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Nama Kelompok : 1. Tania Putri Irawan (22080304050)

2. Ahmad Anang Setiawan (22080304096)
3. Angelina Zahra R. (22080304104)
4. Firli Fatimah U.A (22080304110)
Class : Accounting Education 2022B
Tittle : “The Pursuit of Happynes”
Genre : Biographical Drama
Director : Gabriele Muccino
Year : 2006

The film "The Pursuit of Happyness" tells the story of the struggle of a father who loves and
has to raise his young child in conditions of having no money, no home and no job.
Chris Gardner is a father who is diligent, smart, has a high work ethic and has big dreams for
his family, like most of us. With a sales and sales background, he dared to take up an offer to
become a distributor of a new and sophisticated medical device.
Like most people who have big dreams, Chris dared to take risks and used almost all of his
savings to buy stock of medical equipment and have an exclusive marketing area in his city.
After trying to market it, he realized that for most doctors this medical device was quite
expensive and not needed. Presentation after presentation to every doctor in the area was
carried out.
The presence of a child and ongoing living costs meant that Chris began to have financial
difficulties. His wife has to work 14 hours a day in a laundry to help pay for the family's
living expenses. His child was left in a cheap daycare center in the morning and picked up by
Chris in the afternoon when he finished his visit to the doctor.
The unpaid rent and the burden of life which felt increasingly heavy meant that Chris's wife
could not stand this condition and decided to move to her brother in New York. But Chris's
love and desire for his child to know his father made him decide he would be the one to raise
his child.
Chris's financial condition became increasingly worse and he was eventually evicted from the
rental house because he had not paid the rent for months. He and his children ended up
having to stay in the toilet and bathroom at the train station and lock the door so they could
sleep in it.
After days like that, Chris was finally able to find a homeless shelter that provided free
rooms. But every morning they have to carry their belongings and every afternoon they have
to queue with hundreds of other homeless people and if they are lucky they can get a room.
While continuing to sell the remaining medical equipment he had, Chris met someone who
parked his red Ferrari and looked very successful. His desire to succeed made him have the
courage to ask "What do you do to be able to own this beautiful Ferrari?"
The person answered “I am a Stock Broker”. From there his dream arose again and he tried to
apply at a securities company to become a stockbroker.
The company offers 6 months of education to become a prospective Stock Broker. After 6
months of education, they only selected 1 out of 30 participants to be accepted as a
stockbroker. And for 6 months of education, it doesn't provide any salary.
For the sake of his new dream, Chris was willing to go through the tough education and
selection process. And he had to be able to manage and face many difficulties between
studying to be a stockbroker, dropping off and picking up his child at daycare, queuing in the
afternoon at a homeless shelter, often not eating to save the little money he had left and still
having to look for potential customers to stock brokerage company.
After going through 6 months of struggle and all the difficulties he had to face, Chris was
finally chosen to become a stockbroker and started his career in that industry.
Chris Gardner eventually became a successful stockbroker, who later founded his own
brokerage company and became a multi-billionaire who was generous in helping provide
shelter for the homeless, remembering what he had experienced.

The advantage of this film is that the moral message conveyed is truly motivating and the
actors play their roles very well, accompanied by music that supports both happy and sad and
the storyline of this film is very interesting, not boring so the place is like the 1980s from the
shooting which is said to be very good for 2006
then teaches the true meaning of "The Pursuit of Happyness" which is about the pursuit of
happiness, here Chris teaches us to seek happiness. even though it's small. Keep running to
achieve happiness for what we dream of. According to Chris, even in the most difficult
circumstances, there is still happiness that we can pursue

• Regarding before Chris did the 6 months of education which was not explained in detail
• The ending shows a slightly happy scene, even though the hope is that at the end
• The duration of the film is not long enough so there is no continuation when Chris is
accepted to work there until he finally sets up his own business about his stock market
• There are differences between the true story book and the film, including regarding the
length of training, which in the real story lasted 10 months, not 6 months, then Christopher's
age at that time was actually 18 months, not preschool age.
• Apart from that, the film tells that during the training there was no salary at all. Even though
in reality there is no salary, that doesn't mean you don't get paid at all. Participants including
Chris get US $ 1000 per month. This seems to be intentional to add drama to the film's

Moral Message
1. Be a person who is persistent, intelligent, and has a high desire to learn
This was seen when he studied for 6 months without pay to achieve his dream of becoming a
stockbroker. During that time he had to manage his time between taking care of his children,
selling merchandise that was useful for living for 6 months and studying at a company that
offered education for prospective stockbrokers and looking for customers for the company.
He was also required to complete his duties quickly so he could live in a homeless shelter
which he got on a first-come basis. In this case, Chris is required to be a super disciplined
2. Look for as many relationships as possible to develop yourself
Be a humble person. Always asking is the next lesson I learned. How can he look for as many
relationships as possible? Always say thank you for something he gets, even if it is small. He
also does not hesitate to apologize when he feels guilty towards anyone to improve his
3. Uphold honesty, integrity and teamwork, and try to always be optimistic about what we
can do
Learn a lot and finish things as perfectly and best as possible. Don't think about the views of
people who judge you negatively, but try to make sure that people's views of us are positive.
He is a person who is optimistic about something that he will be able to do. By upholding
honesty, integrity and teamwork. When he doesn't know the answer to a question he will
answer that he doesn't know. Even though at first he was humiliated and not appreciated, I
think that was his process towards happiness.
4. Nothing is impossible if we keep trying and praying and never give up to achieve
happiness or our life
That happiness will not come by itself. We will get happiness if we are willing to try, and we
have to work hard and never give up to achieve happiness or our life goals. We will not get
happiness by just sitting quietly and doing nothing. We must pursue or achieve happiness. As
the saying goes, "God will not change the fate of his people, if his people do not try to change
their own fate" by trying and making efforts of course.

Favorite Quotes
“Don't let anyone tell you you can't do something. You have a dream and you have to make it
happen” Chris Garden.
It means Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something, even your own family, if you
have a dream then you have to take care of it, people who can't do anything for themselves,
they will tell you, that you don't do it, if You want something, go for it.
”There are some things that are quite interesting the first time you do them, but not anymore.”
Chris Parks
for example, when Chris and his children often took the bus, but everything changed due to
Chris' persistence and efforts to change the situation by taking a private car.

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