana farming would provide
agricultural benefits to farmers. The right government influence based on the relevant and profound
investigations may lead to reducing of heavy alcohol abuse and eliminating the illegal drug market.
Statistics from the CDC show that those who take Rx opioid painkillers are forty times more likely
to be addicted to heroin, as opposed to just three times more likely with marijuana use. Thus, billions
of dollars are sent overseas in several underground economic strategies. Does your state currently
legalize medical marijuana. My hope is that the DEA reschedules marijuana to either a Schedule 2 or
Schedule 3 substance, so that marijuana will be allowed for medical use in all states. Government
health officials rarely test illegal drugs for their safety when consumed by the citizens since they are
sold through unaccepted means. Some Americans even took to making their own alcoholic
beverages, through various means. Marijuana availability remains strong, undefeated by its
outlawing. It has been proposed that legalization of marijuana could have positive effects; but then,
this is a controversial issue. Marijuana is a drug that has an intoxicating effect. I received a
completed paper in two days and submitted it to my tutor on time. The country’s economy continues
to undergo losses in terms of tax evasion in such illegal businesses as marijuana sales. If you would
like to analyze the legalization of cannabis from a perspective of health conditions, this article must
be taken into consideration. Tax imposed on marijuana can help in boosting the amount of revenue
collected by the country. Once I got the completed paper, my last doubts were gone.
Marijuana is a drug that has an intoxicating effect. These imperative aspects ultimately support the
federal government to possess supreme power in controlling any sort of activities that are performed
by different states. The prohibition of marijuana came in 1937 when the state declared its
consumption illegal (Havelka 1). Chronic pain is a common condition that affects millions of people
worldwide, and marijuana has been shown to be effective in reducing pain and improving quality of
life for those suffering from chronic pain. For instance, 58% of the Blacks and 55% of the Whites
are for the Legalization of Marijuana use. In several states already, marijuana is available for
medicinal purposes, with uses of easing anxiety, relieving nausea, and stimulating appetite. The
medical use of marijuana renders it safe for consumption at sustainable and prescribed amounts. The
process of... In this paper, an attempt is made to formulate policies that ensure corporate social
responsibility (John F. There has also been research done by scientists at California Pacific Medical
Center that indicates CBD may be useful in cancer treatment. It is the psychotropic effects of the
drug, caused by tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, that has prevented marijuana from becoming more
commonly accepted. This does not cure the patient’s glaucoma completely. In this case, it would
mean going to the CDC website and finding the document with that statistic. It is regarded as one of
the advantageous as well as therapeutically dynamic substances, which has been used by the medical
practitioners for number of years. It is in this context that the federal government has been entrusted
towards exercising strong police power for offering significant benefits to the citizens of the states.
This will also give room for researcher to try to look for other medical values of the substance
because its production and availability will increase in the society. I received a completed paper in
two days and submitted it to my tutor on time. Due to such legalization, the usage rate of medical
marijuana increased mainly among the youth adults of age-groups, 12 to 20 years. This would be
viable through enactment of laws with provisions on the taxation of marijuana sales transactions that
would improve revenue generation to support and improve the economic situation. But researchers in
last decade has changed the idea. Clearly, the government is on the losing end with its fierce fight
against the use of marijuana. Apart from legally regulating, the federal government has also been
noted to strongly restrict the use of listed chemicals along with controlling substances by adopting as
well as implementing effective policies or guiding principles. Because of marijuana's history of
illegality in the United States, its use for health purposes has been widely criticized by many and
frowned upon by the government. Research shows that it has the potential to treat a wide variety of
medical conditions and symptoms, including pain, inflammation, anxiety, stress, seizures, and more.
This is owing to the reason that the federal government treats marijuana similar to other illegal as
well as dangerous substances such as cocaine and holds a supposition that it does not possess a
medicinal value. Surprisingly, many scientists and other lab experts are opening up to the idea that
marijuana can actually be used to offset and improve some symptoms, but Marijuana In College
Essay 715 Words 3 Pages Over the years Marijuana has drastically increased in college dorms, and is
affecting a large amount of students. The more resources you use that are original source materials,
or as close to original source material as possible, the more credible your essay is going to be. Upload
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Next What is Scribd. Support for its legalization is now outpacing groups who are against it, 52% of
americans believes that is should be legalized. The main symptom is intraocular pressure in the eye,
which is an elevated pressure, which causes nerve damage and impairs the vision of the patient,
sometimes to the extent of blindness. What is apparent is the argument as whether to legalize
marijuana or render it prohibited under the law.
Independent and rational choice making is part of basic rights of human beings given that their
actions are not harmful to the society and the people themselves (Rosenthal and Kubby 2). In the
1920’s, after the Eighteenth Amendment took effect, alcohol still continued to be produced,
circulated, and consumed, despite being banned. Furthermore, the use of medical marijuana is denied
to those whom it could possibly assist. Those in opposition to the prohibition present premises as
reduced marijuana trafficking in the country with prohibition. From the very beginning, it has been
apparently observed that the federal government powerfully regulates the legal production,
distribution as well as possession of controlled substances. Thank you, GetEssay, for delivering my
paper in record of 72 hours. Smoking dried leaves and flowering tops of the pistillate hemp plant
initiates the intoxication effect. CBD is what causes the alleviating effects that justify marijuana’s
use as medicine. This is a great example of profound research work. According to economists, there is
demand for policy refroms on the state of marijuana farming, possession, trade and consumption in
the country. Due to this legitimate or constitutional power, the federal government might play a vital
role in curbing various illegal conducts such as the production as well as the distribution of
marijuana along with limiting the passage of medical marijuana laws that are introduced by different
states by a greater degree6. Therefore, it may be claimed that marijuana is useful rather than harmful
for the health of these people. According to a research in published in The Guardian, a considerable
number of states tend to lessen their limitation on the use of marijuana (Enten 1). In addition, it is
evident that jail space is wasted, clogging up of the justice system is effected, diversion of
corrections officials from other violent crimes and even wasting of police time. Conversely, the state
governments have been identified to consider the medical value of marijuana holding the conception
that this particular substance would be able to cure various complex diseases by a considerable level.
In fact, here is a brief listing of classes where you might wish to write a marijuana research paper. It
has been viewed that the state governments desire to take significant initiatives in order to combat
against the action of the federal government towards limiting the passage of medical marijuana
laws6. The other decisive reason for the federal government to limit the passage of medical
marijuana laws that are introduced by different states is the factor of trust. The fight against drug
and substance abuse is an evidently expensive engagement for a number of governments. Marijuana
remains the most widely used illegal drug and stirs up constant debate everywhere. In several states
already, marijuana is available for medicinal purposes, with uses of easing anxiety, relieving nausea,
and stimulating appetite. The budgetary costs of the direct enforcement of marijuana related laws
continue to increase in the United States. What is apparent is the argument as whether to legalize
marijuana or render it prohibited under the law. The benefits of the drug may range from medical to
economical. Under prohibition, victims convicted of offenses related to marijuana use and possession
would pay fines. The paper is excellent and written according to all of my instructions. The apparent
anticipation by a number of individuals of the possibility of an increase in marijuana consumption
upon its legalization does not form a credible reason to oppose the debate. The process of... In this
paper, an attempt is made to formulate policies that ensure corporate social responsibility (John F.
Since its prohibition, related cases of marijuana consumption continue to dominate the law
enforcement sector and victims who break the law face the justice system. This would translate to no
effect on the budgetary expenditure and, therefore, create no constrains on the budget.
Over the years pro medicinal marijuana people has argued that it can be effective and helpful for
different deadly diseases like cancer, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, pain, epilepsy and glaucoma.
Problems most people illegal drug users face are the quality of the drugs they purchase. Legalizing
marijuana becomes the best option in the debate. Cannabis, whose dried leaves are referred to as
marijuana, is considered an illegal substance by the United States government. The demand of
resources used in the farming of marijuana further serves to boost the economy of the country. Thesis
Statement In this paper, the legal issues concerning whether or not the existing medicinal marijuana
program in California violates the federal law of the nation and the power of the federal government
towards limiting the passage of laws linked with medical marijuana would be addressed. There has
been evidence available at certain places where heavy usage of marijuana has led to heart attacks as
well (Graves 2005). Since the illegalization of marijuana, the numbers of people who consume it
continue to rise and increase. In case you decide to turn this feature off you can do it any time
convenient for you. One very well known medical use of marijuana is in the treatment and control of
glaucoma (, 2011). This disease affects several people every year. Current research implies
that marijuana is an aid of great worth in the medication of a broad range of clinical applications.
The Drug Enforcement Agency DEA is an agency under the United States Department of justice
and was created in 1973 Rabkin, 1999. If large amounts of money connected with marijuana sales
are cut down through legalization of the drug, there is going to be lesser incentives for teenagers to
engage in its sales. Marijuana use should be legal since people have the liberty to make informed
choices. This is owing to the reason that the federal government strongly treats marijuana as a highly
addictive substance alike cocaine and does not possess any sort of medicinal value to the patients in
need. Those in opposition to the prohibition present premises as reduced marijuana trafficking in the
country with prohibition. Minnesota’s Medical Cannabis law allows for the use and possession of
marijuana for medical purposes. One of the harshest periods experienced by Marijuana users is the
30s, a time when the public was presented with absurd allegations concerning pot. Marijuana is
different from other drugs such as Methamphetamine, Cocaine, and Heroin because marijuana does
not contain hazardous chemicals as much as Methamphetamine, Cocaine, and Heroin have. But as
the scientific and medical world denounces the usage of marijuana it is banned in most countries.
Once you smoke it, several minutes you will feel the intoxicating effect of this. Legalization of
marijuana would see an enactment of laws that will have provisions on heath standards consideration
for its sales. According to a research in published in The Guardian, a considerable number of states
tend to lessen their limitation on the use of marijuana (Enten 1). Nevertheless, it is the most popular
illegal drug in the world Caulkins, Jonathan P et al. After all, this is a subject that can be appropriate
for a wide variety of courses. Whenever possible, avoid sources that are overtly pro marijuana or
overtly anti marijuana. It looks like dried parsley mixed with stems, buds and seeds. Medical
marijuana. Emperor Shen Nung of China used Marijuana as treatment in 2737 BC Medical marijuana
use spread to Asia, Middle East, and Eastern Africa. History. Ancient History. 19 th Century. William
Brooks O’Shaughnessy, MD, FRS (1841). Research conducted show that a considerable number of
Americans prefer the legalization of marijuana. Traces of THC for several days In heavy users traces
for weeks.
During the 20th century, marijuana was only allowed in the show business world and the usage of
marijuana among jazz musicians persuaded music lovers to use the drug extensively. But what seems
to be very popular when the word drug comes up is the controversial ongoing debate on whether or
not marijuana should be legalized. Legalization would lower the number of new addicts of marijuana
and its consumption and abuse. As long as you do this, come up with an interesting topic idea, and
write a well formatted and well written paper, you are going to impress your instructor with your
knowledge. We are committed to an inclusive environment where everyone has the chance to thrive
and to the principles of equal opportunity and affirmative action. These aspects comprise federal
statutes, ratified treaties and federal regulations. This will also give room for researcher to try to look
for other medical values of the substance because its production and availability will increase in the
society. Cannabis, whose dried leaves are referred to as marijuana, is considered an illegal substance
by the United States government. This is owing to the reason that marijuana is considered to be
extremely addictive and most significantly does not bear medicinal value. Cannabis, Global
Marijuana March, Hashish 1505 Words 4 Pages Marijuana: Should it be Legal. Chronic pain is a
common condition that affects millions of people worldwide, and marijuana has been shown to be
effective in reducing pain and improving quality of life for those suffering from chronic pain. The
ban on alcohol use, for instance, eradicated a considerable resource of revenues taxes from the
government and increased the spending of government to impose the laws. This is a great example
of profound research work. Despite its illegal nature, the marijuana industry still thrives in the
society. If yes, then we are here with this blog that helps you in knowing everything about medical
cannabis. We will happily take your notes and research and write your paper for you. But researchers
in last decade has changed the idea. There is other numerous evidence of its therapeutic use
throughout the world cultures. However, Marijuana should not be in that category because marijuana
has useful functions. Apart from this, an even greater medicinal use for marijuana is as a painkiller.
It, therefore, turns out to be advisable to legalize the marijuana industry to avoid the related effects
of illegal marijuana sale on the economy. To ease the pain, he somehow got out his mysterious packet
of marijuana again. This would be a measure of promoting individual liberty. The other decisive
reason for the federal government to limit the passage of medical marijuana laws that are introduced
by different states is the factor of trust. Government health officials rarely test illegal drugs for their
safety when consumed by the citizens since they are sold through unaccepted means. The question as
to whether the drug should be legal draws considerable support and disregard from a range of
diplomatic, social, economic and health grounds. Some of the people who are jobless will also get the
opportunity to have some outlets that can participate in selling the substance. Habits develop
gradually and this offers another argument against the Legalization of Marijuana. Until then, it is
important to approach marijuana with caution and to carefully consider the potential risks and
benefits before using it for medical purposes. This will include creating an outline, writing facts on
index cards, writing your rough draft, editing, putting your works-cited information together, and

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