Spcolumn Manual v4.201 - Page - 110

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• Place the cursor over the node to be moved lhen press and hold lhe left-
mouse button As long as the button is held down, moving the cursor moves
the selected node to lhe cursor location. Once the node is at the new desired
location, release the mouse button. To cancel a move action while holding
do\1111 the left-mouse button, press the ESC key or click the right-mouse
button. Also, leaving lhe Graphics area cancels the move operation.

Graphical Editing of the Reinforcement

In spSection, the reinforcing bars may be located anywhere. The only restriction
imposed in the program is that no two bars may overlap. The coordinates that
correspond to the cw·sor location are always displayed in the Status bar. To force
the cursor to "stick" to exact locations, twn the Snap option on. The program will
snap to locations whose coordinates are nrultiples of the snap steps. While in the
Reinforcement session, you cannot switch to the Section or Opening sessions
wilhout returning to spColwnn. Therefore, the Edit I Reinforcement command will
have a check mark to its left. You use the command to specify the bar size or area
and the nwnber of bars to be added.

To tul4 one singk bur at a time:

• Switch the input mode to Add by selecting
Edit I Add. Reinforcement @
• Select Reinforcement from the Edit menu. Numbe• of ba•s: r
A dialog box appears.
r. Ba1 size: ~
• In the Nwnber of bars box, input L r Ba•a•ea: jiJ.6"" in
• Choose the Size option and select the size of
the bar or choose the Area option and input the .QK !;ancel
bar area in the edit box.
• Choose the OK button.
• In lhe Graphics area, point to the desired location and click. A bar is
• Repeat the step above to insert more bars.

To genel'tlle nmltipk bars:

• Switch the input mode to Add by selecting Edit I Add. The command must
have a check mark left of it.

6-6 spSection Module

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